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May 31, 2003
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Very Hard, Ferious, 1.07 patch

Im going to play this game as a normal game with no goals but to play. This is not a world conquest game but a game that will be realistic.
Part One- The First Step to Glory

"Österreich ist wach!" Albert V after being crowned King of Austria on Christmas Day, 1426

The King is Crowned a Duke

"My son come close to me" whispered the dieing man

"Yes father tell me your wishes for Austria" the young man said clearly

"Times are changing and a new system of diplomacy, war, and ruling a country has replaced the old ways"

"You must rule wisely and adapt to these changes but for you to abtain glory for Austria you must change the rules"

"Aufstieg Österreich in Ruhm!" yells the dieing man

*the young man walks out of the room*

"My father is dead, I am the new Duke of Austria!"

The Beginning

In 1404 one of the greatest monarchs in Austrian history came to the throne as the last Duke and first King of Austria. His name was Albert V of Austria and during his reign he would lead Austria into its starting position in the race of power and glory.

From 1404 to 1419, Albert V, reformed Austria's military and economy. A new Imperial Guard to protect Austria and the Habsburg family. By 1419, Albert V, prepared to follow his fathers words and his own ambition, he met with his council on Janurary 1st, 1419.

The Council Meeting

"I wanted to call you all here today to discuss the future and the state of Austria" annouced Albert V

"Give me your reports first"

"Well sir the economy is stable but trade is non existant and we heavily rely on low taxes from a small population" reported Jacob von Steinmark[economic advisor]

"Our taxes are fine for now and I will attend to the trade issue soon" said Albert V

"Our military sir is armed and equiped with the best weapons and equipment, the Imperial Guard numbers 40,000 professional soldiers and they are all stationed in Vienna" reported John von Salzburg[military advisor]

"I want you to prepare the Imperial Guard as soon as you leave" commanded Albert V

"Yes...Yes Sir" said the John von Salzburg

"What is the status of the people?" asked Albert V

"The people are happy and 100% loyal to you and the Habsburg family" declared Lord Weinberg

"Alright now I wish to discuss the future of this country" said Albert V

"On his death bed my father told me to rise Austria to glory and for 15 years I have tryed my best to do that. Even when my father died before I was old enough to rule he knew I was the right one to rule Austria and he trusted in me his dreams for his beloved country. Austria has a powerful army but it has no navy and were are landlocked and with such powerful neighbors as Hungary, Bavaria, Bohemia, etc we must rise Austria with all our might, skill, and will above our neighbors."

"I sent a diplomat to King Sigismund of Hungary with a proposal for an alliance three weeks ago, I recieved a reply yesterday"

*reads reply out loud*

To the powerful Duke Albert V of the Duchy of Austria

In recent months, Hungary, has been embroiled in war with Venice the rival of Austria. I was happy to see that you wanted to join my glorious alliance and enter the war against the Venicians. I await your Austrian army in Istria in a few months.

Signed King Sigismund of Hungary

"We are now at war with Venice and at the first step of Austria's great rise to glory and power" declared Albert V

The council talked for a few more hours and then dismissed.
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Part 2-The First Istria War[1419-1424]


In honor of the alliance with King Sigismund of Hungary the Austrian Imperial Guard invaded the Venician coastal province of Istria. Albert V wanted to conquer the province himself and establish a navy.

The Invasion

"Damn this rain!" yelled the Colonel

"At this rate the Hungarians will arrive in Istria before we even get the army past the border"

"Sir we must discuss war plans" declared the advisor

"Alright, what is the status of he army"

"We have 21,000 men marching into Istria"

"They are all fully trained and equiped"

"Good, once we arrive at he main city of Istria we will siege the province"

From June 12th, 1419-March 16th, 1424 the war was silent but thousands died because of poor supply lines. Before Istria fell the war ended with Austria gaining nothing, it would be the start of deteriating relations with Hungary.
it would be the start of deteriating relations with Hungary.

To bad, they are a great ally and a key to easy dommination of the region. :)