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Right, my first thought would be to stock up on Quorum cards via the Quorum Chamber, although I am a bit worried about the state of our ships already with only 1 Engineering via Baltar. If noone has any better idea, I will go with moving to Colonial One and do my main job of Quorum cards.

I am open to other suggestions, remember I am more of a vanilla veteran, I am still new at the new expansions.

If you have an XO, your best action is to move to the Quorum Chamber and hit someone else with an XO. Your plus side then lets you activate the Quorum chamber after that XO is over.

I do have a repair in hand that I can use to repair a location over here. And there is Quorum cards that lets you repair as well.

Preload on XO, move to Engine room and repair it
No XO, unfortunately, in vanilla, you were nearly sure to have one. Kinda sucks that this is my special ability.

Discarding Piloting 0, moving to Quorum Chamber, drawing one card
No XO, unfortunately, in vanilla, you were nearly sure to have one. Kinda sucks that this is my special ability.

Discarding Piloting 0, moving to Quorum Chamber, drawing one card

You should make it clear you are activating the chamber, rather then just using the president abililty to just draw a Q card.
Drawing an additional card.
Second Q card sent.

Time for a crisis:

CRISIS: Crash Landing 

Skill check: TAC/PIL = 6 
PASS: No Effect 
FAIL: The Admiral Chooses 
-1 Fuel
-1 Morale and the current player is sent to Sickbay.

I have upto two weak that I could throw in, but the fail on this being -1 fuel is not really that bad.

I hold my play until I see what other people could throw into this. But right now I think it might be better to just let this one fail and take the -1 fuel. It low enough that if someone got 2 strong PIL cards in their hand that they can't really use, it might be worth to go for the test.
I got 2 strong for crisis, but without help I´ll spare them

If you throw in those 2 strong, I throw in my two weak. For a test of 6. We need to hit some very nasty DD hate to fail it then.
I preload 1 strong card if both of you throw yours in, I think we can easily do this. preload 1 card
1 Card
[b]TAC/PIL = 6[/b]
Piloting-3 (Maximum Firepower)
Piloting-3 (Run Interference)
Tactics-1 (Launch Scout)
Tactics-2 (Guts and Initiative)
Tactics-2 (Launch Scout)
Tactics-3 (Critical Situation)

Politics-2 (Consolidate Power)
Politics-2 (Support of the People)

14 - 4 = 10 PASS!

The heavy moves to Foxtrot and no further jump prep is gained.
Kingepyon draws 2 POL / 2 LEA / 1 ENG

Turn 06

[b][u]Player Status[/u][/b]
[i]Bolded player has the turn.[/i]
1. [b]Kingepyon: Gaius Baltar (Sup) [5+5+1★][/b] 
2. glasszon: Sharon “Athena” Agathon [10+1★]
3. Eternaly_Lost: Admiral Tom Zarek (Mil) [5+2N+1M+1★]
4. Dexander: Karl “Helo” Agathon (Pil) [6+1★]
5. TheArchduke: President Lee Adama (Pol) [5+4Q+1★] 

Destiny Deck [6]

[b][u]Fleet Status[/u][/b]          [b]Distance[/b]       0/10

[b]Food[/b]       [COLOR="lime"]07/08[/COLOR]      [b]Vipers[/b]         2 Active, 6 in Reserve, 0 Damaged
[b]Fuel[/b]       [COLOR="lime"]08/08[/COLOR]      
[b]Morale[/b]     [COLOR="lime"]09/10[/COLOR]      [b]Raptors[/b]        4 in Reserve
[b]Population[/b] [COLOR="lime"]12/12[/COLOR]      [b]Attack Raptors[/b] 1 Active, 0 in Reserve

Cylon Boarding [ ] - [COLOR="yellow"][ ][/COLOR]    - [COLOR="DarkOrange"][ ][/COLOR] - [COLOR="red"][ ][/COLOR]    -          [COLOR="Red"] [ DEATH  ][/COLOR]
Jump Prep      [ ] - [COLOR="wheat"][ ][/COLOR]    - [COLOR="yellow"][ ][/COLOR] - [COLOR="DarkOrange"][X] 3p[/COLOR] - [COLOR="red"][ ] 1p[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Lime"] [ *JUMP* ][/COLOR]

Reserve   Civs  10
Active    Civs  2
Destroyed Civs  0

Ships and Resources Remaining
-- 1 Pop            x6
-- 1 Pop & 1 Morale x1
-- 2 Pop            x2
-- 1 Pop & 1 Fuel   x1
-- Empty            x2
-- Galactica Food Damage Token
-- Galactica Fuel Damage Token
-- Galactica 
-- Basestars x 1
-- Raiders x 19
-- Heavy x 3
-- Boarding Parties x4

[b]Galactica[/b]  (1/6 Damage)
[COLOR="red"]*[/COLOR] [i]FTL Control[/i]
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Weapons Control[/i] 
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Command[/i]
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Admiral’s Quarters[/i] 
[i]Research Lab[/i] 
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Hangar Deck[/i] 
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Armory[/i] 

[b]Pegasus[/b] (2/4 Damage)
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Pegasus CIC[/i] 
[COLOR="red"]*[/COLOR] [i]Airlock[/i] 
[COLOR="Lime"]*[/COLOR] [i]Main Batteries[/i] [COLOR="orange"]Eternaly_Lost: Admiral Zarek [/COLOR] 
[COLOR="red"]*[/COLOR] [i]Engine Room[/i]
[b]Colonial One[/b]
[i]Quorum Chamber[/i] [COLOR="orange"]TheArchduke: President Lee Adama[/COLOR]
[i]Press Room[/i] 
[i]President’s Office[/i] [COLOR="orange"]glasszon: Athena (Infiltrating) [/COLOR]

[i]Tactical Plot[/i] [COLOR="orange"]Kingepyon: Baltar[/color]
[i]Captain's Cabin[/i]  
[b]Active Mission: None[/b]

[b]Rebel Basestar[/b]
[b]Allegiance: None - Cannot be used until a side is determined from the "Cylon Civil War" mission card.[/b]
[i]Hybrid Tank[/i]
[i]Raider Bay[/i]

[b]Cylon Locations[/b]
[i]Cylon Fleet[/i] 
[i]Human Fleet[/i]  
[i]Resurrection Ship[/i]  
[i]BaseStar Bridge[/i]

[COLOR="orange"]Dexander: Helo[/COLOR]

Main Board
\      BRAVO   |   CHARLIE    /  
 \             |             /
  \            | Raider x1  /
   \           |           /
    \          |          /
     \         |         /
      \        |        /
       \       |       /
        \      |      /
         \     |     /
          \    |    /
           \   |   /
A           \  |  /           D
L            \ | /            E
P   Basestar  \|/   Civ x2    L
H             /|\             T
A            / | \            A
            /  |  \           
           /   |   \
          /    |    \
         /     |     \
        /      |      \
       /       |       \
      /        |        \
     /         |         \
    /          |          \
   /   Heavy   |   AR(Dex) \
  /   Viper    |   Viper    \
 /             |             \
/    FOXTROT   |   ECHO       \

Cards in play:


Action: Draw 1 Skill Card of any type (it may be from outside your skill set). Keep this card in play. When a player activates Administration or chooses the President with the Admiral's Quarters location, increase the difficulty by 2 then discard this card.

Action Queue:
Kingepyon - move/action
Last edited:
Wasn't the engine room repaired?

edit: Never mind, that was just a preload :)
We are getting close to jumping and we want to do a mission before we jump if we can pass it.

King, as much as repairing a location would be useful, I can also repair a location and we want to do a mission before we jump as we only get one per jump cycle. And those pass effects can be VERY nice. I think it might be better to have you scout the next mission rather then repair a location.