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Sometimes They Come Back
Aug 20, 2002
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Another lengthy hiatus is about to end! My schedule over the last month or so has been absolutely insane, and my ability to keep writing here has suffered accordingly. With the semester (and year) almost over, I'm planning something big for my return. This is it.

Basically, I'm ripping off the genre of "drunken play until you can't keep going" AARs pioneered by Mr. T. I actually enjoyed both of those a lot, and I want to give it a shot. Needless to say, I've been training hard for this. :D

Rules and so on

Firstly I'm open to any suggestions for new rules and changes.

The game will get under way this Saturday at 8 pm central time and continue until my cognitive and motor functions have collapsed to a point where further posting is impossible

The country is Moscowy, the version is 1.5, the difficulty is normal/normal. Nothing too difficult, considering the other stipulations.

Each session will be a drink, five years of game play and a post in thirty minutes time.

The drink will be vodka straight up.

The posts will not be spell-checked or edited for clarity in any way. Part of the fun will be watching my basic English skills erode over the course of the evening.

Actual Game strategies and goals:

1) Become Russia (pretty obvious, and won't be hard to do or anything).

2) Muck around in the steppes and Baltic.

3) Try to create historical Russia (Siberian corridor, etc.)

4) Pick lots of fights.

5) Give Sweden a sound thrashing.

6) Keep Quality low, Land as high as possible. Maintain huge armies and rely on general winter to defeat technologically superior enemies.

7) Win on points

That's what I've got so far. I've got a few days to finish my school work and start training (with "end of the school year" parties on Thursday and Friday) and then it will be on like the proverbial neckbone.

I'd love to hear suggestions and advice about any of the above!
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Originally posted by Stroph1
Great, another drunken blast. Will you be taking any direction from your readers in the form of a Duma or something during the game play?

It sounds like a good idea to me. Chances are good that after the first few hours my decision-making skills won't be where they probably should be.
Great, I have felt that something is missing ever since the demise of Mr T as the King of drunken AAR. I will definitely read but unfortunately I will probably not be able to follow you on line due to restrictions at home regarding use of my computer at nights. :D
Judge and Gaijin de Moscu: Glad to have you aboard, if only in spirit! Hopefully I'll be able to last long enough that you'll get to check out my misadventures in semi-real time.

I've been mapping out the time and proposed intake in my head...I'm thinking anything less than a 12 hour run would be pretty disappointing. That's a lot of vodka, though. I'm wondering how the time will mitigate the alcohol. Usuaully I do all my drinking in a very short window of time, so it should be interesting to see how this plays out.

Another little update: I've purchased a new shot glass for the occasion and am now in the process of getting the needed spirits and mixing ingredients.

My opening strategy is going to be the traditional Moscowy opening: join in the partitioning of Novgorod. I'm also planning to try to use diplomacy a little better than I usually do...maybe unite the Russian minors in an anti-Kalmar/Poland/Lithuania alliance, with an eye on future diploannexation.

Any suggestions or tips for strategy are welcome and encouraged. That especially includes "marathon drinking" strategies. :D
First off the important question. What brand Vodka will you be drinking? It must be one of the better brands and since your playing Muscowy I think Stoylichnia is the way to go. Second don't mix it with anything. Just a straight shot. Less of a hangover that way. So you're going to be doing about a shot every 30 minutes? You should be able to handle that easily. :D Starting on an empty stomach or full? Makes all the difference in the world you know. Good luck. I won't be able to be here but I'll toast you with my own glass of Gray Goose vodka.:cool:

Originally posted by Storey
First off the important question. What brand Vodka will you be drinking? It must be one of the better brands and since your playing Muscowy I think Stoylichnia is the way to go. Second don't mix it with anything. Just a straight shot. Less of a hangover that way. So you're going to be doing about a shot every 30 minutes? You should be able to handle that easily. :D Starting on an empty stomach or full? Makes all the difference in the world you know. Good luck. I won't be able to be here but I'll toast you with my own glass of Gray Goose vodka.:cool:


Thanks for the advice! I hadn't decided on a brand, so I'll take your advice. A little splurging is in order, I think. My only fear of doing straight shots is that the first few are going to be absolutely cringe inducing...on the other hand it will save time and leave one less issue to worry about. Sounds like a plan.

I'm thinking that a full stomach is the way to go...assuming it all stays there, of course. :D I'll probably want to keep eating and drinking lots of water as time passes. It's going to get interesting, there's no doubt about that.

CyBlack: I'm not sure if that's the most advisable course of action. I'd probably need a stomach pump by 1421 or so. :D How about if Denmark annexes Sweden I finish the bottle? ;)

Less than 48 hours to zero hour...I've got an end-of-the-semester party late tonight to start getting my liver back into off season shape. Tomorrow I'll probably sleep until noon and then see about getting some Stoylichnia.
I stand by Joe's advice :D Straight is the best; real Russians never mix. Almost never, that is. And Stolichnaya is maybe one of the better brands available internationally.

If I may recommend a more detailed strategy... 50-gram shots every 30 mins; snack it up with something salty or marinated, with a piece of rhye bread - that's the real Russian style (not the 30-min intervals, of course :D ). One of the choices maybe a bit of red caviar on a bread with a smal piece of butter; another one - marinated or salted wild mushrooms; salted herrings is another one; as is freshly smoked salmon with lemon... etc. I would advise against washing Vodka down with other liquids :)

Maybe additional 30-gram shots when you annex a Russian minor? A rejoicement, so to say.

If a woman is ruling your nation (you may get that far, no?) then you must stand up when drinking. And drink balancing the glass on your elbow :D

If you are sensing that that's not enough getting wasted-wise, and feeling adventurous (venturing into German or Czech lands for example), you may choose to polish it with a tad of beer... but that's a mightily dangerous strategy and should be tried under supervision of experienced Russians. Only. :D

If you are starting to feel the weight, have some butter 10 min before the next shot.

Prepare something fresh and salty to drink the next morning :) Or - beer in the morning helps to get over the hangover (but you should not have any pain of you don't mix during the game).

At any rate, I am looking forward to enjoying your adventure!
When drinking straight shots of anything drink the best you can find. You’ll never get better advice from me about anything. And the full stomach is a very good idea. Something with bulk.:D

One other thing put the vodka in the freezer as soon as you can. When it’s that cold it will go down like greased lighting and taste like a swift kiss from an angel. Or was that a swift kick in the teeth. I can never remember which.

You might think I've traveled this road before and you'd be right.

I agree with Sasha about salty snacks of some sort although I haven’t tried the butter part of it. What’s the butter for? And don’t mix it with beer! The Russians are crazy with some of their drinking habits. When I was in Russian language school in the late 60s I had an instructor who had served in the Tsar’s Imperial Calvary. He used to regale us with some of their drinking contests. Surviving the Russian revolution was child’s play compared to some of the things they did.

Checking in with less than 24 hours before game time...I've been gathering the needed supplies and getting into a state of intense mental preparation!

Gaijin de Moscu: I'll have to try some of the food suggestions. I've got some rye bread in house, and I'll have to see about the salty component. I'm thinking maybe some mushrooms. I'll have to try the butter idea because I've noticed hard liquor often gets heavy in my stomach quickly.

I'm going to institute the partial shot rule for annexing Russian minors. There aren't that many, right? Also, I like the standing/elbow drink technique, but it sounds like something I'd have a hard time pulling off when sober. I'll have to practice it a bit.

Beer and liqour is either never sicker or nothing to fear, but I forget the order so I'm not going to chance it. I've heard "drinking down" is never a good idea, and I'm starting with the hard stuff, so I'll leave that to professionals!

Storey: I'm definitely going to have a large meal going in, and the refrigeration idea makes sense to me. Maybe a numbing effect will set in faster if it's cold enough. :D

No beer, but I'm giving the dietary advice a shot...it will lend extra authenticity to the experience, if nothing else. I think a diary product like butter or milk coats the stomach, but that's just a guess on my part.

Tonight I'll sleep well, because tomorrow it will be time to get this going. I'm going to rise early, finish my shopping, and then take a midday nap. Hopefully I will start refreshed and ready to go!
Originally posted by Storey
I agree with Sasha about salty snacks of some sort although I haven’t tried the butter part of it. What’s the butter for?


It's supposed to cover the walls of that thing that digests the food (forget the name) - which makes the vodka slower to dissolve into your blood. Which means - you stay sober longer :) when everyone around you are drunk...
Sounds like an interesting idea... where is the 1st post? :)

Storey, don't talk about vodka, you are not Russian :)

Gaijin de Moscu, real Russians do mix - whenever they smarten up from too many hangovers :) Took me ten years, but I did :) Now I have 1.75 Stolichnaya at my fridge at work, supported on each side by two 1.75 Baccardi Rum bottles. I mix it with soda (usually grapefruit, as the others kill my diet - another thing a true Russian would never do - be on a diet, until faced with reality of harsh American life. Too much food here).

Now, when we have this point streightened up, I would still recommend straight, but enough pickled tomatoes. Pardon, now I am forgetting myself. As they are hard to get in Kansas, I am dreaming about them every day.

CyBlack, he would go be sober every time Swedish won a battle. I played Muscowy many times - you refuse Swedish a battle for long time, wait till they die off in snow and then ambush them with superior army. Charles XII never shows up at Poltava, but I did get a glimpse of him in Iceland :D
nalivayko: Good to hear from you! The first post (proper AAR post, that is!) will be in a little over four hours at 8 pm central time. After that, half hour updates until I've got nothing left.

I picked up the Stolichnaya...I was a little surprised that it was also available with orange and raspberry flavoring. I choose the standard, of course. I'm looking forward to testing the more expensive = goes down easier proposition later tonight. I picked up some salted mushrooms for authenticy (I hope they're not poisonous or anything :D) but I'll mostly be relying on cashews for the salt. The rye bread is also well stocked. I'm having pizza prior to starting, so that massive caloric intake should help slow down the inevitable.

One other rule change: I decided I could play longer sessions than five years if it seems appropriate (i.e. nothing happening). I want to get to all the fun mother Russia events, after all. I'll have to see how tight for time I am, of course.

I'll be back soon with the first posts!
By my own calculations, this AAR must start now...But it isn't...

Vodka wins every time....:D
It's now time to begin the game! When I finish this post it will be 8 on my clock, and it will be time to get started.

The vodka is chilled, the groceries are neatly arranged, and I'm calm and ready. Once the game gets underway anyone who wants to offer advice in stategy is encouraged to participate. I'll try to post screen shots at regular intervals.

Well, time for the first shot and the beginning of the game! All for Mother Russia!!!!
Hey, I already had a bottle of wine, nothing too hard, it's just 4 a.m. here in Eastern Europe and I am settling in a long wait...

Edit: wake me up if you fall asleep :D