Admiral Barbarossa, John Ward, Jan Janszoon and formable Barbary/Pirate state possibility?

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Barbarossa is one of the most famous pirates/admirals in all history which was alive and doing gods works around 1500s to 1545s.
He beat holy league in Battle of Preveza, he kept raiding mediterrenean coasts, stealing ships from European powers. He established the Ottoman supremacy in the Mediterranean. The guy practically made Ottomans 3rd largest naval force.

Barbarossa AKA Redbeard
Greek/Turkish Pirate
circa 1530's

"He and his brother Aruj, sons of a Turk from Lesbos, took up piracy on the Barbary Coast in hopes of seizing an African domain for themselves. When Aruj was killed in 1518, Khidr took the title Khayr al-Din. He offered allegiance to the Ottoman sultan and in return received military aid that enabled him to capture Algiers in 1529. Appointed admiral in chief of the Ottoman Empire (1533), he conquered all of Tunisia. Emperor Charles V captured Tunis in 1535, but Khayr al-Din defeated his fleet at the Battle of Preveza (1538), securing the eastern Mediterranean for the Turks for 33 years. His red beard was the source of the epithet Barbarossa, used by Europeans."


I think that piracy/barbary naval actions might be lot more active in EU4 to make naval gameplay more serious and detailed by the way.

Also English later Muslim pirate called Jack Ward was also famous, possibly inspired Jack Sparrow character even.

John/Jack Ward AKA Yusuf Reis
Barbary Corsair
Active 1553 - 1622

In 1602 John Ward was jailed for plundering a Danish ship in the Caribbean. Then in 1603, Ward was forced into the Royal Navy, which by some was considered to be a fate worse than death. Shortly afterward, he and 30 others deserted at Plymouth and stole a small bark. Despite the size of the ship, they were able to capture a two larger ships, one with six guns, and set sail for the Mediterranean. Two years later he stole a 32-gun warship and renamed it the Gift and used it to plunder several merchantmen loaded with spices and silks.

In 1605 in Morocco, several English and Dutch sailors joined his crew, including Richard Bishop and Anthony Johnson. By the end of 1606, Ward had worked a deal with Uthman Dey, the ruler of Tunis. He was permitted to use Tunis as a safe haven from where he could strike out in hunt for prey. In return, Uthman Dey would buy their booty for a fifth of its true value. From their base, they took several rich prizes, including a 60 ton ship loaded with a tremendously valuable cargo.

The winter of 1607 Ward's largest ship became unseaworthy so he secretly deserted with a few of his crew, sailing off in a French ship. The large ship sank off Greece drowning 250 muslim and 150 English sailors aboard. The Tunisians were outraged over the loss of men and Ward's desertion, but Uthman Dey, wealthy from his dealings with Ward, offered him protection. Ward however offered King James I a large bribe in exchange for a pardon. King James refused Ward's offer and Ward was forced to return to Tunis. Uthman Dey kept his word, however, and Ward was safe. Ward eventually became a muslim and changed his name to Yusuf Reis. As Yusuf Reis, he continued his career in piracy until 1622, up until the age of 70. By then he had both an Italian wife and also a wife in England.

He lived out the rest of his life in luxury and may have died of the plague."

Turkish supported piracy kept ongoing even into Atlantic sea, reaching Iceland.

Jan Janszoon
AKA Murad Reis
Active 1620

This Dutch privateer joined the Barbary corsairs and in 1627 led a Muslim fleet to Iceland, where they took slaves and plunder.

"Ireland was subject to a similar attack. In June 1631 Murat Reis, with corsairs from Algiers and armed troops of the Ottoman Empire, stormed ashore at the little harbor village of Baltimore, County Cork. They captured almost all the villagers and took them away to a life of slavery in North Africa"
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It has been long time I visited this thread, meanwhile I found more info about piracy in northeast America.
Peter Edwards talks about Peter Easton in his "The Encyclopedia of Canadian Organized Crime" book:

I think after 1600s there can be event appearing to England/Britain (or nation that colonizes there) that Peter Easton wants to establish his pirate nation in Newfoundland (his main base was in Ferryland, and he was active in Harbour Grace Bay & he fortified Caplin Cove so province called Beothuk or Placentia) what to do with it?

A Pirate's life for me - Become Peter Easton and rule new country. (just regular pirate event)
Beg him a pardon - Lose prestige and draft him as admiral
Declare War - Destroy his forces


I can't be sure about name of his country though. Maybe just Newfoundland.

He allied Algiers also, which can be added as diplomatic event.
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What about doing a mercenary feature for allow contracts with this kind off pirates?

For christians i know about Andrea Doria but i guess there will be more people

Pirate nations renting their men and navies as mercernary forces can be interesting

Something like that for simulate history and doing a funny feature
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Do you guys plan to add couple of missing tags/features from this thread? @neondt
Current summary of thread:
Tags I founded that could be implemented by events cause of large amount of info:
1. Algiers as pirate state under Barbarossa to be releasable by Ottomans (and please make it playable) [edited event in Tunisian mission tree]
2. Shuangyu (pirate nation) (around 1524-1567) (this is even longer than Tungning)
3. Ching Shih's Cantonese Pirate coalition (pirate nation) (late game, 1700s) (there is video about how they spread)
4. Sulu getting raid mechanic/more privateer bonuses in ideas, maybe even pirate government event
5. Betsimisaraka getting raid mechanic and/or pirate government event over Ratsimilaho (1700s~-1750)
6. Peter Easton's Newfoundland bases (1600~s-1614)
7. Pirates based in Munster (Richard Bishop, Peter Easton etc)
8. Senj Pirates (Uskoks) (1520s-1550s)

possible tags with small amount of info:
9. Tolinar Rex's small Antanosy pirate kingdom (1697-1705)
10. Jean Lafitte's pirate nations: Barataria and Campaches (around 1800s)

1. Habsan/Janjira's government type is bugged, I see it was already reported, please fix it with specific government type(probably pirate). It should be friendly/ally to Ottomans and Aceh if its possible to design by events. (rival to Portugal) (this is fixed but its not playable or it doesn't get pirate state still)
2. Aceh should be more likely to appear and friendly/ally Ottomans and Habsan with events. (rival to Portugal) (This is done, Aceh exists at 1444)
3. Tuscany and Savoy keen on using privateers, getting bonuses with events, representing their free ports.

Also: this is not pirate tag but I think its also missing Madagascar tag:
1. Boina (1690 to end game)

Feature suggestions:
1. Pirate raids should be able to steal maps from other countries time to time.
2. Possible mercenary feature for piratical navies (not sure how to implement this, privateer mercenary companies? sounds bit weird but Idk.)
Something around Savoy and Tuscany would be good.

Shuangyu and Ching Shih's nation shoud probably get Piratical ideas designed specifically for Wokou/Asia.
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In Tunisian mission tree, there is option called Sponsor Piracy bringing "Hayreddin Barbarossa" event.

Can you please also tie this event to Ottoman mission tree's "Subjugate Algiers" option?

Actually this small fix is necessary, as it happened in history, Barbarossa became Beylerbeyi (Governor) of Algiers with great autonomy and he was always Ottoman admiral along with his brothers.

This is very nice event but in most games Ottomans would be more likely to get it, and its %100 historical.

I am planning to update this thread with more ideas from recent missions mod and my small researches, but this little change in hotfix or patch could be very nice.
@Caligula Caesar @neondt
Mr. Johan said they will consider to look Ottomans after huge European patch. That is good news.
I have mentioned in these posts that "Hayreddin Barbarossa" historical event in Tunisian mission tree is very cool and should be added to Ottoman mission tree as well.

It could be even more enjoyable if there was 3rd option to play as independent pirate government Algiers leaded by Barbarossa. (with Pirate missions and Barbary Pirate ideas)

I checked it and it doesn't get Barbary Pirate ideas and Pirate missions. It should be fixed.
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A new pirate state - The Alliance of Pirates based in Munster, Ireland (also Newfoundland) (-1614)
Kelleher is an expert on a uniquely organized “pirate alliance” that formed in early-17th-century Ireland and preyed on ships laden with cargo and treasure throughout the North Atlantic. Nearly unstoppable in their day, these pirates met their demise in 1614, in large part due to a devastating attack by a Dutch fleet guided by a leeskarte—a set of navigational instructions with charts of the Irish coastline, created specifically to detail the locations of such pirate havens.

English officials based in southwest Ireland encouraged ex-privateers to join them as part of the “Munster Plantation,” a colonization program in which English settlers were offered cheap land to populate the area, making it less likely to rebel against the English Crown. “Faced with tough job prospects, mariners began moving to southwest Ireland either individually or with their families,” says Kelleher. “However, they were not driven by patriotism or politics. As experienced mariners, they would have seen it as logistically the best place to continue their business.”
Drawing on contemporary sources, Kelleher estimates that up to 1,000 of these men established bases in the towns of Baltimore, Crookhaven, and Leamcon (near the town of Schull) in western County Cork. The geography there was ideal for their purposes, with the harbors, inlets, and islands of the Irish coastline lending themselves to secret haunts and fast escapes. They were also closely positioned to the main Atlantic waterways, where ships from most European nations could be targeted on either their outward or homeward journeys.
Word spread. Dutch, French, Flemish, Scottish, and even African renegades traveled to Ireland to join their English counterparts. Largely as a result of their background as privateers, with some former naval officers and sailors among them, this collection of mariners was unusually organized and formed an “alliance,” with their own rules and hierarchy. They formally elected ex-privateer Richard Bishop to serve as their “admiral,” the ruthless Peter Easton, known for throwing his captives overboard to drown, as “vice-admiral,” and Thomas Francke as “rear-admiral.”
“Bishop’s positive reputation allowed him to act as a broker for the alliance with outside parties, while Easton provided a serious intimidation factor,” says Kelleher, who also estimates that the fully formed “alliance” comprised between 300 and 500 ships, with 72 “captains” so far identified serving underneath Bishop, Easton, and Francke. Capable of operating either independently or as a unit, they sailed in light but heavily manned and armed ships. A favored technique was to approach unsuspecting targets by masquerading as a merchant ship before launching a stunning surprise attack in close quarters.
As they returned to Irish shores, the pirates found eager buyers for their spoils. Exotic goods such as ivory, wine, lace, rare timber, and extremely coveted spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, and pepper were quickly fenced at quayside auctions. Brothels and taverns began to appear to cater to this maritime trade, with some more than likely operated by pirate wives or widows. To help keep the native Irish population on their side, pirates bought supplies from locals at inflated prices. “Officials often turned a blind eye or became active pirate supporters themselves,” says Kelleher. “Those that didn’t were typically intimidated with threats or paid off with bribes.”
The pirates developed an impressive support and trading network as they sailed from Ireland and Newfoundland in the North Atlantic to the “Barbary” states of North Africa. Documentary evidence of their activity can be difficult to come by as their land activities generally reflected other commerce from the time, while the ocean swallowed up most physical traces of their seaside activity. “Pirates leave little archaeological trace as they were secretive and transitory by nature,” explains Fritz Hanselmann, director of the Underwater Archaeology Program at the University of Miami. “And the tools of their trade such as wood, rope, or canvas also quickly disintegrate.”


The 1612 chart of the “pirate harbours” of southwest Munster was drafted by English cartographer John Hunt, under the orders of Hessel Gerritzsoon, who was commissioned by the States-General in Holland. ^^

In the early part of the seventeenth-century, along the southwest coast of Ireland, piracy was a way of life. Following the outlawing of privateering in 1603 by the new king of England, disenfranchised like-minded men of the sea, many former privateers, naval sailors, ordinary seamen and traditional plunderers moved their base of operations to Ireland and formed an alliance. Within the context of the Munster Plantation, many of the pirates came to settle, some bringing families, and these men and their activities not alone influenced the socio-economic and geo-political landscape of Ireland at that time but challenged European maritime power centres, while forging links across the North Atlantic that touched the Mediterranean, Northwest Africa and the New World. Tracing the origins of this maritime plunder from the 1570s until its heyday in the opening decades of the 1600s, The Alliance of Pirates analyses the nature and extent of this predation and looks at its impact and influence in Ireland and across the Atlantic. Operating during a period of emerging global maritime empires, when nations across Europe were vying for supremacy of the seas, the pirates built their own highly lucrative and powerful piratical state. Drawing on extensive primary and secondary historical sources Connie Kelleher explores who these pirates were, their main theatre of operations and the characters that aided and abetted them. Archaeological evidence uniquely supports the investigation and provides a tangible cultural link through time to the pirates, their cohorts and their bases.


Pirate state event should be added there, overall historical admirals were Richard Bishop, Peter Easton and Thomas Francke.
They had connection to Newfoundland over Peter Easton
Do you guys plan to add couple of missing tags/features from this thread? @neondt
Current summary of thread:
Tags I founded that could be implemented by events cause of large amount of info:
1. Algiers as pirate state under Barbarossa to be releasable by Ottomans (and please make it playable) [edited event in Tunisian mission tree]
2. Shuangyu (pirate nation) (around 1524-1567) (this is even longer than Tungning)
3. Ching Shih's Cantonese Pirate coalition (pirate nation) (late game, 1700s) (there is video about how they spread)
4. Sulu getting raid mechanic/more privateer bonuses in ideas, maybe even pirate government event
5. Betsimisaraka getting raid mechanic and/or pirate government event over Ratsimilaho (1700s~-1750)
6. Peter Easton's Newfoundland bases (1600~s-1614)
7. Pirates based in Munster (Richard Bishop, Peter Easton etc)
8. Senj Pirates (Uskoks) (1520s-1550s)

possible tags with small amount of info:
9. Tolinar Rex's small Antanosy pirate kingdom (1697-1705)
10. Jean Lafitte's pirate nations: Barataria and Campaches (around 1800s)

1. Habsan/Janjira's government type is bugged, I see it was already reported, please fix it with specific government type(probably pirate). It should be friendly/ally to Ottomans and Aceh if its possible to design by events. (rival to Portugal) (this is fixed but its not playable or it doesn't get pirate state still)
2. Aceh should be more likely to appear and friendly/ally Ottomans and Habsan with events. (rival to Portugal) (This is done, Aceh exists at 1444)
3. Tuscany and Savoy keen on using privateers, getting bonuses with events, representing their free ports.

Also: this is not pirate tag but I think its also missing Madagascar tag:
1. Boina (1690 to end game)

Feature suggestions:
1. Pirate raids should be able to steal maps from other countries time to time.
2. Possible mercenary feature for piratical navies (not sure how to implement this, privateer mercenary companies? sounds bit weird but Idk.)
Something around Savoy and Tuscany would be good.

Shuangyu and Ching Shih's nation shoud probably get Piratical ideas designed specifically for Wokou/Asia.
Edited my shortlist as flavour to Aceh was added.
Habsan is fixed, but still Habsan isn't playable and it doesn't get pirate government mechanic that it possibly deserves.
Added Munster based pirates to main list, I lately wrote about (under Richard Bishop).
Added Barbarossa event to short list.

Can you guys also please possibly add raid mechanic as unlockable for Sulu against European colonies? Its playable in 1444 now so deserves that flavour
@Aldaron @Johan