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Apr 20, 2002
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No, I absolutly promise I am not abandoning Smashing the Giant. I am merely putting it on hold, because I am sick of writing multiple perspective AARs. Hopefully, I will do it well for my first time writing in this style.


Hello. I am George Haliburton, a Scot of a noble family that lost its titles along with the invasion of William the Conqueror. I have always felt a need to regain our honor, our lands, and our Earldom. It was not a sheltered life that I had up until now, no. I have been backstabbed, betrayed, and been overruled too many times in my life to take anything for granted. Fortunately, my father was not idle in our family quest, either.

He had managed to make his way up to the Second in Command to the Chief Advisor. I inherited this position, and in late 1616, when the Chief Advisor died without an heir, I became the Chief Advisor, in theory only second to the king, but in practice wielding most of the powers.

I knew that this was a great title to hold, indeed. I was determined to command respect from not only my comrades, but the other sovereigns of Europe that looked down upon our nation with contempt now. I knew one way to get that respect. Brushing off my domestic subordinates (who whined that my actions would make the people unhappy), I declared our vassalage to England void and null.

Now Scotland was free in the world, but for how long?

This is the story of my life’s work of creating the rebirth of a nation, the nation of Scotland.
Thank you all. I think I am undergoing depression. I'm convinced I'll never write a classic peice on this board (probably true) and if I do, no one will read it. I am depressed. :( Therefore, I am planning a peice of epic proportions, to come in about a month's time. :)


Working my ways through the halls of the royal palace in Edinburgh, I was deep in thought. Back
to the days of my early childhood. A wonderful time, when ignorance truly was bliss. And then
the first day that my father had shown me the family sword.

“Keep this at your side,” he had said. “You will be the ruler of Scotland, and no ruler is without
his sword.”

Those words had always echoed in my head. A ruler is not without his sword. A ruler will not be
found defenseless. A nation will not be left weak or defenseless.

As I hit on this profound train of thought, I entered the king’s antechamber. I gave a low bow,
and straightened. The king, ceremony done with, got right down to business.

“You have canceled our vassalization. Without consulting me.”

I could only but nod, waiting for what he was to say next.

“Therefore... I will demote you to Baronet.”

I was stunned. “Baronet? Sir, our nation is much stronger now, and our faith is growing
throughout Europe...”

“And you committed a diplomatic blunder.”

“A diplomatic.... Blunder? That is a bit harsh.”

“Quiet,” he commanded, eyes flashing. “You will accept it, or lose you height by a head shorter.”

I sighed. I had to work my way back up to acceptance. And the king seemed determined to keep
me down.
Weren't you just writer of the week or something? Or were you being sarcastic? Or are you just teasing us poor readers... sniffle.

I'm reading this one, I was going to do it in secret though. Didn't want to say it looked great before you posted twice. ^^
Very sorry I have not updated... You see, I got Sim City 4.... :D For those of you anticipating it, it is incredibly addictingly fun. :)
Originally posted by Snow King
Thank you all. I think I am undergoing depression. I'm convinced I'll never write a classic peice on this board (probably true) and if I do, no one will read it. I am depressed. :( Therefore, I am planning a peice of epic proportions, to come in about a month's time. :)

Ah, don't worry. Keep writing the way you fell most comfortable with, that's most natural to you, and you will almost automatically be writing at your best. And it's not always how many people read what you write (although it's quite satisfying), it's also who reads your tale.

As for epic - I've tackled that myself, see my currently paused Klausen's, and it's quite an undertaking. Those do take time. Check how long Secret Master's Noble Lives has been going.
Originally posted by Snow King
Very sorry I have not updated... You see, I got Sim City 4.... :D For those of you anticipating it, it is incredibly addictingly fun. :)

That's the best excuse for an unupdated AAR ever. Heh. Of course, mine is taking a break while I play Hearts of Iron, 'cuz that game just rocks. Anyway, hope you get back to this someday.
I am still waiting for the people in the flag forum. *sigh* Until then, I suppose my great peice of evil work will have to wait. :)

Another cold day came to pass in mid September. I was not happy with the way the king had
treated me, and I was determined. One day, his very loose reign on Scotland would be cut, and
mine would be all that controlled it.

I had just gotten down to that stack of legal documents plaguing the bureaucracies then and now,
when I remembered that pompous fool king’s message to attend the marriage of one of his
nieces. How I wished I had not arranged this!

By the time I had managed to drag myself into the Great Hall in full dress (quite uncomfortable,
might I add), the music had begun, and the flashy affair of a wedding started. I must admit that
much of the rest I did not remember. No, I was not quite asleep... Just... Well, you must know the

By the time it was done, my mind was on other things. Such as the wars wracking Europe
nowadays. The Ottomans, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Wurttemburg, Wurzburg, Bavaria, Ragusa,
Modena, Tuscany, Venice, and the Papal States itself were all clashing in ferocious wars. Why
they could not all be calm and settle matters across the negotiating table was beyond me.

Still, my status remained and I plotted my return to power. It would come...