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Oct 3, 2002
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This is my first try at an AAR

The country will be Aragon. I dont intend to change into spain.
My goals are:
1 - To secure by back in the iberian peninsula.
2 - To conquer italy
3 - To conquer every muslim province surrounding the meditarranean.
4 - to conquer the remaining provinces surrounding the mediterranean.
5 - to construct manufacturies in every province next to the mediterranean and to try and convert all to catholicism. Also maybe to release the kingdom of jerusalem
6 - to conquer the middle east and western africa

as this is my FIRST AAR i'm playing in normal\normal

My starting position

aristocracy 7
centralization 4
innovative 5
mercantilistm 7
offensive 5
land 4
quality 5
serfdom 7

We have 25k troops in catalunya, 20k infantry and 5k cavalry
and also 16 ships in the port

We like Portugal,Castile, The knights
We hate Fez, Algires and Morocco

edit : Forgot this

i'm playing with EEP
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Good luck string! Those goals are pretty original and commendable... (doesn't involve too much slaughtering)

I look forward to it! :)

PS: apparently people behind me think that there is never too much slaughtering! :D

PPS: nice nick! :D

I like the firmly set out goals at the start. What will you do to Protestant regions? Bring them back into the fold? Will you be staying Catholic our going Counter-reformed? Will you bring in the counter-reform or catholic regions (whichever you are not) back into the True Faith (tm)?

Good luck!

Originally posted by Stroph1

I like the firmly set out goals at the start. What will you do to Protestant regions? Bring them back into the fold? Will you be staying Catholic our going Counter-reformed? Will you bring in the counter-reform or catholic regions (whichever you are not) back into the True Faith (tm)?

Good luck!


Hey Stroph1! How come you always use (tm) after everything? :D Like the ToT (tm)

True Faith(tm) is a property of the Stroph1 Utd Corp.. Unlicensed use in public places such as school, buses, prisons and oil rigs is prohibited."

:D :D

Actually, it was started by Bloomfield in the FC series with his Floppy Hat. Then in my early AAR's, LD and MrT pointed out to me that I would pick a certain phrase or such and tie the whole AAR humour around it. I was not the first to put the trademark on ToT. It was done by one of the readers (I don't remember which).

Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!), I just sort of picked it up.

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First installment 1419 - 22 september 1422


January 1st - We decided that we should favour both the amry and the navy equally (+1 land to 5) and we entered a military alliance with our dear friends the castillians. We also sent 4 merchants to Tago

January 3rd - The everopportunistic castilians aksed if we wanted to become their vassals. We rejected their request explaining that such an arrangment would not serve our purpose at this time, maybe in the future though (and the other way around)
We also directed large amounts of our monthly income towards increasing our stability as the recent adjustment of army policies had created some discontent among the nobles.

The next few months went quietly for us while the portugese fought with the infidels in fez and the castilians for some obscure reason started gathering their armies at the border of Navarra.

June 15th - The castilians sent an ultimatum to the king of Navarra asking him to return the 15 goats and 3 donkeys, that had mysteriously dissapeared near the border of navarra, immediatly to Castile . Carlos III of navarra replied that while the castilians might like goats and donkeys more the Navarran nobles prefer women and therefore have no need to steal castilian cattle.
Then, ofcourse, Castile declared war upon Navarra and asked us to help them . While king Alfonso pondered whether or not was 18 heads of cattle sufficient reason to declare war the castilian armies started moving towards Bearn

June 20th - We joined the war on the side of our allies, Castile

June 29th - The castilian armies reached bearn and laid siege to the city. Meanwhile the navarran army of 6 thousand infantry and 4 thousand cavalry moved towards Aragon, in response to that we ordered our army under the command of our king to move to the defence of our capital.

August 13th - The army of Navarra arrived in aragon and immediatly started looting. Our army moved to engage them

August 20th - We attacked and destroyed the navarran army and then moved on towards Navarra itself to besiege their capital.

September 19th - While our army marched towards his capital Carlos III managed to raise 10k infantry and ambush our army, forcing it to retreat.

September 25th - In response to our defeat we ordered 18k new cavalry to be recruited and trained immediatly.

November 1st - King Alfonso V, yearning for battle, ordered his army to move on navarra again.

December 9th - Our army was again ambushed but luckily King Alfonso managed to retreat again from the trap and we lost less that two thousand men. This time he has agreed with his other generals to wait for the 18k cavarly which will be ready very soon.


January 12th - A castilian army numbering over 36 thousand strong reached navarra and defeated the navarran army which was six times smaller. While they ultimately lost 2/3 of their men the navarrans managed to cause over ten thousand casualities to the castilians before retreating towards our province of gerona.
Seeing these developments King Alfonso decided to redirect his reinforcements to the defence of gerona and move his own army to help the castilians with the siege of bearn which had proceded slowly.

February 2nd - King Alfonso V arrived in bearn with his army of nineteen thousand and as an able commander took over the siege.

April 17th - Our cavalry crushed the remnants of navarran army in gerona.

May 16th - Alfonsos agressive siege techniques forced the capitulation of the last navarran forces in Bearn and the province fell into our hands

May 19th - Seeing that the siege in navarra was proceeding slowly (or was making no progress whatsoever to be honest) King Alfonso decided to move to navarra with 3k infantry and sent the rest of his army to catalunya.

June 15th - King Alfonso arrived in navarra and assumed command of the siege.

July 21st - There was a coup attempt in castile, although their stabilty suffered greatly no rebellions luckily occured.

November 10th - Under the superb command of King Alfonso the armies of Castile and Aragon finally captured navarra.

November 11th - We are at peace, but it was not us who initiated the peacetalks. The Castilians signed a treaty with the navarrans and with that treaty the province of bearn was given to us, a pleasant surprise indeed. An hour after the peacetalks had ended we invited Portugal into our alliance, the portugese ambassador gladly accepted our invitation

November 20th - Seeing the need for a stronger economy our benevolent king, Alfonso V, decided that most of the monthly incomes should be directed towards imrpoving roads, bridges and so forth.


January 1st - A new and promising commander has risen through the ranks. Proving himself in the battle that took against the navarrans in gerona last year, Braccio di Monteone has been given command of an army in Catalunya.

January 2nd - King Alfonso invited all his generals and nobles to a great council, declaring that he had decided to move against naples and its allies in italy. He ordered the transference of all armies to sicily and 16 thousand cavalry to be raised.

January 14th - Castile again invited us to become their vassals. We politely turned them down.

July 10th - Byzantium, the last stronghold of christianity in the east might have done a fatal mistake today. They released the pretender to Ottoman throne thereby trigerring a war between the two states an their allies.

September 15th - It seems as if the Ottomans werent to keen for war as they settled peace with the Byzantines paying a symbolic sum of 1 ducat, but just 6 days later Byzantium declared war again, this time on the Duchy of Athens


July 29th - We finally have transfered all the armies to sicily. King Alfonso is currently organizing the armies for the invasion

August 11th - New land was claimed in messina as over 300 acres of swampland was cleared.

August 22nd - King Alfonso and his army of 20 thousand cavalry boarded ships in the straits of messina and set course for the bay of naples

September 21st - Our fleet arrived in the bay of naples. With the army of Braccio di Monteone in position in messina we are now prepared to declare war.

September 22nd - We declared war on Naples. Their allies Tuscany,Modena and Siena joined the war. We didnt request help from Castile or Portugal.

thats it for the moment.. maybe i'll make another one tonite
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No string, no! :eek:

Don't declare war on Naples! You inherit them in 1450 or so, and can gain them as Core provinces! Just make sure to vassalise their allies, and diploannex them in 10 years time, by leaving the alliance with Castille and entering theirs. Leave Naples unscathed.
Originally posted by Gjerg Kastrioti
No string, no! :eek:

Don't declare war on Naples! You inherit them in 1450 or so, and can gain them as Core provinces! Just make sure to vassalise their allies, and diploannex them in 10 years time, by leaving the alliance with Castille and entering theirs. Leave Naples unscathed.

i will do as i will..

you think i didnt know about that before i started writing this AAR?
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Well, I don't know...:eek:

Good luck anyway. Will you be becoming Spain or just avoiding vassalisation?
Infantry would have been more appropriate when attacking Navarra because of the moutainny landscape.
Originally posted by Eochaid
Infantry would have been more appropriate when attacking Navarra because of the moutainny landscape.

yeah it seems so..

i hoped tho that my 4/3/4/1 leader would do miracles..

expect the full report on the italian war later tonight
oooh... nice objectives; but when i play aragon I use those:

-DESTROY ANNIHILATE MASSACRE castile/spain... (the faster the better; they don't deserve live; (capture a few and open a zoo if possible*)

-NEVER turn into SPAIN ---> SPAIN IS THE ENEMY!!!!

-DESTROY france... (they want rousillon??? i want their head)

-DESTROY GENOA: come on; they refused to give to aragon corsica; when the pope tell it... THEY DESERVE IT!!!!)

-get the mediterran as a private pool...

-world conquest

* remember to put into the zoo the following sign: "throwing food at the animals strictly forbidden; throwing rocks allowed"
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