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Lt Hilsdorf said:
Isn't there already a tool to change the start date? I'm fairly sure I used one for the 1919 mod already. If so I'll wanna try and download it when I get a chance.

Yes, but those all work with 1.03c. And I'm using the latest patch, although I did change the starting date manually. But I think a lot of users don't want to modify the exe manually.
A new version is almost available. As there isn't a patch yet which modifies the startdate I'll change all the starting/ending dates of events and leaders so you can play it with the new patch.

It's a lot of work, I've planned the release for midweek, at earliest tomorrow, at latest tuesday.
First "official" release

Guess I planned wrong. :eek:o After some work I editted the start/end dates of leaders and events. And hereby I present to you the first version of the 1815 mod. Download here

If anyone who knows how to edit the victoria.exe and wants to play from 1815, let me know and I'll upload that file aswell

Changelog said:
######### Restoration and Early Nationalism ##########
######### Changelog version 1.00 ##########


-Added many new events
-Reworked the Greek War of Independence
-Reworked the South American Wars of Independence a bit
-Added a chance for the formation of Italy in 1815
-Fixed the problem with Bolivia and Peru not gaining Independence when
Spain choses to reject the constitution
-Fixed some more problems in the Spanish Civil War
-Added some support for Royalist Spain for Austria, Prussia and Russia
-Added event sequence for the Burmese invasion of Assam
-Added the Fall of Maratha Empire event sequence.
-Added events for the Dissolution of Gran Colombia
-Added events for the formation of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation


-The population of the British Isles has been toned down
-The population of Spain and Portugal have been toned down
-The population of France has been toned down
-The population of Scandinavia has been reworked
-The population of the Baltic States have been reworked
-The population of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands have been reworked
-The population of Switzerland has been reworked
-Added Basque population to Pau (717)
-Added Catalan population to Foix (688) and Carcassone (687)
-The population of the Italian States have been toned down
-The population of Congress Poland has been increased (should be 3.5 million instead of 1.5)
-Added Scottish culture
-Added Sami (Lappish) culture

-Decreased machine_part_factory efficiency to 0.05
-Added a second Machine Tools event to increase machin_part_factory efficiency later in game

Scenario Setup

-Added Sudan (KUT)
-Removed Two Sicily compeletely and given to Naples
-Removed the Marshes from the Papal States and given to Naples (Austria and Naples have a border now)
-Toned down literacy rate for most European nations
-Added an alliance between Britain and British India
-Added a defensive alliance between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt
-Removed the satellite status of Egypt for gameplay reasons (Egypt can't declare war on outside nations like Greece, Nejd and Sudan)
-Removed the Hejaz and given it's territories to Egypt
-Removed some province from the Ottomans and given to Egypt so Egypt has a connection with the Hejaz lands
-Added 2 extra divisions to Naples
-Moved Akhaltsikhe from Russian to Turkish hands since it was Turkish untill 1828/1829
-Removed Georgia
-Added Abkhazia (JOD)
-Added Daghestan (BHO)
-Removed the Tech Flintlock Rifles from the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire
shouldn't be able to put up a decent fight untill the military reforms of Mehmed.
-Egypt has been given an Fabric factory (still under construction at the start)
-Added Belarus (JAS) as revolter
-Added Azerbaijan (MAK) as revolter
-Added Circassia (BIK) as revolter
-Added Kurdistan (TRE) as revolter
-Argentina is playable now
-Venezuela is playable now (both had problems gaining their historical leaders)
-Added 6 irregular and 3 cavalry to Spain in South and Central America
-Made Egypt civilized, it couldn't maintain its army, gaining much debt and loss of prestige

Graphics & Misc.

-Corrected the Prussian Flag
-Corrected the Nippon Flag
-Corrected the Portuguese Flag
-Added a flag for Peru-Bolivian Confederation
-New Generals
-New pictures of Generals
-Added a more appropriate end leader for Russia (Alexander I instead of Nicolas II)
-Added a Frederick Willem IV of Prussia as Endleader for Prussia instead of Wilhelm II of Germany
-The pop growth rate of Russia has been lowered
-The pop growth rate of France has been raised to Austrias level
-Added Schnees Unit names


-Tweaked various AI files to avoid serious a-historical AI behaviour

Enjoy! Please post comments and suggestions.
I gave a try to your mod. It looks very interessting, but I have some suggestions:
At first, it would be great to really start in 1815, but we lack the no-limit patch.

Then, France: she starts with the tricolour flag. That is wrong, France must have the Royal White flag, as Louis XVIII is King of France. Tricolour must come back with Napoleon... Party are wrong too: Orleanists shall rise from 1830 and the rise of Louis Philippe Ier. Under the restauration, there was two "party": The Ultras and the moderate. Ultra shall be in power in january 1815, and with the second restauration. After 1830, you can switch to the standart party layout for July Monarchy, if Louis Philippe come to power.
The parties have not yet be done, so there are probably more mistakes in that department. But I'll change the starting parties. Could you give me some information about those two parties and shouldn't there be a third party for when Napoleon grabs power again? French internal affairs of that time aren't really my speciality

I added the white flag, and it should appear if Napoleon is defeated. I actually forgot to change the flag at the start :eek:o
Walter Model said:
Can you change the server where downloaded from? I am not too keen on rapidshare.

Will do that. Here you go: http://www.savefile.com/files.php?fid=1608979

@Emp_Palpatine, did your installation go correctly? Did you've to do any editting? I just found out that in my version I've renamed the scenario folder to 1835 which means that when the scenario loads it can't read the files, in the .eug file it refers to 1815.
Wannabe Tatar said:
@Emp_Palpatine, did your installation go correctly? Did you've to do any editting? I just found out that in my version I've renamed the scenario folder to 1835 which means that when the scenario loads it can't read the files, in the .eug file it refers to 1815.
No It didn't. I had to rename the folder from 1835 to 1815. A fellow gave me the hint in the french-speaking part of the forum.

I'll will talk about the parties later. :)
Emp_Palpatine said:
No It didn't. I had to rename the folder from 1835 to 1815. A fellow gave me the hint in the french-speaking part of the forum.

I'll will talk about the parties later. :)

Ok, thanks. For some reason I had renamed the 1815 folder to 1835. And forgot to change it back :eek:o This bug will be fixed in the next version :D
Let me just post a fix.

I had an error when I did exactly what it said on the readme. The game couldn't find C:\....\scenarios\1815\pops\< Abu Dhabi Pop file.csv > so all you ahve to do is rename the scenario file from "1835" to "1815"
Walter Model said:
Let me just post a fix.

I had an error when I did exactly what it said on the readme. The game couldn't find C:\....\scenarios\1815\pops\< Abu Dhabi Pop file.csv > so all you ahve to do is rename the scenario file from "1835" to "1815"
That's what we were speaking about. ;)
Walter Model said:
Let me just post a fix.

I had an error when I did exactly what it said on the readme. The game couldn't find C:\....\scenarios\1815\pops\< Abu Dhabi Pop file.csv > so all you ahve to do is rename the scenario file from "1835" to "1815"

Is that in the savefile too? :eek:o Weird that it took so long for some one to actually mention it. Anyway the next version will not have this problem (hopefully) Let me know what/if something else is wrong.

By the way, what are they talking about in the French forum? My French is a bit rusty to say it gently. :D

Because of the amount of BB you get for inheriting countries, here are modified Russian events for the inheriting of Finland and Poland :

# The Russo-Polish War

event = {
	id = 113003
	random = no
	country = RUS
	trigger = {
		flag = { name = POL_UPRISING value = 3 }
	name = "The Russo-Polish War"
	desc = "The hostilities started in February and saw the Polish Army completely unprepared for a confrontation with a strong, numerically and technically superior, enemy. However, the morale of the Polish troops was high and the field commanders were often skilled veterans of the Napoleonic Wars. The first major battle took place on February 14, 1831, near the village of Stoczek near Luków."
	style = 0

	date = { day = 1 month = february year = 1851 }
	offset = 15
	deathdate = { day = 30 month = may year = 1851 }
	action_a = {
		name = "This won't be tolerated!"
		command = { type = war which = POL }
		command = { type = prestige value = 10 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRU value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = AUS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = KRA value = -75 }
	action_b = {
		name = "Let them go"
		command = { type = prestige value = -50 }

event = {
	id = 113004
	random = no
	country = RUS
	trigger = {
		control = { province = 412 data = RUS }
		occupied = { country = POL data = 6 }
	name = "End of the Russo-Polish War"
	desc = "With Warsaw occupied by Russian forces, the uprising was broken and Poland was brought back in the Russian Empire"

	date = { day = 1 month = february year = 1851 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 30 month = may year = 1855 }

	action_a = {
		name = "Huzzah!"
		command = { type = inherit which = POL }
		command = { type = pop_militancy which = polish value = 1 }
                command = { type = badboy value = -10 }

# The Finland Question

event = {
	id = 113010
	random = no
	country = RUS

	trigger = {
		ai = no
		event = 113004
		NOT = { exists = POL }

	name = "The Finland Question"
	desc = "The union with Poland has been dissolved and Poland is now under Russian control. Do you want to keep the personal union with Finland?"
	style = 0

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1850 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1860 }

	action_a = {
		name = "Yes"
		command = { type = relation which = FIN value = 100 }
	action_b = {
		name = "No"
		command = { type = inherit which = FIN }	
		command = { type = badboy value = -10 }

Just put these in your Russia events folder, deleting the other ones. Please, if they don't work then tell me.
Wannabe Tatar said:
By the way, what are they talking about in the French forum? My French is a bit rusty to say it gently. :D
Well, we said that the mod looks very interesting because of the era being covered (French polical changement, Belgian and greek independence, South America), some ask about the ability of Victoria to simulate such an early period of the industrial revolution. Some also said that it's a pity that Victoria vanilla does not begin earlier (1830 at least).

Another thing: could it been possible for you to work with the VIP or with another mod team to make your mod compatible with theirs?