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Jul 27, 2002
Ive finally decided to write an AAR. I would try to add a bit of comedy but it’s my 1st AAR and I don’t think that trying to be funny would make it any easier. Ill be trying to play semi historically and not trying to build an empire. Ill be doing France in the Age of Exploration. Ive already played up to 1634 before beginning writing and ill quickly explain what has happened. (By the way if it seems things are going worse than should be expected of even a decent eu2 player..it’s intentional) and its an original work of me so if you don’t like it…lie

Dr Bob stood with Georgio on the fortress wall in Orleanis observing the rebels on the plains.

"There are 7,000 men in this province alone, the same number in Poitiou" Georgio said "and 27,000 in Champagne"
"41 thousand rebels" I said with awe
"The savoyan army may be on the way"
"And that is supposed to do….?"
“They did beat the Helvetians out of Schwyz”

Later that day I was visiting with the governor when suddenly a messenger burst in his court. He was tired and out of breath, blood dripping off his coat.
suddenly he burst into yelling "I have come on behalf of colonel Roland to announce..."
"Get on with it man!" someone yelled
"That...his army is lost"
Shocked murmering surged through the room. Roland had 16,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry under his command. Losses like that could cripple the french army and everyone knew it.
"This leaves only 30,000 soldiers!" Georgio whispered, there was panic in his voice.
“Colonel Lussac is going to march this way to relieve the siege, recruit any man willing to join him and head off to Champagne” The messenger continued.
I knew Lussac, had served with him in the Franco-Helvetian war. I knew he would stop in Paris before going to champagne and I had to go with him. The messenger must have been wounded and ill, for when he went to rest, he never regained consciousness in this world. That night I think no one slept, for gunshots could be heard almost continuously. In the morning Lussac was in the city and I went out to meet him. Many men were signing up and he needed help on his command staff. I had been a commander when I left the army to become governor of Normandy. I was still qualified and had put on my uniform. He recognized me and took me back to his command tent in the camp.
“Things are much more dire than you have been told, there are 14 thousand rebels in Bearn and 6 thousand in Dauphine”
“Colonel Castaing is quite capable of fighting them off though, isn’t he?” I asked.
“Very definitely, though he isn’t so well known”
We marched off early the next morning. None of the soldiers or officers below the rank of major was told we going to Paris while the army camped. We spent the next months fighting rebels until finally, the country was clear. By now a 2nd war with Helvetia had started.

(NOTE: Your now up to speed on everything that’s happened, I can keep going now)

“Helvetia has fallen under French control but the vote to annex them is being delayed by my friend in the kings court until we arrive” he said as we hurried to dress in our fancy uniforms. I had been re-established in the army and promoted to colonel. Somehow I was never addressed by my last name. The army was listed under Colonel Robert. (This was unplanned, but I got a leader named Robert and decided to bring bob into the army, BTW I know it’s really a last name) I fell asleep during the meeting in the king’s court so I don’t know much about it other than the decision on Helvetia will come later. We marched on after that to destroy the rebels in Champagne. The battle was to be fast, they did not know we had come. We set up a group of cavalry, they would charge the rebels camped outside. Then from a hill in the south cannons would be brought to blast a hole in the wall. Then the infantry would charge from the forest and overtake the men inside. It worked brilliantly, I led the cavalry charge, Lussac led the infantry. Once the city was firmly in control we held a meeting of the commanders to determine the fate of the rebel leaders.
“Let’s just cut their throats” I offered
“I think they should be hung” Lussac said
“Let’s cut their heads off!”
“No, let’s eat them!” someone shouted. Everybody stared at him rudely after that. We decided to postpone the decision until a later date, I’m beginning to think we are turning into a congress.

(I don’t really feel like continuing this anymore at the moment so I’ll leave it until the next update, id love to hear from you guys about how this is going, bear in mind I’ve never done this before. And give me any suggestions you have about how to deal with the rebel leaders and Helvetians.)
“All hail our gracious new king, Louis the Fourteenth!” A herald yelled as trumpets rang out.
It was a sad day for Lussac and I. We had both been quite friendly with Louis XIII and had been shocked to learn of the assassination.
(I got a ‘noble assassinated’ event just before Louis XIV was crowned and decided to make drama)
Frances state seemed more desperate every day. The Papal States went broke every other day, New rebels had sprung up in Spanish held Artoise and may be marching toward Paris, and Field Marshal Conde sent a messenger bearing the message that a misunderstood order had led to an assault on Bern and his forces were greatly damaged. I was put in charge of the investigation of Louis XIVs assassination.
“How do you know it was an assassination, and not a sickness?” a lieutenant asked me
“Not many diseases leave bullet holes” I told him dryly
He looked sickened that this could happen, most people were.
“Get me a report on all forces under my command and the forces of the other commanders”
“Yes sir”
I sat down with a heavy sigh and starred out the window into the forest. I could hear yelling distantly and thought I saw 2 people running in the woods. Must be a young couple I thought. Then I saw more people coming, I realized they guns. Musket shots being fired suddenly from what sounded like the front gate made me sit bolt upright. I felt my pistol and sword as I realized the men in the woods were the rebels coming from Artoise. I started to go for the door when a musket ball shattered the air next to my head. I dove to the ground and took out my pistol. I got up slightly and fired as the oncoming men charged, I guessed they were about 10 in number. I heard a groan and musket shots pinged around the window as I got down again, drawing my other pistol. I got up and fired it. As the man fell his musket fired and killed one of the others. They were too close for me to reload again so I dropped the pistol and drew my dagger. Suddenly it was quiet, they were against the walls and didn’t want me to know, luckily the window had a slight overhang into the room so I could have a bit of shielding. I thrust my dagger over, it came back red. A scream sounded and something heavy fell on the ground. Another man tried to charge in, I caught him with my dagger and dragged him down, using his weight to allow myself to roll backwards over the window frame. As I went over I caught a man in the chest with the dagger, I yanked it out and threw it into the throat of another man. I spun around, whipping my sword out and slashing a mans side open. I looked around and seeing no one else, I climbed back inside and ran to the front gate. There was a mass of bodies and bullet holes, Lussac was leaning on a wall, wiping blood from his sword and telling an orderly to bring him a status report. He told me about what had happened and that tomorrow he would leave to join General Turenne. I returned to my office. On my desk was the report I had asked for from Commander Homer. It read:

Esteemed Colonel Robert, Your forces currently stand at: 10,000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry, and 10 artillery.
Colonel Lussac has under his command: 12,000 infantry, no cavalry and 17 artillery
Colonel Dupont has: 12,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry, and 36 artillery

I looked over the numbers. 44,000 men and 63 cannons. I wondered weather we would be at war soon. The docks were constantly at work, leading to believe a war with England could be in the works, but weapons manufactories were being built, leading me to conclude a war with Spain, Austria, or the Netherlands could be being planned. I let out a long drawn out sigh as I lay down on the bed. It warranted some more thought, but not now.

I awoke with a start, new infantry were being drilled outside and a few artillery batteries were being tested. I dressed and walked out to get some breakfast. Commander Homer was in the officers kitchen eating already. I nodded curtly to him and moved to get some food. I was sitting down to eat when suddenly an orderly burst in.
“Colonel Robert, I have come from General Turenne to relay his message that you are to travel to Berri with your army immediately to meet him, colonel Lussac has died”
I was shocked. I could hardly move. He must have been killed. He was getting close to discovering the murderer, and now he himself was dead. I had received a letter from him and he had indeed been close. I dropped a coin in the messengers hand, turned to Homer and said “gather the commanders, we march in 3 days”
He smiled, got up, and hurried out. I knew what this meant, so did he. It was a time of excitement. It was a time of war.
a small note i might add. the papal states goes bankrupt on the 1st of evey month. they have armies numbering 100k infantry, 30k cavalry, and 220 artillery but have not conquered any territory, they just have the starting 3. they pay $747 a month in military maitenence. inflation is 1960% and pay $185 for 1k infantry. they dont seem like a good prospect to continue being my ally.

and i will say again, this is my 1st AAR and i need feedback on it, thanks for reading so far, more updates later.
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Time for an update on my colonies

I was talking with General Turenne in the fort at Berri when the messanger burst in. He gasped for breath and announced that he had just come from the docks with an urgent message from the colonial expeditiary force. He walked up, dropped the letter into my hand, bowed slightly, and left.
The letter was a report from an unnamed conquistador, it read:

General Turenne and esteemed officers of the army. I have made many discoveries. We currently have trading posts in a frozen wasteland called Alaska, California, and the Alaskan islands. Colonies have been established in all lands northeast of the British colonies in America. All trading posts destroyed in the war with Britain have been restored. We lack the means to train troops, but if reinforcements are sent, we could sack those damned Brits and be back in France in time for lunch.
Originally posted by Phalanx
Im very open to suggestions on what to do at this point. so give me any ideas youve got. what do you want to see happen to Bob and his companions?

Let them die, their frenchmen... No serious, why dont you add help from another country, which no one expects?
I don't know much about France, but Louis XIV was intent on increasing the grandeur of France. Therefore, an aggressive foreign policy seems in order :)

Put the squeeze on the Dutch and try to gain a foothold in India, that would be my two cents' worth.
And very much in line with Louis XIV anyway! Keep a few companions for character interaction.
Would anybody be interested in the continuing of this old AAR of mine? Or should i concentrate on my new AAR(the name hasnt been decided yet, but it will be eire and i will conquer nothing but gaelic provs and colonies) If theres any enthusiasm here, ill continue, otherwise, ill launch the new one.
Personally, I would like to see this one continued. However, I think you'll know best, as you certainly know what topic peaks your interest more. Sometimes it's good to pause on an AAR and start something else before returning back with fresh ideas.
well phalanx, if you return to this AAR, plz don't kill the Netherlands (i live there so ally them or something:) )
as for the AAR, ur doing great. Do u have all the core provinces already? i don't know cuz i only play grand campaign.
hmm..and eehh..let Bob take a trip to England, with a lot of his forces or if u have the papal states still as ur allies DoW an italian country so they can get rid of all their troops...:)
I'm believing these days the pope cannot be saved. His inlfation is around 2000% and he has to spend 185 ducats just to get a thousand infantry! I accidentaly took provinces on mainland england. Oh well, I'll find a way to work this into the plot, which will eventually find France a 1-prov minor who gets scared by mice.
It's probably the highest I've seen, and it increases by 20 every time the pope has his monthly bankruptcy. Oh, and at the beginning when I say I started in the Age of Exploration, that's a lie, I started in the Age of Mercantilism.