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Oh energy where art thou?
Feb 2, 2003
Okey folks, it's time fore my very first AAR, so don't complain to much :)

I will play as The kIngdom of Naples . The Goal is to unite Italy (eie, All Provinces whit italian Culture) under the flag of Naples (exceppt the pope, who will be ruled as a vassal. I don't want every chatolic nation to have a CB on me...)

My Enlgish sucks, so please, have patience and don't get that frustrated :D

Well, the first uppdate will come after some days, and expect slow uppdates after that. Enjoy.
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Originally posted by R.F.A
Okey folks, it's time fore my very first AAR, so don't complain to much :)

I will play as Venice . The Goal is to unite Italy under the flag of Venice (exceppt the pope, who will be ruled as a vassal. I don't want every chatolic nation to have a CB on me...)

My Enlgish sucks, so please, have patience and don't get that frustrated :D

Well, the ferst uppdate will come after some days. Enjoy.

Good Luck R.F.A. I will look for it.
Originally posted by R.F.A
Thanx :( And..eeehm.. BTW, as i am completly new to AAR´s i have never bothered whit learning this whit screenies.. so.. how to take´em and how to post...?:eek:


here is where you want to go to learn all about screenies. When in game hit F11 and it saves the screen shot into your EUII folder.

There are lots of links for new writers, definately worth paging through over a cup of coffee if your going to do an AAR.

Good Luck,


**edit: scroll to the second post on that thread for multiple links for screenies.
Lol, I still dont, I got a friendly poster to help me with it. Anyways good luck, I love playing Italian games. Watch out for the French, they always seem to be pesky when your playing Italy.
Originally posted by LordLeto
Lol, I still dont, I got a friendly poster to help me with it. Anyways good luck, I love playing Italian games. Watch out for the French, they always seem to be pesky when your playing Italy.

The french are pesky no matter who I play for some reason

Good luck RFA
Not in central asia, well, yet.....
did you change the country your playing as, cause i coulda sworne you said venice last night....
Originally posted by R.F.A
Darn. The ******* game crashed... :mad: :mad: :mad:

Remember when ever you stop a game get your history log and save it somewhere on disk or your hard drive. When you start over it will erase the old log, I personally use the logs to write my AAR's without them I would be lost.
My personal favorite Italian state is Genoa. In perfect position to strip Aragorn of its Italian possesions.
LordLeto- I have played all Italian minors except naples, and my own Favourite is Milan(unite the north Italians :D)

jwolf- oh. Just started a new one, and i have even begun to write the AAR, so.. thanx, but no thanx :)