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Not so idle
Apr 19, 2003

"Oh, salty sea, how much of your salt
Are tears from Portugal!
For having crossed you, how many mothers cried,
How many sons have in vain prayed!

How many wifes never married
For you to be ours, oh sea!
Was it worth it? Everything is worthwhile
If you don't have little soul.

He who wants to sail away from the Bojador
Also has to sail away from pain.
God to the sea danger and abyss gave
But the skies reflected on him."

(Fernando Pessoa)

Lisboa, 31th December, 1418 A.D.

This is an unique moment for our nation, Your Majesty. Long time ago we expelled those hatefull and ifidel moors from the lands of our beloved Lusitanian country. Yes, they stayed here for a long time, but more than two hundred years ago we expelled them. You know it all very well, because you've been king for almost fourty years!

We have an unique position and situation here in western Europe. Look: the English and the Francs are at war since the beginning of last century! The german cities always fight each other, and so do the italian cities; even our beloved pope does so! Our blood-brothers in Castille are still fighting the moors - thanks God we aren't! Our blood-brothers in Aragon are always in trouble within the italian cities. The former vikings, the scandinavians don't stop fighting the russian cities and the german cities. Those hated turks are in trouble with the balkan states, the independent turkish states who got freedom after their civil war, and the cities of Venice and Constantinople, who still calls themselves as The Byzantine Empire, or even The Roman Empire!

Although at peace, my lord, we didn't sleep. We helped our fisherman to improve their fishing navy, and they started to go further and further into the sea. Hunting fish, they discovered the archipelago of Azores, very far away from our coast, and the Canarian Islands, near the african coast. Unfortunatelly, we had to give the Canarian to the castillans, but we have found a new colony in The Azores, the village of Angra do Heroísmo. And we produce sugar cane there, an appreciated good that comes from the Indies and are traded at high price by the Venetians!

It seems, Your Majesty, that everything produced in the Indies can be sold at high price here in Europe! We'd better produce them, or buy at lower price and sell it here. You know what I talk about: sugar, spice, coffee and so on!

But what do we have? We're a poor country with only the sea bordering us. If we want the Indies, we need to conquer the sea! Let's find a route to the Indies by the sea! Let's improve our navy!

Our expansion and conquest has already started. We are at war with the moors in thieir own homeland, the so-called sultanate of Morroco. Our spies grabbed the information that they know the path to the Indies. We shall teach them a lesson! General Pereira has already started the Holy War...

Welcome to my first AAR. This is a tale about the portuguese glory. You know, they were born to rule the seven seas, and they shall do that!

Do not expect very much storywise characters and gameplay. I'm no expert on portuguese history, although being brazilian and loving history. There is an immortal advicer called Araujo, who advices the kings on everything. If needed, I'll also add some invented characters. Reforcing, this is NOT an historical gameplay.

I'm no expert in writing in English, so if I make any writting mistakes, please PM me and I'll be glad to fix. I was also thinking (and Lord Durham supported the idea) of making a billingual AAR, thus also writting in portuguese, but it would prove to be so much work for me.

This AAR is based on a Grand Campaign in the 1.07 patch with the 11th May beta along with EEP v1.4. Normal difficulty, Agressive agressiveness level. Forced annex on, no dynamic missions.

The objectives and rules:

- Control the trade in the Indies, by grabbing as much Centers of Trade as possible there.
- Be peacefull and friendly with Castille (and Spain, if it formes). If needed for our security, ally with them.
- Stay as away as possible from the European Affairs.
- If they prove to be a real trouble to the christendom, as they were in real history, make a cruzade against the Mameluks and Ottomans.
- Only discover Brazil with Pedro Álvares Cabral.
- Mantain a great navy and don't care much about the army.
- No cheating, no file editing unless mentioned and justified.
- Offensive war, only with low BadBoy rating and if sure of winning. And no offensive war against christians.
- Only colonize "the Indies" (everything eastern of east Africa, including it) when discover the sea path to India.

The rules are not here to be followed strictly. If the story seems better when I break one rule (except for cheating), I will break it.

The only modification I made in the scenario was to give Infra 1 to Portugal, to reflect the fact that, by that time, was the only true organized state in western Europe, and the only one with a true centralized government. Also, the starting fleet had 18 warships; I changed it to 10 warships and 8 galleys.

Any advices are always welcome.
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Some screenies

I'd like to thank you that started reading my AAR. Now I'm gonna put the first EU2 screenshots of my life. Let's see how it works! :D

First chapter comming soon.

Portuguese starting possesions and cores


Portuguese starting "normal situation"


European starting political situation

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A fine start Anibal. Keep up the excellent work!
Chapter I: D. João I

Chapter I

King João I (Jan/1383 - Aug/1433)

ADM = 7
DIP = 8
MIL = 5

Treasury = 900d
Stability = +3
Inflation = 0%

Land = 1
Naval = 2
Trade = 2
Infra = 1

DP sliders:
Aristocracy = 7
Centralization = 4
Innovative = 2
Mercantilism = 9
Offensive = 5
Land = 1
Quality = 5
Serfdom = 7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lisboa, 1st January, 1419 A.D.

- Father, I want your permission to head a cruzade againt the morrocan infidels. I shall teach them a lesson!

- Henrique, General Pereira is already there. Go as an assistant of him and follow his orders!

- Reports say that Pereira's 15000 men and 7000 cavalrymen, while besieging Ceuta, are in the iminence of being attacked by the morrocan commander Yahya Al-Watasi, leding 19000 men. So, you'd better let me lead the 5000 cavalrymen based here in Lisboa on our task in Morroco.

- What do you think, Araujo? - the king asked.

- Let's order our navy to take Henrique with the cavalry to aid Pereira in Morroco!

- So do it, my son. May the morrocan pay tribute to the true God!

While Henrique travels along with the portuguese navy, Pereira shows the portuguese might and defeat the Yahya Al-Watasi army, forcing him to retreat to Fez. While that...

- In order to prepare our country for the conquests, I make now a reform. Let's enforce the central government on the provinces and give privileges to the merchants and artesians. We need that to increase our income and control over our country - the king ordered.

- The nobleman won't be happy with that, my lord! They are thretening to revolt against you! And it's even worse because we are at war!

- No problem. If they revolt, the Holy Inquisition will take care of them, because I'm sent by God to rule Portugal, and they would show to be infidel!

- Okay. I agree with you. Let's reform!

And then King João I makes his social revolution.

While arriving at Ceuta to help General Pereira on the siege, infante Henrique sends a letter to his father. He asks - and his father agrees - to build the Escola de Sagres, a naval school in the province of Algarve. He spents 200 ducats on founding it, calling teachers and sailors from all over Europe to work and teach there. Also a naval manufactory is founded there. He wants to increase the ways and knowledge to expand overseas.

2nd April:

- The castillans accepted our offer; now we have an alliance with them, and they are going to help us on our cruzade! This is good, since Morroco's ally, Tlemcen, is defeating our navy. - Araujo said.


- King, we have noticed that Ceuta has fallen! We now control the city.

in Morroco...

- Henrique! Follow me with the infantry and I'll be ahead with the cavalry on our way to Fez. Let's destroy Yahya Al-Watasi!

- And then we shall besiege and take Fez, Pereira!

- Okay. And we have reports that the Castillan are defeating Tlemcen's navy.

General Pereira defeats Al-Watasi, and the morrocan leader dies in the battle for Fez. The city falls in June, 1420. The Portuguese army now heads torward Morroco's countryside and the Portuguese Fleet blocades the city of Oran (of Tlemcen) with the aid from the castillan fleet. Tlemcen's navy is destroyed.

On 6th November, 1421:

- King, Pereira reported that we took control of all Morroco, and that castillan army landed in Tlemcen. He managed to impose his terms on a peace, and now we have the city of Ceuta belonging to our empire! He also paied 25d in tribute and will pay an yearly tribute as our vassal.

- What about the path to the Indies?

- The moors trade with them, but they don'n know how to reach there. From time to time caravans arrive in Morroco, but no one knows the path they go.

- And what about the castillans?

- We signed a separated peace. The castillans are still at war. We made that because we also want them to get something, knowing they are doing very well.

- Okay, Araujo! That's really nice! Now I order the Holy Inquisition to head to Ceuta and bring the people to the one-true faith! And, since there are some unhappy peasants here because of the war, let's send them to colonize The Azores.

- True. Now our fleet of 10 warships, 5 galleys and 5 transport ships stays at Ceuta, and our army was reduced to about 5500 infantrymen and 6500 cavalrymen. We don't need to recruit more.

On 1st January, 1424:

- King, a soldier of the royal guard want to talk to you.

- Send him here.

- Hello. My name is Fernando de Castro. I heard about our success in Africa, and I want your permission to explore African countryside.

- Are you crazy to do that alone?

- I want to bring some cavalrymen with me. Rumors are that a nice good, Ivory, can be produced and traded there. I want to check it out and help bringing glory to Portugal!

- This is very risky, Fernando! But, you are allowed. I'll order the navy to bring you to Ceuta, and there take 4000 cavalrymen. Then, the navy will deploy you south of Morroco and the you are ORDERED to start exploring!

- Thank you. I shall leave now!

While that, Castille signed peace with Morroco, now owning the city of Taroudant (Sahara province).

On 24th October, 1425:

- Majesty, reports from Fernando de Castro tell that we found Ivory!

- Let's build a colony there, to produce ivory. And stablish trading posts everywhere we can!

So, Angouche was founded in Senegal.

Starting 1426:

- Diego de Silves, take these three caravels and find a sea route to Angouche! Cross the Cape Bojador and then explore the african coast - D. Henrique ordered.

- For that I need to use the Canaries as a supply base... - Diego alerted.

- The castilland granted military acess to us; you can and shall do that!

September 1426:

- Our reports tell that Diego found the sea route to Angouche.

- My son is very pleased to know, I can assure you! And I'm also! The conquest of the sea has started...

- Too early to say that! But, every step is important. And I also want to tell you that the Holy Inquisition was succesfull on converting the people in Ceuta.

- I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT! Wow! I thought they would revolt and fight our army there! Let's have a party! We expelled the infidels from Ceuta!

10th March, 1430: Diego de Silves dies in a skirmish while exploring what he thinks to be islands near Angouche. Reports tell that Fernando de Castro died in a battle with natives in Africa. One year after, General Pereira dies of old age.

Starting 1433:

- Gil Eanes, continue the work of Diego de Silves! Go, explore the african coast and see what kind of islands we have near Angouche! Take these three caravels and go! - D. Henrique ordered.

- Okay! I do it now. I love the sea!

- And confirm the rumors that there are some local kingdoms near us in Africa.

King joão dies on 15th August of very old age. His long reign lasted fifty whole years. He spent his last days enjoying the rising of a new empire. The only problem with him is that he doesn't know how to call his son: Henrique the Cruzader or Henrique the Navigator?
Originally posted by Amric
A fine start Anibal. Keep up the excellent work!
Thank you, Amric. You know, I also like your AAR!

RMB, nice AAR of yours, too! Yes, as Portugal we need to havily colonize. We can't afford a huge army to conquer all the heatens...

Well, let's put a 2nd round of screenshots.

New Portuguese possessions in Africa, and new discovered lands


European politial situation by August/1433

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Another fine installment, Anibal! Colonies are good if you can get them up and truly running well in Africa. Although a judicious amount of force to take a coastal province from Africans couldn't hurt to some extent. Just don't expand to quickly. You have to defend what you have, and Portugal's low manpower to start with will hamper you for a little while. Don't let it stop you, but just be careful.
Originally posted by Phalanx
I've never read a Portuguese AAR. Good luck.
WHAT!? You haven't read Portugal or Bust: The Director's Cut? Gold Medalist for Best AAR of the year? :mad: :mad: ;) Featuring a cast of thousands, and more importantly... Trixie? :p

Anibal, great start to your AAR. Keep up the good work. :cool:
LD, I haven't seen anything lately on the Arzawhan Chronicles....:)
Originally posted by Amric
LD, I haven't seen anything lately on the Arzawhan Chronicles....:)
Been awfully busy, but next week I'm on holidays... so, I promise. :)

Anibal, did I tell you how good your AAR was? :)
Originally posted by Phalanx I've never read a Portuguese AAR. Good luck.

You must read LD's classic then! Trixie is far and away the greatest creation on these boards. From start to finish, Portugal or Bust is one of the best I have seen on these boards!

Imagine a person on these boards who hasn't met Trixie. What a thought!
Originally posted by Judas Maccabeus
Am I the only one who read Portugal or Bust and didn't like it? :(
Well, it does appeal to those who have a sense of humour... ;) :)
I LIKED it....but I read it long after it was over....