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First Lieutenant
Sep 13, 2002
Country: Golden Horde
Difficulty: Normal
A.I. Aggression: Normal
Objectives: Live through events as complete as plausible. After this World Conquest

I finished the first chapter. Don’t take anything I say to seriously
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Chapter I
The First Victory

Jan 1, 1419 Samara
The old man was sitting in the center of the Great Golden Tent reading over the Imperial messages. “All the same, all the same” the old men whispered under his breath. We poured over requests from every outpost, barracks, and fortified city. Requests for more food, horses, wine, soldiers, horse fonder. They what on and on and on. This one begs, that one pleads.

Who many of this same requests has he fulfilled before. He does not know. “Damn orthodox peasants robbing are supply wagons” (-3 stability) again under his breath. It takes as many men to guard the supply trains as it does to guard the boarders. The old men leans back in his feather cushioned thrown. Deep in thought he slowly drifts off to sleep.

A short, fat man dressed in fur marched angry into the Khans Tent.
“Khan Muhammad” The Man screamed.
The Khan jolted up right, “What is it?” he replied droopily.
“Great Khan I can’t handle it any more. Either change some things or fire me.” He shouted.
“What are you going on about now?” The Khan reached for in apple out of the golden plate next to the thrown.
“This morning one of my own men tried to stab me.” He was almost screaming.
The man had the Khans full attention “What can I do about that?”
“The man was a Orthodox Christen levy. When we questioned some of his comrades they claimed that his father was killed by a Muslim judge several days ago for practicing his faith to openly.” The man was settling down.
“Once Huggar, one time and you want me to change who we treat Christians?” The Khan said.
“Once, once. It happens all the time. I’ve been stabbed once in the past year and there have been 8 attempts. Their is revolts in are provinces all the time. 3,000 Christian levies have deserted in the last 6 months.” He was working himself back up again
“Ok, Ok. I’ll call a religious consul as soon as I can.”
“Good.” His voice pitch and volume changed “On another note have you goon over the budget requests and social reforms I sent you?”
“Yes I have and I changed them accordingly. Increase investment in stability and trade, decreased investment in navy, infrastructure, and army.”
“And the social reforms”
“10,000 more people made serfs. Yes, Yes it is done”
“Thank you Great Khan for granting me a audience.”
Huggar left the Great Khan’s Tent and went back to the Golden Horde army.

The Khan decided to allow another 4,000 Mongol cavalry to be raised to reinforce Huggar’s army.

Jan 25, 1419 Samara
The Religious consul convened in Samara. The old Khan watched his smoking breath appear out of his mouth. It was cold in the Great Tent even in several layers of Fur it felt well below 0. He looked over the several hundred assembled in the Great Tent. The richest Muslim lords, imams of the greatest mosques, and the missionaries of the True Faith. The Khan decided it was time. He stood up from his thrown.
“Friends, comrades, followers of the True Faith I have made a decision and have decided to share it with you. Since are great country is overwhelming Christian. It is against the great prophet Muhammad’s teaching’s to expel them or force them to convert. So I’ve decided to decrease persecution of them and their religion and increase tolerance of theirs and ours religion.”
Their was a great uproar. Some shouted “Forward for Islam” others “Death to the Heretic Ulugh Muhammad”. He had arranged for soldiers to keep tract of those who opposed him. Their time would come. He turned has back on the crowd and walked back to his private quarters, he smiled to himself.

Feb 1, 1419 Bogutjar
The Bishop looked over his congregation. “We have been oppressed for to long we shall resist.” He ended his long speech that was meant to angry his congregation. It worked. The enraged congregation run from the church screaming “Go forward for the Virgin. Go forward with Christ”. Many ran home to get pitchforks and kitchen knives. The streamed towards the fort of Bogutjar. Many Mongols on leave were caught of guard and hacked down or beaten to death. The ones who could get away from the rubble were locked outside the gate by the paranoid guards. The fort was besieged. The throng feeling strong amassed around the cities mosque and torched it while singing gospel songs and dancing. Bogutjar had revolted.

Feb 4, 1419 Samara
A massager run up to Huggar and handed him a scroll with the Khans royal seal on it. He opened the scroll and quickly read through the document.

“You are to send 15,000 cavalry under your personal command to Bogutjar to put down a resent revolt of 6,000 armed peasants. You are to destroy this rebellion and dispatch of the leaders.

Sincerely, Khan Ulugh Muhammad of the Golden Horde”

He stood up and sent for a messenger. They would leave tomorrow.

April 6, 1419 Samara
The Khan was seating on his thrown in the Great Golden tent discussing philosophy with several holy men and some of his older children.
“Yes, Yes. Plato had some good ideas but….”
Just then Sabua (a lieutenant of Huggar who he put in charge of the remaining men in the capital) entered the Great Tent.
“Yes what is it Sabua?” asked the Khan
“Sir we have gotten news that the Shiites in Dughestan have revolted against your rule and besiged the fort.” Sabua said in his thick Persia accent (for Sabua was a freed slave trained in the art of warfare.)
“I see. You are a military men what do you say I should do?”
“Sir you are the Great Khan you should decide.”
“No, no I’m not a soldier like you. You should give me advice. This is your job.”
“Sir if you demand it of me. Send me and my whole” (2,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry)“to Astrakhan and rise more troops there to put down the rebellion.”
“Do it then. Send me the documents and all put my seal on them.”
“Yes sir”
Sabua bowed turns and walks out of the Great Tent whispering under was breathe “Weak old men has no will of his own.” No one heard him. That was for the best.

April 10, 1419 Bogutjar
Huggar and his roughly 14,000 strong cavalry army marched through the center of Bogutjar. After the rebels had seen his glorious cavalry on the plains of Bogutjar they ran with fear. They were cut down. The bishop who led the Rebellion was captured shortly after the rebellious army was annihilated. He was lead in chains behind Huggar’s war stallion. Huggar glanced at the amassed spectators. They were covered with dirt and looked broken hearted. He didn’t care. We was the victor.

A carpenter had prepared a life-sized cross, the kind the Romans used. The cross lie in the middle of the towns center. When the procession reached the town’s center the bishop was lead to the cross. He now his fate when he saw the cross. A big muscular cavalryman hit the bishop in the back of head temporally knocking him out. He was nailed to the cross like his savoir. He started yelling “Jesus”. Huggar ordered a guard to stick a piece of cloth in his mouth. It didn’t mean anything to him if the Christian didn’t like it. They had revolted against the Great Khan so they had to pay. His army turned around and marched south. The Shiites were next.

Feb 3, 1420 Samara
A messenger ran into the Khans Great Tent. The messenger fall over to tired to speak he just handed him the scroll.

“From his Greatness the Khan of Sibir to his Greatness The Khan of the Golden Horde.

Since you have no real strength over are Grand and Powerful Empire we have terminated are vassalage to you.

Sincerely, The Grand Khan of Sibir”

“Damn” said the Khan as he throw the scroll on the ground.

Mar 6, 1420 Dughestan
The Shiites did the same thing that the Christians did and fled the field. And the same happened to them when they did. After what he did to the bishop, Huggar had been given direct orders not to harm the leaders in a cruel or unusual way especial in public. So he ordered chopping blocks placed in the town square. The leaders were lead to them the day after the fort was relieved. They put their necks on the blocks and had their rebellious heads severed.

May 25, 1420 Samara
An envoy walked into the Great Khans Tent. With a loud and rich voice the envoy said.
“The Exalted Khan of Qara Koyunla was sent me to offer you a military alliance and with this alliance a joint war with Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir.”

The Khan thought for maybe 30 seconds before agreeing. The envoy bowed turned and left. He called for Sabua who was in charge of 6,000 new cavalry recruits in the Capital. He would order him to go south to reinforce Huggar. He already had war plans.

Aug 8, 1420 Armenia
Huggar stood outside a field tent in Armenia looking at the minimal fort in front of him. His army was 16,000 strong and had all ready surrounded the fort. It was only a time initial the city submitted.

Aug 10, 1420 Dughestan
The combined armies of Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir march silently through the mountains of Dughestan. They marched on tiredly. Leading the column was a lieutenant wearing typical Iranian clothes. A scout was watching them from just of the road. He had been counting for the better part of an hour. 8,000; 10,000; 12,000 men marching on Dughestan (understand he didn’t count all of the enemy just each men in the first column and multiplied that by the number of columns he saw.)

The scout ran as fast as he could. Ran through the mountains. Through the fields. Through the village. Through the forts gate. Through the garrison commanders door. He collapsed at foot of the garrison commander and said two words that explained everything.
“They’re here.”
The Garrison commander said one word back.

Sept 3, 1420 Astrakhan
Sabua army arrived in Astrakhan. His army made camp outside the city walls, as Sabua made was HQ in the mayor’s residents. As he pores over the documents for this and that. A messenger ran into the mayor’s house, stopping the man bows.
“Yes?” It was almost a demand.
“Sir. Dughestan is besieged by our enemies.”
“How long can they hold?’
“The better part of a year. Sir”
“Good. You may go”
He ordered a scribe to write out orders to raise 4,000 peasant levies and 1,000 cavalrymen then put his seal on it.

Apr 8, 1421 Armenia
The cavalry ran through a gaping hole in the cities walls. Huggar stood on in outer while of the fort directing the forts capture. The castles defenders starved and weak had been overwhelmed a day ago in one point of the forts wall. Chemists used a new invention from the East called “Gunpowder” to destroy a huge area of the captured walls to allow the cavalry in. We watched in cheerful, amusement as the enemy flag was cut down. The city was his.

May 23, 1421 Dughestan
The starved and emaciated the garrison commander of Dughestan seat at his desk looking over the document in front of him.

“Do to yours and ours current status we the joint commanders of Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir forces offer to you the commander of Golden Horde’s garrison a honorable surrender.

Sincerely, Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir joint commanders”

He had no choice. 3,500 had already dead from hunger or disease. Who long initial the gates guards opened the gate and allowed the enemy to come in slaughter all of his men? He didn’t know.

Since all the scribes had long sense died he write the order out himself. He had a messenger (the only one left) run to all of his commanders and read it to them.

All of his weak and hungry men gathered in the forts parade ground. He looked over them. Many were just bones, others had trouble standing. He had fixed a white flag and had it in his hand. He opened his mouth to speak.
“Sorry men. It’s all over.”

He ordered the gates opened. He marched out of the fort his head held high. As his me ambled behind him. The Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir forces rushed in the fort behind him to garrison it themselves. As the garrison marched on it was guided into the forest near the fort. As the column stopped Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir soldiers swarmed over the undefended garrison out from the depths of the forest. The Garrison commander was cut down before he released what had happened. Not one of the garrison served the slaughter.

May 24, 1421 Astrakhan
Sabua sent at his desk reading his Koran with his feet up. An officer of his walked through the door holding a scroll. It was an order from Huggar.

“Begin marching south a soon as plausible with your enter force to Dughestan I will arrive there in a month with my forces. Speed is up the utmost importance.”

Sabua stood up and sent for a messenger.

Jun 23,1421 Dughestan
Sabua and Huggar rode towards each other on the plains of Dughestan. When they reached each other the bowed politely.
“How are you Sabua”?
“Good and you?”
“Who many men are here today?”
“6,000 infantry and 14,000 cavalry of ours. 6,000 enemy infantry and 4,000 of their cavalry. The battle should be easy. Take your 6,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry and attack their left. My 10,000 cavalry will make a frontal assault.”
“Yes, sir.” Sabua bows and walks back to his soldiers

Watching from the hills behind the battlefield Huggar see everything was in place. His cavalry began to move forward. The cavalry made a quick progress across the field. When the cavalry collided with the enemy they almost ran over the center but were pushed back by Ak Koyunla reinforcements. The line shifted and rolled. Once his line almost collapsed, several times the enemies almost did. We start to ask himself were Sabua’s cavalry was. Then he watched in amusement as the enemy enter left flank disintegrated. He spotted Sabua on his golden stolen leading the charge personally. The enemy broke and ran and was chased down by his glorious tarter warriors. There was no time to besiege the front they had to go on to Kurdistan the capital of the Ak Koyunla.

July 25 1421, Kurdistan
Huggar’s army slogged through the deep mud roads. He watched on as column after column moved forward. He had advanced will into the heart of Ak Koyunla. It was only a time before the enemy was found then it could be destroyed and there capital besieged. He glanced towards the woods on ether side the scouts should have been contacted by know.

Just as he though this Ak Koyunla troops appeared from the forest on both sides. It was in ambush. His army was startled but quickly released what had happened and fought back. The army was soon pulling back in a full retreat back to Dughestan. He later learned that the enemy only numbered 6,000 against his 14,000.

April 3, 1422 Dughestan
Huggar smiled as he roamed the scene of the captured fort .The starved Ak Koyunla defenders of the fort were overwhelmed that morning by his forces. The enemy had paid for what they did to his good boys in Kurdistan and Dughestan.

Jun 9, 1422 Samara
When the Great Khan got word of a envoy wanting for him he though it was a peace offer from his enemies, but when he say the envoy he know he was a Christian. The envoy give him a scroll then ran of like a rat.

“From his Greatness The Tsar of Moscowy to his Greatness The Khan of the Golden Horde.

Since you have no real strength over are Splendid and Powerful Empire we have terminated are vassalage to you.

Sincerely, The Tsar of Moscowy ”

“Damn Christians” said the Khan as he drooped the scroll

Jun 24,1422 Kurdistan
The army of Ak Koyunla had been destroyed in it’s own capital. Huggar hadn’t seen in enemy run though fast since his days defeating rebels.

Sep 15, 1422 Samara
The Khan had not been feeling well and had spent several days in bed, but now he was back on his thrown doing his Imperial business. He had just started working on his the messengers from his generals when a messenger burst through the Great Tent’s opening.

The messenger bowed and said “Ufa is revolting”
The Khan laid back in his char in said, “Send me Nasiryan” (A rich noble who paid for his own cavalry army of 8,000)
Nasiryan would prove himself in battle.

Nov 16, 1422 Ufa
Nasiryan had been stunned by the brutally of the battle. The rebels had fought their best and even though they lost Nasiryan felt as bad as if they had won. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this.

Feb 22, 1423 Kurdistan
Huggar walked through the destroyed palace of the Ak Koyunla Khan. He and his family had flied south to Nayssaybia when the siege begin but walking through his apartments still made Huggar fill great. The city had surrendered that afternoon. Huggar had captured the King’s harem, his royal guards, and his treasury. The war would end soon, very soon. Huggar was marching south to Nayssaybia the Khan of Ak Koyunla last province.

May 16, 1423 Nayssaybia
6,000 poorly armed infantry, no they didn’t deserve that name, a 6,000 poorly armed rabble was annihilated by 12,000 of Huggar cavalry. He watched in proud silence as was army marched towards the city of Nayssaybia. The city was encircled and would soon be starved into submission. Best yet the Royal family of Ak Koyunla was in there to. Huggar already had plans as for what to do with them.

Sep 4, 1423 Nayssaybia
The royal family of Ak Koyunla looked little better then peasant serfs. They was 17 of them the Khan of Ak Koyunla, his favorite wife, his 9 daughters ranging in ages from 8 to 24,and his 6 sons raging on ages from 13-26, all covered in dirt and mud with rages for clothes, they all looked starved and weak. The city had fallen yesterday night and the Royal family had been found hiding in a wine cellar 3 hours ago.

Huggar had been given direct orders on how to treat the royal family by the Khan.
“My Khan has told me to give you this document.” He handed it to the captured Khan “I am to give you food and shelter. You are to read the Document and give the Khan in answer in 4 days. If you don’t give him a answer by then I have full power to treat you how I want,” a small grin appeared on his face “and trust me you and your family,” He looked at the Khans favorite and to each one of his children (giving en especially long look to the older girls) and then giving a slight node to each “won’t like what I do.” Even though he wouldn’t in any way hurt the Khans children he had to act like he would for affect.

The Khan looked scared and weak. In a low weak whisper he said
He opened the Document and read it

“To the weak and destroyed khan of Ak Koyunla from his Greatness the Great Khan of the Golden Horde.

Surrender Armenia and 550 ducats to me the Great Khan of the Golden Horde in order to terminate this war that exist between us.

Your Benevolent Ruler, The Great Khan of the Golden Horde Ulugh Muhammad.

Sep 8, 1423 Samara
The Great Khan coughed for about 8 minutes before something black came out of his mouth. He ordered a servant to clean it up. It had happened several times before.The Imam told him not to worry. As the sevant has cleaning in envoy from Huggar’s army in Nayssaybia came in and handed him a scroll. It read two words.

“They accept”

That was it. The Khan understood all of it.

Oct 8, 1423 Samara
The Khan was lying in bed. We hadn’t had the strength to stand in weeks. A messenger came in without saying a word and handed him a scroll from Huggar in Armenia.

“The war has ended for us. Dulkadir was accepted peace with are ally Qara Koyunla. Dulkadir are now the vassals of Qara Koyunla”

The Khan closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Dec 31, 1423 Samara
The Khan hadn’t spoken in weeks, he hadn’t eaten in days. He lifted his finger and pointed toward the sky. A Imam with him noticed and said.
“Yes, Yes. You will soon be there with HIM”
The Khan smiled. His eyes closed, never to reopen.

From ever bell in the Golden Horde came the sound of chiming. And from ever throat came the words.
“The Great Khan is dead” or “Ulugh Muhammad is dead” or even “Satin has gone to be with his kind.” The words were different but there meanings were all the same.

To Be Continued
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Originally posted by Oleg
Ah! I see you've kept your word, eh? Well, I'd expect nothing less. Now keep on writing.:)

I started but I lost my saved game on the Golden Horde so I'm starting over from nothing. I'm trying to play the same during my WC so I hope for the same results.
Looks interesting. I'll be dropping in every now and again to see how you survive the disintegration events, if nothing else. Good luck.
Chapter 2
Small enemies. Small victories

Jan 1, 1423 Samara
Baulat Berdi walked past imams, lords, ladies, nobility, the monarchs of several neighboring countries, his family, Huggar and his lieutenants, prominent merchants, royal guards, servants, and the court slaves to his new thrown in the Great Golden Tent. His father had died the night before and according the Golden Horde tradition he had to be crowned the next day. Baulat (unlike his father) was a tall, slim, and even (unlike most Mongols) a slightly good-looking man. He reached the thrown turned towards the crowd and knelled. The high imam of Samara walked up to Baulat from his right side. The imam had the ceremonial golden crown in his hands. The crown dissented onto Baulat head. Baulat Berdi was now Great Khan, ruler of Golden Horde.

Feb 6, 1423 Samara
The new Khan looked over his daughter. She was 15, his oldest daughter. She was pretty (as her mother a Arabian belly dancer he married when he was but a youth), full figured and intelligent. He would be sorry to see her go. But it was for the betterment of his Kingdom. He had arranged for her to be married to the heir of Qara Koyunla. With tears in his eyes he stood up from his thrown hugged her good-bye and sent her on her way.

Feb 15, 1423 Armenia
Huggar looked on with disgust as the patriarch of Armenia past in front of him, but he had to be diplomatic to his countries newly released vassal, especially for it’s newest kings carination. He could hardly hide his contempt of this Christians. He watched as a Golden crown was placed on the King of Armenia’s head and the observing crowd cheered. Huggar tried to smile but he can’t get himself to do it. He wanted to leave right then, but the new Khan had given him orders to stay at least initial nightfall. He looked out the cathedrals window; the sun wasn’t even at its noon point yet.

Huggar seat at the King of Armenia’s a wooden table. He was even more disgusted then before. The drunkards, the uncleanness of the table, the rude table manners of his Christian hosts. After watching the Christians eat he lost all his hungry that had been tearing up his stomach since morning. He needed something to keep his mind of his dinner companions so he watched the dancing that was occurring in the middle of the banquet hall. A woman caught his eye. She was a splendid, looking woman. Maybe in her mid 20’s with a dark hair, beautiful face, and a great body. He decided he to ask about her to the King of Armenia.
“Her the king said” pointing to the woman “She is my daughter”
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know.”
“No, no it’s ok in fact why are looking for a husband for her”
“Really, well I have been looking for a new wife” He hadn’t been till he noticed her.
“Will then I guess you found your new wife.”
They smiled to each other but only Huggar was happy. The King was afraid what would happen if he said no to the Khans favorite and most experienced soldier.

Aug 19, 1425 Samara
The Great Khan was playing chess with his oldest son Ulugh (named after his grandfather.) Ulugh was not the smartest and even though he had been playing chess for the better part of his 12 years on earth he still was not any good. Just then a messenger ran through the tents opening he handed the Khan a letter with the seal of Qara Koyunla. As he always did he thought of his daughter now 17 years old. But that had nothing to do with the scroll he read.

“To the Great Khan of the Golden Horde from the Exalted Khan of the Qara Koyunla.

Great Khan I ask of you to honor are military alliance and declare war on the Timurids and the Kaliphate.
Sincerely, The Khan if Qara Koyunla”

They idea of going to war with the leader of Islam shocked him, but the idea of what could happen to his daughter if he refused would shock him even more so he agreed. He ordered a messenger to inform Huggar. Then what back to his game.

Aug 22, 1425 Dughestan
Huggar was turning into in old men; he had first realized that when he had trouble on his wedding night with Theodora (his Armenian wife.) Along with this was his ever whitening beard, his larger, and larger stomach, and apparently he was also getting shorter. For all this reasons and the fact he had a growing family that he wouldn’t to get to know he decided not to lead the invasion of Persia himself but rather send one of his lieutenants.

Sabua would be prefect for this. He was Persian himself so he know some of the country, but had no love for it since he had been soled as a slave be the Timurids at a young age for his Shiite religious believes (years of religious schooling in the Golden Horde handled that.)

Sabua would lead 8,000 men through Qara Koyunla to the Timurids. Take as many undefended provinces as possible and defeat as many armies he could with his force.

Jan 3, 1426 Tabaristan
Sabua 7,200 men were outnumbered 4 to 1 one the plains of the Timurid’s only western province that had a fort he had had no choice but to besiege, 30,000 Timurids had come from the east as soon as he had.

So far the war had been good. First Awhaz had been overwhelmed on Nov 7, then Hamdan had been taken on Nov 22, after that Tabaristan had besieged.

But now this had changed, the siege had be raised and his army had pulled back and reorganized. His situation looked dim. He had tried to find good terrain for his army but the mountains made it impossible. He positioned his army on the crust of several hills hoping that if his men could gain enough speed on their way down that they could simply bulldoze the enemies’ soldeirs.

He watched the Timurids move forward. 10,000-infantry advance up the hill, followed by 5,000 enemy cavalry. 15,000 of the enemy’s cavalry were held in reserve. His army had to be released on the enemy as soon as possible to give them more hill to speed up on. So his entire force of 7,000 rushed down on the enemy’s line. The infantry were plowed under, but the cavalry 5,000 strong stood. The 15,000 cavalry in reserve charged forward. Sabau’s cavalry retreated back up the hill, back of the battlefield, back of the Timuirds land, all the way back to Tabriz, the Qara Koyunlas capital.

Jan 8, 1426 Samara
The Khans 28-year-old sister and his 17-year-old nephew were in front of him.They were to be married. His sister to the Khan of Nogai brother and (initial his brother reproduces) heir. His nephew to the second youngest daughter of the Khan of Uzbek Kaganate. His wished them good luck and allowed his sister go to Nogai (his nephew's wife would come to Samara.)

Feb 17, 1426 Tabriz
Sabua stared at the two scrolls in front of him. He had gone out to talk to his demoralized men and when he returned they here. One was from Hamada, one from Armenia. He decided to open the one from Hamada first.

“The Persians arrived this morning at Hamada, there was no siege the city was fallen.”

Sabua looked at it for a little, then moved to the next one.

“Sabua you have ignored my orders and fight and lost to a large force of Timurids. From know on take only provinces that have no forts, and avoid all enemy soldiers or you will be replaced.

Sincerely, Huggar”

Sabua read that one several more times. He then called for a messenger. His army would move soon.

Mar 6, 1426 Samara
The Great Khan was watching belly dancers perform (a gift from the Sultan of the Ottomans.) He always loved watching belli dancers. A court servant ran up to him and whispered in his ear “Sir a envoy from the Kaliphate is were” The Khan clipped his hands and the belly dancers stop their dancing and left.

The envoy ambled in with the help of a cane. He was at least 70 had a large white beard. He got close to the Khan and in a light whisper said “I’m here to ask of you a separate peace between you the Great Khan and his holiness the Caliph.”

The Khans eyes lighted up. “Tell the Caliph he is my friend not my enemy.”

July 31, 1426 Kerman
Sabua stood in front of the undefended city watching as his 6,000 strong cavalry army caused anarchy. He watched as unarmed men were killed, woman were forced into hunts to have god knows what done to them, and children were put in chains and carried to his armies camp later they would be soled as slaves.

He felt good. Not because of what happened to the town but because of what happened before. Fars had fallen Jun 2, Hormonz had been taken July 3, and now this city had been occupied. Next was Meched just north of here. His army had cut a huge path of death, rape, and ruin through southern, and then central Persia. He walked through the town to see what had become of its people. The dead were everywhere. He could her the screams of those being raped and the cries of the dying. His objective was to scare the Timurids enough to ask for peace.

Oct 20, 1426 Samarkand
The Khan of the Timurids looked at the peace proposal in front of him.

“In exchange for 150,000 ducats peace and the withdrawal of all Golden Horde troops from Persia will be guaranteed.

Sincerely, Khan Baulat Berdi of the Golden Horde”

After the stories that the Khan had received from the conquered provinces he decided to accept.

Jan 8 1427, Volograd
The Imam stood by the banks of the Volga looking over the amassed orthodox Christians.
“Your Christ was little more then a insane Jew who had right to be killed.” He had been ordered by the Khan to convert this people. He went on and on about how Christ has evil and Muhammad was the only true prophet and Allah was the one God, if they were not converted by the book now they would be by the Sword later.

Oct 2, 1428 Dughestan
Huggar had done little in the past several years. He was sitting in a recently finished permanent HQ when a messenger ran. The messenger passed out before he could even hand him the scroll. Huggar picked the scroll of the messenger and opened it.

“Huggar my son-in-law I beg you to send all aid possible immediately for my Kingdom is under siege by the combined forces of are old enemies Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir.

Sincerely, the King of Armenia”

Huggar jumped up and yelled, “Send me a messenger.”

April 30, 1429, Samara
“How dear they, how dear they attack my vassal.” Roared the Khan. “We will smite them once and for all.” The Khan of Qara Koyunla who had come to see the Khan nodded his head “I agree that are Armenian friends should be defended from Ak Koyunla and Dulkadir and they should be avenged for there aggression.”
A big smile broke on the Khans face.
"He will smite them my friend, we will."

May 17, 1429 Armenia
Huggar seat on his horse at the front of his 20,000-man cavalry army spread out on the golden sun-brunt plains of Armenia. Huggar watched as the Ak Koyunla’s and Dulkadir’s 12,000 soldiers (4,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry) moved onto the field. His army was to move in a great sweeping motion. Sabua was to lead 7,500 from Huggar’s left onto the enemy’s right. 10,000 under Huggar himself were to move forward onto the Ak Koyunla’s and Dulkadir’s center.

Huggar yelled at a signaler next to him. The signaler pointed a flag he had to his left. The gesture moved from signaler to signaler down the line. When it reached Sabua, his cavalry started to gallop forward. As they got closer to the enemy they got faster and faster initial the cavalry collided with the enemy. The enemy was butchered. Before Huggar had started to move his line forward, Sabua had broken the enemies flank. Huggar’s 10,000-moved forward. The infantry in the center were smashed against the sabers of Huggar’s Tatars.

Only 800 of the enemy survived to retreat. 19,000 of Huggars cavalry lived to advance.

July 5, 1429 Samara
The envoy from Dulkadir was dressed in the white robes of an important Turk. The Khan looked him over. The envoy had come with gifts several more girls for his harem, a golden saber from the Khan of Dulkadir, a beautiful warhorse, and several slaves (not that the Golden Horde didn’t have enough from the raids in Persia.)
“Lit me get understand this. A separate peace with Dulkadir between my country, and Qara Koyunla?” Asked the Khan
“Yes this is what I’m offering.”
“Well then. As the alliance leader I accept.”

Oct 3, 1429 Kurdistan
Sabua stood in front of the walls of the Capital of the Ak Koyunla. He stood next to a row of catapults behind a well of palisades. Rock after rock buttered the walls of the city. The city would be taken soon enough. He had plans as what to do to the capital of his 2-time enemy

Oct 5, 1429 Trabzon
The recently annexed province of Qara Koyunla was under siege by Huggar. Huggar army had encircled it and cut of their supplies. He would starve them into submission.

May 22, 1430 Samara
“We are the most powerful Muslim country in the world, he should have a fleet. ”The Khan looked at the target in front of him.

“Yes sir we should, but not now, we need the money to fight Ak Koyunla.” An advisor next to him said

The Khan pulled the string of his bow back. “Yes. I didn’t mean now.” He let the arrows fly, right into the middle of the target.

“Good shot sir I could nev….” A messenger ran up to the Khan and handed him a scroll. The Khan looked opened.

“Armenia was been annexed by Dulkadir”

The Khan said one word “damn”

July 3, 1430 Kurdistan
Slaughter. One word to describe it, slaughter. The city had been taken that morning. His men had flooded in murder, rape, and ruin had followed. Sabua had given direct orders to slaughter all the men and enslave all the women and children. He was sick of this war, and like the one in Persia he had made it a war of attrition.

It was easier now to do what he had done to his enemies then it had been in the last Khans time. This Khan seemed more to like the world of pleasure then his father ever did. His father had taken a much more active hand in the wars he waged.

Put Sabua had a free hand against his enemies and that was all he could what from any ruler. He watched as his men started to torch the crud hunts of civilians and the wooden building of the skilled works labored. This province would no be worthy of wolves when he was done with it much less humans.

Sep 22, 1430 Nayssaybia
Sabua had done this before. Besieging the last province of AK Koyunla, were the royal family here the royal family had taking shelter from his soldiers, but one thing would change. The Royal family would not be treated like royalty this time.

May 7, 1431 Trabzon
The Huggar allowed the emaciated defenders of the fort to surrender without being murdered. Huggar had other things on his mind. Mostly Sabau’s treatment of the captured cities of Kurdistan. He had been afraid about what would happen to the royal family of Ak Koyunla if they fell to Sabua. God he would be glad not to be them.

Sep 23 1431 Nayssaybia
The royal family of Ak Koyunla stood in front of Sabua. They had been found trying to escape that morning. There were 7 of them the Khan, his new favorite, and 5 daughters raging in ages from 18-29 (all the men apparently were killed.) They were skinny, dirty, and had clothes so ripped that they were almost naked. He gave the khan of Ak Koyunla a scroll from his Khan. And said to the captured khan.
“If you refuse you and your family well wish you were died by tomorrow.”
The Khan’s family looked like they were going to start weeping. The captured Khan hide his face behind the scroll.

“You have started a war against my vassal and know shill pay, you’ll will give me Trabzon and submit to the Golden Horde.

Sincerely, the man who allows you to live, Khan Baulat Berdi of the Golden Horde”

The Khan nodded his head and said.
“I agree”
Sabua replied “Oh darn I was going to have fun with your girls.”

Jan 19, 1432 Sochi
Huggar stood in the mud outside this Georgian province.
“War, war. Always war.” Yelled Huggar “We have to always be at war.”
Sabua standing next to him said, “If your getting to old for it maybe you should quit”
“Quit!! I’m not to old its just 3 wars in one decade same like a lot.”
“Huggar we are spreading the True Faith, no amount of war is to much for that”
“Oh, was the war against the Persians and the Ak Koyunla was that spreading the Faith?”
“No that was in the defense of a ally and a friend. Huggar even you have a Armenian wife you can’t claim that they were a not friend.”
Several large stones fired from catapults collided with the Georgian fort.
“Those engineers from the east are a God sin, I bet there is it any one left in there.” Said Sabua

Just as Sabua said that the gates of the Georgian fort opened and several thousand Georgians sprinted out. Huggar 16,000 men were to spread out to stop them. Huggar started to yell
“Comrades rally around me.” Several hundred were able to.
Sabua said to Huggar “I’ll go to the rear to collect some men.” He galloped of on his horse

Huggar gathered some 1,000 men around him and tried to launch a counter-attack. His men fought bravely but were over whelmed by the enemy. Huggar himself was in the front line cutting and slashing anyone how got near him, but he wasn’t enough. Eventually Georgians overwhelmed him.

When Sabua arrived from the rear with 5,000 men to drive the Georgians he was to late. Huggar was died and the entire front was weakened to the point of collapse. Sabua got a messenger, the Khan had to be told.

Jan 1, 1433 Samara
Sayyid Ahmed I (the Khans brother) had been sitting in his study when he heard a knock one his door.
“Come in.”
It’s has a messenger with the uniform of an Imperial messenger.
“Sir, Khan Baulat Berdi has died. You are his heir.” Send the messenger
“What? Doesn’t he have several sons?”
“All are to young or in the Khans on words “Stupid”.”
“I’m to be Great Khan.”
“Yes. You are to be coroneted today. You are to fellow me”
The New Khan stood up and did what he was asked.

Mar 7, 1433 Sochi
Sabua stood outside his field tent as lot was brought back from the city which had fallen that afternoon. The new Khan had appointed Sabua new High Commander of Golden Horde Land Soldiers. As Huggar’s former 2nd in charge it was no surprise.

Sabua was getting ready to move on Georgia’s capital, he was already signing orders to move troops south, but was allowing may of his men to do what Tartars did best bring ruin to the populace.

July 5, 1433 Georgia
Sabua’s cavalry were stretched out among the hills of Georgia. 20,000 strong his army was trying to locate the 9,000 remaining Georgians left. When they did make contact his enter army concentrated on them. When the Georgians finally decided to join battle with the Tatars wave after wave of Sabua’s army pushed the Georgians of the field by sheer weight of numbers. The brute force of his army soon overwhelmed the Georgian army and the city of Georgia was encircled and cut of.

July 2, 1434 Georgia
Sabua stood in the thrown in the main keep of the city of Georgia. He paced through the thrown room of Alexander I (the king of Georgia.) He walked up the sliver thrown, and sat down in it. He looked at the window of the keep at the burning town.
“God I wish I would’ve caught him” Sabua stood to himself. Alexander I had managed to escape to Genoese territory northeast of Georgia, but his wife had been captured.
“Funny idea is it not?” Sabua said to Sharif (his new 2nd in charge.)
“What is it my chief?” Said Sharif (He was a real Mongol unlike Sabua (a Persia) and Huggar (A Siberian).)
“One partner your entire life, no mistresses, no harem, only on wife.”
“Err, Yes it is a odd idea.”
“Well at least he had one, if not we would have nothing to bargain with”
“Lets hope he loves her enough to agree to peace.”
“Yes lets”

July 5, 1434 Samara
The New Khan seat on his golden thrown reading an Imperial scroll from Georgia.

“Sir I have got them to agree to peace on this options, Sochi the Golden Horde, 125,000 Ducats in reparations to the Golden Horde.

I’ll I need is you to agree

Accept Refuse

X_____________________ Signature

Sincerely, Sabua”

The Khan circled “AGREE” and signed his name.

“So what are we going to do to with this money?” The Khan asked an advisor named Hussein.
“We could use it to convert the Heretics in Samara and Dughestan. It will really go alone way to getting ride of the ideal worshipers in are country” Replied Hussein.
“Sounds good. Right out the Documents and I’ll sign.”
“Oh and sir there is trouble in….”
“Speak up man”
“Sir there is trouble among the non-Mongols arising”

TO BE Continued
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Go on, EU2 Lover, I'm reading. I figure quite a few people may be away or just Christmas shopping this weekend. The readership numbers look pretty healthy though.