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Mar 17, 2003
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Hey peoples... this is my first AAR and its on the dandy country of brandenburg. Ive seen some really great AARs and hope to make a one just as good. Hopefully the Historical Incline people wont get mad at me as i make up personalities for real people, change events and other stuff..ill start it next post.
Here we go

July 20th 1419

King Frederich sat on his throne dozing lightly. Often in the middle of the day he would sit and just doze. Make no mistake, he was no a lazy man but because of his constant insomnia. He had trouble staying awake at times.

He was awoken however at the sound of his guard's voice.

"My liege a messenger from Saxony has arrived." Said the guard
"Hmmm what... oh *Ahem* let him in." The king replied sleepily.

The Messenger was allowed in. The small man was dressed rather shoddily for a messenger but perhaps saxony did not have such wealth to provide decent clothes for their servants.

"My foreign Liege, i come bringing good news to you from Almighty Albrecht The Third, king of great Saxony. He accepts your military proposal." The Messenger spoke loudly feeling small in such a large throne room.

"Wonderful wonderful.. Tell my good friend King Albrecht the III i am overjoyed with the news. Give him my best regards..."
The king said giving his famous smile which made woman swoon.

"Thank you my foreign Liege...' He scurried out of the room as fast as he could as if worried he was being followed.

Those Saxons sure seemed like a nervous lot. Anyway it was time for a celebration!
Next post...i know that one was short but i wanted to start out with something. By the way unmentioned here but Denmark and Brandenburg have had a royal Marriage...
The Madness of The king

June 10 1420
"Those traitorous dog pigs... Those...Bohemians have insulted me for the last Time... To arms my brethren!"

And thus war was declared on bohemia. Amazingly despite the kings obvious madness, the nobility and people supported him (Increase in stability)

Colonel Yorck's Troops arrived in selisia July 14.

On the hilly area, Yorck's scouts spotted the enemy encampment just over on the other side of the hill. Unaware of their presence. The bohemian Troops scouts had been caught and killed when the Yorck's Troops had discovered them. Yorck was a excellent leader. It was foggy that night in the hills. So they climbed to the top of the hill unnoticed by the Bohemians. Only when they heard the brandenburg battle cry did they arm themselves but then the enemy was upon them. Even though Bohemia had more troops. This suprise attack frightened the Bohemians exposing their line and thus they were slain. Yorck Set up siege claiming victory.

There were attacks upon kursten but they sent the bohemian troops running. Silesia's siege defended its self against enemy troops time and time again. Poznan was being sieged by Brandberg because of the alliance the poles had with bohemia. Saxony was fighting sieges although the troops of Brandenburg were not sure of where.

Erz was sieged in bohemia. The alliance of Saxony and Brandenburg were overjoyed by their amazing sucess it seemed that they were winning the war. Although the saxons were a bit put off by Frederich's madness their sucess blotted out their thoughts about his mental state. Frederiech although a brilliant leader was as said before, mad, After the death of his wife. He could not even take care of his own son. He would often run naked through the palace with only his long underwear covering the area below his torso.

News came later the silesia had been finally captured by brandenburg. Of course it was pillaged and assaulted but it was still good none the less.

But then it all seemed to crash down. Polish troops invaded poznan and put siege to silesia.

To stop polish agressian Brandenburg payed for peace to Poland so it could focus merely on Bohemia.

Moravia the province of bohemia was invaded sucessfully and now was besieged. Perhaps there was still hope.

Bohemia Amazingly gave in offering a province to saxony and silesia to Brandenburg. The war was over and technically The Bohemian alliance had lost. All rejoyced and Frederich was seen as mighty hero of Brandenburg. GLORY TO BRANDENBURG!
Thanks for the comments. I hope to crush many more minors before i anger majors. Amazingly my small amount of merchants are doing suprisingly well despite the large loss of money from the treasury. Anyway here we go By the way the date at the top is where the report starts. The whole thing doesnt happen on that one day.
May 2 1423
Things were going excellent. Brandenburg Merchants were making huge sucesses Madgeburg had joined The Brandenburg aliiance with Saxony and things seemed to be going well

But things suddenly went from excellent to horrible. Merchants began to fail and Brandenburg found itself in the clutches of national Bankruptcy. But with the loans cancelled perhaps Brandenburg could make it out alive. The king didnt seem to care. His son however, was becoming a fine young lad and seemed to be almost ready to rule the kingdom.

Information that sweden had warned Brandenburg had reached the public ear and the people were still trying to get out of the economic troubles.

The economy was slowly recovering. It would be a long road ahead but the people were willing to bare the burden. The king began to enforce some laws protecting the rights of the working people against unfair employers. It seemed he truly was mad.
Yay econonomy's doing better!
June 16 1425

The kingdom of Brandenburg continued to grow wealthy. The king's 60th birthday passed and as a gift to him The Duke Of Silesia gave him a gift of a large sum of money which the king gave to the treasury. He was growing old quickly and soon his son would be in charge

Deflation occured helping the economy

Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

Just stay away from Baden and I'll leave you be from now on.

Great AAR. Keep it up (and preferably north ;) )
Thanks for the comments. Sadly however i think the mad king is going to turn is eyes back on bohemia in the future. Thanks for the comments. I plan to add a more plottish type to the aar once i have enough time.. well here we go

August 27 1426

Journal Of Gustavus Nenmuntz Military Strategist of Brandenburg

The king Has declared war once again on bohemia. He accuses them of plotting against us

Despite our good relationship with poland they still vowed to fight us in honor of their alliance with bohemia. Madgeburg dishonored the call to help their allies and was denounced by the king. Saxony however has honored their agreement and vowed to fight until victory is achieved.

We have bohemia undersiege and if everything goes to plan we shall split up bohemia with Saxony. Poland remains a thorn in our side as it sieges Silesia. However i am confident that we will win in the end. However i am worried about lithuania they keep attempting to siege brandenburg's capital. However our armies are well numbered so we can hold them off

Today we have occupied Weilkoploska and are attempting to occupy Krakow thus disabling poland. Everything seems to be going according to plan. Although the king looks highly upon the poles i see nothing worthy in the polish people.

Today we have begun sieging Poznan. The poles are a stupid people. They leave their borders unguarded. Someday i hope to destroy the polish nation and uncover their stupidity for the world to see! My mother always told me never to trust a pole and i never shall! As you know my dear journal, i happen to be of jewish descent and secretly that is my religion. I hope to free the Jews from the ghettos near krakow. Only The King's son knows this and he sympathizes with me. All though i am only but a young man of 23 i will someday show the world the might of the hebrew people...

To victory! We have taken Wielkoploska and now are negotiating with the poles. I hope to take pozan in the name of my Liege King Frederich the first.

Aha! We have finally humilated those poles! We have taken their capital and are burning to the ground. Soon the poles will be out of commission (In case anyone is wondering how i have so many troops. I got a lot of Gifts from nobles and other countries and i hired mercanaries)

Bah! They King has told me to retreat from polish lands and we have given in to a plain white peace. He truly is a madman. Austrian forces (Austria's alliance was also fighting the polish alliance) have almost completed a siege in bohemia's other province. Soon they will be totally occupied.

Amazing. Our king's anger truly knows no bounds. We have been ordered to attacked madgeburg for the betrayal of the alliance.

Of course we have destroyed The defenders of Madgeburg and are now sieging its capital.

For Joy! Victory! we have annexed Bohemia! The war is won! Now unto the traitorous pigs of Madgeburg!

Pommern has declared war on us! I am shocked! We have been ordered to defend our land from Pommern Invasion. Saxony has vowed to fight the pommern scum until the end.

Pommern has asked for peace. Apparently they do not want to go through a full out invasion of Brandenburg. Hooray!
I Hope you liked the last report. That man who wrote that journal is having a big part of this AAR same with his sons and grandsons. My brandenburg Campaign is going great. Anyway here we go.
Journal of Jacob Gutensav Diplomacy Advisor to King Frederich The I

September 2 1430

Great celebration rings throughout our country poland has left the dying Polish Alliance and has Joined The saxon-Brandenburg alliance. The king is bedridden and is very sick. We are prepared for you young son to become king. He is stark raving mad talking of Angels and devils speaking to him. I must have a meeting with the clergy to discuss the possibility of possesion. I am a religious man and believe in such things. May the lord have mercy on his tortured soul.

Since the king is sick so Gustavus Nemnuntz is in command of the armies. Because we have joined with Poland he seems to be rather down at the moment
Journal Of Gustavus Nenmuntz Military Strategist of Brandenburg

December 3 1432

To arms my brothers! Bohemia has declared its independance from Brandenburg but we will fight back and claim victory once again over these bohemians!

The King has gone into a coma and i have been named Commander of All in Bohemia for Young prince is still a tad bit to young to be and king and since his father is still alive ive been entrusted with the crown's responsibilites. I do believe after this i will declare war on Pommern so we have acess to the sea. As you know its been a month since Sebastian my son was born and i am in high spirits. To be father is great ahem...now i have some work to do.

While we're sieging Bohemia i decided to commence with war on pommern. While other Nations do not like this i do not care. I will do what is best for my country.

We are sieging the pomnern capital and soon the small coast will be ours! Onward to victory!

Saxony invited mecklanburg to join our alliance and we accepted. The alliance Saxon-Brandenburg alliance is drawing to a close as it expires soon the current year 1434

We have Annexed Pommern and now have access to the sea! Victory!
Journal Of Gustavus Nenmuntz Military Strategist of Brandenburg


Alas! War never seems to leave our land Austria has declared war on us. Our allies are faithful and we will fight to the bitter end! To war my brethren, to war!

We are heading to the brandenburg/Austrian border in order to stop them! I am heading the command myself.

We have moravia under siege (Austrians took this land from bohemia in the original Bohemian/Brandenburg war) Bohemia we have declared is seperate from us and have given its independance. I hope once this is over to reclaim bohemia. For now let them think they are free...


We have recieved reports that the saxon capital has been under siege for a month and are now heading to liberate it.

January 1437

The austrian alliance is numerous and many enemies have attacked but we have prepelled them. Baden and wurzberg have both attacked but they failed against the superior forces of Bradenburg. We have captured moravia and are now taking more provinces from austria. Those swine pigs called the swedish have declared war on us as well. We might be drowned in blood but we will still fight!

Our navy (yes we have a navy) Beat back the swedish barely! Wurzberg was paid so they would no longer fight. We will spill much austrian blood before the battle is won.

September 1437
We have a white peace with sweden and its allies (which included Denmark and Norway) Not much fighting going on at the front although we expect there to be some soon.

October 1437
The war will be soon over. The austrian capital is sieged. We dont expect to take it we only wish to use it as a barganing chip for peace.

I decided to be lenient on Austria and give them peace if they pay us. We will have revenge later. Our alliance will be running out soon and i have a score to settle with poland.
Nice laconic style :)

Keeps it snappy.
Nice AAR Perfect reading for my lunch break. Agree on that you have found a good style of writing as well:D
Thanks for the comments. Although im sorry to say that i plan my next one to be more novelish. It amazes me i have gotten so far with brandenburg despite my aggressive stance.

Journal of The Archbishop of Brandenburg Paul Constatine

may 1439

Today is a day of joy! The byzantium has changed her heretic ways and has joined the catholic fold! However relationships between the Holiness and Brandenburg are beginning to deteriorate. I believe this is caused by that Pigdog Gustavus. He is commander of All Of Brandenburg until the prince becomes elegible to be king. He ignores my advice and continues to insult the papacy paying no heed to the warnings. Judgement day will be a sad day for him.

September 1440

Alas, The King has died and now his Son Frederich II is the lord of brandenburg. Gustavus stepped down from his position as lord but is head of all Armies of Brandenburg. I fear he has too much hold over the new king. The new king will hopefully not go mad like his father. He seems twice as ambitous.

December 1440
The venetian Alliance has declared war on us. I pray to the lord almighty that we do not die...
Journal of Gustavus High Commander of All of Brandenburg

September 1440
Right at the beginning of the war. Saxony has dishonored its alliance. I believe as soon as i have time. I will destroy them. The New king agrees with me. He says it is time to show them who is the true power. I do not expect this war to last long.

May 1441
Those Saxon Dogs! They have joined with Austria. As soon as i settle this war with venice i'm going to destroy saxony. Death to the tyrants!

November 1441
Those saxon dogs have declared war on us. We must quickly take their capital and force them out of the war. We must attack austria quickly as well to force them out. Luckily there are many revolts going on in Saxony so they should be easy to take. Onward to victory!

November 1442
The war is has been going on for about a year. We have taken Erz and Moravia. We are negotiating as i speak. The king has great faith in me. The poles are actually being useful for once.