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Jul 29, 2002
Okay, here I will post an AAR of my next game of EUII. It will be the AoN scenario, and I will be playing Russia. I havn't started it yet, but plan to today. I should be updating for every 5 or 10 years... maybe less. Okay, so... I'll be back with my first update before you can say Romanov.
January 27th, 1820: Outside of St. Petersburg-

The wind howled and wiped at the small carriage wobbling it's way south through the heavy snow. Fyodr Patravlov, aid to the one of the heads of commerce in Russia, was making his way to St. Petersburg from Arkangelsk. His superior, Alexander Nevsky, has been on the White Sea port conducting buisness with one of the large shipping comapnies in the area. Nevsky represented the government in such affairs, and had been summoned to St. Petersburg because Tsar Alexander had called a meeting of many, many of his advisors and government officials to discuss matters for the new decade.

Fyodr looked out the window, he could see buildings in the distance, they were almost there.

"Thank god." Fyodr muttered to himself, he hated long journeys, especially in this weather.

*Zoom out to show wide view of St. Petersburg, dramtic music starts playing, the large bold words of the title fly into view, and these words scroll across your eyes:*

And so it begins, Fyodr isn't the main caracter, I just wanted to open it that way, the following is an account of one of the greatest epics of all time, the epic of Russia... in the 19th century!

*More dramatic music, fading, becoming calmer...*

The year 1820 was a new decade, many in Russia were glad to see it come. Tsar Alexander was reigning supreme over the Empire, and had a treasury of 300 ducats. Each month, the Empire was making about 16 ducats.

The army of Russia was massive, 116,000 Infantry, 40,000 Cavalry, and 150 Cannons. The navy was much smaller in comparison, 25 warships, 20 galleys, and 7 transports.

Inflation is at 50%.

The year started out well, Tsar Alexander decided that Muslims, Catholics, and Protestants weren't all that bad, so made tolerance towards them fairly even, however those wretched reformists were decided to be evil! The Tsar announced Russia was to have no tolerance towards them at all.

Then, the Tsar decided that Russia needs to be more infantry oriented, so it was done.

Mikhail Lazarev was a dashing explorer siting in the Baltic, not really doing anything. His time was spent drinking fine wine, eating fine foods, and spending time with fine women. He was quite the socialite in Western Russia. However, the Tsar found those to be useless tasks, and though that Lazarev should actually do something for the money he recieved, so, in February of that year the Tsar ordered Lazarev to charter an oversea rout to Russia's Japanese Sea coast. Reluctantly, Lazarev pulled himself onto his boats, grumbling the entire time. He soon realized however that he would be seen as daring and exciting after the journey, so he quickly went to the front of his flagship, and stood looking off into the distance, the wind blowing his hair. 5 other ships were sent with him.

Ties between Russia and Britain were strengthened that year when Britain proposed a Trade Agreement between the two nations, Russia agreed.

In June of the year, the Finns decided they had had enough of Russian rule, and rose up in rebellion. The Tsar dispatched 15,000 troops from St. Petersburg however, and the revolt was over with in no time.

In July, the Tsar offered the nation of Prussia a Vote of Neutrality, Prussia eagerly agreed, and the two rulers met in Warsaw for a tea party on the 6th. On the 8th, a entirely useless and wastefull ball was held in St. Petersburg for all the nobility and the wealthy of Russia and the Baltic area. The Swedes, and infact all other nations outside of Russia did not attend, it was rumored to be extremely dull and boring, it was a huge success among the nobility.

In July also, the United States, France, and Prussia created an alliance.

The last noteable event of the year happened in September, when Lazarev arrived in the Japanese Sea port of Enkan. He stood tall and erect as he sailed into harbor, expecting a huge adoring crowd. The 2,000 residents of the town however didn't pay any attention to him, and went about their daily routine of fishing and just being generaly impoverished.

I'll start a new entry for 1821.
Secure the borders!

*Fade out*
*Fade back in*

At the start of 1821, the treasury had grown to 809 ducats, and the monthly income had grown to about 25. The trade ministry was handling trade, with the Tsar stepping in only if they started making silly moves, such as investing in far flung, poor centers of trade while the English take over the center of trade we actually control.

Tsar Alexander awarded a friend of his by naming him governor of Enkon, and promptly ordered that such an offer be created there. The economy was so effected that inflation dropped by 1%!

Not long after that, the a French delegation arrived in St. Petersburg with an offer for a Trade Agreement. Seeing no reason not to, the Tsar agreed, and went back to his life of luxery. But only 10 minutes later, a man burst into the court. He came striding forward with several aids behind him. He bowed to the Tsar and announced himself, "I am Alexander Ypsilanti, and I am representing the Greek people! For ages we have been under the heavy boot of Ottoman oppresion, and now we finnaly have our own territory, we ask the Russians to support and protect us!"

The Tsar was so impressed at the man standing before him, he agreed to support the Greek people. (Greek Independence Event). It turns out his aids were actually a Prussian delegation though, and they were offering a Trade Agreement.

The Tsar was flatered, "It seems everybody wants to see me today!"

A royal court member chimed in, "Everybody always wants to see you, my lord!" His coment was followed by nods and "Yes, of course." from every other member of the court. The Tsar was even more flatered, having experienced this type of treatment his entire life, especialy after defeating Napoleon.

Speaking of which, being the victor over Napoleon, the Tsar had quite an inflated ego, and a few days prior to those last events he had been playing a game of chess with his brother, Grand Duke Constantine. Well, Constantine won the game, and the Tsar went into a rage, knocking over the chess board and flailing about like a baby. After an aid played the Tsar, and LET him win, was the Tsar able to be calm again.

But now back to the history. Britain entered the Franco-Prussian-American alliance that month, making it one of the most imposing alliances out there, it had become the Anglo-Franco-Prussian-American alliance.

The Dutch requested a trade agreement, and despite the Tsar having no tolerance for reformists, he agreed to it.

Later that year, Russia entered into a vote of Neutrality with France, Austria, and Great Britain, securing her european borders outside of Sweden and the Ottomans.

In 1822, the Russian Empire had a treasury of 1,296 ducats. Having this much surplus money, the Tsar dispatched 300 colonists, some agreeing to go, others being "coerced into the journey, to Russian America in the east. The several month long journey is rumored to be similer to being in hell.

The Tsar offered the Austrians a Trade Agreement, but Vienna refused the offer, sending the Tsar into a fit of anger, he ordered that 500 random peons were to be sent into Siberia for the rest of their lifes. The order was of course carried out, who would dare disobey the will of the Tsar?

When word reached St. Petersburg that only 200 of the original colonists were succesful in their attempts at colonizing, the Tsar ordered 300 more to be dispatched. Only 100 of these were succesful.

In March word reached the Tsar that Portugal had realeased Brazil as a seperate nation, the Tsar seemed unimpressed.

The rest of the year resulted in the German states all entering into votes of Neutrality with each other, except for Prussia. Afghanistan and some remote Khanate became allied, and some south Asian nations the Tsar had never heard off went to war. That's about it.


In January of 1823, the treasury exceeded 1,500 ducats. Using some of this money, the Tsar sent several full grown bears to Frederick Wilhelm III of Prussia, the King sent word back of the two nation's improved relations.

In March, the Generals advised the Tsar to increase military funding, the Tsar did this, puting 73 ducats each month into funding the military's technological research.

On April 19th, Serbia cancelled the treaty of Vassalage they had with the Ottomans, Russia sent a small gift to the nation and sent word of Russia's support for their cause. A military alliance was in the works, but would not be offered at that time.

In December, a war that Greece foolishly did not ask Russia to help them in resulted in Greece being vassalized by the Egyptians, an extremely humiliated event for the Ottomans.

In January of 1824, General Petr Wittgenstein was dispatched with 39,000 troops to the Caspian Sea region, Russia having no military presence in the area. In October he arrived, with only 33,000 soldiers left after the march from Poland.

In Britain, the government allowed an odd type of thing, something called a "Union", the Russians were baffled at such a thing. When the British ambassador explained it was a way for the people who do all the work to get better working conditions and pay, but may reduce productivity, the Tsar burst into laughter, thinking it was a joke. The court, not wanting to seem as if they didn't like the Tsar, burst into laughter as well. The British ambassador ran out of the court, humiliated.

Charles X rose to the throne in France, the Tsar sent him a ton of Arctic Fish. Charles was slightly angry that such a useless gift had been given to him, but never the less sent word of thans to the Tsar.

That same month, war broke out in the Baltic. Sweden and Norway declared war on Denmark, who activated their alliance with some minor German states. Russia considered intervening in the conflict, but decided not to to preserve stability. The Tsar was later glad he had used such caution, for in the Spring Prussia went to war with Denmark on the side of Sweden and Norway.

In the summer, a small Siberian settlement called Denmianka was attacked by natives in the area, some 200 Russia settlers were massacared.

Prussia that same month annexed Hamburg by forcefull means, further expanding their power.

Nothing else worthy of note happened in 1824.
Argh! I just spent the last 40 minutes typing the entry for 1825 to 1830, and then accidentaly hit exit!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Argh, argh, argh, argh... argh.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :( :(

I was going to continue after that too... but now I've lost the will to continue... I need recuperation time before I can make a new entry. :(

*weeps in frustration*
Another AoN AAR! And a very nice one.

And about my country. And my favourite period. And with a nice subtle humour.

I am reading this! Dare I hope you recuperate by this evening, Gospodin Mummer?... :) I will look forward to it.

btw, what is the end year for the AoN scenario?
Damnable sleep!

Well, I have recuperated, but sadly I must sleep... so I probably won't be able to get another entry in until tommorow evening. I'm not sure what the end year is for AoN, lol, I should... I probably do but can't remember. I want to say 1914... but I'm not sure.
Oh muse!

I have sudden inspiration! I can get this part out of the way, as I don't have to drag out my notes or open up the history file, oh joy!

1825, January

27 year old Prince Nicholas sat near his brothers. His brother, Tsar Alexander, was slowly dieing of a severe fever. His other brother, the heir, Grand Duke Constantine stood by the window, looking out over the barren landscape. They were at one of the many palaces owned by the Royal family that a spread throughout West Russia.

Constantine was leaning against the wall, he looked as if he wasn't so much looking out the window, but just in looking in that direction while thinking. Nicholas was thinking also. Alexander was the eldest, and was always the one that new what to do. Nicholas had been born in 1798, so hadn't known Alexander when Alexander was a boy, but they were still family.

Constantine looked worried, he looked as if he had suddenly had a great weight upon him. He turned and spoke slowly, "I am not sure that I can do this... be the Tsar I mean. I don't think I can do it."

Alexander rasped, "You're the heir, Russia will be yours."

"I know, but I cannot rise to the throne, Nicholas... Nicholas you will have to be Tsar." he answered.

Nicholas sat for a moment, mouth hanging open, "I've never been prepared, but you... you have been preparing for this for the past quarter of a century! I... I don't have the proper training."

The three were there in silence for several dozen minutes, until finnaly Alexander spoke, "Nicholas, Constantine is right, you have to rise to the throne. I will be gone in a matter of minutes... you must be Tsar of Russia."

Nicholas stood, one hand on his waist, the other on his forhead. "I... I can't, I just can't."

For several more minutes they stood, in silence. Then, Alexander drew, with great difficulty, his last breath, and collapsed on the bed. The doctors rushed in, other family members, some crying. The snow had begun to fall outside, a quick snowfall.

Constantine turned slowly towards Nicholas, and carefully, deliberately he lowered himself into a kneeling position before Nicholas. The others in the room knew what this meant, and they too began to pay respect to Nicholas. They began to pay their respect towards the new Tsar. The Emperor of all Russia.

Mourning the Tsar...


Long Live the Tsar!

This was a very Russian-like scene. Typical Intelligentsia :D

Great one.