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Alternate Historian
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Jul 9, 2003
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This is my first AAR so please do not be overly critical. Though if it sucks, let me know and I will try something else. The theme I have for this game is rather limited. Basically, I am going to play a grand campaign, but with the concept that the ghost of Lucius Sulla has escaped the first level of hell or Limbo and has come to be summoned accidently by the Ruler of the Zapotecs in 1419. Sulla has his spirit bound to the royal crown and uses it to influence the Zapotec line. His goal is to create a new empire.

I have one of the patches for the game. Most recent update I think, though I am not certain.

Difficulty is set to normal. AI is set to aggressive. No Fog of war. I know that I will probably be wiped out. Grand Campaign

The goals: Remain independant. Forge a new Empire (at least nine provinces). And if at all possible, Sack Rome.
When you say sack Rome, I am presuming that you mean you conquer the city but don't take it permanently?

Erm, who is Lucius Sulla ?
Oh it doesn't matter, he sounds like a superduperdude (or dudedette!)

My own American campaigns were crap to say the least. I hope you fare better, good luck.
1419: Lets set the stage. The Zapotec nation consists of three provinces. The capital of Atlixco on the pacific coast, Tlaxcala on the Atlantic and Tehuantepec beneath them. It is squeezed between the Aztec Empire to the North and the Maya to the south.

King Zaachilla continued with the ancient ritual passed down from his father and his father before him, yadda yadda. Holding the gold and gem encrusted crown over the crystal mountain water. The ritual had never worked, but it was a tradition that his father performed and his father before him, so on and so on.. and simply speaking he didn't want to anger their spirits. Little did he realize he would have another spirit to deal with shortly.

Lucius Cornealius Sulla grumbled to himself as he sat listening to the prattlings of the philosopher Zeno of Citium. He had been listening for ages. Limbo simply was not fun. If he actually listened to the Stoic he would have realized that his fate was already detirmined, but that was one of the many reasons he did not. "Pluto's brow what I wouldn't give to be anywhere but here right now" Sulla snapped. Then suddenly he was gone, leaving a bewildered Zeno in that first layer of hell.
Sulla was a General in the early Roman Republic, around 88 B.C.E.
He went on to become dictator of Rome and was the first to use his army against the Republic for political reasons. Julius Cesaer followed in his footsteps.

as far as Sacking Rome. I doubt it will ever happen, but yeah. Attacking the city and capturing it. Whether I keep it or not is unimportant. Sulla just wants to see "His" City again.
Zaachilla II's eyes widened as a spirit was suddenly manifest before him. The cruel and sharp features of the spirit were nothing like he had ever seen before. Yet he did not run, after all, this ritual was supposed to commune with the gods. And so he asked that famous question "Are you a god?". Lucius Sulla looked around him at the beautiful and untamed wilderness, the sun blazing down from the heavens. He was free of his damnation. Free of Zeno. While this strange man appeared as none he had seen before, he was clearly human. At first he was going to answer no, but a devious smile creeped upon the spectre's visage. "Why yes I am. You have called me haven't you." Zaachilla bowed before the spirit of the once Roman Dictator and spoke once more. "Oh mighty god, what is your name and what can the King of the Zapotec people do for you?". A king, Lucius thought to himself, this just keeps getting better and better. "My name is Sulla. You can serve me. Now, I think we should have a long talk." And so the Ghost and the King walked down the mountain, conversing about the future.

1419: With the little money in the treasury, promotions are made to create Tax collectors. Sulla insisted that the Zapotecs should reform this to get the most out of its citizens. Early on the mighty Aztecs come calling, asking for the Zapotecs to enter into a military alliance with them. At Sullas approval, Zaachilla II goes ahead and agrees. An ally has been made. Though Sulla had different plans.

Feb. 1st, 1420: Troops move into Tampico and are attacked by natives. After a long battle the troops prove greater and crush the natives. The same day a royal marriage between the Aztecs and the Zapotec people is created. As all celebrate, Sulla plans his next move.
As December comes to the region an Agricultural revolution occurs in Tlaxcala, increasing its manpower and population. This proves useful as Sulla begins building up the Army seeing the Aztecs have none of their own.

Dec 1st, 1421: "claim their throne?! You can not be serious.." Sulla glared at Zaachilla for daring to question him. The palace walls began to sweat blood and storm clouds gathered. "We will claim their throne. DO YOU DISOBEY YOUR GOD!" his voice rumbling with supernatural strength. Zaachilla pleaded for mercy and forgiveness and soon accepted the will of his god. Later that day, it was the Aztecs who were shocked as the Diplomats of the Zapotec claimed their throne. Of course the said diplomats bore the brunt of thier anger, but after all they were only diplomats.
The Aztec throne is claimed, Sulla continues with the military build up. In January of 1422 he leaves the alliance with the Aztecs and on March 2nd is invited into a new one by the Maya. It is of course accepted.

Jan 2nd, 1423: War is declared against the Aztecs. The Zapotec quickly rally to the cause, seeking the crown they believe is theirs. The Mayans join the war, though what part they will have is yet to be seen. The two Generals, Coatiquatl and Toltec begin to march, Coatiquatl towards Michocan and Toltec towards the capital of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan. War taxes are raised.

March, 1423: The Aztecs quickly assembled armies prove no match for the brave Zapotec and both cities are soon set under siege. But it seems that Sulla underestimated the sheer building capacity of the Aztecs, as massive armies are assembled.

As summer comes, Rebels attempt to take over Tlaxcala, claiming Sulla as a false god. They are of course crushed and made an example of. As August rolls around, the armies of the Aztecs once again battle with the Zapotec and manage to overpower the tired forces, forcing them from the Aztec capital.

-- More to come hopefully, this might have been a mistake. Damn the Aztecs can build --
They have a bigger manpower pool than you do...I think I would have picked on the Mayans first, if it were me...but the die is cast. Let Sulla the Ghost prevail!
As this war continues I am thinking that I should have picked on the Mayans, these Aztecs seem to have limitless resources. Damn them and their gold. Sulla underestimated them.
I still can't seem to get the subscriptions to show up on my profile though. Hmm.
Do this first:

Then you type in the NAME of your aar:

Zapotec: A Ghost of a Chance

Then you type this:

All this is done and then you save changes. Simple
Thanks for the help those who aided me, you know who you are. Let us see if this works.
It worked. There ya go.
And so the long months of October and november the war continued on. The Aztec army surging into the mountains of Michoacan against Cortiquatl's force. The a desperate battle, the Zapotec legions manage to repell the blood thirsty Aztecs.

With celebrations in the Capital on the early victories, Sulla wonders when the Maya are going to get involved. Even as he sends another servant to the court of the Mayan king, word comes that Cortiquatl was defeated in Michoacan by an even stronger Aztec army. As the new year turns, mixed messages arrive. An army sent back in defeat, but an exceptional economy. Adding a much needed hundred ducats and -5 inflation. Sulla continues to eye the Aztec gold rich lands like a fox hungering over a hen house.

May 1st, 1425: As the vows of Marriage between the Mayan noble and the Zapotec princess are spoken, Zaachilla II and Sulla hope that it may motivate Maya to send forces to war against the Aztecs.

Dec 1425: "trust me, I know a short cut to Mithoacan." The leader of the new assault squadron said as he led the war party through the mountains. As they wandered in uncharted territory, following the leader and his shortcut, many men died from lack of food and adequate supplies. In late december, just as they were about to lose hope they come upon a city of Aztec design. The war leader turns back to his men and gives them a cocky grin, before screaming the war cry of "Attack". His men surge forward and into the city, surprised it was undefended. Upon setting up fortifications he turns to one of the stunned Aztec commoners and asks "Why was Michoacan undefended, reports said that there would be a considerable fight." The commoner shakes his head at the Zapotec. "foolish Zapotec, Michoacan isn't undefended, this is Jalisco." The war leader looks away, knowing he would never here the end of this.

Aztec city of Jalisco is captured. Another army moves to Michoacan and sets up seige. Sulla worries as he watches the increasing growth of the Aztec force in its capital city. Noting that the force has now grown to over 30,000 men strong. More letters are desperately sent to the Mayan leadership, yet they continue to sit on their butts and twiddle their thumbs.

I meant to do more than just this, but something has come up and It seems I must go. This will have to do for now.
The Aztecs are very, very nasty because of their massive manpower pool. Still, if you can capture all their provinces and annex them - why, it becomes YOUR manpower pool.

Any chance of a screenie? And how much knowledge do the Zapotec have of lands beyond the Aztec and Maya?
I am not really certain how I would get a screen shot, as I do not really know how to go about taking one.

As far as knowledge of outside land. The sea is all Terra Incognita. We have knowledge of a few neutral territories south of Maya and a host of neutral land north of the Aztecs. Colorada, Arizona, Utah. We also know of the southern border of the Navaho. But they really aren't important to us at this point.
Put the screen up you want, then press F11 on your keyboard, that will make a screenshot and it will save it in the Europa Universalis folder on your computer. Putting it on the web is something else all together, I'm sorry I can't help you on that one.
The Zapotec settlers moved along the beach, dragging large wagons of supplies behind them. The great eastern gulf sparkled blue green as the sun slowly set and they could tell by the warm breeze that winter was slowly giving way to spring. Even though a war went on to the west of them, strict orders from the king were given to begin settlement in this region. The Zapotec merely shrugged, it was nice enough and would make a fine place for the yearly volleyball compititions.

March 15th, 1426: A new colony in Tampico is established.

Coming in from the daily swim, Zachgillian noticed fire coming from the settlement. With his bare feet padding across the sand he ran towards what was to one day be Tampico city. Fires blazed upon the buildings, sending plumes of mightnight smoke up into the night sky. Bodies of his kin lay everywhere, but before he had a chance to really process that he was dead. An bronze sword snapping the bone in his neck and nearly taking his head from his body. The natives of Tampico didn't like to share.

May 21st, 1426 - Tampico colony utterly destroyed by natives.

From the month of September 1426 to December 1428 the Aztec and Zapotec forces meet in various battles throughout Aztec territory. Michoacan falls to a Siege led personally by the King and his Spirit companion, Sulla. The capital of Tenochtitlan is also put under seige after a massive battle in late novemeber and another in december. The Mayans have yet to get involved, but it is beginning to look like such will not be needed.

"I got to stop saying things like that." Sulla comments to Zaachillas as he gets word that the forces around the Aztec capital were forced to retreat before a superior Aztec army. Sulla glared to the south were the Maya people sat doing nothing and swore he would remember this.
Jan 16th, 1429: Zapotec force is defeated outside Aztec capital. The commander is captured by the Aztecs and ritually executed.

After many years of fighting with the Aztecs a peace is forced upon the failing Zapotecs. Needing to recoop, they accept the Aztec peace offering of 245 Ducats/gold coins/shiny things on Feb 2nd, 1430. This of course is not a moment to soon, because in may and june of that same year a plague sweeps Tlaxcala killing 1,000 men, women and children. Sulla brushes this aside, still wanting the gold of the Aztecs for himself and knows the Michoacan province is the key to Aztec defeat and the Empire he craves.

In 1432 another botched attempt of a Tampico colony is made. The vicious natives will have none of that and decide to kill everyone. More reasources down the drain.

April 30th, 1433: A new colony in Tampico is set up, but this time the Army is in place to back up the settlers. The natives don't seem to want to play anyone. Good.

Dec. 1433: Our diplomat is caught between the sheets with several Mayan ladies. Scandal in the court of Maya spreads like wildfire. Later the next year, Sulla decides he wants to Annex Maya. Zaachillas, knowing that the Zapotecs are still recovering from the last war, smiles and nods at his Spirit lord, but doesn't really make any effort to do anything about Sulla's newest fickle desire.

1437: The Zapotec warrior clutched his side, fresh blood drizzling through his fingers. The Natives of Tampico were apparently only buying their time. Glancing back to the settlement, he watched it go up in flames. He knew that the powers that be would not tolerate this though and looked forward to a rematch with the Tampico savages. Level three colony destroyed, but a level one colony is soon reestablished a little to the north of the old location.

1439: A disagreement between two farmers, one Zapotec the other Aztec turns into a huge boundry issue. Not really having the spare cash on hand to settle the issue with peace, Sulla insists that the issue is pressed. This of course grants him the Casus Belli he was looking for. Military build ups begin once again.

1440: Zaachillas II sat down in the royal chamber with the Mayan Diplomat. "Now are you sure that if we renew this military alliance that you will come to our aide next time. We don't want another incident like the last war." Hearing the Kings words, the Mayan diplomat merely smiled and gave him a firm nod. "Oof courrse, Oof courrsee.. We promise." Military alliance with the Mayans renewed as preparations to go to war with the Aztecs over the two Farm dispute of '39 continues.

1441: Tampico finally becomes a city. As the finances of the Zapotec state decrease, Sulla desperately urges a war, knowing that he can then bump up Taxes. Cantonments established in Tlaxcala, granting much needed manpower increase just in time.

Late in 1443 the meddlesome Zapotec Philosopher Cuillio is approached by palace guards. When they move to arrest him, he merely shakes his head and pulls out a small stone tablet. Confused the guards look over it, there eyes widening in surprise. A full pardon to continue with his meddlesome ways. To the surprised guards, Cuillio merely says "Innovation, that is the key" and continues on his way.

1446: As if problems are not bad enough, a political crisis hits the Zapotec state, followed by a plague in 1448 knocking stability down a couple pegs. Yet unwilling to wait any longer, Sulla declares war on the Aztec Empire after breakfast (not that he could enjoy one, being a ghost and all) on Feb 1st, 1449. To our "Great surprise" the cowardly, spineless Mayans dishonor their military agreement. Leaving the Zapotec alone to face the Aztec once again. A victory and a defeat come early in the wall, Michoalans defenders failing but the capitals holding out and repelling our invasion.

Jan 1st, 1450: Zaachilla the II dies of a heart-attack after a three hour long rant about the Maya to his son. Young Zaachilla the III rises to the throne. Sulla of course makes it clear who is really in charge. Or does he....

yeah, he does. No question there.
Well, I have played ahead of what I have posted, so ... I know what happens, but I will say this much, the Zapotecs exist till at least 1470.