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Jun 14, 2002
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The Sun Shall Never Set On The Empire!

Hiya. This is going to be the start of my FIRST AAR and its going to be with Great Britain and the scenario will be the Age of Revolutions. I'm going to break it down year by year; each chapter being 1 year. :D Its my first AAR, like I said, and I'm only 16 so don't give me any crap! ;) Lol, anyway, feel free to say whats on your mind, what I can improve and what you think is good. Anyway, I better get to the game so I won't keep you all waiting. :D
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:D :D :D :D

Well good luck for this AAR. Will you post a year a day? What are the settings? And all that kind of questions we ask when you start an AAR

BTW: Are you new around here? Because I've never seen you before?

PPS: About the age thing. Check Sharur or Carolus Rex. They're quite (very?) young and yet very active and important members of the community!
Originally posted by Eochaid

:D :D :D :D

Well good luck for this AAR. Will you post a year a day? What are the settings? And all that kind of questions we ask when you start an AAR

BTW: Are you new around here? Because I've never seen you before?

PPS: About the age thing. Check Sharur or Carolus Rex. They're quite (very?) young and yet very active and important members of the community!

A year a day? Maybe, I am not sure. I'm just going to play for awhile and get all the information I can and make it as detailed as possible. Hopefully people will like it. The settings are all on the normal settings, I think it is the most realisitc (maybe I'm wrong though ;))

I wouldn't say I'm new, I just haven't posted much and I haven't been around in awhile. :D
The reason the sun never sets on the Britsh Empire is that God doesn't trust the English in the dark. :p

Don't worry about the age barrier... There are plenty of boozers about, looking to serve imaginary beer in an imaginary bar to an imaginary teenager... :D

Good luck to you.


Aye, and he invented liquor so the Irish wouldn't take over the world...

Though the way the Brits and the Americans have been running things, he might want to reconsider.
Originally posted by HolisticGod

Don't worry about the age barrier... There are plenty of boozers about, looking to serve imaginary beer in an imaginary bar to an imaginary teenager... :D

Good luck to you.


Aye, and he invented liquor so the Irish wouldn't take over the world...

Though the way the Brits and the Americans have been running things, he might want to reconsider.

Hey! Who's a boozer? And Carolus Rex is not under-age: he's Virtually old enough!:D
Chapter 1: The Year 1773: January - April

Chapter 1: The Year 1773: January - April

After much deliberation by the highest members of His Majesty's Royal Government, a course of action has been decided upon to ensure the dominance of the Empire over the world. They have come to the conclusion that a policy of economic and territorial expansionism and militarism is the most effective. The policy calls for the aggressive use of the military forces to capture Centers of Trade and secure more territory and the aggressive use of merchants to ensure British economic dominance.

The Royal Government has planned two military campaigns that would, in the hopes of the King and other leading members of Government, ensure British supremacy.

The first campaign that has been proposed is to allow British expansion in the Middle East. According to this plan, a force of 10,000 Regulars with the support of a portion of the Royal Navy stationed in neaby India, will land in the nation of Oman to secure the critical Center of Trade there as well as the lands of that nation. The people of Oman are expected to provide very light resistance and the campaign is estimated to last less than a year. Oman will then become a dependacy of Great Britain. The campaign is planned to begin in early March of 1774 and, if needed, the timetable can be pushed back or forward depending on evolving world events.

The second military campaign is more crucial in protecting the Empire's position in the world. To prevent the country from being embaressed on the world stage, Great Britain will NOT allow the fledgling American colonies independence. All available military resources at the moment are being diverted to this region of the world to execute the campaign as quick as possible. The campaign, at its outset, calls for the 10,000 strong Detriot Garrison under General Newbury to drive east to the city of Richmond and then south to Georgia. A force of 13,000 men under the command of General Preston will drive due south from Canada to the city of Philadelphia; the source of this growing rebellion. Then, a force of 23,000 under the command of the able General Amherst will drive south as well to secure New England; most importantly, the cities of New York and Boston.

The most crucial military campaign has been set in motion. The three armies have began their drive into the American colonies. There is little or no resistance at the campaign's outset.

The campaign so far is a success. The city of Onodaga is captured by a force of 4,000 Regulars. The city of Georgetown is captured by General Amherst, who is well on his way to the city of Boston. The other empires of the world, for the time being, lie dormant.

The 4th of March sees the first engagement between British and American soldiers. A force of 13,000 Regulars under the command of General Preston meet a force of 5,000 American militiamen. The battle is bloody and the American force is destroyed at the cost of 2,000 British casualties and Preston continues the advance to Philadelphia. The Government is not happy with the result of the first engagement with American fighting men. The Government fears it is a sign of things to come. The city of Plymouth is captured by General Amherst as he makes his way down the American coast.

On the 21st of March, the siege of Fort Oswego by 3,000 Regulars begins.

On the 26th, General Newbury captures the city of Raliegh as he approaches the city of Richmond. Also, seeing that this war will last longer than anticapated, the Atlantic Fleet (42 ships strong) under the command of Admiral Wells embarks to the American coast to blockade the city of New York. Attached to the fleet are 12000 marines under the command of General Howe. On the homefront, realizing that France and/or Spain may intervene and assist the rebels, 13,000 men are called up in Anglia. In case of war with France, these 13,000 men will be quick-deployed to the Normandy coast to drive onto Paris as rapidly as possible.

On the 15th, General Amherst arrives in Massachusetts with his force of 21,000 men. Two days later, on the 17th, Amherst begins his assualt on Boston. The battle is bloody and will be fought for the next several days. Also on the 17th, General Newbury captures Richmond. Although the original plan called for him to then drive south, the Government has realized that the war will be won much quicker with the capture of Philadelphia. As a result, Newbury turns his army northward and begins its march.

On the 30th, the Government begins to think that this war will be long and drawn out. It orders a force of 16,000 men (reserved in Canda) under the command of the able-bodied General Newcastle, to reinforce the tiring force of General Preston. Preston's force, essentially, will clear the way to Philadelphia as Newcastle's force follows closely behind.

In world events, the Austrian Empire begins its invasion of Bavaria with a declaration of war on the 30th. The nations of Russia and Prussia leave their alliance with Austria. The Royal Government, eager to find allies for a potential war with France, is set to begin neogiations with the Prussian government.
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American Army in 1773? :confused: IIRC, that is a tad early

Otherwise, the style is clear and easy to read!
Originally posted by Eochaid
American Army in 1773? :confused: IIRC, that is a tad early

Otherwise, the style is clear and easy to read!

Well, from what I can see, they only started with about 10,000 men in the entire region. But, they have trained plenty of new men rather qucikly and if I dont act fast enough I'll be outnumbered in the Americas.

Oh, and thanks for the compliment! :D:D:D
Originally posted by Eochaid

:D :D :D :D

Well good luck for this AAR. Will you post a year a day? What are the settings? And all that kind of questions we ask when you start an AAR

BTW: Are you new around here? Because I've never seen you before?

PPS: About the age thing. Check Sharur or Carolus Rex. They're quite (very?) young and yet very active and important members of the community!

Come on, now. I'm 16 and I have an AAR up... does age really matter that much? Are 16 year olds such inferior writers?

I certainly hope not... otherwise I'm in a deep load of poo. Ive got two chapters of my next aar outlined on my computer!

Chapter 2: The Year 1773: May - June

Chapter 2: The Year 1773: May - June

These two months have proved very frustrating and has disturbed the Royal Government greatly. The campaign in North America is not proceeding as planned and more and more resources are being poured in to solve the problem. It seems to members of Goverment that the more soldiers that are committed the more soldiers that are killed. Great Britain is desperately trying to salvage the campaign after the heavy casualties taken and defeats suffered. These setbacks can prove to be very disasterous in the coming months. The Government is also having trouble recruiting and training new men as enlistment is at an all time low.

The Government is also beginning to heavily prepare for a war against France and Spain. Prussia seems reluctant to join an alliance with the British Empire. Another military campaign, this one in Europe, is being prepared in case of war with France. The 30,000 Regulars in the British occupied German territories is being re-deployed to the northern border of Hessen in an eventual invasion of that nation. The reason for this invasion, as given by the Government, is to provide a contintenal route to Paris from British territories. The Palitnat(sp?) is an ally of France and borders both France and Hessen. A perfect road to the heart of France.

On the 1st of May 7,000 British Tories, after organizing in Spanish Florida, have been given the order to drive north into the southern colonies. Also on the first, General Amherst's force fails to capture Boston in the first assault of the city. Amherst suffers 3,000 casualties (18,000 remain).

The 2nd day of May proves to provide setbacks for the Empire. A force of 1,000 American militiamen attempt to break Amherst's siege of Boston. They fail completely but inflict 1000 casaulties on Amherst's army. Just north of Boston 7,000 American militiamen recapture the city of Plymouth. As a result, 6,000 Regulars under the command of General Keningston are deployed from Canada to recapture the city. Also, the Atlantic Fleet under Admiral Wells arrives in Cheasapeake Bay and begins enforcing the blockade. The 12,000 strong marine force under General Howe begins disembarking.

The 3rd day of May proves to be a turning point in the conflict to the advantage of the Americans. General Preston, with his force of 11,000 Regulars, arrive near the city of Albany from the north on their way to Philadelphia. A rabble of 4,000 militiamen stand in his way. The battle is long and drawn out and Preston's force is routed and falls back to the north where they will be reinforced by 4,000 regulars newly arrived.

The 7th of May is a happier day for the Royal Government as relations improve between His Majesty's Government and that of Prussia. Great Britain happily accepts Prussia's offer of a royal marriage.

On the 17th of May, Newbury's force of 9,000 engage 1,000 Americans as the Regulars advance on Jamestown from the south. This battle is long and drawn out as well. In the end, Newbury is killed and his force is routed. 2,000 casaulties are suffered by the Empire before the battle is over and General Randolph assumes command.

The 27th proves to be disappointing as well. Howe's force of 12,000 men arrive in New York City and are confronted by 4,000 Americans. This battle too is long. Several days later, Howe's force is defeated and suffers 4,000 casaulties. General Howe is also killed.

On the 29th, another force of Americans attempt to break the siege of Boston. Five thousand militiamen challenge Amherst's 17,000 men. The battle is quick and decisive and Amherst suffers 2,000 casaulties (15,000 remain).

On the 1st, the British ambassador to Prussia offers the Prussian government a military alliance. Prussia hastily refuses and the Royal Government has become frustrated with Prussia's lack of co-operation.

On the 23rd, General Carlisle's force of 7,000 Tories capture the city of Savannah in the colony of Georgia. His force continues to march northward toward Richmond. Also on this day, another wave of American soldiers attempt to break Amherst's sige of Boston. Two thousand American soldiers stupidly challenge Amherst's force of 15,000 and the battle still rages.

On the 30th, General Keningston and his 6,000 regulars arrive in Plymouth to recapture the city. They are met by a force of 1,000 militamen. This battle still rages as well.
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Bah. Everyone knows that 16 year olds can't write.

Especially 16 year olds who play as England. America, maybe. But never England.
Great aar!!!
I like the way you plan your campaigns before you start them.
And try to figure it out how long the campaign will take.

Now go kick some american butt.
And prussian if they stay refussing your offer.
And spain and france's butt if they join in the war against you.
Wow thats alot of butt kicking.
Good luck.
Seems like the Colonial War isn't going so well. I think you need Hessian.... errr... Prussian allies.

Duuk :)
Chapter 3: The Year 1773: July

Chapter 3: The Year 1773: July

The Government has finally realized that it has lost the intiative in the North America campaign (underestimating the capabilities of the American militias as well underestimating their mobilization speed resulted in this) and, as a result, re-adjusted its strategy to better exploit the Empire's advantages. The Government has adopted a long-term plan for the campaign that will lead to the defeat of the American rebels. The new plan is based on the fact that for every man the colonies lose, the Empire can afford to lose three. As such, the Empire will engage relentlessly and destroy every American army wherever it can. The goal now, unlike the one before, is to annihililate every rebel militia to better allow British movement across the American continent as well as to ensure that the colonies remain weak after their defeat. This plan will ensure that American cities can be captured freely by British soldiers as well. The Empire shall wage a war of attrition against the American colonies that the rebels cannot possibly win.

The fear of some members of Government is that this long-term plan will require resources which are needed elsewhere. To counter this, the Empire has established quotas for every region to ensure that a "safe minimum" of soldiers remain there. Some regions are lacking behind greatly and some regions are over-staffed. The quotas are the following:
India - 20,000 (to prepare for an eventual campaign against France and the native empires)
Home Island - 15,000
Gilbrater(sp?)- 10,000
Ireland - 10,000
North America - 35,000 (Priority Region)
German States - 15,000

To better meet these quotas as fast as possible, the army is required to re-shuffle across the globe as well as enlist heavily. The Royal Navy will be required to re-shuffle as well as the Empire changes its priorities from imperial expansionism to holding the Empire together.

The Government fears that, with an American victory, the Empire will disenegrate. With all available resources being poured into North America, the Empire is waging a very risky bet. If defeated, the Empire will not have sufficent resources to prevent other rebels from "independence movements" and will be forced to break apart the Empire before it breaks itself apart.

The 1st brings welcome news. Amherst's 16,000 regulars successfully hold the siege of Boston after being attacked by 2000 militiamen.

On the 7th, Prussia invades its neighbor Poland. The Government is upset with this as it would mean the Prussians will be less willing to fight the French.

On the 9th, General Keningston finally captures the city of Plymouth, just north of Boston, at the cost of 500 men.

The 19th sees the capture of Charleston as the 7,000 Tories under General Carlisle advance northward along the Atlantic cost.

On the 21st, General Woods' 15,000 regulars engage 1000 American militiamen near Fort William Henry. Woods loses 700 men and continues his advance south to Hartford. Also, General Lancaster's 14,000 regulars drive south to Hartford as well. Hartford will lead to New York and New York to Phildelaphia.

On the 22nd, the city of Trenton is captured by 7,000 regulars after a brieft skirmish with 1000 colonial militiamen. The British force loses 500 men.

After a brief rest, the 6,000 men under General Keningston march south to Boston to assist in continuing the siege with General Amherst.

On the 30th, 4,000 American militiamen challenge Amherst's siege of Boston and the 16,000 regulars who are besieging the city. The battle is still being fought.
Originally posted by totalbasscase
Come on, now. I'm 16 and I have an AAR up... does age really matter that much?

I'm 15 and I have two AAR's up, another completed, a fourth abandoned, and also am active in an RPG AAR. Not to mention my innumerable contributions to other AARs. Age matters not. Judge me by my age, do you?

Oh, and Komrade, good job.