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And not a word about Venice and The Pope?! You swedish protestant barbarian!
Brandenburg: 1504-1522

The session started with the continuation of the war against the Polish menace for Brandenburg. The first battle occurred in April 1504, when 33000 Germans engaged 30000 Polish troops in the Polish province of Poznan, the battle ended with a German victory. At the same time an Austrian army was moving to intercept the Polish army and their fresh reinforcements, in case of a German victory. A small siege force was detached from the main Berliner force and the rest was sent with haste to aid the Austrians in their fight in Lubusz. The Polish forces were eventually routed and the siege of Lubusz could begun. In the following years the Polish army tried multiple times to relieve the province, often fighting with 2:1 odds against the combined German-Austrian forces. However, despite having the advantage in troop numbers they could seldom prevail. While the bulk of the Polish army was held at bay in Lubusz, smaller German and Austrian armies kept capturing Polish cities one by one. In the home front, a relief German army was tending to rebels who weren't really happy about the war. Fool, we all knew that this struggle was the product of Polish aggression.

In the fall of 1505 the German army was fighting a battle against, a once again superior in only numbers, Polish force routing the Poles past the Vistula. After the battle the Germans didn't want to risk an assault on Warsaw itself. A mild looting process was implemented instead. By 1507 the situation was almost decided completely. Most of West Poland was under German control, their capital was being besieged by rebels, and the constant pressure deriving from refusing numerous stabhit offers has produced wide scale rebellion in East Poland. Although we have information about Venetian and Swedish troops fighting the rebels, the German high command was confident enough that it is a mere question of time for the Poles to give in.


Poland finally surrendered in July (they figured it is better to accept a lenient peace before I assault one more province for 99% WS alone which would have resulted in me taking double of my demand if not more). The larger part of Silesia was ceded to Brandenburg and Kárpátok was ceded to Austria. As a token of goodwill the Berliners promised to help the Poles fight their rebels for a while. Sadly tragedy occurred on the other front. Due to miscalculations the Austrian government fell which resulted in a great chunk of the country falling under Ottoman rule and many smaller states declaring their independence from Austria. The following years were dealt with subduing the smaller German nations so that Austria could be brought up to a viable state. This process was finished roughly around 1515, when the Palatinate accepted a diploannexation offer from Berlin. In the 6 years between the Austrian collapse and 1515, the German alliance has fought against 100.000 Bavarians and their associated states. Brandenburg even offered a helping hand to deranged Venice, by providing them with a free war on two of the remaining Italian minors. Of course, with Venice being deranged, Brandenburg has little to expect in return for this favour.

As a parallel process the Sultan and Poland have been trying to negotiate a non-aggression pact and a revision of borders with the Archduke but these negotiations ended up inconclusive. The reason for this is unknown to Brandenburg, but we refused to sign a non-aggression pact on our own as honour dictated that we can't leave Austria alone. The implications of this were clear by 1516, the Sultan's minions armed with shiny new weapons (LT14) began their invasion of crippled Austria. Austria was quickly overran and a guerilla warfare has ensued. The North German troops fought the bulk of their battles in the Czech mountains and the forests of old Bavaria. We lost roughly 60% of the battle we picked, but for each Ottoman victory the Sultan had to pay a dear price in life. In 1519 Brandenburg even dared to lead a cavalry sortie into the Hungarian plains, with the hope of intercepting some Ottoman armies, but unfortunately the Sultan had a larger force ready to intercept some Hungarian rebels so the Germans had to pull out. Despite both Austria and Brandenburg fighting valiantly, superior technology, morale and leadership basically saw Austria crumbling under the Turkish pressure by 1520-21. During these years the Turks even managed to assault some provinces of Brandenburg. 1521 saw a brief change of luck with the Berliners pushing the Turks out of Brandenburg with a number of glorious victories against the Turks, but by the following year the Turks have managed to strike back and assault a number of provinces in Silesia.

Austria will have to admit defeat at the start of the next session and that will leave Brandenburg fighting against the Turks alone in Europe (there is another front going in Asia between Russia and the Ottomans). We suspect that the Turks' are motivated by a desire to restore the old Polish-Brandenbrugian border. Or to even cut a larger piece of out of the duchy in favour of Poland. The odds are against us, but Brandenburg is not going to go down easy. Perhaps not in flames like Poland and Austria did, but we are sure to give hell for every inch the vile Turks manage to capture. And while the Turks are occupied with trying to subdue the brave people of Brandenburg, other nations will fly past the Ottomans, and despite an almost ensured Turkish victory, in the end the Ottomans will be the losers of this conflict.

Apart from the interstate conflicts, there was a wave of religious reforms through much of Northern Europe. Sweden has already started referring to itself as a 'Protestant' nation. With the Doge thinking that the seat of St. Peter is his, and with other madness emanating from Venice and Rome alike, the choice for the German people is an obvious one. As soon as the conflict is over, we are going to break free from the religious yoke of the so called 'Pope' and we will make our own destiny.

1026, 500 gold, please.
Apart from the interstate conflicts, there was a wave of religious reforms through much of Northern Europe. Sweden has already started referring to itself as a 'Protestant' nation. With the Doge thinking that the seat of St. Peter is his, and with other madness emanating from Venice and Rome alike, the choice for the German people is an obvious one. As soon as the conflict is over, we are going to break free from the religious yoke of the so called 'Pope' and we will make our own destiny.

1026, 500 gold, please.
As a penance for this blasphemy Pope orders that the 500 gold from AAR goes to Venice. If GM is true Christian he will make sure it will be so.
Aar Poland 1504-1522
The beginning of the session was to complete the war Hab + Took + Fra vs Eng + Oe. The first thing he did the Alliance of evil (that is, Bra, Hab, Fra) was quick offensive Polish country. Numerous troops quickly whipping up new sites and sent stabhity to weaken the country. This Plan to be successful. Poland was quickly pushed to the offensive, and a number of stabhity have resulted in numerous revolts, which Polish troops were forced to withdraw. Busy offensive to Germany spóły France przeoczyły the fact good offensive OE on Austria. Pomińmy for now, and let's focus on Poland. The country stood on the brink of exhaustion. Soon I had to make some good decisions. Continue the fight she didn't sense a growing number of revolts and pressing desires the army opponents forced me to surrender. I gave 4. Bra got three and Hab got one. Losses were small compared to the Sym. It flew with the topic. Ensure that the quantity of the rebellious province and caused the collapse of the Government! To this were not enough, the player on it says France Pole on the edge of the game! OE thanks good enriched, and the situation on the international scene has changed a bit.
A summary of the war

The war brought untold losses to both parties. Certainly it was not worth the money. The other Member States, in the meantime, they can grow in strength and catch up with the lead, and even made her stand out. Least in the entire war suffered while the Fra, which fought at a distance so its losses were not so great.

After war

It's time for a moment of peace, if you can call it. I overcame revolts, nadrobiłem stab and I started with the reconstruction of the country. That was interesting, there were no indications that I had in the coming days. It is true that same period was difficult because-3 gave stab in the characters. However, the lack of interference from the outside of the allowed me to rebuild the country from the ruins to the power. In 1517 a Martin Luther decided to enter his new religion. Offshoot of Catholicism called luteranism. As for my stupid idea, the whole coast now I have a different religion, and money enough to so convert it all. By just stabcost went up, no good out of it. From what I remember Poland has always been a Catholic country, and now the multi cultural as well as in London, Berlin, etc. The eastern lands still subject to Orthodox Christianity, soon will be pacified, and the real and only belief there will come.

Despite numerous events from minus stab, uchował one, which made me satisfied, well, EXCEPTIONAL year! As they say, went to a blind chicken bean. Well, well! There have been a couple of insignificant events of growth of BT in the provinces. Bb drop caused my sex drive to a country called West Prussia. Quickly I have spoken them war, slew the army, I raised the province become Archbishop and wchłonąłem arms for the country. Delicious, pain was only + slight increase which caused 3bb prices stability.

Time allowed me to rebuild the army. Now it is the largest in the world. My support and mp that I make a good potential with tight mess. The only thing that stands out with lightweight from the forefront of this technology. It is true that I was able to catch up with infrastructure. Still with the same lt remains firmly behind and i have to make an effort to quickly make up for this loss, because nobody knows what will bring time and enemies, which I need to be concerned, because they are terrible and the bold, and history shows that only Turkey has never considered that Poland disappeared from the map of the world and I hope that you never will have to disappear. I write from no reason so do not seek some allusion in this situation.

The situation in the international arena

Well, here you can have a little say. First of all, the situation is quite strange. Hab, whose Government fell in the previous war is now much weakened, but still willing to fight. Did not accept the napa from Turkey and the province, that she wanted to give up and uttered her war with Took although this had 14 lt. The war on the side of Germany joined Russia. We all know how that usually ends. However, the Russian offensive was inept, and the army quickly followed suit, and disbanded gained provinces reflected. It would be enough when it comes to the part. Let us now feelings when it comes to the center of Europe. The first thing conspicuous is the fact that the Hab has 6 k troops, and that currently carry out offensive on the Bra. Just wait until close to nothing to say Fra able to after their site apart from all other matters type such that the OE did not give up the province, rather than fight. I'm pissed off everyone because attitude light trying to one of us, and in fact from OE make culprits of all evil and they enforce the war apart from diplomacy. Negate my declaration of war Took. Why? It is no longer allowed to fight 1vs1? Hab connected first to the war, not OE, for me the case is simple.

Relations with other countries

England-the country a little sprinkled, it takes a few years for the reconstruction of the
Bra-nothing to it in total, I do not have
Hab-a bit overdoing it when it comes to fighting, quite negative
Fra-rather negative
Spa-neutral, not my business what he does
Mus-good, something scheming, but for the moment the effect as such
Persia-no relations, the country exists at all?
Ven-good that he rebuilt the country

Summary and objectives for the next sessions

Generally, the session may be classified as successful. It is true that I have lost a few provinces, however, and so most climate data included. Plans for the future is to continue to develop the country and circumvent any war.

Aar Polska 1504-1522
Początkiem sesji było dokończenie wojny Hab+Bra+Fra vs Pol+Oe. Pierwszą rzeczą jaką zrobił sojusz zła ( czyli Bra, Hab, Fra) była szybka ofensywa na kraj Polski. Liczne wojska szybko podbijały nowe tereny i wysyłały stabhity w celu osłabienia kraju. Plan ten się powiódł. Polska szybko została zepchnięta do ofensywy, a liczne stabhity spowodowały liczne bunty, przez co wojska polskie zostały zmuszone do cofnięcia się. Zajęci ofensywą Niemcy do spóły z Francją przeoczyły fakt dobrej ofensywy OE na Austrię. Pomińmy na razie ten fakt i skupmy się na Polsce. Kraj stanął na skraju wyczerpania. Szybko musiałem podjąć jakieś dobre decyzje. Dalsza walka nie miała sensu, rosnąca ilość buntów i napierające wojska przeciwników zmusiły mnie do poddania się. Oddałem 4 prowincji. Bra dostało trzy i Hab dostał jedną. Straty były niewielkie w porównaniu do Austriaka. Ten to poleciał z tematem. Przeoczył ilość zbuntowanych prowincji i spowodował upadek rządu! Żeby tego było mało, gracz na Francji twierdzi że to Polak gra na skraju! OE dzięki temu nieźle się wzbogaciła, a sytuacja na arenie międzynarodowej nieco uległa zmianie.
Podsumowanie wojny
Wojna przyniosła nieopisane straty obu stronom. Z pewnością nie była ona warta swojej ceny. Pozostałe państwa w międzyczasie mogły urosnąć w siłę i dogonić czołówkę, a nawet się na nią wybić. Najmniej w całej wojnie ucierpiało natomiast Fra, które walczyło na odległość więc jego straty nie były tak wielkie.
Po wojnie
Przyszedł czas na chwilę spokoju, o ile można nazwać to chwilą. Pokonałem bunty, nadrobiłem stab i zająłem się odbudową kraju. Żeby było ciekawiej, nic nie wskazywało na to bym miał w najbliższych czasach walczyć. Co prawda sam okres był trudny, ponieważ -3 stab dawało się we znaki. Jednak brak ingerencji ze strony zewnętrznej pozwolił mi na odbudowanie kraju z ruiny do potęgi. W 1517 jakiś Marcin Luter postanowił wprowadzić swoją nową religię. Odłam katolicyzmu zwany luteraniznem. Jak na moje pomysł głupi, cale wybrzeże mam teraz w innej religii, a pieniędzy za mało żeby sobie od tak nawrócić to wszystko. Przez to tylko stabcost poszedł w górę, zero pożytku z niego. Z tego co pamiętam Polska była zawsze katolickim krajem, a teraz taka multi kulturowość jak w Londynie, Berlinie etc. Wschodnie ziemie nadal objęte prawosławiem wkrótce będą spacyfikowane, a prawdziwa i jedyna wiara tam zagości.
Mimo licznych wydarzeń z minus stab, uchował się jeden, które mnie zadowolił, otóż WYJĄTKOWY ROK! Jak to się mówi, trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarnko. No i dobrze! Doszło do tego parę 'nieznaczących' wydarzeń o wzrostu BT w prowincjach. Spadek bb spowodował mój popęd na kraj zwany Prusy. Szybko wypowiedziałem im wojnę, rozgromiłem wojsko, podbiłem stołeczną prowincję i zbrojnie zaanektowałem kraj. Palce lizać, bólem tylko było +3bb, które spowodowało nieznaczny wzrost ceny stabilności.
Czas pozwolił mi także na odbudowanie armii. Teraz jest ona jest z najliczniejszych na świecie. Mój support i mp sprawiają, że mam niezły potencjał mogący mocno namieszać. Jedyne z czym z lekka odstaje od samej czołówki to technologia. Co prawda udało mi się nadrobić infrastrukturę. Nadal jednak z samym lt pozostaje mocno w tyle i muszę się postarać by szybko nadrobić tę stratę, ponieważ nikt nie wie co przyniesie czas i wrogowie, których muszę się obawiać, albowiem są straszni i bezwzględni, a historia pokazuje, że tylko Turcja nigdy nie uznała iż Polska zniknęła z map świata i mam nadzieję, że nigdy nie pozwoli aby miała zniknąć. Tak piszę, nie szukajcie w tym jakiejś aluzji
Sytuacja na arenie międzynarodowej
No i tutaj można już trochę powiedzieć. Po pierwsze zaistniała sytuacja jest dość dziwna. Hab, którego rząd upadł w poprzedniej wojnie jest teraz mocno osłabiony, ale mimo wszystko chętny do walki. Nie przyjął napa od Turcji i prowincji, które ta chciała oddać i wypowiedział jej wojnę do spóły z Bra mimo iż ta miała 14 lt. Do wojny po stronie Niemiec przyłączyła się Rosja. Wszyscy dobrze wiemy jak to się zazwyczaj kończy. Jednak ofensywa Rosjanina była nieudolna, a wojska szybko poszły w rozsypkę, a zdobyte prowincje odbite. To byłoby na tyle jeśli chodzi o część wschodnią. Zajmijmy się teraz odczuciami jeśli chodzi o środek Europy. Pierwsze co rzuca się w oczy to fakt, że Hab ma 6k wojska, a OE aktualnie przeprowadza ofensywę na Bra. Tylko czekać aż niemający nic do powiedzenia Fra stanie po ich stronie pomijając wszelkie inne sprawy typu takiego, że OE chciało oddać prowincję, a nie walczyć. Jestem z lekka wkurzony postawą wszystkich, ponieważ próbują z nas, a właściwie z OE zrobić winowajców wszelkiego zła i sami wymuszają wojny pomijając dyplomację. Negują moje wypowiedzenie wojny Bra. Dlaczego? To już nie wolno walczyć 1vs1? To Hab się podłączył, a nie OE, dla mnie sprawa prosta.
Podsumowanie i cele na następną sesje

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc sesję można zaliczyć do udanych. Co prawda straciłem parę prowincji, jednak i tak najbardziej nie ucierpiałem. Plany na przyszłość to dalsze rozwijanie kraju i omijanie z daleko jakichkolwiek walk.
Spain 1504-1522

Spain has been growing exponentially ever since Columbus showed up with his wild ideas of a shortcut to India trough the west, despite the fact that he turned out to be incorrect his adventure did turn out to be a unexpected benefit, a new world was found and people from across the Spanish empire were eager to find out more about this world after rumors of vast stores of gold and a strange people.
Spain set out during this session to conquer, annex and or exploit the natives of this free world, from the Aztecs to the Mayans to Dakota and creek, even the Cherokee eventually paid tribute to the mighty emperor of Spain. Each time we thought we milked all we could we found another ai with more thousand gold to donate to our cause and so we continued to explore north and central America for a while. During our conquistadors valiant efforts in America and other places Europe was at war and despite the fact that we had a general killing rebels, I fear he may have fallen asleep in the Swiss highlands during the first war while the Spanish emperor was focused on the west, had this general been more active a tragedy might have been avoided when the Austrian our friends government collapsed due to the occupation of the evil Turks.

We were a little surprised to see so much fall to his enemy hands since each time we took out a enemy Spain send generous gifts to Austria & co with a part of the treasury from the new world, so it’s a shame to see the effort lost due to a freak accident by the Austrian ruler and Spanish/French troops being to slow with rebels.
During all this Spanish explorers where sailing up and down the coast of Africa and America to discover new lands, new routes to Asia and new islands to settle so others may not (still can’t see saint Helena ffs. ) despite valiant trys and running past it at the very least for 10times the explorer sucked and failed to land in a single island.
Fortunately others where more successful and south Africa was uncovered, explored and colonized giving me a good way to cross Africa and explore beyond. Eventually we reached Zanzibar and explored a little further, as soon as we heard about Zanzibar I set out a single explorer with a fleet of warships and galleys and a conquistador in a effort to capture It, we actually lost a battle on the African plains at some point due unknown reasons, we suspected voodoo may have caused our troops to flee back to their ships but we can’t know for sure since they all suffered amnesia that day, either due to their shame or due to some weird voodoo crap cursing those men, fortunately gunpowder is excellent to dispel primitive curses and after a second attempt with spare man I had on that fleet, the chief agreed to surrender voodoo, erhm I mean Zanzibar.

At the end of the session we noticed a new war in central Europe where the Germans made a valiant effort to hold the Turks at bay but failed due superior manpower, leadership and tech. I doubt anybody would have held on that long as the odds where pretty insane for Austria, though Spain had a nap so there was no way to get involved directly but I figured I could dow Persia with pizzaro to relieve him of his badly defended centers of trade in India. And hopefully lift some troops from the Russian border. so far the Persians did not move a inch in the north but after many attempts Gujarat has fallen and soon Calicut will do the same. So we will see what comes but when Calicut falls I wil be close to stab hitting war score for 1 of the centers of trade.

At the same time a few conquistadors I have no idea what the name is invade Peru and conquered the entire region up to 1province, now unfortunately I have to few troops left in Peru to finish the job and no ships to resupply so they will just have to wait for a moment before I can send some next year. During all this warfare most of Africa and central America has been converted and Spain is now a stable catholic nation with a stab hit that is probably lower than many others due to the choice in domestic policy, which is kind of nice to have . other then that the current relations of spain can only be viewed like this :

England : I’m watching England, at the moment I’m fairly neutral but if he tries to attack me I will counterattack most severe.
France : friendly there is not much to say it seems where on good terms but I always wonder if that will remain after 1630
Austria : friendly but I wish I could have helped him more in the last session but we can stil help it recover later, Austria is not lost
Brandenburg : I like Germans in general they have been defending Europe from the Muslims the last 50years or so alongside the Austrians
Venice : I’m irritated by the pope demand for cash but I have no issue with Venice as long as he does not attack me. And I know Hal is open for deals allowing us to work together in some ventures
Ottoman Empire : while we haven’t fought I don’t appreciate his attack on Austria and especially the vassalization of Austria that will soon happen, territorial I don’t have issues with the Turks since they stick to their half of north Africa and did not tough Italy
Sweden : friendly, the Swedish and Spanish have worked together before and probably will do so in the future again, Spanish invested in the refinery project of Sweden in an effort to get some quality drink outside the wine I always get to drink from France
Russia : kinda far away, has issues with Poland and ottomans
Poland : pff don’t know much it’s a unknown power that seems to hate Germans and Russians.
Persia : holds cots he shouldn’t , and likes the Turks a bit too much

Austria 1504-1522

At the end of the session, Austria is a wreck of a nation. Frunsburg lies dead, a third of the provinces have gone over to the enemy, and the Turks stand ready to impose a humiliating peace which will turn Austria into a vassal state. It is a most depressing a pathetic condition for a country that was once one of the major powers of Europe.

How did it get to this point? Well, in the eyes of its player, it comes to three things. Poor play on my part- it was that alone that allowed Frunsburg to be slain. Secondly, bad luck, and lastly, lackadaisical allied rebel assistance. Those three things have lead Austria from strength to weakness.

As it began, Austria, Brandenburg and France were at war with Poland and the OE. Poland was about to fall. Warscore was very bad for him, and his standing army was small. Granted, his manpower was inversely high, but nonetheless it meant that our troops had a good opportunity to hit him fast and then beat up his reinforcement armies as they appeared. As for the Turks, they had been successfully pushed back in Hungary and Austria, and it didn't seem likely that they would be able to break through anytime soon.

However, I was not in a very good mood for playing Eu2, and completely botched my side of it going in. The idea was that Bra and Aus would rush Poland while France held Austria against the Turks. But my part of the Polish invasion was very sloppy, and at some point I sent Frunsburg across a river to await a Polish attack, looked at something else and then didn't even realize the battle had begun until I got the message about my army being annihilated. Not my finest moment.

England DOW'd soon after the session began also. This shouldn't have been a huge problem, but Ampo totally freaked out and sent his ENTIRE army back to France. It turned out that the English player was not very good at conducting an effective invasion. Ampo took great amusement in this and derided the English for their ineptness, which was well and good. However, he kept all of his armies in the West for several months. It may have been a totally noobish invasion, but it was somehow sufficient to tie up the entire French army of nearly 150,000. Eventually my nagging convinced him to bring some stuff back into Austria, which had meanwhile been largely overrun by the Turks.

Poland had peaced by about this time, losing a few provs to Brandenburg and one to Austria. So I had only to worry about the Turks. Bra wasn't at war with the OE at this time. He offered to join right away, and I think I suggested he wait just a little while to let his WE subside, since it shouldn't be very hard for Austria + France to hold off the Turks just fine. France had a very large army(particularly since he had only been fighting the near non-factor the English army), and so in theory we should have been fine... But since the OE had had a chance to send off several stabhits by this time, peppering my country with a number of rebels, things got in a bad way. Austria was clearly not able to take care of these on its own, and the coverage between France, Spain, and Brandenburg(but for the most part up until this point, Brandenburg was busy with Poland, and can hardly be blamed) was inadequate(largely non-existent). So my government collapsed, and with it, I lost pretty much a third of my country.

In the wake of such a loss, Bra and Austria tried vigorously to consolidate the remaining AI part of Southern Germany, including ones that had just broken free. Bavaria was taken except one province, and the Palatinate and maybe one other. This did not bring Austria back up to where it was before the collapse, so it was weaker in the second war that was about to begin than it had been in the first just in terms of MP. But now the OE was to have a CRT and a leader advantage as well, in the form of Selim the Grim and, after him, Suleyman.

In this second war, the OE did not call in Poland, nor did he need to. He had the numbers to take on Brandenburg and Austria together by himself, even when you factor in so so attrition management(if you look at the stats, you can see that attrition took a huge toll on the OE). Russia also joined us after a little while, and briefly took off some of the pressure, though that was canceled out shortly by Persia's entry.

I'm not going to get into details about this war, but my strategy was to just bleed him as much as possible. Putting my troops into battles on my terrain just to make him lose men to attrition there. I sometimes got lucky and won the battle when I was defending in mountains, but always inflicted a lot of losses to attrition. But, like I said, his ability to replace losses was quite strong, and thus, though we would see many large Turkish forces reduced to a fraction of their original sizes, it never meant more than a temporary respite, followed by ever more incursive attacks.

France was much more helpful in this war than in the latter part of the first one. It kept the rebel situation very much under control. Whatever can be attributed to for Ampo's non-help in the first war, he seemed sufficiently concerned about the very real possibility of another major collapse, thus giving me the ability to focus on losing battles against the OE.

But now the window in which I'm able to do this to the OE is gone, as five years have passed, and so Austria will have to accept the peace which will be imposed on it. I'm very concerned about Brandenburg as well. My faithful ally has thrown all of his resources into trying to fight off the Turks, but to no avail. I think he will have no choice but to give territory to Poland, who will probably demand everything he can.

And... Russia is probably also screwed. But at least he can better afford to lose a few provs. Pretty bad situation overall. Our only hope is in Spain and France, who are still strong and may just be able to turn back the Polish tide.

500 gold please
Ampo totally freaked out and sent his ENTIRE army back to France. It turned out that the English player was not very good at conducting an effective invasion. Ampo took great amusement in this and derided the English for their ineptness, which was well and good. However, he kept all of his armies in the West for several months. It may have been a totally noobish invasion, but it was somehow sufficient to tie up the entire French army of nearly 150,000. Eventually my nagging convinced him to bring some stuff back into Austria, which had meanwhile been largely overrun by the Turks.

Yeah sorry about that, bro. I initially expected a serious invasion and calculated that England would attack with at least 100.000 men with possibly more in reserve (what a competent player would do). I actually had a hard time believing the weird Polish dude was serious about his merry little 25.000 kindergarten teachers invasion. Alas, I don't think my entire forces even reached France some formations were ordered to return to the Austrian theatre while marching through the Alpes.

In any case it really was unfortunate. I wasn't really aware about the rebel situation either. Remember that it was about 02.00 am at my place here. I wasn't exactly very clearminded, heh.

Suffice to say, anyways, I would have kept more forces in Austria had I known the true state of affairs there. I was - at the time - under the impression that rebs were being taken care of by others.

Furthermore, I think Venice must be boosted!
V. Venice
The Golden Lion =
The Ceasar
+ The Pharaoh
+ The Successor of Alexander The Great
+ The Pope !


Take a good look at Alexander's shield - he was golden lion too!

The spread of protestantism turned out to be so evil, that Pope HAL I decided to give punishment to all non-catholic nations, all over the world. He started with Ottoman Empire.

The Carniola Treaty

On July 13 of 1520, for allowing protestants to freely believe on Turkish lands and in Middle East (bloody tolerance!) Ottoman Empire was punished by His Holiness The Pope with punishment of three provinces. In face of eternal hell Sultan got scared and agreed to quickly give up provinces of Carniola, Kaerneten and Zagreb. His soul was saved... for a while.

The break of Kaernten Deal

At the same time The Holy See of Vatican prepared the document, the bull stating that province of Kaerneten will be given to Austria as a reward for remaining catholic. Unfortunately the evil and sneaky emperor broke his word the moment he got this province into his hands! What a disgrace! Austria and all Habsburgs will be burning in the hottest devil fires for uncountable time!


Since the blasphemy of Luther, one of the most sinful nations on Earth was Spain. Its king dared to convert to protestantism against the will of his people who gladly remain catholic. This insult of God's laws couldn't go without punishment. That is why The Pope HAL The Golden Lion I (also known as Sarmat Lion, Lion of Oceans, Le Roi Lion, Lion of Orient, Lew Lechistanu, Lion des Alpes, Slavic Lion, Sea Lion, El Leon) ordered Spain to organize The Holy Crusade for The Holy Land Restoration!
That venture didn't go as well as Pope and his Holy Venice planned, but well what good can you expect from Spainards? Holy Land still remain in the hands of muslims. Let us hope this sin will be repentant soon.

The Throne of Pharaohs and Alexander the Great

The amateur generals of Spain (who gave them so high stats??!! Probably that heretic Aenigma known as Drake) were not able to bring Palestine to our feet, but at least king of Spain offered provinces of Eghypt and Alexandria as a satisfaction for his numerous offences and transgressions. Kneeling before The Pope he was begging him to accept the ancient crown of Pharaohs and the legendary throne of Alexander The Great. After a minute of praying (probably God himself inspired Pope that moment) he accepted. Since now The Vicar of Rome bares the titles of The Ceasar + The Pharaoh + The Successor of Alexander The Great + The Pope !

Shiites need to pay tribute!

After receiving the right to decide about the faith of Africa and Asia (that's what insignias of Pharaoh and Alexander gives) Pope HAL I send his cardinals to Mecca and Gilan to devided if shiites can be separate religion or is it a blasphemy. The discussions were long and hot, but when deal of Albania and Croatia showed on the table (Sultan is very generous indeed) it was decided that they have to convert or face eternity in hell. Sultan forces were named as The Holy Army of God and were given an edict to execute the conversions. And so they did swiftly.

Of course now Persia need to pay tribute the Venice for allowing this conversions. Maybe COT in Gujarat is the right gift?

Greedy Vikings

For the time being His Holiness is unable to force any punishments on evilish nation of Sweden. Maybe they are the
scourge of God? We don't know yet. But we are sure that they owe to the Vatican and Venice a lot of cash!

French threats

It is outrageous that French King is still considering going protestant or even reformed (what a disgustful words!)! If he remain in this wrong thinking We The Holy Roman Catholic Church foreseeing, ensure him that his current expedition to help heretics in Austria will not only collapse, but will also bring the revolt of his people and his descendants will face decapitation!

Mysterious England

England is a mystic land. None knows why they allowed to be lured by some lunatic named Henry VIII and why they remain protestant. Each day His Holiness Pope HAL I is praying to bring this lonely island back to Holy Catholic Church. If only France was strong and wise enough to help in this...

The fall of Ethiopian heretics

The religion business in Europe is always busy, a lot of diplomatic moves, a lot of heretics to burn, finally a lot of church taxes to gather. But from time to time Pope turns his gracious face to Christians in other parts of the world. And so it was in case of Ethiopia in Africa. Its rulers were forcing its own people to be stuck in false orthodox heresy while in truth all they wanted was to became Catholics. Pope heard those screams of injustice and send his armies to get rid of those opressors. Now Ethiopians can freely join the bosom of the Church of Rome!

Devil of Winter

Speaking about orthodox heretics, the patriarchy of Muscowy still do want to recognize Us as the only true representative of Christ on Earth and is eluding any statements on the matter. If they only knew that deadly winters they have to deal with are the God's punishment for this blasphemy!

The Evangelisation of Horn of Africa

Not many know that all over the World there are some poor souls without any real faith, who dreams about being converted to the One True Faith of Catholicism. Fortunately for those in so called Horn of Africa, Pope noticed them and immediately send people with the holy cross on armors.

The Good Catholic Poland and Very Bad protestant Brandenburg

You disgraceful heretics now take a look at thriving Poland! Its power and wealth flows directly from the pure heart of Catholicism! All those whose souls are poisoned with other 'christian' religions will never accomplish such splendid effects. Especially tiny and dirty Brandenburg will sooner rot in hell than be able to win anything on blessed Poles :p

more than 1000 words
-5 bad boy please
Last edited:
No, no, no. The saying is "Furthermore, I think Pope must get more power!" ;p
Furthermore, I think the Pope must be circumsized with a blunt object! :laugh:
France: 1522-1548

France began this session with a set of very specific objectives in mind. To fufill these plans, which focused on the first 10 or 11 years of the session, France needed to sit back, avoid any foreign wars, and not do anything too risky or unexpected. France had been left by the Regent in very good shape. The army was at tip-top strength, the treasury was relatively plentiful, and income had been wisely invested in various techs. The first priority was to reach land tech 14, which was done within a matter of years and gave France a firepower advantage that would play a major role in the future. Only a few years after that, trade tech 3 was achieved. Simultaneously, France sent out its first explorer. Noticing that western Africa was littered with pirates, I instead directed him west toward the Americas. Sadly, due to various distractions in Europe and with an abrupt CTD, I was not able to explore as much as I could have. But at least it wasn't a total waste!

While all these things were going on, France was also steadily constructing a new navy of sufficient size to be a contender in any conflict fought on the open waters. The shipyard that appeared in La Rochelle greatly aided in this endeavor. Every year, France would build 25 galleys. Considering I was planning for the navy to be put to use in the mid-term, this rate of construction allowed my navy to increase at a healthy pace (just look at its growth on the ledger) while still maintaining a growing treasury. By about 1530 I had a force of approximately 400 galleys. Added to this, in 1532 I reached naval tech 9. As before, this would play a role in future events.

What I did not plan for, however, was the unexpected offer by England and Austria to sell their provinces in the Low Countries. I quickly accepted England's hilariously low offer of 200d per each of his four Dutch provinces, but the deal expanded into something greater when, after I inquired about Calais, he suggested he sell all 5 in exchange for Antwerp. Considering this would mean cutting Antwerp off from his capital and because the London center of trade was about to spawn, I found this rather odd, but accepted. I received the 5 provinces first, then five years later he got Antwerp. By comparison, I purchased the province of Zwolle from Austria, with the expectation of buying Amsterdam at a future date. The cost of these province deals depleted my treasury to a great degree, so there was a temporary halt to the naval program.

French armies were also heavily involved in handling rebels throughout Western and Central Europe. Austria was quickly cleared out of the rebellious scum, and roving French armies were to be seen at play in Iberia and northwest Germany as well. Equally momentous was the decision by the Kings of Austria and Spain to convert to the Protestant faith. This no doubt presages France's own conversion, so as to maintain the unity of the Christian religion. Now if only some religious thinker would appear to preach just the right kind of faith that would appeal to the people of France...

In 1531, a new explorer, Cartier, appeared in Antwerp (conveniently at the moment England was sieging and blockading the port...), beginning the second and far more important phase of French exploration. The coast of Africa was almost completely mapped out, India was discovered, as was Indonesia, China, and Japan. Various trading posts were staked out, as well as the beginnings of our very first colony! France is eager to see what the East has to offer, as oppossed to that smelly, boring America to the west!

Around the same time, Sweden attacked England, quickly seizing York and London, though suffering setbacks thereafter. France, however, was not able to move, on account of its technical truce with England. England made a few lackluster efforts to secure a non-aggression pact, but was quickly rebuffed. France declared a seperate war on England. It would be over in about six months. Down a CRT in both land and naval, and with a galley fleet about equal to my own, the English were unable to block the landing of about 60k infantry and 45k cavalry. Francois, leading the cavalry, rather easily defeated the all-infantry English army on the plains of southern England, sending them retreating into their fleet off the eastern coast. Antwerp, London, and most of southern England were quickly and easily overrun. Having reached a warscore of 98, France demanded Antwerp be returned, which England had little choice but to accept at this point, as the Swedish had taken advantage to land an army of their own in Wales and Gloucester. In the interest of full disclosure, I had planned to attack England for colonial maps and some of his provinces in the Low Countries (Calais, Breda, and Zealand specifically), because I would have, essentially, an incontestable military advantage over him by about 1532, but his unexpected offer allowed me to set my sights far higher. Now France owns all of Belgium and the Netherlands, and has even more reason to look forward to a certain preacher...

The climax of the session happened, however, with the declaration of Austrian independence from the Ottoman Empire. France and Spain were offered alliances and immediately joined. France, at least, was determined to make this a quick war to restore some of Austria's rightful territory at a minimum of damage to all sides. This seemed to go well at first. Spain drove the Ottoman navy back into port and captured Constantinople, with the French navy not far behind to provide support and also deliver a rather savage beating to the Ottomans later on. French cavalry armies also succeeded in driving the Ottoman forces from Hungary and into Serbia, while its infantry softened up many of the Hungarian forts for Austria to take. The Polish intervention, though hardly surprising, has shifted the momentum somewhat. A French infantry army was destroyed in Silesia and the forces in Hungary were driven back into Austria proper. But with the alliance warscore on the Ottomans at 90 already, there doesn't really seem to be all that much sense to a protracted war. Certainly, if Austria were to have some of its Hungarian provinces restored, Paris would see no reason for Spain and France to remain in the war.

Word Count: 1050, 500 gold please.
Ottoman Empire 1522 - 1548

The Turkish - Austrian War

Austria , despite the difficult economic situation, losing the war and the collapse of the previous government refused to negotiate with Turkey conclusion of Napa . Rejected the proposal to cede the German province of Turkey, Austria. At a time when Turkey has reached 14, the level of technology as the first country in Europe , Austria is still reject any proposal peaceful stabilize the border . In the face of such behavior , not wanting to lose a technological advantage , Turkey declared war on Austria. After the Vienna opted Brandenburg. Sultan's Armed Forces decapitate smoothly forward , smashing in numerous battles enemy troops . Fast busy mountain provinces, as well as the entire frontier , including the capital . Level on points allowed stabhitowanie Austria, which was done . Not demand much, initially only two provinces. However, the hardness of John forced me to change my plans. We had to finish the war quickly . Probably Austria had to help the Russians. Those reluctantly but nevertheless , declared war on Turkey and joined the side of Austria. Persia favored at this point the Sun Turkey (which, as time will not last time has to contend with the much more numerous enemy ) . Persia successfully blocked the Russians in the east , which allowed me to focus on the European front . in the meantime, the war also joined Spain and invaded Persia . Ill , treacherous attack on the rear of the enemy , who was already involved in konlfikt certainly worthy to follow it is not. Przyzwycaiłem , however, that in this campaign, but the war to drive . Or treacherously attacking from the rear ( via attack France to England, while Anglo - Swedish women ) or attack with a huge outnumbered at least 3 to 1). Nevertheless, Turkey was limited to actions in the areas of Austria . As effectively blocked all initiatives German , Austrian occupying other provinces . At some point, the Austrian army was non-existent . It allowed me to perform offensive on grounds of Brandenburg. Turkish troops invaded Germany and the Czech Republic began to besiege the Brandenburg provinces. After a certain time, in terms Austria had to capitulate . Turkey had 99 points wins, Austria and stability -3. The Austrian army was non-existent , yet John still wanted to continue the war . Rules are rules , so Austria was forced peace . Austria renounced Moravia and the Carpathian Mountains to Turkey , and paid homage to the Sultan . Turkish army forcefully attacked Brandenburg . Winning procession lasted almost without continually . Brandemburgs managed to do just one counterattack , which forced the Turkish forces to withdraw. In the meantime expired non-aggression pact with Spain , which attacked without waiting for Turkey, by landing in Egypt and Anatolia ( once again , attack from behind on the already struggling country) . There is , however, protected from the Ottomans to gain 99 points on Brandeburgii , zestabowaniu Berlin to -3. Once again, Turkey forced Brandenburg room . Turkey had proposed that it will take in the contribution of war 3 Czech provinces , where Spain will withdraw from the war. After all, the first request was only to help the Spaniards Brandenburg . The proposal was rejected. Turkey has threatened that if Spain did not withdraw from the war , it zotanie taken maximum allocation of points , as Madrid responded that it is not interested in Brandenburg (sic) . If that was the case , it requested the province on the Oder , and the Czech province . Brandenburg had to accept peace . Turkey stretched from the Mediterranean , the Black Sea , to the Sea bałtykckiego ;) . Attempted to argue reflection treacherous hands of Spaniards . Turkish fleet , despite the absence of NT , and the number has tried to fight. Initially enjoyed success as , unfortunately , the meals in the form of additional ships of Spanish prevented sending support to the Asian and African parts of the country , therefore, gave the Spaniards Allepo Turkey , Egypt and Alexandria , provinces off me mp from Africa (I'll keep that in mind in the future ) . Russia , which is in an alliance with Spain got a white room.

Now is the period of peace . Territorial gains in Central Europe, Turkey gave Poland, which has suffered in the last war with the German . Turkey , knowing that peace will last at least 20 years focused on the development of its fleet and marine technology in the future to avoid a similar threat from Spain. There has been nine levels of marine technology . Then, the focus was on the development of trade in this area managed to knock three levels , which now allows dealers to acquire Turkish monopolies in shopping centers . Border fortifications were extended slightly and started preparing for future wars that are going to have nawiedzieć Turkey. In the meantime , of course, I suggested the Austrians room correction borderland , realizing that the boundary of Vienna is not good for either Austria or Turkey . Unfortunately , once again sent away in silence or meaningless spiel . I was expecting another war in the implementation of the Austrian unpredictable . I did not think , however, that players without any embarrassment allow yourself to attack Turkey with such superior numbers ... Austria dropped homage and declared war on Turkey. Immediately after the war joined the Austrian France , and Spain , as well, as it turns out, is ready to enter Russia . After two years of fighting (like the fate of the leaders of all the anger died of old age , so it's hard to fight on several fronts ) asked for help Poland, which was outraged by the attack. The war continues , but there is no indication that Turkey has to defend .

The future is not clarified pink. Huge, irrational alliance Spanish - French - Austrian - German - Russian is unstoppable . France, which has so far not a single serious prowdziła war on its territory pomały turns into the first military power in Europe. The same is true of Spain, which is not beset by war pretty fast running out of technologically rest of Europe . But the world is still blind and focuses on a bad Turku, which has a "huge alliance " with Polish ... Hypocrisy in crystalline form .

- 1 inflation
Austria 1522-1548

The war that was hanging from last session was resolved almost immediately with an Ottoman demand for Moravia, Kartapapapapsaoijfa and a vassalage. So ensued a long period of sitting and watching other people fight. I was left with no lack of entertainment from the get go as the OE stormed into Brandenburg. Meanwhile, Spain entered the conflict and tore through Egypt and Palestine, racking up significant warscore. But it had apparently little effect on the OE's assault on Brandenburg, which continued to penetrate further and further, until finally warscore reached a critical level and BBurg was forced to peace. Spain responded by demanding Egypt, Alexandria, and Aleppo.

There followed a nice and relaxed period of peace. However, all was not quiet on the religious front. Fed up with Catholicism, or, more specifically, the crazy pope who had gone in league with the heathen Turks while all the while demanding money from his catholic flocks without any intention of doing anything helpful for the greater community with that money- the people of Spain, Brandenburg, Austria, England, and Sweden all decided to throw off the shackles of corruption and hypocrisy and start fresh with a cleaned up and reformed version of Christianity. It is rumored that the French king will also join the movement, so that in the end, the pope will be left with only the Poles for catholic subjects, apart from his own Italian people.

So I spent a lot of money converting catholics. I have a good monarch, so it went fairly well. Teched land, and prepared for the next fight with the OE, which Spain and France promised to help on. This fight was for the liberation of Hungary and steiermarck, the lack of which together was not tolerable if Austria is ever to become great again(or even modestly capable of defending itself). In 45, the attack started, and we made good progress. Spain and France sent their ships to the Bosphorus, and the Duke of Alba landed in Constantinople, wresting the capital from the Turks and capturing many nearby cities racking up great warscore.

In Hungary, Austria's over the support limit army invaded aggressively along with France. There was one Turkish army in the way, but it was sent flying through a coordinated attack of 40k French cavalry in the adjacent province where reinforcements were heading up, and a head on attack of the Austrians into Steiermark. Upon seeing their reinforcements cut off, the Steier army under Suleyman retreated and then made an unceasing dash back to Constantinople to try to deal with the Spaniards before returning to try to take back Hungary.

In the period where the Turks were completely absent from Hungary, Austrian and French forces blasted through the entire countryside and captured almost every Hungarian fort. Warscore climbed up to the 90s soon, and stabhits began to fly. Then the Poles joined, giving us some consternation. We didn't have the numbers present to oppose them directly at just this time, so beat a tactical withdrawal, but it would be a while before they could liberate sufficient provinces to stop the stabhits, and it would seem our chances of getting back at the Poles and knocking them over the border again are not that bad. Austria prepares a new cavalry army and France has more reinforcements on the way. Austria is very optimistic about this war, and I believe that barring anything crazy and out of the blue, it should soon result in the recovery of most of what Austria has lost in the region.

Conversion: Prague 328 (the AAR is less than 1000 words, but the conversion is also worth less than 500D).
Spain aar

The spanish in 1522 faced 2 choises othat where critical to the empire
To continue the attack on Persia in a effort to beat the Persians for a center of trade or white peace and invade the ottoman empire in a attempt to save Brandenburg
The ottomans where also teching navaltech and would soon have a admiral that could seriously threaten the empire so it was considered high priority to keep his fleet in check
The later choice was taken but due to a unfortunate event when we joined the Brandenburg alliance we broke the truce with Persia suffering 5stabhits at the start of the war, which kinda sucked
When I attacked the ottoman empire I landed in Egypt from the red sea with pizzaro and his army that was previously hitting Persia, and another army from the med sea with reinforcements to siege and occupie Egypt while pizzaro would hold the line in allepo once he gets there, something he did very successfully btw vs repeated Persian attempts to lift him they failed most of the time despite numbers and crt on their side. The Spanish at the same time blocked the coast of Anatolia in the west to prevent the suleyman and his army from defending his Anatolian lands, something that allowed me to siege most of it up to the second river in the east, and despite some troubles with Persia I managed to aquire and hole 99ws together with Russia after Prussia was pushed out of the war with the ottomans, at the very least saving 1 nation and temporarily crippling the ottos a little by cutting him off from Egypt in 2places and take Alexandria away
Both provinces where later given to venice to devide the spoils making it harder to retake but in a foolish move that I wont forgive or forget, hal returned Egypt and re-connected the rest of Egypt with the ottoman mainland in the process, during this time the ottomans acquired a route around allepo to so there was no longer any need to keep allepo and I sold it again. During this time Brandenburg lost 5provinces the Austrians where vassalized and England was beaten in submission by the French which despite the French invasion stil managed to hold vs the Swedish somehow. I have to admit I didn’t expect that part.
As part of the popes betrayal in Egypt, spain desided it would no longer be associated with Catholicism and desided to convert to become a protestant, just intime before the conversions of peru where ending so most of peru converted straight to Protestantism fairly quick the first missionaris where then send to relieve the muslims of their heretic beliefs and join the new faith, the rest of peru converted fairly fast to, mexico was surprisingly fast considering howmuch trouble I had converting tenochtilan to catholic(never worked)
At the moment I’m sending conversions to west Africa in a attempt to convert asmuch of the cheap provinces first before they become 5+k population. Zanzibar got to that point recently and its stupid that it costs triple now.since the conversion the empire has taken the center of trade of goa and the ayathuya cot to(or something like that) but both dows cost me a stabhit which surprised me 

In a effort at the end of the session Austria broke free from the ottoman rule and now france and spain are attempting to aid our fellow Christians for freedom and lands returned. After alba landed in Constantinople and successfully assaulted it on the second attempt the Spanish had to run for 100 000 ottomans moving to the capitol to reclaim it, which we fortunately avoided, the ottomans needed 2trys to and cost him precious delay if you ask me but I didn’t try to lift the siege and just ran acros the sea to the other side.
Something tells me the war is ending soon and we look forward to a bright future with some peace finaly, maybe spain can finaly get rid of gold inflation someday and live in peace with all its previous money ^

In any case spain wil be converting converting converting next session and avoid wars if at al possible so if people can defend themselves it would be swell .

Spains opinion on nations
to france are as always friendly, I’m surprised at his fleetsize and will have to consider that in the near future
to venice evil pope sold rome they must be converted to see the light( just kidding)
to Austria freedom again lets hope his government doesn’t collapse again
to England I feel really sorry for the guy about flandern, it was a nasty move from france to be honest but wel he gets away with it since everybody is scared of big bad france :p
to ottomans, well I hope they don’t hate me to much for 2 wars, I kinda needed Mt and felt bad for Austrians after the collapse they really where in bad shape
to Poland, nothing special weirdos if you ask me always speaking polish for some weird reason allyng turks that smell and fight germans a lot
to Russians strange quiete guys I haven’t heard from him in a while
to Swedish grats on the tech, now your finaly getting conqs and explorers

venicians did disappoint me a little on a sidenote with the sale of Egypt but in retrospect wha can you expect from hal the pope, at the very least he could have taken Jerusalem for it but nooooo he had to get some provinces in the Balkans and acces to his precious African coastline which cost him insane amount of badboy  well see if his attempts to conquer zanj will work an dmaybe later his attempts at conquering india

I think that’s about it, spain looks forward to peace and prosperity while everything else burns, including Persia for holding those cots in india, perhaps he wil surrender them afterall we wil see, the Spanish empire intends to expand its borders once again in mexico and Africa and will soon incooperate more lands and riches and stabcosts and hopefully not techcosts

VI. Venice


The Rome is falling! Christians all over Europe lost their minds and allowed heretics of Austria to kill Venice and take over half of Italia! Pope HAL I The Golden Lion is doing everything in his power to open their eyes of monarchs of France, Brandenburg and Spain, but they are blind and don't care if evil Emperor swallows more of blessed catholic land! The end of civilisation is coming! The barbarians are at the Holy Gate of Europe!

more than 1000 words
-5 bad boy please
VI. Venice


The Rome is falling! Christians all over Europe lost their minds and allowed heretics of Austria to kill Venice and take over half of Italia! Pope HAL I The Golden Lion is doing everything in his power to open their eyes of monarchs of France, Brandenburg and Spain, but they are blind and don't care if evil Emperor swallows more of blessed catholic land! The end of civilisation is coming! The barbarians are at the Holy Gate of Europe!

more than 1000 words
-5 bad boy please

Cool story, bro. :cool:
You know Hal, I kind of think this whole war was just a propaganda ploy of yours.

1) Keep your LT down in order to entice Austria into attacking you
2) Fight vastly longer than is appropriate in order to assure that Venice gets really messed up
3) Use the ruinous state of your country as a means of soliciting pity from your neighbors, in the form of gifts and military help.

Very clever. I think this has sometimes worked for you in the past. I just hope that not too many people fail to see through your little ruse time.
You know Hal, I kind of think this whole war was just a propaganda ploy of yours.

1) Keep your LT down in order to entice Austria into attacking you
2) Fight vastly longer than is appropriate in order to assure that Venice gets really messed up
3) Use the ruinous state of your country as a means of soliciting pity from your neighbors, in the form of gifts and military help.

Very clever. I think this has sometimes worked for you in the past. I just hope that not too many people fail to see through your little ruse time.
LOL John :) You are overestimating my deviousness :D Which of course is infinite :> but in this case I really wanted to win :D
France: 1548 - 1565:

France enjoyed an unexpected surprise, though certainly not an unwelcome one, at the start of this particular session with the announcement of the cessation of hostilities between France, Spain, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire. Having apparently realized the futility of further resistance against the coalition, the Ottmans agreed to return those provinces which had been taken in previous wars. Happily, French armies and the fleet returned home, but to a turning point in history far more momentous than any single war. After many years waiting in anticipation, the long-awaited writings of the French theologian Jean Calvin arrived in Paris after being hijacked by bandits on the road from Geneva, announcing to the world a new, more reformed version of the true Christianity now sweeping across the Continent. Many Frenchman, as well as Dutch and Swiss subject peoples, were quick to embrace this new form of purer Christian doctrines. King Henri II, not wishing to be left behind, quickly embraced the Reformed religion as well.

Though the switch cost France much stability (as it surprised many of the Frenchmen who expected to remain tied to the Particularist heresy emanating from Venice and Warsaw, it earned the French treasury a tidy sum of gold. Since France had not been forced to spend much of the money earned by the AAR on rebuilding the army immediately, most of this money was directed toward conversion efforts while the monarch with good administrative skill was still alive. Many of these, perhaps half of all of them, would ultimately fail, but slowly and steadily the Particularist doctrines were being expunged from the face of the realm. Questions of stability would remain an issue for most of the rest of the session, proving to be a real roadblock to further efforts to grow technologically. France vacillated between investing in stability, land, and infrastructure throughout the session, resulting in a completion for none of them.

But most of all, France was minting. The gold from the conversions dried up all too quickly, as France found itself presented with a golden, though very pricey, opportunity. Intent on growing colonially, France purchased Guangzhou, Jakarta, and South Africa from the Spanish. This deal, it would seem, benefited both parties, as it allowed France to expand while avoiding the issue of negative stability hits for declaring war, even on pagans and unbelievers like the Chinese and Indonesians. This substantially expanded France’s colonial base, which prior to the acquisition had rested rather shakily on the toehold granted by the colonial occupation of Ciskei, Macao, and Hong Kong. Certainly, the acquisition of these three places offer France a bright future of trade and commerce, though for now that dream of trading profits lies very much unfulfilled. Further exploration, too, seems to be put on hold for the immediate future, as France does not expect the emergence of any explorers comparable to the long-lived Cartier any time soon.

Much closer to home, France remained neutral in the various squabbling conflicts around it. One of the greatest limiting factors was the lack of money, and the need to crush any rebellions in the Dutch provinces or those French provinces still embracing the Particularist faith. This came into play in Austria’s war with Venice. France, after Venetian insistence, had promised to intervene in Venice’s defense against any gangs attacks or those deemed dangerous to the integrity of the Venetian state. But, given Austria’s reasonable initial demands, as well as the state of the French treasury and army at the time, France opted to remain neutral, deeming the eventual territorial losses Venice suffered as due payment for absurd intransigence and lack of common sense in the face of clear defeat. In comparison, France looked on with rising amusement at England’s attack on Sweden, which apparently resulted in a devastating diminution in the size of the Royal Navy. Apparently fearing another attack by France, the English player asked for a non-aggression pact, which the French realm was happy to provide. A few years later, Brandenburg asked for military access. Since France already enjoyed military access into Brandenburg, France so no especially good reason why to deny them this right.

As it turned out, this access was eventually used by Brandenburg to march a fairly substantial army across the English Channel and sack London in order to acquire a set of colonial maps (which, so I’ve been led to believe, Brandenburg found distinctly underwhelming). Apparently incensed by what he regarded as a violation of our non-aggression pact, the player in command of England dropped out of the game. France can certainly understand how it can feel frustrating. England made a great number of preparations, building up a substantial advantage in ships, only to attack at the worst possible moment when Sweden enjoyed a solid admiral who could trounce the enemy in home waters. The apparent approaching demise of Russia was also a cause for some concern, but given the great geographical distances involved, France could only offer its moral support as the heirs of Third Rome were brought down. Instead of fighting any wars, France was happy to sit back, slowly convert parts of the country, and endure the endemic revolt risk resulting from the wars of religion and Dutch revolt events.

Perhaps the most interesting development in France, aside from the conversion to a more reformed brand of Christianity at the start of the session, was the acquisition, for free I might add, of the various Swiss provinces previously owned by Austria. Because they embrace the same religion, it seemed only natural to take possession of these provinces. The map, however, does lot look quite so natural, as the borders of France now bulge out in many unsightly directions. How this most pressing of issues is to be resolved in the coming years remains unknown, but surely it must be resolved if the peace of mind of the French people is to be ensured. That is, of course, once this rather minor issue of the wars of religion has been settled.

+1000 words, please convert province 378 (Brussels) to Reformed
The Ottoman Empire 1548-1565

about the year 1543 a powerful alliance Franco- Spanish- Austrian attacked Turkish Empire . In addition, once again threatening committed by the Moscow , trying to take advantage of Turkey's commitment to each other in Europe. From the first session, Turkey alleges that built a strong coalition , composed allegedly has entered England , Poland , and Persia . Myself , in turn, has nothing to complain about. So let's go back a few decades back, let's war fought by the brave warriors of Turkey.

The first war , which broke out , provoked by Russia, which rejected the rational distribution of influence in Asia and Eastern Europe, there was indeed a harmonious co-operation of Polish and Turkish troops . The rate was , however, too large to risk long war and lose influence in the Balkans. Poland and Turkey hit on Russia , broke it, and set up an indivisible sphere of influence in the East. Every second wars with Russia was a war 1vs1 unless Russia attacked the outnumbered . Turkey never, not counting the First War ,did not attack Russia outnumbered .

Another war ,the first war of Austria and Turkey was also not 1vs1 . Despite the fact that Turkey has nine levels of technology, land , and the fact that the NAP of Turkey due to expire next year, Austria has not opted for a diplomatic solution to the case, only attacked Venice. I used this situation , in part , to protect Venice (Austria controlled at this time to the west coast of Italy ) , against temptations of Austria, which, by way of action on the Apennine Peninsula explicitly sought to cutting Venice (or bring it to a marginal country no matter) .

All subsequent war in which Turkey had participated , wars were conducted independently. Allies joined the war only when the number of enemy countries in coalitions antytureckich exceed three or sometimes even more countries . That was when France, Spain and Austria attacked Turkey. That was when the state of Brandenburg , Austria and Spain joined Russia.

In retrospect, sticking to the version that the Polish - Turkish coalition ( for some unknown reason to me that the coalition is still ranked among England , who once joined the war, and it is because of the coalition Spanish-French- Brandenburg and the Austro -Russian sic! ) is lying facts. Not to mention situations where practically nobody tries to be reasonably carried out with Turkey any diplomacy. I think that for any such distributions include the threat of players in the implementation of Pepsi thrown during the conduct of war in Europe and claims 6-7 of the province along the mall.

Coming back to the last session of the Coalition of the Franco- Austrian- Spanish attacked Turkey. For two years defending itself , but the lack of random leaders began a doskpain in the ass . I could not fight on two fronts, one leader , in addition to Poland learned that Russia is preparing for an attack on Turkey ... I ask Poland for help, but I should be earlier. All in all, after Poland joined the war , the war is over . I agreed to give six provinces of Austria, haven't seen opportunities in the war. Campaign at this point has a relatively dull. Austria , in coalition with Brandenburg and Russia is not in a position to threaten Turkey and has to resort to furnishing the numerous gangs. England and Sweden lead the irrational war for some islands , which totally does not matter , nor in terms of strategic or assets. It seems that completely fail to see that France and Spain divided between all the tradecenters themselves. For this , the Franco -Spanish alliance is no longer curious . It is alleged that Poland and Turkey to the alliance. The fact is that both countries have the same enemies and have common interests overseas, so the alliance is somewhat natural . Hovewhere alliance of France and Spain isn't a natural. Added to this is a complete lack of an enemy at sea for Spain, which thus can do what they want and feel because of this impunity .

It is proposed now replace perms and elimination of Venice. I do not know if HAL is a good perm in Poland. To date, he played very conservatively Venice , theoretically blocked by France, which threatened war if the HAL to oppose Austria or Spain.Polityc concessions , as is always ended with his defeat. Venice almost does not count in the international arena . The question is whether the same is to be of Polish in its execution ?

Mystic on ENG certainly more will continue , although England is heavily underdeveloped and need to work hard to be slightly to the country wydźwignąćna simple . Rather, focus on the real threat , not the bloody wars of an island of no importance. It's hard to say something about Sweden . Delian sits on the north, and from there rather not swing the nose. Gives the impression of a person who is afraid of larger conflicts , which can actually lose something . Rather Sweden is a country that will join the bandwagon rather than an independent decision * Try to change the fate of Europe.

The French have already written on skype . The only country that has so far not led a single war 1vs1 . Until now, hiding behind allies. On the one hand comfortable, is that in real life would have been commendable policy , but it's still a game and this conduct is to me ridiculous . In theory, the most powerful land country in the game that is not enough independent to conduct a war on its own. Nevertheless, the greatest curiosity that in his eight year career EU2 seen , is an alliance of France, Austria (potentially Brandenburg ) and Spain at this stage of the game.

Russia , another country which at the moment is of no great importance . It still has a lot of potential , but for its policy of irrational threats is on the verge of collapse.

As Mystic wrote , the campaign is now a terribly monotonous and boring. there is a chance that this will change by castling permów . Personally , however, I do not see much chance for that, cause of perm swaping.

-5bb for AAR.
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