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Ducimus. Infantry.
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Sep 15, 2002
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Empire of the East - A Lithuanian AAR

Chapter 1 - the First Baltic War

The banners flew high, on the citadel of the Imperial Palace. The battlements, untouched from years of peaceful living. The usn shone down in all of it's brilliance to light up the countryside for miles around. The snow glistened in the January morning, the wind rustled the trees. The guards perched in the towers huddled close for warmth, gazing out at the splendor and awe inspiring view that seemed to stretch out for miles on end. Fires crackled and children laughed in the nearbyu town. Horses slowly walked along the stone roads, pulling their carriages throgu the town. The gates of the Palace were left open, as this was the dawn of a new year, January 1, 1419 and the dawn of a new age for the people of Lithuania. The ruler, Vytautus Didysus was a strong ruler, not tyrannical but new how to get jobs done around the kingdom. His military knowledge and diplomacy were as perfect as any ruler in the world could possibly be, and his economic intelligence ensure prosperity for all, from the rich manor in the capitol province, to the most remote town in Krementjug. This was exactly the man the Lithuanian people were looking for to lead their magnificent country into a new life, of excellence and ability.

In 1419, Lithuania was a strong kingdom, and had some of the largest tracts of land in the known world. Only the Golden Horde had more land, but by contrast, those provinces owned by Lithuania were much more powerful and wealthy. The armed forces of the Lithuanian Army were very powerful as well. 65,000 men in two armies. The king had ordered that the army be as strong as possible during his reign, and by now the Offensive Doctrine was + 3, the Land Doctrine was + 3 and Quality Doctrine was + 1, ensuring the Lithuanians had the edge over any of their neighbouring rivals. This is how the First Baltic War erupted:

I woke up early that morning, with my wife by my side. I lay there for another half hour, contemplating if I should request the king give me leave of my duties as Baron for the day, as I felt I had the early beginnings of some sickness, of which type I was unsure of. I stared at the ceiling all the while, until I herd a horse galloping at full speed down the road in from of my house. I lived in the province of Belorus, well away form the nearest town or city. Il iked the secluded atmosphere of my manor, and found it strange to have any unannounced visitors in this area of the countryside. Through my window, I could hear the guards at the gate talkin to the annonymous person. The gate creaked open and the horse could be heard galloping into the courtyard, and my wife mumbled something about the noise. I quickly dressed myself in whatever I could find and went down the stairs to see what the commotion was. I reached the lower levels of my home, when I saw a man standing in the doorway, flanked by two of my servants. He was a beast of a man, his body easily touching the frame of my door, both in height and with his seemingly unreal broad shoulders. He was clad in the armour and colours of the Lithuanian Imperial Guard, so I knew this must be important business.

"Good morning, sire. I have been sent by His Royal Highness to escort you back to the Imperial Palace in the capitol." he said to me. His authoritative voice told me that he wouldn't accept my excuses as an answer and so I politely told him to wait for me to dress myself.

I quietly climbed back up the stairs to my bedroom, and pondered what all this could be about. When I arrived, my wife was staring out the window, at a bird chirping on a nearby branch.

"You have to leave don't you." she said.

I nodded silently and went about the process of gathering my finest armour and packing my clothes for the trip. I called my servants to help me put on the bulky armour which the king had given me many years back.

"I have no choice. This is an Imperial Summons."

Without a word, she came over and kissed me gently on the cheek. Then, she departed to her weaving. I would not see my wife for two years.

I arrived at the Imperial Palace on January 7, after a week of hard riding West. When I got there, King Vytautus was already waiting for me. He hurried me up to the main dining hall, which was bustling with activity. Soldiers sucrried back and forth and servants made ready the troops.

"Our allies, Poland have declared war on the Prussians." he spoke to me.

This didn't surpise me one bit, as the Poles and Prussians had been at each other's necks for many decades now.

"Those bastards from the Teutonic Order have joined the fight. And on the wrong side might I add. We have given our pledge to aid the Polish soldiers in any way we can. So, I have taken the liberty of declaring war on Prussia as well."

This also didn't surprise me, as our king had been scrapping for a war and victory for his entire reign, which was still eluding him up until this point.

"I want you to summon the Lithuanian Army in the South. I will take command of the 10,000 men of the 2nd Lithuanian Army in Belarus. Good luck, Baron. I will meet you on the front."

This was all he said before I was ushered out the front gate, by the same Guardsman who had visited me a week before. His name was Captain Jacob Vojtecinski. I sent a messanger on ahead of us and waited for the army group to arrive. 3 months later, 44,000 men of the Lithuanian Army arrived, and was itching for a fight.

I learned the 2nd Army had pushed ahead and was attacking the 18,000 men of the Teutonic Knights, in their capitol province. Once our men had reached the Teutonic border, I divided the group into two units. One would head north into Livland, and the other would press south into Polotsk. And os the sieges began. The Teutonic amry was completely routed and fled to Prussia. Our men, commenced beseigement there as well. The Teutons offered peace, by demanding 75,000 ducats. I scoffed at this. Were they thinking we were dumb or just idiots themselves?

By this time, Teutonic reinforcements had arrived in Polotsk and Livland, but our armied annihilated those as well. The main Teuton army, pressing once more, attacked the 2nd in the capitol and was smashed away until no men were left standing. The Prussians asked for White Peace. I rejected, knowing that this war would be won by us and we needed territory, not a peaceful settlement.

In 1420, a rebel group in the kingdom of the Golden Horde seized Donetsk from them. Their 14,000 men proceeded to cross our common border nad pillaged and raze whatever they found. I immediately called up the local militia, 9,000 strong to dispatch the rebel scum. In the end, we lost 500 infantry, and all 14,000 rebels were either killed on the battlefield, or executed later and hung out on roadways as an example. Brutal but efficient.

By this time, we had seized the three Teutonic provinces we were sieging, but at a heavy cost. A brutal winter was upon us and thousands of men were killed by the cold. Finally, the Lithuanian Army group marched into Estland and began the siege. A year later, it was ours.

I immediately sent a diplomat to the Teutonic capitol and handed over our demands .They were harsh and severely crippled the Teutons but it was fair. They became our vassals and handed over Estland, Livland, Polotsk. On October 12, 1421, the peace was signed. We had won.

Soon after, with the Poles pressing hard, the Prussians signed a White Peace with us. They king and all the other nobility were pleased and extremely jubilant after this great victory. For now.
Just saw your ad in the bAAR so I checked this. You've writen a very nice start, very vivid. Even if we don't know much about the narrator, we feel close to him. So I hope he'll be alright in this war... ;)

The plotline looks open to many possibilities and the way you switch between precise narrative scenes and summaries of what happens will allow you to be very flexible. :)

On the other hand, I've noticed a lot of spelling errors or typos. :( Maybe could you proof read before posting. I know I sound stupid when saying that because my English is not that good, but I just wanted to give you a piece of advice. And I think this is better than just an "attaboy" post.

I'll keep an eye on this AAR. :)
Chapter 2 - the Mongolian Horde

One night, in 1421, I was sitting on a hilltop, not far from my home. I had just returned from the Teutonic Front, with my other comrades-in-arms. Unlike them, I decided not to drink myself stupid, or try to find the nearest cheap whore on the streets of our larger cities. No, I wanted to just quietly sneak away to visit my wife, but as I approached the house, I wondered what I could possibly say. I had been away for two years, much longer than anything I had ever done before. What oculd I say? What should I do? I sighed once more and looked up at the stars. I gazed at the magnificence all around me and thanked God that he had guided me well and allowed my troops and I swift victory. I ogt up, and brushed the grass from my pants. I calmly walked to the front gate of my manor and knocked twice, not too loudly as to wake all those inside. The gate guard came to the door.

"Ah, good evening sire! I heard of your great triumphs against those good for nothing Teutons! Very good! Just wait a moment while i go fetch the key!" and with that he ran off to the guardhouse.

"Sweet Jesus man, would you hurry! It's cold out here!"

"Here we go, my lord."

The large gates squealed open and I marched in with my horse being borugh behind me. I took off my helmet and looked around. Such a foreign place. Inviting and warm, unlike the camps we set up while we were in Polotsk. I saw the light on upstairs in my bedroom and wondered what could be making my wife stay up so late. I hurried up the stairs through my manor and swung the door to my room open as fast as I could. I will never forget what I saw once inside.

My wife was craddling a small baby in her arms. It was rocking back and forth, as my wife sang sweet Lithianian music in it's ear.

"It's a boy. His name is Vladimir. My father's name."

"How...how long..." I stammered, speechless in the moment.

"Four months."

I walked over to the bed. I knelt beside my wife and ran my hand over the babies small head. He was sleeping.


Two years later. I had spent two years with my wife and son and watched him as he grew healthy and strong with his every passing day. These past years had also been very peaceful. No wars, only administrative details. I had ordered tax collectors be arranged in Lithuania, Ukraina, and Belarus provinces. They would help generate more money for our strong government. I was staring out at the surrounding fields when a messanger, the very same Captain, sped to our gates in 1425. I was rudely awakened from this life that reminded me of a sweet dream, the kind you never want to wake up from. But I knew what was about to come, and so by the time Captain Jacob had made it in front of our manor, my armour was on and my horse was ready. I acutally went out to meet him. My wife, borught out little Vladimir (her father was a Russian merchant, who had moved here from the ongoing wars between Novgorod and Muscowy). and I pulled him into my saddle for a moment.

"Be good to your mother, son. I will return when I can."

I kissed my wife on the cheek and spurred my horse onwards, to the Imperial Palace. Any more time there and I would've reconsidered leaving. But I knew I had to go, and with the wind whipping my face like a thousand lashes, I solemnly made my way to the capitol.
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As I entered the gates, and under the great battlements of the Palace, I saw the king upon his great war steed and surrounded by his closest advisors. I still had not yet found out waht was going on, even from the Imperial Guard Captain, as he either would not tell me, or did not know the facts of the Summons either. Either way, I oculd tell by the atmosphere of the soldiers aorund me and the look on the king's face, was that this was going to be a grand event.

"Ah, welcome, Baron! And how are we on this fine day?"

"All is well my lord. What is going on, may I enquire?"


So that is what it was.

"Those damned Mongoloids have taunted us enough. And I hear from my good friend, the king of Ryazan, that the Golden Horde has declared war upon them. I gave my word to him that we should do all that is possible to help them. Wouldn't you say the time has come?"

"Yes, my lord."

With that, the war party started off. I spurred my horse beside the king as we headed out of the couartyard and out the main gate. As we made our way across the drawbridge, the battle standards were raised and the trumpets adn church bells all across the land sounded our advance.

The year was 1423. We set out with the 2nd Lithuanian Army and several months later, reached our common border with the land of those from the Golden Horde. The Luzern Regiment, 15,000 strong was already present. We decided, in April of that month, when the heavy winter was over, to go to war with the Horde. The 2nd was split into two groups, 10,000 men in each, and our advance began. No sooner had we crossed the border than we found out that Qara Koyunlu and Sibir had joined the fight on th side of the Mongols. We called upon our own allies, the Poles, and gained their support in this struggle. They were still fighting with Prussia, but had seized Memel and the capitol, and had annexed what was left of the Teutonic Order.

Our men, 30,000 of them, streamed across the border provinces. The Luzern Regiment, under my direct command, proceeded to besiege the province of Donetsk, from the Horde. The 2nd's two divisions, now sieged Lugansk, while the second section made it's way to Bogutjar, farther inland. On the way, it encountered several armies from the Mongols, but swept each of them aside, as the biggest one they encountered was 1,900 men. The plan had started much faster than was expected.

The next month, I received some alarming news. 25,000 men from the Golden Horde, had marched from an unknown piece of land and was marching towards Bogutjar. This was a terrible thing to happen to us. As we all barced for the worst of news from the front, we learned several days later that it had veered course and was instead heading for the conflict with Ryazan. Sibir, unwilling to face the fury of our own troops, signed a White Peace with us that same month. I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was mistaken.

Our armies had seized Donetsk and Bogutjar. The 2nd head into Ufa and proceeded with the besiegement of that province as well. We were having difficulties maneuvering our siege machines into position in Lugansk and so weren't making very good province compared to the other armies. We had plundered all we could find, and been careful only to select the Orthodox provinces for capture, as our government had taken steps, at my instruction, to limit the Moslem religion, and have zero tolerance for it in out great country. Next month, I heard the Polish had marched into and laid siege to Crimea, on the Black Sea. The army group, under the king, left Donetsk and tried to link up with us in Lugansk. But this was when our plans went to hell. The 10,000 men the king was commanding to to camp one night in an open field. This was a huge tactical blunder that I wouldn't have thought to come from ourk ing but alas, he was extremely tired from days of hard riding, as were nearly all his men. That night, 18,000 Mongolians attacked their camp in the dead of night. The sentries had all been assassinated. It was a massacre. The Lithuanians fought bravely, but broke in the end. When the king escaped, he had less than 3,000 men with him. The Golden Horde meanwhile, had 15,000 still.

Now, we faced the hard winter that strikes the Russian steppes without mercy. Out of the 22,000 men that were left to face the cold, 13,000 made it out that year. It was horribly shocking to see the piles of frostbitten bodies laying strewn across the road and in all sorts of grotesque angles. May God have mercy on their souls.

These extra men in Lugansk were all we needed. The fortress fell the very next month, and our men proceeded to the province of Volgograd. The men in Ufa, now down to 4,000, headed onwards to the Golden Horde capitol of Samara, where they laid siege to it, and just tried to starev the city as long as they could until reonforcements arrived from Lithuania. A year later, yet another hard winter struck our forces. Our king, who was already ill, was sent home after a mild case of frostbite claimed one of his fingers. Our men, demoralized by the cold, could barely stand up straight. And we needed them to fight. It was the beginning of spring when our men saw what they needed to get their spirits back up. A white flag over the fortress in Volgograd. It was ours. A night of plundering and rape was unfortunate but all that was needed to get our men scrapping for naother fight. In Samara, more good news, the capitol had fallen to us, and so I drafted a peace resolution to send to the Mongol leader. I demanded all that I could. Donetsk, Bogutjar, Lugansk, and Volgograd. To my utter surprise, the Mongols accpeted on February 15, 1425. I was jubilant. We had gained much valuable territory, but at the cost of over 25,000 men, almsot all to the heavy winters, and I was ecstatic. I could now go see my family back home. I again left my men, and on the way to Belarus, where I learned from passing citizens, who wept and congratulated me on a fine victory, that Polotsk, the province we had taken from the Teutons had rebelled, but we had crushed them and hung the leader from the gallows in our capitol. The king was in much better health, and the heretics that had plagued our province of Mozyr for so long were finally converted to our state religion. It was a fine day to say the least.

When I finally reached home, my son was now 5 and a half years old. He was learning to ride a horse that same yar, and already he had my natural skill when it came to this. I was impressed, and was giving him pointers, when I heard a messanger gallop to the gates. I looked at my wife. I thought to myself how could I leave again after such a short time.

"Good afternoon, sire."

It was a different soldier this time. He took a parchment from his saddlebag and proceeded to break the royal wax seal. He cleared his throat and proceeded to read the contents on the note.

"By the wishes of His Majesty, King Vytautus Didysus of Lithuania, my dear friend..."

And as he read my name my heart leapt beneath my ribs.

"...shall be known as Viscount from here on in."

I couldn't believe my ears. Viscount?

I nodded to the messenger and he was off. I turned to my wife and embraced here heartily. My son looked up at me with a great look of admiration at me. I picked him up and we headed into the manor. I told the maids to prepare a feast, and to spare no expense.
If I could have people's input to this AAR I would appreciate it.
An excellent update. It is a long post, but the line breaks make it very easy and pleasant to read.

I'm still very fond of the main character. for once we see a man than is not power hungry and has no other wish than to live with his family. Really a nice man and a trustworthy vassal.

Well done, Don Cossack:)
Chapter 3 is coming in a couple of days...I am just fairly busy right now with school, football, work, etc...
I may abandon this AAR due to lack of interest. I tried. If anyone has any thoughts, might as well write them.
Lack of interest!:confused: Now THAT is unfair to us! We post, comment and everything...

It takes time to gather a crowd you know! So please keep writing. And do some advertising in the bAAR, it'll help.:)

EDIT> BTW, check the post information: you got feedback a mere 5 minutes after posting!
Well Eochaid you saved the AAR for right now. I guess I should hurry up to Chapter 3 then...
Glad to see that you've reconsidered your position!:)
The next chapter is coming this weekend, it's just that I haven't had much time to write this week. I promise it will be worth the wait (I hope), as much has happened since the last chapter.