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Jul 25, 2002
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Fate? Or dumb luck?

This is a Grand Campaign with Prussia heh, the first AAR Ive done. More of a DAR (During Action Report) meaning I will give a yearly update on progress in the Prussian Duchy. Its not historical so names and the such don’t flame me for lol, though I doubt you ever would. Ive invented names for ‘charecters’ in it. Hope you find it interesting; (Also any slavs or eastern European peoples don’t take offense to this, non is intended, its merely in the role of the character)

The year was 1419, and it was a glorious new years day. The finest weather there had been on any new years day for as far back as people could remember. It was also the day that destiny conspired to gift me a great mission.

Duke Michael Kuchmeister von Sterling, the leader of our glorious Duchal of Prussia appointed me as handler of the Duchy’s day to day basis – effectively making me a sort of First Minister, or Prime Minister if you will – so he could concentrate on more pressing matters, such as hunting the deer and wolf with the Princes of other Germanic States. Entering office in Konigsberg, I felt rather overawed at the prospect of affairs. Europe no longer was what it once was. The Old Order was dieing and new nations, new peoples were carving a new Europe to live in. The question I posed to my advisors and fellow statesmen was ‘What will become of Prussia?’. Did we remain under the rule of the decaying Teutonic Order, and when they fall, fall with them? Or, dare I suggest it without spies over hearing… does Prussia break from the Order’s cloak and become an independent people state of its own? It was a heated debate. Some, like my chief diplomat refused steadfastly to contemplate any such diplomatic move that would dramatically change international relations. However General Schaptszfern suggested the army was well placed for an immediate declaration of independence and a preemptive surge of troops over the border into the Teutonic Order. Why attack them he posed, because they wouldn’t sit idly by while dependent states declared their freedom. Better to go to the lair of the wolf than wait in fear for him to come to you. It was a bold statement, and something I related to. Regardless no such major decisions were made this day, however I did make a statement saying that Prussia must stop dragging its heels, and stride forward in all areas of reform. The Prussia of yesterday, should remain in the past.

The first days were spent busily working on getting a clearer picture of Prussia in Europe. It wasn’t pretty, an approach by one of my diplomats to Brandenburg for a Royal Marriage was rejected with more than a hint of amusement. We were the puppy dog of Teutonic Order… I understood their reluctance.

I pressed through with planned reforms of the administrative system during these first few months. It was vital I felt to have a well functioning government if any nation was to grow, and ours was.. backwards to say the least. It was costly but I managed to extract 150,000 gold coins from the Dukes coffers to pay for the training of Tax Collectors. I personally couldn’t see why we never had them before. It brings in a considerable amount of capital we have been missing, and money is one of those areas we need to address.

So with a budget of 48,000 gold coins left it looked like the rest of the year would be kept monitoring the administrative changes and seeing to keeping our Overlords in the Teutonic Order happy….

April 6th 1419, a fearful day in the hearts of all Prussians. That vile Slavic entity known as Poland have declared war on us. It was totally unprovoked! Towns men spotted the Polish troops moving towards the capitol, this is dreadful, only two weeks ago I slashed the military budget forcing the disbandment of half of the army to meet with the ‘realignment’ of the budget. Curses!

A hastily drawn loan from the bank, and the pushing through of a bill calling upon the raising of War taxes and I was faced with the incredible task of turning back time two weeks and rebuilding the shattered army. I ordered seven thousand soldiers to be raised in Prussia-proper, and a further five thousand in Danzig. The Teotonic Order, Pommern, Bremen and Mecklenburg have all assured me of their support. But against the combined might of Prussia & Lithuania… God where are those troops!

May 12th 1419: Disaster! The 11,000 troops sent to meet the Polish advance were annihilated outside Wielkopolska! Where are our allies?!

June 2nd: His Lordship is furious and in his anger he has demoted me to Baronet. I’ll show him, this is merely a test. I much hold together and build the army. An army of 9000 Teutonic Knights got smashed by a 30,000 strong Lithuanian Army. There like ants!

June 23rd: Fled early this morning, a combined army of Poles and Lithuanians attacked Prussian-proper, and have besieged the city. I ordered the troops not to defend, and flee to nearby Memel. Better to have a strong revengeful army later than no army at all.

August 1st: The Teutonic Knights may be no more, Kurland is besieged by an enormous army of Lithuanians numbering in the tens of thousands. The Hinter pommern is besieged by a huge Polish army as well. It feels like the invasion of the Mongol Hordes. They’re everywhere. The Teutonic Knights have scatterings of a few hundred troops here and there. Nothing to constitute a real army. So much for the protection of the Knights. General Schaptszfern has ordered the raising of another 4,000 troops including 1,000 cavalry in Memel, and has also spent the last of the treasury on a Mercenary Army. We have about 12,000 troops, but none are battle ready.

August 21st: A diplomat to Lithuania attempted to get a secret peace Treaty with them to isolate Poland. He returned missing his hand. 15,000 troops from Holstein have arrived in Danzig, this is great news! The army is nearing the end of their drills. I have received strange looks by the staff after ordering them to go through full training, troops are needed more than ever however I feel better trained troops will do the job for us.

November 21st: Signed Royal Marriage with Pommern, what good will it do us? If we survive it will pave the way for closer ties. Even on the brink of annihilation, I must plan for the possible future. The army besieging the Teutonic Orders capitol now numbers greater than 40,000.

December 2nd: His Lordship does change his mind often, I’ve been reappointed as Baron. It is good to hear people address me as “My Lord” again. Michael (Duke) approves of mine and Schaptszfern’s military policy. Prussia is holding out well in the siege. We will storm them soon enough!

December 25th: The shelling seems to get louder, I hope the fortress lasts. I sent a diplomat to the Polish King pleading with him to sign a peace treaty, we did no harm to them and never would – a blatant lie, we shall have revenge in the future – but he refused. He’s a clever one that Jagieollo.

The Year of our Lord 1420, Diaries of Christian Schlieffen;

The mood is grim. As we slowly regain our strength and build our armies, Poland and Lithuania’s stranglehold gets tighter. It’s hard to breathe, figuratively and really – the cold is stifling this winter. A far cry from the rich promising of yester-year. However we did make a breakthrough in research, when I heard my spirits rose.. only to hear it was a naval breakthrough (lvl1). I was furious, why are they spending money on the navy when the army is starved of funds. I’ve tried hard to divert money but it seems to dry up, I think some of the Generals are pocketing the money. If we survive I will gut the General Staff and replace it with people of my choosing.

February 5th: Our administrative reforms, continuing even during war have been completed. How will it function under this war? I dare not wonder.

March 4th: His Lordship approved of my new years Domestic Policies – specifically the point where I turned attention to be more focused on beign a land based power. I tossed and turnedi n my sleep last night wondering – better quality troops, or a land based military? Which was more desirable. Both, and I rationalized for a lower cost land based military does the same duty and instead of increasing costs for troops reduced them! Saving money, and making progress. Two things I want to see more of. The war is no better, but there are more Prussian troops nearing battle readiness. I expect the fateful assault on our fatherland to defeat the Prussians will occur within weeks. I took the opportunity to declare independence from the Teutons whilst Lithuania occupied their capitol.

April 22nd: Damn, we may of lost our opportunity. Lithuania today reinforced the Polish troops in Prussia with 7 ,000 soldiers. More are reported on the way. I have held off the attack and ordered more troops. It’s a race against time. The Father Land is holding out strongly still but I fear for it. The Teutonic Knight’s capitol province of Kurland will fall any day.

June 5th: Bless Pommern, I met with there leader Kazimierz V a few days ago and we agreed that the counter offensive could wait no longer. Today they launched an awe inspiring counter offensive forcing the Polish out of Hinter Pommern, and followed them into Poland. The move prompted a withdrawl of 10,000 Polish troops from Prussian territory, they have only a third of the force they had before. I ordered our counter attack out of Danzig AND Memel. Slaughter the vile slavs. Slaughter them.

June 24th: Konigliche Armee arrived in Prussia-Proper this morning and the battle rages. 26,000 troopps against the Polish 4,000! Pommern also seems to be having success in there offensive into Polish territory. The Tides of war, so fical, have turned in our favor!

July 7th: IMPOSSIBLE! My precious army was broken and fled! I cannot believe this, Michael wants my head!

October 25th: Huzzah! I am saved! A combined army from Mecklenburg and Prussians totallign over 40,000 troops drove the reinforced Polish out of Prussia-proper. The victory has sparked mass enthusiasm for the army and we raised 5,000 extra cavalry as a result. Our first taste of victory, may we taste more!

November 2nd: The victory means nothing to his Lordship if we have no spoils for ourselves. Survival is not enough, we must press the war. I am fearful, I think Lithuania and Poland are too strong but I am forced, or I will lose my head. I already lost my rank as Baron and am once again a Baronet. Such a demeaning name. Lithuania rejected a peace offer though we now stand equal, If only I could isolate Poland…

November 16th: Beginning to move troops beyond our borders, I have decided to liberate Kurland. Was ambushed on way in Prussia, but the army put them down like they were lame horses. My spirits have risen, on November 27th & November 28th we had far ranging success on the Battlefield. Another victory in Prussia which is being attacked relentlessly, but also a huge victory for us in Kurland, we are besieging it now.
1421.. The Fickal Tide of war

The Year of Our Lord 1421, Diaries of Christian Schlieffen
The Lord smiles upon us for now. As temperamental as he is, I’ll count my blessings. Winter is harsh but my army has avoided it though the Lithuanians were not so lucky besieging Prussia during the worst snow storms for years. I let them sit there and freeze themselves to death. The moment the snow cleared I ordered the troops out of Kurland back to Prussia.

Feb 24th: The Day was saved thanks to the late arrival of 4,000 cavalry from Memel. The Konigliche Armee was a total mess, but this small cavalry unit slaughtered the Lithuanians to earn us a victory by the skin of our teeth. The Lithuanians seem to be rocking, they offered peace for the first time demanding 25,000 gold coins. I think I’ll press my luck.

March 29th: I gambled, allowing the 4,000 cavalry detachment to give chase to the fleeing Lithuanians. They had orders not to cross the border, but they did, and won a startling victory against an army twice there size in Lithuania.. We besiege their capitol! Offer us peace now ha ha!

May 14th: Neumark corp (3000 infantry) arrived in Lithuania to boost the cavalry besieging the capitol. Konigliche Armee recovered is now going through Kurland to launch a surprise attack against remaining Lithuanian forces in the East.

June 16th: Crushing victory in Belarus for the Konigliche Armee, another province becomes besieged!

December 2nd: The Duke is extremely pleased with me and has retitled me Baron again, to which I am most relieved. Lithuania is a mess, we besiege four provinces – Lithuania (close to falling), Belarus, Volyn (close to falling), Mozyr. They have little or no army to speak of. Winter is upon us though and it is harsh I have ordered more troops, no matter the cost. In peace time we shall try and deal with the creditors

(More to come tommorow - what do you guys think so far?)
you were nervous? I was despairing over whether to take out a dozen loans and launch a major mercenary army in an effort to dig myself out or hope that I could hold out till Id built my own army up more cheaply. Got 3 out standing loans which will be difficult to pay off, but not being anyone's vassal should make it easier (no loss of money).

Ill try and unite all central german speaking lands, but Im gonna take as much as I can from the Lithuanians as recompense! if ofcourse the Polish dont realise whats going on and come to the Lithuanians aid...
Nice start. Just make sure you don't bring the wrath of BB down on you. :)
Nice start indeed. Some heroic deeds... but beware of loans. Taking too many loans can kill you. Even if you manage to bully Lithuania into giving you some money, you'll have to split it with your allies if you're not careful...

The following two years..

The Year of Our Lord 1422, Diaries of Christian Schlieffen
It is cold, bitterly cold. I look some times, beyond the borders of the Holy Roman Empire to nations like France, Spain, Turkey, Britain. How simple things seem to them, how life seems so straightforward.. and decent. Life in Prussia is ardous, a day to day struggle to survive. The balance may of shifted in our favor, but I am weary of the winter and fear that the balance of victory may yet shift back to the Slavic Demons of Poland & Lithuania. Amusing is it not that our great lord rules over both us and the Teutonic Order, though he wields little power there currently, the nobles and knights holding dominance there. Since we broke from our vassalage of the Teutons, life seems to of faired us better, and them worse. No matter, one way or another I think this war will be done by the end of the year. Ive thought of calling this war… The Three-Year Patriotic War. As it truly is a monumental effort by the German peoples against these Slavic oppressors.

January 4th: Ordered 4,000 cavalry to reinforce the army besieging Vilnius in Lithuania. Thirty Six Thousand allied German troops are stationed in Danzig. The war is certainly putting us on the map, with Danzig being the base of our counter offensive.

February 20th: Uneasy tensions among the camp fires. News came today that Konigsberg was being besieged by Polish troops – there were no Prussian regiments available to relieve the siege. Also Swedish fleets appeared off the coast, Mecklenburg had been set upon by Denmark, Norway and Sweden and had asked for our help several months ago, we agreed and thus far it has been a ‘Cold War’, not one sword raised against each other. I fear a landing party by the Swedes.

March 3rd: I am a baronet once again, sigh.

March 11th: Michael is dead, Paul Bellizer von Russdorf has now acceded to rule over Prussia, and in name only over the Teutonic Order. It would be nice to see the Teutons subservient to us. Maybe one day. The snow has lifted and the armies report advancements in Lithuania.

March 18th: Glory! We have captured the capitol of Lithuania! We have the Slavic devils by the jewels, more fortress’s must fall soon!

May 10th: Colonel Friendenstahl, fresh from capturing the province of Lithuania liberated the Prussian countryside of the Polish scum. He has pursued them across the border to Poland.

June 2-4th: Important breakthrough on the diplomatic front. I managed to sign a peace deal with Denmark (leader of the Scandinavian Alliance) and have thus secured myself from any attack from anybody except Poland and Lithuania. The Lithuanians are in no position to seriously threaten me, and Poland are too busy with the Pommeranians. We begin besieging Masovia in Poland today. On the 6th, Sweden in a dramatic about turn in their diplomacy towards us turned their frown into a smile as they request Military access through the country. This is huge, it gives me the opportunity to add more security to the shores of Ducal Prussia. However it could leave me vulnerable if the Swedes attack Pommerania through me. I consult our leader Paul Bellizer von Russdorf and he urges me to sign it on his behalf.

December 2nd: Signed a white peace with Poland’s other ally Bohemia. We never came face to face on the battle field so there was no animosity between us. Belarus in Lithuania has fallen to us, and I am diverting the troops back to Prussia proper to try and lift the siege than the Polish have begun. This is such a regular occurrence that the villagers in the countryside no longer dig up their food once a siege has been lifted, they leave it where they hid it and just take what they need.

The Year of Our Lord 1423, Diaries of Christian Schlieffen
Another bad winter, is this three years in a row? They only seem to get worse, the army is shrinking though we still make gains. My somewhat hopefully prediction that the war would be over by the end of the year was… some what hopeful. We made gains, there is no denying it. We captured two provinces from Lithuania, we ended the Scandinavian War and we got a white peace with Bohemia thus isolating Poland further. The year is much as it was at the end of last, Prussia is besieged, but Lithuanian Volyna is ready to fall and Polish Masovia looks like it wont last past the summer.

May 1st: Masovia has fallen to our glorious troops! The Leibgarde is double marching to Volyna to hurry the fall of that fortress before it will sweep back up to liberate Prussia. There is no more funds in the treasury and I refuse to take out more loans, we must win the war this year or lose it.

July 13th: Volyna has fallen to our troops! I have ordered that every troop available to form into one army and march, through the night to Prussia! We have an overwhelming advantage now against Lithuania, I hope to sign a separate peace with them soon. I shall extract gold from Lithuania…. And territory from the Poles.

September 12th: The Leibgarde remains undefeatable having linked up with the neumar and liberating the fatherland. The army stands at 10,000 and winter approaches, the key is peace with Lithuania before Christmas!

October 27th: I pushed through some reforms of the army General Staff, they didn’t like it but it has stoked investment by 250,000 gold.

November 4th: After holding out for as large a reparation as possible, I was forced to agree to a separate peace with Lithuania for 448 ducats (448,000 gold) as my army is committed in Wielkopolska, and a small contingent of Lithuanians have besieged Belarus. I have no troops to spare, the treaty was a must. The gold has been shared amongst the alliance and I have profited by 100,000 gold.

The Year of Our Lord 1424, Diaries of Christian Schlieffen
I do believe my hair is falling out or going grey. It has good reason to, since the peace treaty with Lithuania things have gone incredibly wrong, we were smashed in Wielkopolska and had the remnants annihilated in Prussia. We are besieged, with no army to defend ourselves with. I think the game is up, I shall push for a white peace.

April 19th: I swallowed my pride, and even though it appeared we were ahead (+3%) paid the Polish fifty thousand gold to leave us be. I need to pay off the debt. The Five Year Patriotic War ended with us coming out on top I believe. We destroyed Lithuanian strength and forced an exorbitant reparation from them and captured Polish provinces (something they nor Lithuania could do to us) before paying them to end this thing. We are war weary, now the emphasis must be on reform.

May 23rd: Entered into a royal marriage with the Teutonic Order, relations have never been better. They couldn’t be any better. I disbanded what fragments of an army we had left to cut down on maintenance, we’re still losing half a ducat a month even diverting all funds to the treasury. Other than this, German Europe seems to be licking its wounds and we pass to the end of the year in peace. Signed a trade agreement with the Teutons.
Good job, waging war with Prussia has always been a difficult task for me :( However I assume the title means it ends well.

However, I did notice the AAR is not yet in the LibrAARy. Ok, I know it hasnt been long since this started, but I figured I would remind you just so you remember. (Not to be repetative or anything...)


The LibrAARy

PS>If its there and I did not see it, please forgive me, to err is Human.
lol, it may not end all that well. Im a few years ahead but am being punished by these exorbitant loans. Once I pay them off I will need to go on a war of expansion probably against Poland and Lithuania again. Sorry havent updated this for a whie Ive been busy on my England game that Ive run since the summer (and only got a hundred and twenty five years in), trying to snatch the american east coast but those natives are feisty people Ill tell you.
I went bankrupt and repeated invasions made any attempt to continue impossible so I've ended this Prussian AAR.

My england game was going well, though I'm villified by most of the world and I keep having wars with Spain over south america. I havent played that in a long, long time as Ive had A-Level work piling up. I did start a Napoleonic one with england which is going cool. I may post a short review of what happened. No where near as detailed as this or other peoples AARs... probably just a summary.
Originally posted by Collingwood II
I went bankrupt and repeated invasions made any attempt to continue impossible so I've ended this Prussian AAR.

My england game was going well, though I'm villified by most of the world and I keep having wars with Spain over south america. I havent played that in a long, long time as Ive had A-Level work piling up. I did start a Napoleonic one with england which is going cool. I may post a short review of what happened. No where near as detailed as this or other peoples AARs... probably just a summary.

Thats a real shame mate... i guess next time you will post as with a good 50 or so years behind you each time you do (not literally as it happens)! :)