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May 28, 2003
Country: Siebenbürgen
Campaign: Age of Merchantilism
Difficulty: Very Hard / Normal
Goals: Unite Romania... Then "Wing it" afterwards :D
Modifications: Siebenbürgen given German and Romanian culture (on top of their current "Magyar").

Prelude to the First Tale.

In the year 1617, Transylvania, or "Siebenbürgen" (Named after the Saxons' Seven Colonial Forts) was an Ottoman vassal, as was Wallachia and Moldavia.

Gábor Bethlen, the Voivode of Transylvania decided to end the Turkish Vassalization, feeling his people had been under their Tyrrany long enough... But it required an ingenious plan to succeed. He met with the Caliph in Istanbul and told him that he was breaking Vassalation, but told him that the people of Transylvania were still loyal to the Ottomans, and to prove it, he gave him 100 gold ducats; the entire Transylvanian treasury.

The Caliph was not pleased, but he didn't seem as enraged as most of the Voivode's advisors thought he would be. The Voivode then pledged military support for the Ottomans, and asked them to offer the same. the Caliph signed the document in Blood, and the Voivode seemed to have done the same. (It was really pig's blood... thus the document wasn't valid.)

A year later, after the Transylvanians had put together an army of 12,000 men, they declared war on Wallachia. Many Turks still remembered the genocide against Muslims under Wallachia's Voivode, Vlad Tepes, and the Caliph decided to honor the pact and support Transylvania against his Vassals in Wallachia due to popular opinion and his pact of Blood.

the Transylvanian army charged into Wallachia, backed by 30,000 Turks. Once the city was captured, Wallachia was annexed and the Turkish troops weren't permitted inside the city gates.

Outraged, the Caliph vented his frustration and decided to test the Transylvanians. the Caliph declared war on the tiny Catholic nation of Ragusa, and asked for Transylvanian support.

15,000 Transylvanians charged into Ragusa, captured the city for themselves, and demanded 150 gold ducats and Vassalization from Ragusa. Ragusa accepted and became a Protectorate of Transylvania.

The Ottomans tried to capture Ragusa, but thousands died of Attrition every time. They simply couldn't capture the province.

It seemed the Ottomans and Transylvanians were heading for a collision... One that could only end in Defeat for the Voivode, Gábor Bethlen.
Thats the funnest kind, well after that shreded ice in your Icie.....

Making fools of the Ottomans isn't walking on ice. It's like walking on clouds! CERTAIN DOOM:eek:

But seeing how i doubt this AAR will be over soon i am sure them Romanians would find a way out of this mess.
The First Tale of Treachery and the Prequel to Betrayal.

The Ottomans were expecting a Provocation to war... and they got one... To say the very least.

Soon after the war with Ragusa ended with success,
Transylvania declared war on Moldavia...

The Ottomans were preparing to attack Transylvania, but France and their allies declared war on Ragusa. They were all fighting over one province, and their armies kept attritioning to death.

Transylvania invaded Moldova while the Moldavian army invaded Wallachia.

A few months went by and Wallachia fell.

The Voivode's advisors were suggesting Gábor make peace. He would have none of that.

Gábor Bethlen ordered his Advisors to keep quiet or be executed, and explained that all was going according to plan.

The Moldavian army was down to 8,000 men, and could not adequetly siege Hermannstadt, which was a small fort... So within weeks of Wallachia falling to Moldavia, Moldova fell to Transylvania.

Wallachia was a Minimal fort, and took only weeks for the reinforcements to recapture for Transylvania.

The 8,000 Moldavians trying to capture Hermannstadt stayed there, as Moldavia was annexed and added to Größeres Siebenbürgen.


Gábor Bethlen then did something even more controversial...

He spent his entire treasury on improving relations with Austria, and sent an offer to join their alliance. They accepted.

A few weeks later, the Army of Transylvania was ready for war with the Ottoman Empire... The Most Powerful Empire in the Region.
(as you can see, I resequenced the Story from how it actually played out...

War with Moldavia came before the OE dowed Ragusa... But the story is still 100% true as far as the game goes :D)
Are the Austrians really powerful enough to help you?

It looks like you could lose too much of your country before Austria got really involved in the war.
Well, since you put it that way...

The First Tale of Betrayal.

Transylvania promptly declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
Austria and Bavaria kept to the Military Pact and joined the war.
The rest of our allies abandoned us.

We stormed the Black Sea provinces from Bujak down.
Austria and Bavaria, although outnumbered, charged into Hungary.

the Turks were overwhelmed by the Allied Invasion but mounted a counteroffensive into Hermannstadt.

By the Grace of God, we were able to get the Turks out, and continued to expel the Turks from European cities...

Eventually, the Turks were willing to meet our demands, and they left Romanian soil.

The Voivode never got to step foot on the newly captured land, as he died in his sleep the day after the treaty was signed.

The new Voivode, György I Rákóczy, travelled his Nation and surveyed it's beauty.


Within 30 years, Transylvania had United Romania...

But the Hungarians were still enslaved, and we were still landlocked.

The young Voivode felt it was his destiny to free his brethren...

But would the Ottomans be fooled once more, or would the Transylvanians be dancing in front of a Tiger's cage with the door left open?
Be careful, you probably haven't felt the full force of OE. They have a pretty good manpower pool. Good AAR, keep up the good work!
Actually, I was lucky...

Right when I started the next session (yet to be AARed)

The OE had a Civil War...

Look forward to reading that ;)
Originally posted by Friedrich II

But the Hungarians were still enslaved, and we were still landlocked.

I'm a little confused Friedrich II. Do you control Bujak and Dobrudja?
Nice going with the Turks.

Well, yeah, I don't have the ability to have a Navy, so I considered that Landlocked...

It's like.. if Austria annexes Mantua in GC, they still have no ports.
3 cultures have we, but what good is that with Two powerfull neighburs, one who hates us, one who will, both with CB's.

I wanna see how you'll fend them!