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I am thinking about reviving this project.
Who is interested to be in the new crew?

And can be the already done work downloaded somewhere?

I took a look on the already done map.

After a while of scrolling over the map I began to see even the spiral arms of galaxy :D
However, the shading will probably need to be reworked. Planet labels are black and the space zones are supposed to be black as well. So the labels must be turned to white, at least. Next, there is the size of planets. Each planet has an uniform size. Maybe using larger and smaller circles for various planets would add even more flavor to it :)
Overall the map is already very good, and those mentioned above are just little aesthetic details.

I think it would be possible to use a photo realistic planet pictures on the map in the final stage. This could be achieved by replacing trees, dunes and hills graphics by images of planets. By this we can have several nice planet pictures for each planet type (mountain, plains, desert, etc.).

With a bit of luck we may end with something like this:
However, the shading will probably need to be reworked. Planet labels are black and the space zones are supposed to be black as well. So the labels must be turned to white, at least.

I got an idea for this. I don't think you can get the labels to be visible if you make the font white. Instead I would suggest that you made the labels into parts of the planets which they belong to. That way you can have the label in another color. ;)
With a bit of luck we may end with something like this:

The problem with EU2 map is that it's shading can contain only 16 or so MB of graphical information. And it'll always turn up grayscale, sadly no colors. While on the other hand we could use Victoria as the basis for the new mod, but, Vicky doesn't have TI, so exploration is a no-go. Overall I'd say EU3 is our best bet, it's very moddable and making a map would be far more easier with the new engine.
Josip >> The trick with the planets is that they won't be in shading layer at all. They will be placed there as separate BMP files through Province.csv

Cool-Toxic >> Problem is that the number of that terrain pictures is very limited. I am afraid there isn't enough for all planets. The labels if made white in shading layer would end as gray in game. Question is how light they would be.

There are 7 terrain pictures for desert, 7 for forest, 7 for marsh, 7 for mountain, and 7 for plains.
So at total we can have 35 various images of planets.

With the planet as terrain pictures there is only a risk, that Eu2 engine is displaying the terrain graphics above all other. In such case the picture of planet would cover city icon, or unit standing on the planet. The order of rendering needs to be tested.

I overlooked the terrain images are numbered from 0. So there are 8 per terrain, not just 7.
Totaly 40 planets possible.
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The problem with EU2 map is that it's shading can contain only 16 or so MB of graphical information. And it'll always turn up grayscale, sadly no colors. While on the other hand we could use Victoria as the basis for the new mod, but, Vicky doesn't have TI, so exploration is a no-go. Overall I'd say EU3 is our best bet, it's very moddable and making a map would be far more easier with the new engine.
You can always use terrain sprites for provinces in EU2.
Army can't board the ships.
Does somebody have an idea by what this can be caused?

Trying to board 1k INF on 2 transports. Province is coastal. MSTATS shows that the province is really adjacent to the target sea zone.
However after click it shows just red cross (not allowed movement command).
The problem with loading on ships should be solved, so this project has a green.

Sci-Fi fans, come on and bring me some names of nations you would like see in this mod :)

For now I suggest these:

- Twelve Colonies (BSG)
- Cylons (BSG)
- Galactical Empire (SW)
- Galactical Republic (SW)
- ? United Earth ? (ST) - how exactly was it called before Federation was assembled?
- United Federation of Planets (ST)
- Klingon Empire (ST)
- Romulan Star Empire (ST)
- Cardassian Union (ST)
- Borg (ST)
- Dominion (ST)

... other ideas to fill the space of 300 country TAGs?
If I remember this project right, the point was to create a whole new universe with Ancient civilizations in decline and New civilizations on the rise (kinda like Stargate).

For example:

Several competing factions of Ancients along the outer rim

A Hive-minded insectoid civilization spreading havoc

The Human Federation who recently discovered interstellartraveling.

A primitive and brutal Orcish civilization who gained technology through a monolith placed by Ancients

I think something like this would be a LOT more fun than to just toss in pre-made Sci-FI civs.
- ? United Earth ? (ST) - how exactly was it called before Federation was assembled?

Yeah I think United Earth is correct. If you want the federation to be formed in-game, you have to include the founding members: Earth (already in your list), Tellar, Andoria, and Vulcan.

You can get other suggestions from here :). (I see Bajorans, Xindi, Species 8472, Q continuum (though they can probably not be represented correctly), Ferengi, etc etc)
For now I suggest these:

- Twelve Colonies (BSG)
- Cylons (BSG)
- Galactical Empire (SW)
- Galactical Republic (SW)
- ? United Earth ? (ST) - how exactly was it called before Federation was assembled?
- United Federation of Planets (ST)
- Klingon Empire (ST)
- Romulan Star Empire (ST)
- Cardassian Union (ST)
- Borg (ST)
- Dominion (ST)

... other ideas to fill the space of 300 country TAGs?

Star Trek:

Races with more then one appearing/mentioning...

Andorians (UFP-Member)
Bajorans (UFP-Protectorate)
Benzites (UFP-Member)
Betazoids (UFP-Member)
Bolians (UFP-Member)
Breen Confederation
Bynar (UFP-Member)
Centaurans (from Alpha-Centauri; UFP-Member)
Denonbulans (UFP-Member)
Dosi (Dominion-Slaves/Member)
Ferengi Alliance
Hur'q (conquered once Qo'nos!)
Karemma (Dominion-Slave/Member)
Maquis (UFP-Rebels)
Tellarites (UFP-Member)
Trill (UFP-Member)
Voth (Dinosaurs that had their evolution on Earth)
Vulcans (UFP-Member)

more then 300...

Babylon 5:
Minbari Federation
Narn Regime
Centauri Republic
Vorlon Empire


Space 2063:


Cultures capable to build spaceships...

Alterans or Lanteans (the Ancients and the Ori developed out of this species)
Goa'uld Empire
Free Jaffa Nation
Ori Worshippers (the Ori itself are the same species as the Ancients)

War of the Worlds:
Mor-Taxans (In Germany we know them as Morthrens)


Earth: Final Conflict:
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Da Swede >> Ok. And what if there would be fantasy civilizations with appearance of some well known parties?
On the map made for this project a long time ago (I think by Inferis himself) are already planets like Coruscant, etc.
I think that peaces of these well known worlds should be inhabited by their well known native civilizations.
On the other side there is also a vast amount of planets with fantasy (and sometimes crazy) names, so there is space for some fantasy (and crazy) civilizations too :D

Btw. I didn't read all the pages of this thread yet, so I don't know much about all the earlier goals ;)

chefkoch, Taylor >> Thanks. These will be for the beginning enough, I think :)
It's something about 80 factions now. Further it will depend whether for these factions will be available CoA somewhere.