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The good thing about my server is there are no trolls, no entitled adolescents trying to play the bully, or pick a fight with you behind the safety of the internet. Just mature adults playing an adult game.
If you can find that anywhere else on discord, please tell me. I haven't found it.
I think what would be really enjoyable to have teams of 3 players who really enjoy playing together, to join a game, as an alliance. The interaction between axis and allies can be minimal. I have met people I'd rather not play with, and some who'd rather not play with me. But as long as they show up to play and don't ragequit, there's really no one I would mind playing against.

I want to develop a format for playing this game in multiplayer that can endure more than single sessions. Once a format is established, perhaps comprise a players' catalogue with some stats. I can't help it. I'm a sports guy.
I think what would be really enjoyable to have teams of 3 players who really enjoy playing together, to join a game, as an alliance. The interaction between axis and allies can be minimal. I have met people I'd rather not play with, and some who'd rather not play with me. But as long as they show up to play and don't ragequit, there's really no one I would mind playing against.
This can be arranged.
As long as the team you are on shows up in full 9 times out of 10, and games are ran regularly, details can be discussed and such a game can happen.

I've forgotten why you don't like me however if it is true you can tolerate me on the opposing team, I can get an Italy and Japan Player for us.

While playing Axis is a strong preference, the TRP mod is a requirement. It basically 1) Makes the air war a thing. Hoi2 overpowered air, everyone failed to balance it, then the modders of TRP did it. To play TRP is to not disregard the air war. The vastly superior naval situation is great, too.

I suggest that you and me hammer out some basics, some rules (though gentlemanly behavior should in my opinion make many redundant), then take Faction lead for our countries. Please do bring solid guys though I quite dislike the many games that end at the fall of poland.
The good thing about my server is there are no trolls, no entitled adolescents trying to play the bully, or pick a fight with you behind the safety of the internet. Just mature adults playing an adult game.
If you can find that anywhere else on discord, please tell me. I haven't found it.
That's only from your perspective, though. Many people have the experience that you are uncompromising, and quick to designate people as "toxic elements that need to be removed". Leading to a constant need to recruit new players. Upon trying to address the issue in terms of "If you constantly get in to fights, maybe the solution is partially to adjust your behavior, and not blame everything on people that aren't you, which is to say, have empathy" the result is always to be designated non-desirable, and removed.

I suggest a neutral server, with an Axis room, an Allies room, both private, and a room for rules that nobody can write in, with the only person seeing everything having no interest in DH multiplayer.

I approve of your viewpoint that after years of trying to find "non-toxic" players, that segregation is the solution for you. I, too, do not care who I am playing in the opposing team either, and finally know 3-5 guys that would play.

Furthermore I have recently figured out a method to increase stability markedly and I am therefore hoping to increase the player amount to 4v4 or 5v5.

If you want this, you may add me on Discord "rodmuth" and we can sort out the details
That's only from your perspective, though. Many people have the experience that you are uncompromising, and quick to designate people as "toxic elements that need to be removed". Leading to a constant need to recruit new players. Upon trying to address the issue in terms of "If you constantly get in to fights, maybe the solution is partially to adjust your behavior, and not blame everything on people that aren't you, which is to say, have empathy" the result is always to be designated non-desirable, and removed.

I suggest a neutral server, with an Axis room, an Allies room, both private, and a room for rules that nobody can write in, with the only person seeing everything having no interest in DH multiplayer.

I approve of your viewpoint that after years of trying to find "non-toxic" players, that segregation is the solution for you. I, too, do not care who I am playing in the opposing team either, and finally know 3-5 guys that would play.

Furthermore I have recently figured out a method to increase stability markedly and I am therefore hoping to increase the player amount to 4v4 or 5v5.

If you want this, you may add me on Discord "rodmuth" and we can sort out the details
I'm no doubt uncompromising about some things, probably more now than ever. And some of that has nothing to do with the game. Someone I'm going to sit on discord with for several hours a session, I want to have basic levels of maturity, integrity(to show up) and willingness to cooperate. We have to agree on a mod, countries, teams and house rules.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to setup a model for some standardization of multiplayer, and perhaps therein lies the trouble. My opinion is that this doesn't have to be the standard of all the servers. But servers should be like restaurants. Players should be able to peruse these servers for the best multiplayer experience.

And that can change game to game. For example, I don't like playing alt history mods including Kaiserreich, but i realize it's still the most popular mod. So I'm sure people are out there playing it. I'd like to see all the servers be cooperative with each other, even if the players never join cooperative games.

There's been an enmity created, which I feel is totally unnecessary. But then, we're from all over the world, and the world is at war right now to some degree. People see I'm from USA and there's instant assumptions made about me. Or they see I'm from a specific part of USA(It's a big country) and make assumptions. I'm in my 60s and there are generational assumptions made as well. These can create tension within a group(as I've learned). Bottom line is I'm not for everybody, and I won't try to be.

There can be political tension created as well. I'd strongly recommend we don't discuss politics, or anything that could be seen as propaganda.

I thought that this idea of a server forming a group to play as a team, axis or allies, to join other server's games as a team, was a very good one. I also now feel that 6 players is ideal, with USA starting as China until Paris falls. This to avoid giving USA any more help than it needs preparing for war, while still providing the Japanese player a challenge, so that China falling non historically doesn't become some sacrifice made in the name of 'game balance' when balance can be made using victory conditions.. More players are fine if the platform can handle it.

If you've found some way to increase mp stability, I hope you will share it with me. You were going to bring a team of players to challenge my team. We were ready on my server, but then nothing. Not even a response. I'm not beyond ever playing with you again. But right now, -and I give you your right to be who you are, I'm going to be who I am as well. Bring a team like you once said you would, and let's see if I can't match it with my own team. And FFS let's have a game

I'm indeed uncompromising about my server. I want to run my little server, my little way. I'll compromise on who plays what countries and with who. I'll offer multiple options of mod. I'm open to discuss any house rules. Try to understand, I started a server because I felt the other servers weren't offering me a superior experience to SP with leaving important countries to AI. I know that with the right players, it CAN be.
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This seems to be the major reason why our 2 groups split up. The rest was just toxic idiots burning bridges with me, as that toxicity can only remain suppressed for so long. I believe in redemption but with extreme caution. And every game that ends in some regequit riot requires some rule as to not repeat the problem. I'm trusting people not to cheat as well. Some who know damn well how. If you're allowed to explore how to cheat the game, I'm allowed to be very suspicious, and investigate when I can(within the rules).

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I'm happy to finally announce we have a game started. It's been chill, very. We've probably played 6 hours or so, and are only in 1937. There's been some technical issues, but we seem to have them worked out. Apparently the Communist Chinese never ally to fight the Japanese in AIO Red. Once the war gets properly going, I'll make some.