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Lucius Sulla

Dark Lieutenant of Sauron
52 Badges
Oct 23, 2002
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A not quite World of Darkness AAR


- Patch: 1.06 Beta 3 (Beta 4 now)
- Difficulty: Very Hard / Normal
- No exploit allowed.
- Will not colonize in any way before 1700.
- Never attack without a CB.
- Change the rules if it is narratively appropiate.


- Trying to mantain a coherent historic feeling, despite the fantastical theme. Never rushing to grab minors, holding myself.
- Grabbing as much german and baltic cultured provinces as possible.

Some clarifications:

This AAR will use elements and background from the world of Vampire: the Mascarade in a partial and interested way.

I don't pretend to offer a history completely set in this world of darkness (as it is called) but will offer my own world of darkness, more fitting to my history and the things I like for my narration.
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Just coming back from an RPG meeting, playing Vampire, I was happily surprised to see this little AAR! Talk about deja vu! :D

I expect to see lots of pointy teeth, piercing of necks and Obtenebration tentacles. ;)
You goal should be to kill Vlad the Impailler. And some were-wolves, they're out to get you.
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Well, the main theme of the story will be the hidden fight during the centuries of two powerful methuselahs (that is, very ancient, milenium old vampires). The pacing will be slow like in a chess game, the plans subtly, the massacres bloody.

I will try to restrict the specific terms of Vampire to the minimum, many times changing things for narration sake. Since the prologue and the first chapter are already out in Spanish, that means I will translate them as soon as I can (as well as my next chapter for my Stories of Spain AAR), today... remember... I am the lord of the translated AARs! :D (by the way, it's a pity some AARs in the French forums are not translated too, they look quite good).

Timothy Ortiz : I am afraid Vlad the Impaller is too far from me... And I have nothing against Tzimisces.
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I am LC is a 3rd at the very least :)
Prologue: From the dawn of times. A Nuremberg prologue.

I know who I am, but I don't know what I am.

From the dawn of time, we have always existed... bearing the most terrible load, the most horrible curse. The definitive blessing. Those fools who have dared to research into our true origin received the final death, lost in oblivion, their dust scattered in the dusty ruins they were trying to discover... after founding those who we fear, those who we love.

The founders.

Beyond the rumour, the myth of a great and massive dissaster, thirteen entities survived, wells without end of knowledge and power. The thirteen first vampires. The thirteen brothers, they called themselves.

Emptying their herd, humanity, of their essence, their blood, feeding some chosen with their own icquor, they could access what nature itself denied them... descendance. Immortality was the reward... eternal damnation, the need to be fed from blood of their former brothers, humanity, the price they just had to pay. Each founder stablished through their blood their line, a family that rooted into the earth with strength, their branches covering in blood the countries of the world for milennia.

Slowly they faded, vanished in the fog of time... their own war vanished but their offspring continued it in an endless fight... Each time the world was covered by the veil of the night, in each city, in each street, a hidden war was fought, for the right to feed, the right to own. And this war would last forever.

Each night, as the light of sun is anathema, burning our skin, weakening our power.

My name is Sulla. Created by Lucian, the seventh of the brothers. The lord of the shadows.

I was in my life Lucius Cornelius Sulla. I was the great dictators that strangled his own country with its own entrails, the one that showed him their hypocresy, just to save them from themselves. I never knew defeat in battle. Only one true enemy I met...


During my whole life I fought against him... my successes against his, my ideas against his... my men, my sword, at the end, against his. My victory was this time bitter, as he had already dead.

My lord of the Shadows, Lucian, welcomed my victory with his embrace. My eyes were open to the night and the darkness... and one day I saw him again. Marius had not died forever... but embraced by the rival of my lord, the third brother... the regent. My mission was clear, my destiny, my very soul burned with it... our enmity had to be finally decided. With new rules. And the board for our game, eternity.

Nurëmberg, 1410

Archbishop Norbert von Xanten was reading and revising all the messages that came from his agents, all over germany. He was already an ancient... more than three hundred years old, his blood just four degrees from the founder... the Great Lucian, the lord of Shadows. All the messages were bearing a name... Hardedstadt... again and again... he felt he could vomit each single letter.

Lord Hardedstadt was a true ancient, the most ancient still active in the German Empire. Norbert hated him, as he was not of his own blood, but from the third blood, the blood of the regent. He was powerful... powerful, unfortunately, beyond Norbert's reach. Despite his hidden help, Hardedstadt's son, lord Jürgen, had failed in his attempt for rebellion, and now was fleeing from the wrat of his father, exiled from his old city of Magdeburg. This were no longer the old times... father fought against son... everything was game. It was a good attempt, though. The empire had nearly collapsed because of the fights. Jürgen, he admitted with some vanity, nearly triumphed thanks to his help.

But now he was a dog hunted by his rivals... hiding from those who wanted his bloo...

... blood calls for blood...

He nearly jumped... WHAT the hell had been that?

He looked nervous around him... his very body shaking. This was a hidden underground chamber under Nüremberg's cathedral... nobody knew this rooms but him, at least that is what he thought.

... blood calls for blood...

There it was again... this time it had been clearar... but it was not something he could perceive physically. The words resounded inside his head, inside his soul. He looked at the darkest place of the room, where the shadows were gathering, and his already dead face got even paler.

"Mi... milord. It... has been a long time."


A week later, Norbert went to see the burgrave of Nurember, Frederick Hohenzlleren, member of a, so far, minor noble family, with a very interesting proposal.
Originally posted by Timothy Ortiz
What clan are you and what's your generation, 5 or 4?

As I mentioned, I will not be using the WoD ambience to the letter, but Lucius Cornelius Sulla will be a 4th generation Lasombra (my favourite clan, by far!).
Originally posted by Lucius Sulla
As I mentioned, I will not be using the WoD ambience to the letter, but Lucius Cornelius Sulla will be a 4th generation Lasombra (my favourite clan, by far!).

Your Spanish so I suppose that's allowed :)
Chapter 1: Opening over Magdeburg (1419-1427)

A castle near Magdeburg, January 27th, 1419

Lord Jürgen, the former vampiric lord of these lands, walked up and down the dark room, in his last castle, unquiet... as he watched through the window, he could see the endless lines of torches, extending towards the horizons, tracing a line directly against his doors.

It was the end. Tired of the heavy dominion of his father, Hardedstadt, he had tried to expulse him from the ancient city of Magdeburg. His city. Without success. Raw power against raw power, his 'father' had no rival.

During the last twenty years he had try to run, with the hopes to gather enough support to rally again. Trying to escape his impending doom without success. Without hope but without fear. The blood of the regent was flowing through his veins... he was above emotions. His hand may have lost the grip on the scepter, but his soul had not lost his pride. Gripping the huge two handed sword that had made him famous in his life, he prepared to sell his unlife for a high price...

The doors finally fell, and several soldiers formed, their pikes trembling, before him. They looked with fear at the ease Jürgen wielded his one metre and a half sword.

He uttered his terrible war cry, readying himself to throw himself and butcher these servants of his father. These poor humans were sent to be killed while the other vampires were ready to jump behind them.

But he suddenly stopped. The shield that these men were wearing was not that of Hardedstadt... but a different one. A red bird over a white field, not the powerful two headed imperial eagle Hardedstatd had recently began to use. This was the shield of Brandenburg! But... how was that possible? And... it had a single variation. The new margrave had added a terrible and menacing black crown over the winged figure.

Somebody he had not seen for a long time saluted him, advancing through the pikes.

"Well met, Lord Jürgen. I am happy to see you. Your sword will not be... necessary. We are here to save you, not to destroy you."

"Norbert von Xanten!" He exclaimed surprised... the ex archbishop was surely the last person he had expected to be behind this unexpected movement. "I must say it was not you the one who I was expecting. What... what are you doing here?"

"I am offering you a new dominion. I am offering my loyalty and my counsel. Your ressistance against the tyrant, your father, has inspired the hearts of my line, scarce but important in these lands. I am offering you a new city, Berlin, the new capital of these lands. These are the soldiers of Frederick I of Hohenzollern, margrave of Brandenburg."

Jürgen was not stupid. Norbert never really had helped him without a huge pay before... he always doubt his intentions, since Norbert's own father was his own father's chancellor, Ignacio de Lorca. Curious... if he was sincere it meant they would be both defying their fathers... But he had to prepare himself for this to be a trick. Norbert's line was that of the seventh brother... the lord of the shadows. Always skillful, always treacherous... always dangerous. The question was whom he was trying to betry... his father or Lord Jürgen?

He shrugged. Truth or lie, this was just a golden chance for him, the miracle he had been praying for. This could only help him. Weak as he was, if Norbert would have wanted him dead, he would have already killed him.

"Your proposal... intrigues me... but tell me, how do you think it is possible to fight against my father? If something I have demonstrated is that he is stronger than ever. This movement will be observed and neutralized as soon as he can locate us, he will send his assasins. And, now that we are onto it. How is possible for the simple margrave of Brandenburg to march over Magdeburg without imperial approvation?

"Emperor Segismund is a crone, his mind too weakened by the several attempts to mentally influence him by the different lines. Frederick of Brandenburg will be your faithful servant... and he is only enacting his rightful decision to govern Magdeburg directly, without the need of any burgrave. The emperor gave him all these lands, and nothing really prevented Frederick to abolish Magdeburg's right if that was his choice. Hardestadt will not react to this immediately... reliable sources have informed me that he will be a bit busy in the south for some time."

Lord Jürgen nodded "I accept your proposal, then. Take me to my new troops!" He knew Norbert was just a snake... one he would crush beneath his foot whenever he would have the chance.


Frederick's troops took by surprise the, until now, quiet city. Nothing had prepared them for this surprising attack, so quick, so accurate. As Jürgen killed the vampiric puppet prince his father had installed in his old city, Norbert felt a cold feelling up his spine as an all too familiar voice echoed through his soul...

"... And so, the game begins..."

Wien, September 18th, 1428

Hardedstadt administered with barely contained rage the matters for the day... the assassins, the best he had, had failed AGAIN! With a single push of his hand, the big wooden table was thrown against the wall, its three haundred kilograms slamming hard against the stone.

The news of his rebel son's new position as the night prince of Berlin has caused him amusement at the beggining... After so many years of chasing him, the fool was revealing his possition openly! But things had not happened the way he had planned from that point...

Ignacio Lorca sighed. These outbursts were too frequent these days "My lord... this will really not help us. Jürgen must really be backed by somebody very powerful... it is useless to keep on attacking blindly".

Hardestadt snarled towards him, fury in his eyes "Why should I trust you?! Your own son is his private advisor!"

Ignacio remained calm "Should I remind you that in fact it is your own son the one he advises?"

Hardedstadt grumbled "Ok... I know... I know. Since my warriors have not succeeded it is time for your sneaky spies, isn't it?"

"My lord Hardestadt. Patience is our own weapon. His possition is feeble. He has allied, thanks to his success, with Anastasia, the princess of Dresden, who has always been full of rage against your possition and your domain. He is doomed to make a mistake. About my own son... well, I am happy to see he is ambitious. He frankly could not wish to propere under my authority. But the alliance he has forged between Jürgen and Anastasia is weak... they will soon jump against each other at the first choice that they have."


The powerful lord felt frustrated as he heard how naturally Ignacio recognized treason from his own child. He had always found the costum of their line, the line of the lord of the Shadows, of throwing each other as a means to 'better the line' in a maddening game of blood chess as something really irritating. You never knew who you stand with at any given time. Well, Ignacia had always been a loyal advisor for centuries! But himself, as descendant from the Regent knew that honour, obedience were the most important virtues.

"I... I will think of your words. I need to pray."

As a humble chistian, Hardedstadt kneeled to pray. He ignored the odd look of Ignacio who always wondered if he was really praying... as... who would he pray to? All his allies found this costum of his strange, specially the older ones. Perhaps they would have worried a lot more if they had known the truth.

Slowly he thought of the last years. The open defy to his authority that Jürgen was... as soon as he managed, he sent his men to Berlin, to find him allied firmly with that Bitch, Anastasia... descendant in third grade from the line of the first brother, the philosopher. Now things were serious.

He had laid siege to Berlin for years. His assasins, warriors as he preferred to call them were first mortals then vampires of increasing power, fighting against Jürgen during the nights, in Berlin, Magdeburg. His efforts covered Brandenburg with a deep shadow, the fearful supertitious people just knowing that the monsters were loose in their streets, fighting, shouting and killing any innocent that may get in their way. During the morning the citizens could only feel horrified as they saw mutilated remains, humans without blood in their body, used as cattle, as refreshment for the hidden battles. Those years were the years of the terror, and would be remembered by the people as years of darkness and primal fear.


But Jürgen, to his utter surprise, ressisted, and even managed to kill most of his people. His agents and spies were uncovered one by one, eliminated and staked, their ashes scattered to the light of the day. He felt cornered, not really understanding how this was possible. Praying was the only solution.

"My lord Marius... your humble servant, your loyal son, asks you for help and advice..."

Slowly the voice could be hear... in a crescendo as his eyes could only see a blinding white light...

"It has been quite some time since you last asked me for help..."

Hardestadt only had to form his thoughts in his mind to speak with his father... whose physical body not even him knew where it was.

"My son's rebellion is raising and I feel worried. He was finished ten years ago, but now..."

The crystalline voice grew irritated...

"You dare to bother me for that! I did not think I had created an idiot!"

Hardedstadt felt the rage... the sheer pressure of his father's mind piercing his as a red hot needle...

"But... but... sir... my best agents... have been eliminated... and always that black crown in his shield... his new symbol... he even has put it over his mortal pawn shield..."

Immediately the pressure disappeared. Only after a long pause the voice of his lord could be heard again.

"... a black crown. He is protected, then, for now. An old enemy has revealed himself at last... at least one of his movements. You will forget about Jürgen and center on your pets... those Habsburg really look promising... we could even find one of them worthy to carry your blood... MY blood... remember that always..."

"Yes, my lord..." He felt how the pressence of his master left his head. Why was that black crown so important? Something he would have to think about. Something he could not trust anybody else with. It was curious, now that he thought of it, since his own personaly symbol, inherited from his father, was a white scepter...
Originally posted by Lucius Sulla
As I mentioned, I will not be using the WoD ambience to the letter, but Lucius Cornelius Sulla will be a 4th generation Lasombra (my favourite clan, by far!).

Your Spanish so I suppose that's allowed

Actually his charcater is Roman, not Spanish.
Chapter 2: Objects at Rest (1428-1440)

Berlin, December 25th, 1428

Frederick, margrave and imperial ellector, assisted the grand Christmass church to give God our lord for the end of the tenebrous years the March of Brandenburg has just gone through. Thanks to Lord Jürgen and Norbert, the misterious patron that had got him this possition, the monsters had disappeard from the streets. The people could breath again.

This beautiful, perhaps too charged, mass was of the taste of the ambitious Hohenzollern. His family had been raised thanks to the influence of his nocturnal friends and their past influence over emperor Segismund. It was a bit worrying how the relations with the Emperor had worsened since the Habsburgs got the tittle, though. Nothing concrete, yes... but still he had started to build a mighty fortress over the river Spree. His family would not leave their new possesions without a good fight, in the case their enemies would decide to act. Of course, he always overlooked the massive basement that was constructed beneath the new building. It was like a blind spot in the eye of his mind.

A messenger had arrived from the burgrave of Hannover, Bernhard I of Brunswick. As the mass ended and he carefully (and slowly... he was not a great reader) read the letter, his eyes widened. Bernhard announced him his rights over half of his new territories over Magdeburg. After all, the letter said, if Frederick could overrule the Magdeburg burgrave, he considered that since he administrated the western lands with the old burgrave, he could claim them for himself.


Bernhard of Brunswick was not even an elector and... he dared to defy him like this?! Certainly his neighbours did not see him seriously... yet. He would teach them a lesson about the use of power. He prepared his armies quickly, leaving his elder son, John as governor of Berlin as he leaded his men to battle.

Berlin, June 8th, 1430

Norbert, the nocturnal chancellor to the nocturnal prince of Berlin, saluted with a smile the mortal governor of the city. John Hohenzolleren was an incredibly intelligent and keen man, his privileged brain and his daring experiments earning him the nickname of 'the alchemist' by the superstitious subjects of his father.

"Ah, it is a pleasure meeting you again, milord. Your humour looks... excellent!"

Unlike his father, his mind completely numbed by Lord Jürgen's subtle control, John knew part of the truth about the things going on during the nights. And somehow, he had dared to ressist similar influence from those who fancied them as his true masters.

"Norbert! What a delightful surprise. Yes, my good manners are caused by the latest news from Hannover. My father has triumphed over the Brünswick. Hannover will soon be in our hands"


Norbert smiled please. With how little encouragement, after being subtly suggested of the weakness of the Hohenzollerns, Berhard had jumped... He tried to imagined his surprise as Frederick answered with so extreme prejudice. "Well, your father's weapons are still as sharp as always! Hannover will make a fine addition to o... to your possessisons." He teased the young heir, irritated as Jürgen holded him responsible for John's stubborness. He just suspected that those alchemical practices he was performing were the cause for his apparent inmunity to mental influence.

John just ignored his words and smiled. Norbert felt uneasy... yes... a very intelligent smile... just with his lips, but not his eyes.

"MY possesions, I am afraid... my father has announced his intention of ceding me Hannover. The... shore of the Spree has always proved unhealthy for my weak constitution, so I have rennounced to inherit it in favour of my brother Frederick. Anyway, I don't think a personality as independent as mine would... be not appropiated for Berlin's governor. You will have less problems with Frederick, don't you think so, mmmmhmmm?"

Norbert felt surprised by the sudden movement. How much did this young and bold man knew? Certainly he was just trying to put himself far from their influence! Norbert decided to try hypocresy.

"Oh... Don't be so hard with yourself. I am sure you will make an excellent margrave!" When hell freezes, that for sure... John was the last person he wanted to see as Brandenburg's next governor.

John smiled innocently "Ah... I thank sincerely your gently words. But I am afraid it's too late... my father is utterly convinced of my reasons. And now... I have some... work to do in my laboratory... if you may excuse me?"

Norbert nodded, as he rushed himself to inform lord Jürgen immediately. Sometimes humans could be so... frustrating.


Chambers of Lord Jürgen, August 15tt, 1434

The prince of Berlin received his guests. After the surprising cease of hostilities from the lands of lord Hardedstadt, his town had become a gathering point for those vampires that wished to ressolve their matters out of the ancient lord's eyes. He never believed the apparent weakness from his father, knowing that this could be anything more than a temporal retreat... and that his father's plans usually took centuries to develop. Princess Anastasia of Dresden did not see it like that... she had smelled Hardedstadt's blood and wanted to taste it! The stupid whore...


Lord Jürgen had been forced to respect the alliance even with extreme reluctance. He had enough problems with this roguish John the Alchemist, now burgrave of Hannover. How could the son be so different from his father? How could he ressisted his powers, and make his father ressist his powers when he was with him? He certainly had some magical powers. He shrugged his concerns as he remembered his father's lessons. The best way to defeat a human was simply... outlive him. Still he had the horrible sensation that this would not be so easy. He would have to be dealt with after his father's death.


In Wurzburg, his envoy and chancellor Norbert had found a desolated scene. The town was empty. Of course, not of herd, of humans... but of vampires. For some reason all the vampires of the city had dissapeared, to the last one of them. Norbert's messages talked of the old havens destroyed, just faint remains of dried blood on the ground. Even the usually bloodthirsty and violent Anastasia had felt nervous and had agreed to retire.

What had really happened to his kindred in that city? He had no doubt that this had not been cause by Hardedstadt. Well, this was anyway beyond his reach. Both the mortal and vampiric situation in germany was not for these type of invasions. He had to start to center in Hannover again, to decide what to do with John...

Damn you! I was gonna make a vampire themed aar of my own and you beat me to it! :mad:
hehe, seriously, this is a great AAR, I like your screenshots. there done really well. Keep up the good work.
Fabulous Screen Shots!!! Frankly I'm not really into reading and writing RPGs, but I still read your posts because of the way you portrait the grand picture with masterful screen shots.

Keep it up.
Chapter 3: Objects in Motion (1440-1460)

Catedral of Wuttemburg, October 6th, 1444

Both factions, a 25 years old rivalry behind them, gathered on sacred ground, so many time used as neutral territory to solve differences between the members of the kindred. Both sides watched each other with mistrust, at best, but at least they were not jumping at each other's throat, the memory of Hardestadt siege of Berlin in everybody's memory. Both sides had lost quite a lot there.

Both princes, father and son, had shown their fangs to each other, tensely waiting and fearing for a fight. It was just ironic that a father and son, the main counseliers to both princes were the ones who had negotiated the peace. The old castillian monk watched with afability his own son, the german ex archbishop. They were really the only people not utterly nervous about the meeting. Lord Jürgen was in fact, surrounded by his bodyguards, in the opposite side of the building that Hardedstadt was. Hardedstadt was surrounded by his hitmen, too, but also, because of his status, by a court of sicophants and admirers, a constant factor, considering his overwholming pressence.

"I can see years have been good for you, father... you look better than ever!"

"Bah, as always... The Friends of The Night are quite impressed with your work, and have finally considered you proposal for you admission. Some of them have felt quite curious that I am supporting you, considering you have allied yourself with the enemy of the lord I support..."

Norbert felt all his confidence leave him. He should step carefully know. It was said that Ignacio's words were sharper than any sword "Sire... you... you were yourself the one who recommended me to go forth north, free at last from your education."

"Aaah, yes, and your work with the mortals has been very satisfactory indeed! A very very good beautiful work, specially the Oldenburg and Münster agreement. Lord Jürgen must feel proud of you. Your care of the Hohenzolleren line for him is perfect, and it is beggining to give its fruits."


Norbert smiled, not noticing the trap he was getting into...

"Yes... a pity that, as with any fruit bearing tree, you have to cut some branches..."

Norbert nearly gasped as he suddenly understood the reference. How did his father know about his difficulties with John Hohenzollern, the Alchemist? He had to remind himself not to ever drop his guard again before his sire...

"Er... yes... well... the people is ready to sign the treaty. Peace will only be for our benefit."


Even with some burning glances and some forced motions. Lord Hardedstadt and Lord Jürgen shaked each other's hand, sealing the new friendship between their domains, swearing to forget their past fights. Hardedstadt would control the south, and Jürgen would be the keeper of the north. Hessen would pass to the control of the Ellectorate of Brandenburg, while Wurzburg would pass to the Habsburg.


Ignacio was sad to see his childe Norbert so happy with the treaty that would in theory seal and secure the power of his lord. He had not understood his true message. It was a pity, a real pity, he had to die. He would miss him.

Chambers of the Burgrave of Hannover, September 29th, 1459

Peace had been broken again in the mortal world. The empire and its ellectors could not help but imply themselves in the European politics. The crown of France, mainly victorious after its struggle with the English, was like a new hungry lion, set loose in Europe, its rich lands, its taxpaying population... After dealing with the English, having expulsed them from the north, their last stronghold only in the duchy of Aquitaine, the king of France looked east. The duke of Burgundy Charles the bold had ressulted a dangerous enemy during the war... an adventurer who did not fear betting everything to a single card. France was supported with the Swiss and the Duke of Savoy, as declared war to the 'rogue vassal'.

The imperial principalities in the west felt allarmed before the raising power of France, and the alliance decided to plead their head, Frederich II of Brandenburg, to lead the new german north... The german alliance went to Münster to face the french.


The better maneuvers of the german cavalry accomplished what the more modern french infantry could not. The french had learnt a lot from the English, but in the plains of Münster, the cavalry would still dominate the field. The german victory would stop french ambitions for a whole generation.

Norbert had been sent to overview the german expedition, so he smiled as he slipped in his way back to Berlin, from Münster, to the chambers of the Alchemist. He must be old, he told himself... they last had met 29 years ago. As he got inside his rooms, ready to finish something he had wanted to do a long time ago, he found him, sitting, his face cast down in the deep study of some documents.

John did not raise his face, his features still hidden "My good Norbert... you enter without being invited. I thought you were more polite... must be your religious education."

The smile vanished from Norbert's lips. This was not going well. He knew he was coming for him. But a simple mortal would not intimidate him.

"John... I thought you always liked surprises." A simple hit... yes... a strong one... and his head would be crushed like a mellon.

John raised his head and Norbert felt astonished. He looked exactly the SAME that 29 years ago. That could not be... unless...

The shadows gathered around Norbert... the ambience began to get thick, the darkness got nearly solid. Three long shadows crept, raising into the air, sliding like black oil over the water, trapping him and raising his body into the air... John simply smiled, his features again nearly invisible, covered by darkness.

"Only the ones I prepare, my good Norbert... only those..."

John the Alchemist raised triumphant, and extended his hand "I am happy to have you here, brother. Madbeburg will be Lord Jürgen's new property, as he wanted... through the mortal trembling hands of my useless brother. But you will not have to carry out the second part of your job. You will not have to tell him about my death... I will tell him in person."


Hannover joined the March of Brandenburg at the death of its regent, the old John the Alchemist. And in the night court of Berlin, under the throne of his brother, who prized himself of his new holdings, John kneeled before Lord Jürgen, swearing fidelity to him, as new kindred and member of his retinue, before the surprised eyes of Norbert, that could hare who the sound of the wind whispered softly to him...

... blood calls for blood...
I have noticed this AAR is listed as abandoned in the new library.

It is not. It's just that I have decided to first post everything in Spanish, then translate it to English. Whenever I'm finished with the AAR in Spanish I will translate all the Chapters to these boards (currently writting the 1640-1660 chapter).
Good to have you back Sulla...

I know that your works are carefully translated so maybe the new libraarian forgot this little thing....

So sorry, but I don't speak English, so I have to wait your English version....
I had a lot of work the last months so I had to restrict my activity to the Spanish forums, that's all. I had to abandon several project to get anything done... but things are getting better now, so I hope I will retake the translation soon.