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Apr 20, 2002
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OK. This is it. The biggie. The culmination of months of anticipation. Actually, not really. This
hasn’t really begun yet. Not at all, actually. I’m trying to determine what is my starting point. So
I’d like you to vote.

1419- Pros: Have a lot of time to conquer and prepare.
Cons: Boring.

1492-Pros: Have some time to prepare. Less boring.
Cons: Less time to prepare.

1617-Pros: Rather more challenging, with white men on my doorstep.
Cons: No time to prepare.

1700-Pros: Rather more challenging, with white men on my doorstep, but they are busy in
Cons: We’ve shrunk to one province, absolute no time to prepare.

1773-Pros: Rather more challenging, with white men on my doorstep.
Cons: US is born and has a bigger interest in killing me.

1792-Pros: We may be weak, but colonial empires are collapsing, and we may get to ally with
Cons: Same as 1773.

Vote! Remember, this is going to determine the rest of the AAR’s course.

Edit: Doh! I forgot to mention the tribe. This is a sequel to War, Trade, and Peace, the Creek Empire. I'm playing as the Creek in both.
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Just in case you did not see the edit: I will be redundant.

I'm playing the Creek.

(BTW: If you want to volunteer to guest star, go ahead!)
I'd say, go for 1617, Snow King. Many people (you included :D) did 1419; and 1492 does not make much sense to me - no major changes but you are pressed.

But it ultimately depends on your final objectives, I'd say.
I cast my vote in favor of 1792.
Originally posted by Languish
Depends if you will actually finish it ;) or any of your other AAR's ;)

Oh, you watch out. I might use you as a charachter in this AAR who is constantly killed. :D

You also seem to ignore my Lithuania AAR, which I finished. And the Creek AAR I took farther than most. I do finish these things, especially if they are well recieved (yes, I crave feedback, but who doesn't?).

Anyway, my personal favorite is the 1700. But we'll see if more readers offer their opinion...
1700. It offers a great challenge.

By their own say so:

EstonianZulu: “Go ahead, use me, I dare :D
Heagarty: “I would ask to pop up in the role of a Cherokee...”
Eochaid: “Could I be the whizkid-smartass of the class?...”
Any more volunteers to be a guest star? :D ;) (seriously, I don’t kill much...)

Hmmm, while I wait for more people to offer their opinion on the starting date...

*a bell rings*

Students file into the classroom. For yet another year of history.

The teacher cleared his throat impatiently. The students seemed to keep on coming. And coming.
Where the hell was the end of this line? Students continued to file in remorselessly, on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and off and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...........

Oh, wait, back a couple of and on’s. So there were only thirty. They certainly took their time.
When they had finally reached all their seats, he finally began talking.

“Students, welcome to history. My name is Mr. Wiespolskawiemarostriechfrancais. You may call
me Mr. W for short.”

Mr. Dubya, as it were, had about the intelligence of the other Dubya, and was in essence the
teacher that all students dreamed of, he who would let nothing annoy him, and nothing distract
him from the studies of history. Anything from cheating to drawing in their books to dancing in
the back of the room naked with a troop of chipmunks would pass with him.

Mr. Dubya, not to be discouraged by the groans heard from the various students, looked around
in excitement. "This Marking Period, we will study the Creek."

An enormous groan was heard. This groan issued from the certain mouth of EstonianZulu.

“Again!?” he asked pleadingly.

“Again!” Mr. Dubya said in an altogether different tone of voice.

(OOC: Don’t hesitate to offer more opinions on the start date!)
The *real* story

Well, even though more people liked 1700, I think I’m trying 1773 for now, as it looked better as
I took a closer look. BTW, I will notify you if I cheat in any way. I already did. I switched known
provinces from the little known in the 1773 to the more known in the GC. My reasoning? Why
would they forget the geography of lands? I think you will like.

“Good morning class! Today we start on the Creek, and their history, 1773-1820. In these years
we see a marked difference in their style. Within 3 years, they had taken two of the Cherokee’s
provinces, and vassalized them. They had also entered an alliance with the Americans.

Now we will go into greater detail about the notes...” a loud bang was heard, followed by a
squeal. “Oh, never mind those chipmunks, they won’t distract us. Any way, the Creek opened the
war by” *squeal* *screech*

“Mr. Dubya, it’s eating me!”

“Yes, they will do that from time to time. Now, where was I? Ah, yes, the Creek opened the war
by invading the capital of the Cherokee, and assaulted the walls. The Cherokee soldiers were

“Mr. Dubya, it’s eating me!”

“Come now...”

“And I have to go to the bathroom!”

“Go, Mr. Passeportout. Now, where was ?”

“Jeeze, this teacher isn’t fazed by anything!” muttered J. Passeportout.

“Ah yes, here we are. After that, the Creek suffered a defeat at the hands of a certain Cherokee
general, Hegarty, but it was to no avail, as the Cherokee king’s army, after assaulting yet another
Cherokee province, rounded on him, and his army was utterly destroyed. The Cherokee were
forced to accept parting with two of their provinces, and vassalage.”

“Did Hegarty survive?”

“Yes, indeed, he became the leader of the Cherokee nation afterwards, in their war with the US.”

*bell rings*

“Hey, wait class, that isn’t your bell, that’s...” *Mr. Dubya is trampled in the stampede of
Originally posted by Judas Maccabeus
Ah, I see you've started this again.

You may use me (with a larger bladder this time).

Ah, yes, looks like we're starting to have the people from the first AAR coming around (Wonder where EstonianZulu and Heagarty are. I feel kinda guilty using them while they might not even know.) Larger bladder, eh? Can be easily arranged. :D

(OOC:Ah, Yoghurt, the closest thing to a friend I have on the forum! (pretty scary, since he beheaded me in one of his AARs) Since Yoghurt is, presumably, watching, I will now praise him. Since most who replied seem to like this AAR, you may thank Yoghurt partly for that. He encouraged and helped me on my first EU1 AAR, and I thank him for that. He kept that forum alive, and still does, if my sources are correct. A toast to Yoghurt!)

The class filed in again. Mr. Dubya was mad. A tribe of chipmunks was establishing themselves
in the wall. The P.E. class was dancing down the hall naked.

“Good morning, class! Don’t mind them back there,” he said, pointing at the P.E. class, “They
are furry, and we like them. Don’t mind them, either,” he said, pointing at the chipmunks, “Mrs.
Harbuckle is going hard on them again.”

“Speaking of which, where were we? Ah, yes, we stopped at 1775, I daresay? Ah, yes, so,
anyway, The Creek had a peaceful few years, but after the US, replete with the rest of the
Cherokee added on to their nation, attacked the Shawnee and Iroquois.

Of course, the new Creek philosophy of kill, kill, kill...”

“That’s what the stupid rodent is doing to me, Mr. Dubya!” screeched one of the girls.

“That’s not a rodent, that’s one of Mrs. Harbuckle’s P.E. class! And why is he chewing on your
arm! Off, Harry!

Now, where were we? Ah, yes, so the Creek naturally attacked the Shawnee, and without fighting
a battle, they bypassed the enemy armies and conquered it all! Soon after, the Iroquois lost one
province to the Creek, while the US took the rest.

The rapid growth of the Creek republic to about one half the size of the US takes us to 1780. See
class!? History can be exciting!”

Judas rolled his eyes. EstonianZulu doodled in his book. And the chipmunks were planting fields
of acorn trees in the back.

“And look at the map on pg. 567!”

Thank you S.K for your kind words, but I hardly had to encourage you much on your first AAR, you where a natural :) ;)

As usual you make intresting history telling, using a classrome situation :D It will be interesting to see what you gonna do now when your surrounded by white-folks only... and btw I´d love to be apart of this story.... perhaps you can cut of my head then... :rolleyes: ;) :)
damn, i forgot my number 2 pencil.

*hopes there's not a test on this today*

i guess i'll just have to ask that hot girl sitting next to me if she has a spare...

...oh, she's gone now. nevermind.

Mr. Dubya looked around. The class was mostly sleeping. The squirrels were building an aqueduct to water their small oak trees. The Creek... Watched the Portugese take Savannah, be
driven away by the Americans, and then proceed to take Carolina.