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re factory destruction: we need smart AI for that. Otherwise, AI will aim to capture a state, occupy it, destroy it's factories, and then take it and get just farmland.
did you thoroughly read it?

I don't see this as vital, but not a bad idea. I think the more important thing with rebels is to find some use for ideological rebels spawning in a place where they will never achieve their aims. Either they should migrate to the capital, or they should be nationalistic rebels trying to form their own nation under that ideology.

Agreed; I hate having to fight the capis to build forts, especially in places where railways are neigh useless.

Again, completely agree; the only time money comes into play is in massive wars, which sadly don't happen that often.

I really like this idea, maybe with a bonus to infantry defense as well, but a penalty to all other types of defense, I.E. urban fighting? (not sure if that really fits the era, but I like the idea, very Stalingrad-esque)

all good ideas

I thought you still need to iron to build a steel factory, and timber for a lumber mill? I think colonial prestige should be greatly increased (every great power has to have it's colonies...) Maybe an rgo output increase for colonies as well?

Overall I love your ideas :)

This, so much this. Right now the Westernization process feels kinda contrived...

Yea, I thoroughly read it but regardless, it was a massive military campaign and shaped the entire face of the country, economically, politically, and socially and it was cut down to to popups and one event
I liked the look of the CSA holding Mexican territories that it obviously did not historically. It's that kind of a-historical irredentism that I like and would to see more of in Paradox Games, looks promising!

In saying that, however, I think we almost need to start a petition for Darkrenown to have an indefinite ban imposed upon him from writing DD's and and too have him then be replaced by King (then we get video DD's aswell :D )

Afterall, you can't argue track record....:


EDIT: Oh I see, it must actually be a marketing move by the developers... Realistically, they only have enough content for fortnightly Diaries, yet the problem is they need to meet the quotas that the Sales department set them which is evidently a weekly DD cycle. So it's quite obvious, when you've basically got nothing and you need to meet deadlines... send in Darkrenown!
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What on earth..:rofl:

Reading that made me wish we had something whacky and hilarious for the first AHD DD, too!

I was honestly hoping for the same thing when I saw Darkrenown posted it ;) My first post was meant in jest if I didn't make that clear, it's great that the dev's actually having a sense of humour :D
I was honestly hoping for the same thing when I saw Darkrenown posted it ;) My first post was meant in jest if I didn't make that clear, it's great that the dev's actually having a sense of humour :D

I did actually have a funny one written too, but we went with the "real" one instead. I might get to post the other one at some point though.
Will there be some kind of land reform system? Just thinking the issue about land was quite important. And that way one could actually prevent Russia from becoming an early industrial giant (the Russian farmers wouldn't be able to leave their farms for the factories before certain reforms have been made).
Will there be some kind of land reform system? Just thinking the issue about land was quite important. And that way one could actually prevent Russia from becoming an early industrial giant (the Russian farmers wouldn't be able to leave their farms for the factories before certain reforms have been made).

A modifier on promotion/demotion is everything that should be needed.
and did you read the decisions and the information that went with them?

For decisions all I saw was Trail of Tears and what amounted to little big horn. I opted not to do Trail of tears and to do little big horn (because nobody likes custer and everyone likes seeing him killed)

Apart from that I saw nothing in the way of indian wars till the chiefs suddenly started to surrender.
Not sure about Fascism, but Communists should definitely get a 'spread the revolution' CB. Bonus points if it raises the organisation of communist rebels worldwide for every successful war using it.

Indeed, this would be great, coupled with this...

Indeed. A revolution CB should allow for annexing or puppeting or impose regime change on a whole country at once, but at an appropriate infamy cost.

... you'd get a working and pretty cool new feature that should be implemented. :D
Erm, West Virginia is...complicated. Yes, technically it wasn't a separate state from Virginia until 1863. At the same time, Virginia was hardly 100% pro-confederacy either, even in 1861. Among the Southern States, it had one of the bigger pro-union presences, Army of Northern Virginia or otherwise. So yes, I think "yay inconsistencies" sums it up pretty succinctly.

It wasn't just West Virginia but Appalachia as a whole was quite pro-Union. The poor hardscrabble Scots-Irish of West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Eastern Tennessee didn't really have any cultural connection with the wealthy Southern plantation owners that dominated the Confederate political elite and had been openly hostile towards them for decades because of their political connections with the Second Bank and its successor's predatory economic practices towards the mountaineers. The Appalachian settlers were not slave-owning and were exceptionally reluctant to fight to keep other men wealthy. And the claim that the Confederates were fighting for states rights was shattered early in the war because of the West Virginia campaign by the Confederates from June to September 1861, climaxing with Lee's defeat at the Battle of Cheat Mountain. The first significant campaign of the war was not to prevent invasion but to pacify a rebellious region and to compel them to remain within the Confederacy by force. This ended up backfiring on the Confederates and drove the Appalachians even more solidly towards the hands of the Union. When Union forces finally entered Tennessee, they immediately got volunteers from Eastern Tennessee by the thousands.

I really think that the ACW is nearly impossible to represent or simulate accurately at the scale of this game.
A modifier on promotion/demotion is everything that should be needed.

and a special rebel type to overturn it too, as in very few places were land rights abolished without serious trouble, it was always a reform passed through with guns as with the exception of Russia and France, the two situations bad enough to have revolutions, it never had the support of the poor. But it would have to go province by province or better, state by state not on a national level as for example, in England it was all long done but in Ireland and Scotland the big clearances were just starting and in full swing respectively at the start of the game.
Its something that needs to happen before you can industrialise though so it needs to be in the game. creating both cheap resources as all the land is centralised and farmed with cash crops rather than to support and sustain individual families and it allows for wage employment on a large scale by taking away the common land so forcing people to work for others and at a low enough wages to sustain mass industry.
Maybe a decision sparked event chain? or a reformed sparked event chain, the reform is whether or not to allow enclosures, where if they are allowed then the event that places the province modifier [which increases promotion to craftsmen and increases emmigration of farmers and labourers from that province, driving urbanisation.] can happen.
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Also another idea: Implement supply logictic from HOI3. Any factory or army should maintain stack of resources and supply to run. Railroads improve supply throughput, blocking suppy lines should stop factories and armies, etc!

That's what they should do. It would allow more realistic military tactics for the South by putting commanders like Forrest, Morgan or Stuart in command of a cavalry unit or two and completely destroying the supply stocks for a pending invasion.
I am the only one wondering how is that the UK in 1861 only has 100 prestige, 80 IS and 24 MS?????? Something really wild is going with the score system¡¡¡
Folks, I've seen no more of this than any of you but it is almost always the case with Paradox expansions that early screenshots shown in DDs are subject to change. Again, I have no official knowledge about this but I've seen it happen many times.
SO...................................are you agreeing with me or saying no? I don't understand.

I was agreeing with you. Destructiveness isn't necessarily a bad thing, particularly if there's a paucity of late-game Great Wars.