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Lordban said:
War after war the German steamroller rolls on, hiccoughing yet never quite stopping :)

And 1792 looms ever nearer; we have gone through most of the accounts written by Friedrich von Manstein and his successors, a work the likes of which does not exist in other countries, offering us unique insight into the workings of one of the major players in the concert of nations which played in the three hundred and fifty years spanning the modern age.

Will war with France be the last of this era? Will it be as successful as Germany's military ventures have been? Will it turn out to be one war too many? To be Rudolf Deneke's consecration, or last mistake?

Whichever it may be, it will be with an intact curiosity and the same eagerness as before that I will turn the page and read on :)
This is a very thoughtful comment, Lordban. Thank you so much, sir! There are quite a lot of questions I imagine will be raised once we are done and I have a thought on that. See below.

canonized said:
Congratulations on another victory ! Though I'm worried about finishing off France before the classical period of the game closes .
Thank you, sir. And yes, there is that worry. Believe me, I had it too in-game.

WhisperingDeath said:
I do not think that Burgundy can recover from this latest blow. Her capital is separated from the sea. No more colonies!! Her economy is probably in ruins and her resources depleated. Onward to Paris!!
Yes, that was Burgundy's last stand, I can go ahead and say. Just not enough time left. As I've said plenty, I should have made her a vassal when these wars staretd and would have been able to annex her diplomaticaly by now. What a maroon I am.

stnylan said:
Mmm, you have what - three years left to go now? A last bout with France perhaps?
Quite, and don't think I'll waste these last few years without taking one last crack at the French. Oh yes.

Director said:
The death toll does seem excessive. Still, 'quantity has a quality all its own,' and victory is yours.
Indeed. It is a very calculated way of looking at things but true nonetheless.

Amric said:
Okay....I have a few questions...first...I am presuming that you lead them in tech, yes? number two....Have you maximized the types of infantry, cavalry and cannon? Third, are the Burgundian generals just flat out BETTER than yours? Fourth, at this late stage of the game are your armies more cavalry heavy than infantry?

Let's start at the first one. If you are ahead, than that is not the issue. Number two...if you DO have the best infantry, cavalry, and cannon your tech affords you, than that is not it either. Third, if their generals ARE so much better that would be a VERY good reason why you are winning, but losing a boatload of troops. Let's go to fourth....You know that late stage in the game the infantry and cannon are more important than cavalry. You have to have a higher percentage of infantry and cannon than cavalry. You ARE an experienced player, so I cannot believe it could be that.

There is a fifth reason I just thought of.....Luck. Some nations are 'lucky'. If that is the case, and Burgundy DOES seem to acquire that tag pretty much always, than that could also be a contributing factor. Not all of it, but if there is little things along those five lines, than it would certainly add up to why you are losing such massive amounts of troops.

Oh, there is a sixth as well. Mercenaries aren't as good as recruited troops toward the end game either. Generals do better with recruited troops than with mercs. At least that seems to be MY personal experience.

All in all, there MUST be a reason you are losing such massive numbers of troops. Somewhere in my analysis there must be a clue...
All good thoughts, Amric. Lesse

1. Yes, I lead them in land tech but I cannot recall by how much at this time. In truth, we may be closer than I recall.
2. Indeed I have maxed out what I could choose for land units. I have tried to showcase each and every upward step I took as far as that went with screenies.
3. Let's come back to this
4. It IS possible that I may have too much cav in my regular armies, though by this stage in the game, I usually try and have two types - one siege army and another mixed inf and cav. Though I am experienced, my Mexican AAR in Vickie proves I'm not the best tactician which may be part of the equation.
5. Luck could surely be playing into it, but not as much as it seems to on nearly every battle.
6. I haven't used mercs in a loooong time. No need, given how much manpower and money I have.

So, I think it is mostly 3 - the one problem I constantly faced, even with this seemingly constant battle was loss of tradition. Waiting the five years between truces meant I lost so much that the generals I was recruiting were so-so compared to their apparently super-generals. No idea how they got such good ones considering they had less war than I, but this may account for it. I was winning but they were taking many of my men with them as they slunk from the battlefield.

Lord E said:
Good to see that you totally destroyed the evil Burgundians and that you got some provinces out of it, but I still think you should have made them your vassals so that you can control them also in the future. The way it is now I guess another conflict might begin in some years…

But it is good to see that the Emperor has decided to get revenge on the evilness in the world, Burgundy has been punished and now you should crush the evil French once and for all. Three years left of game time should give you enough time to crush the French!
Agreed. Even here at the end, I had the thought to just go ahead and make them vassals now but I wanted Vermandois and Othe to get at Paris with ease. Part of the reason I did not take those earlier was that I did not want the French to have such ease getting to me. And yes, three years is plenty of time.

* * *

To all - the next update may or may not be tomorrow. And if not, it will be next week since I am going out of town for the weekend. But I wanted to pose an idea to the readers - given that there is a rather large world outside of my own AAR, I wondered if I might not get some guest authors to write some after the fact "histories" or certain regions. Say someone would take what is left of France and someone might take the Levant, another would take the former Turkish lands and someone would look at South America and so on.

I'd of course provide a guide to go by given what we are left with and there will be a final screenshotapalooza in 1792 so we can see where everything is. Would there be any interest by you great readers and commenter's to tackle those areas? It seems daunting to do on my own and I might give short shrift to certain areas and potential events. Besides, it might be fun to get a few guest authors in here before we are finally done.

If you are interested, let me know and perhaps even suggest an area you would have interest in writing about. I'll try and cover any and all that I can't find other's doing and rest assured, I'll provide a final glimpse of Germany itself and what will be the "take off " point for any alt-history to follow. So what do you say?
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That it's a great idea :)
And that I happen to be a Frenchman, so if you aren't too scared at the prospect of leaving the story of what's left of France in my mischievous little hands ( :p ) I already have a few ideas ;)
Lordban said:
That it's a great idea :)
And that I happen to be a Frenchman, so if you aren't too scared at the prospect of leaving the story of what's left of France in my mischievous little hands ( :p ) I already have a few ideas ;)
I thought you might, Lordban. ;)
Hmmm...I expected a bit more excitement about the idea, I must say. Perhaps people have not had the chance to see it...or is Lordban really the only one interested? :confused:
Hey ! Great idea coz ! I actually didn't get to read that idea until just now XD . I remember the fun we had in the inter-season showcase at timelines so I would be interested in contributing to your afterparty ! We'll talk more details on AIM . Though I'll probably hold off on it until after next week since I still have midterms (ugh , haven't even updated my own AAR because of these silly tests)
I would definitely be interested EXCEPT for the fact that I probably don't have time right now. I'm actually thinking of doing a submission for the Paradox (Lord Durham's version) magazine -- something I think you should look into also!

Great idea, about guest written epilogues, though!

canonized and Renss - thanks guys. It wouldn't be for another week probably since I'll be going out of town this weekend and won't be wrapping up proper until next week sometime. From there, I plan on a final post as Germany then leaving it open for some others to speculate on the other areas. What I can't find someone else to do, I'll look into myself. It wouldn't have to be extremely intricate, just some ideas as to where things might have ended up, preferably 40 years after the last part of the AAR so I can tie into the title again.

And I have considered Paradox, far more than Flashing Swords actually (just not my genre, really.) I have some ideas but nothing solid right now. I'm glad they are accepting again. It seems the best of the lot, certainly (for length and pay.)

So - anyone else interested?
coz1: ... Philippe had felt our steel once more and now it was time for King Nicolas to do that very same.

what effect does vassalization have on France at the end of this era ? ? :confused:

magnificent updates ! ! :cool:
Quick fb-fb:

Chief Ragusa said:
I'm left pondering this AAR going on to NA and 1820. Do you have any plans to do that? I'd like to see whether Germany conquers all of Burgundy and France or leaves them as vassals.
Unfortunately, I no longer have the save game so I wouldn't be able to play further so all future action will have to be speculative. But I am hoping to get some fine guest authors in here to assist in that very thing.

GhostWriter said:
coz1: ... Philippe had felt our steel once more and now it was time for King Nicolas to do that very same.

what effect does vassalization have on France at the end of this era ? ? :confused:

magnificent updates ! ! :cool:
I won't be vassalizing the French as I won't have enough time to diplo-annex with only a few years left. However, I probably should have done so with Burgundy, and much earlier so that I could have diplo-annexed them a few years back. I think I got a little war happy. :rolleyes:

To all - the next update follows and takes us at least a year into war with France. Thanks for the comments!
* * *


* * *​

The declaration of war was sent to King Nicolas in November of 1789; however, we had already decided to allow the enemy to make the first forays into our territory, hoping to lull them into a sense that we were perhaps spent. It certainly did pull them into Auvergne almost immediately.


For some reason, the commander there was not quite prepared to take on this onslaught and would lose the fight within a month. We had most of our larger armies in the north as it was and it would take some time to gather our strength in the south. We had assumed Nicolas would protect Paris. In this he did try and the attack in Othe was won, but not without further heavy casualties.


We were sensing that the French had not sat silent as we warred with their neighbor and soon I understood that the French King expected, nay hoped for this battle of wills. His commanders were fine, especially a young General in charge of the New Germany theatre – a Corsican by birth, but one that understood the great weight many assumed the German hegemon and thus, he fought as hard, if not harder than any true Frenchman.

Retreat had not been an option until now and we found ourselves moving back the line in both Pocumtek and Tennessee in the Americas. However, after the New Year, we had found the forces needed to secure the south and were well on our way to revisiting these lands we had seen not ten years prior. Orleans was under siege as was Limousin, not to mention the great city of Paris. Then in March, we faced the King himself in Languedoc.


We would best his forces and soon after Provence would fall. It appeared that the tide of war was turning and by May of 1790, even though our army would retreat from Limousin, we had Blois and Rouergue under siege and both Dauphine and Miami in our hands.


An assault on Savoy in the following month would also find success and an attempt to push us once again from Auvergne would fail for the French. By July, we had won a tight skirmish against French forces in Rouergue, allowing us to keep up our siege and an assault on Paris itself was waged. Success both there and in Normandy was well-met news, indeed.


However, news from the Americas could not be as well received. Emperor Joseph was nearly struck dumb to hear that not only had Tennessee fallen to a strong French force, but so too had Manhattan.


In fact, we learned that our forces were being pulled back into New Germany itself to strengthen what had become an overextended line, and a loss in Mahican did not assist. Our Colonial Army and the Army of Manhattan had been severely depleted and French forces were to attempt a fresh push to press that issue.


While we could cheer our victories nearer to home, this would do little to help the Emperor’s flagging health, such was the toll this war was taking on him. However, I was surely pleased to see us win in Provence when Charles XV attempted to take it back from us and we had the entire eastern portions of France firmly in hand. So too, the south appeared secure.


By August 1790, we would see renewed efforts by our forces to chase the French army in Tennessee into Quapaw where a great battle was joined. And a victory in Amour allowed us to move safely on Anjou. But that was to be short lived when French forces snuck past our northern lines and began to harass the border with Burgundy. The Brandenburg army was called east to deal with this threat and the war seemed far from over. Of course I was sure of our eventual victory, but it would be hard won - make no mistake.


You go into the batle of Othe outnumbering the French 2:1 and end up being outnumbered 4:1 by the French. This German Chancellor does not believe in using spies to reduce French troop numbers, does he? Yes the French are going to lose, but it is a bloodbath - again.
Maybe the last bloodbath before the curtain falls, but a bloodbath indeed. Twenty thousand reserve troops called in three months - and many more casualties which weren't compensated. I'll take a look at the unit types which are involved on your side - the massive casualties you take have to come from somewhere, and, interestingly enough, you're taking them both against French cavalry and infantry - in both cases their shock and fire best yours. I have a strong suspicion your unit types cause more morale loss and less actual damage than theirs, explaining how you can end up outnumbered like you were at Othe and still demoralize the enemy.
A bloodbath again, but this will be the last I think. When this war ends I think that there is no power left in Europe or the world that are able to take on the German war machine. I see the French have some new generals, a young Corsican you say then you better watch out or else I might have to regret my words that no one can do something about your world supremacy.

Still it seems like the tide is turning and that you are getting the upper hand in this war also, but like all the wars of the last years it sure has been bloody so I think that your main goal before the game ends should be to make sure your supremacy is not threatened again and destroy France and her fighting power or else I fear that the 1800s might soon be filled with war again and all those Germans gave their life for nothing…

You are getting very close to the end of a great show Coz, wonderful work :)
This is not a very efficient Germany...that in itself is a paradox...in this case an interactive one. :p
coz1: ...but not without further heavy casualties.

another bloodbath ! ! :eek:

...it would be hard won - make no mistake.

OUCH ! ! :rolleyes:

even so, magnificent updates ! !
I expected the French to put up a stuggle in Europe but I was very surprised to see them on the offensive in North America. Have they been building up their colonial forces or have you been limiting yours?