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Général Gouvion Saint-Cyr
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Jul 24, 2001
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The Hansetag

This thread is reserved for "in character" intervention in the noble halls of the Hansetag.

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In this background thread, you will see all the noble members of the Hansetag

Super Hansa Interactive AAR Characters

to be continued
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A small chronology about the formation of our Hansa :

1397 : Internals Dissensions.

The first association of defense against the abuses of the Order, the "Eidechsenbund" or "the Lizards League", appeared in Western Prussia in september 1397. This league was created by the von Renys brothers : Nickel and Hans, and the von Kynthenow brothers : Friedrich and Nickel. Others similar secret societies were created : "the Birds League" or "the Lions League" in differents regions of Prussia and Livonia.

These associations were often real conspiracies who wanted the Teutonic Order territories to become dependant from a normal feodal government rather than the monastic Teutonic Order state. Some Prussian conspirators prefered a polish king than a teutonic Grand Master and thus became traitors.

A lot of prussian or livonian towns on territories belonging to Teutonic Order were in the same time members of the Hansa, and vassals of the Order. So in these towns, the merchants class suffered from the high taxes, the quasi permanent military conscription and the disrespect of certains hanseatic laws by the Order. Complaints were numerous against the Order abuses, the clerics institued monopolies on the trade of some strategic supplies : grain, amber...

1398 :

The Teutonic Order gained the isle of Gotland in a successfull war against the Danes.

1407 :

The Hansa and the prussian towns made great pressions against the Order to compel it to give back Gotland to the Danes, the state of war existing between Danemark and the Teutonic Order ruined the baltic trade.

1410 : Battle of Tannenberg/Grundwald/Zalgiris.

The 15 July, the Teutonic Order is completely defeated by polish and lithuanian allied forces, the Grand Master and the high ranks officers are killed. Only the intervention of some germans mercenaries and some reserves forces lead by Heinrich von Plauen save the Order from a total defeat by successfully defending the Order fortresses.

1411 : Peace of Thorn.

The Teutonic Order realized that it can only count on its own forces in the future. Western chivalry wanted no more to participate in the eastern crusade because the Teutonic Order fight no more against pagans but against christian kingdoms. German nobility began to refuse its aide to the Order, whose reputation had greatly suffered from its military defeats, differents excesses and general arrogance. And the prussian and livonian towns and landed nobility began to ask for more political power in the monastic state.

After the peace, the Teutonic Order began an internal purge against those who didn't support the Order in time of crisis. New taxes were raised. Properties were confiscated. Opponents were executed. The repression was very brutal and some popular towns leaders were executed even if they had nothing to be ashamed of.

The burgomaster of Dantzig, Konrad Lezkau who gave a lot of personal money during the war asked for more burgess control over the Order finances. He was arrested by the Grand Master cousin and executed by him personnaly after the town executionner refused.

1412 : Time of Changes.

Despite his brutal repression of the Order's opponents, Heinrich von Plauen is still the heros of the 1410's war where he saved Marienburg. But his warlike opinions, he planned to declare a new war against Poland in 1413, changed the mind of the others Order's great officers. They began to consider him to be dangerous, compelling them to take measures against him.

The Lizards League, in complicity with the Marshall of the Order, Michael von Kuchmeister, plot against the tyrannical Grand Master.

Here we can imagine that the story diverge from its path :

The plot succeeded and the Grand Master Heinrich von Plauen is destitued and imprisoned in 1412. And instead on focusing on religious topics, Michael von Kuchmeister and the reformist wing of the Teutonic Order allied with the town's representatives and the landed nobility gave priority to the reform of the State.

The conspiracy disclosed the hereticals opinion of the Grand Master : he was in favor of the clercs weddings and he supported the Hussites theories who began to influence the Order members and the prussian population. So the more respected and old Teutonic Knight, Brother Otto von Berstein arrested him, his cousin and severals others greats officers, among them Commander Rudolph von Eilenstein of Dantzig, Father Andreas Pfaffendorf of Thorn...

To appease the situation, the new Grand Master, Michael von Kuchmeister, convoke a General Council of the Order inviting towns and landed nobility representatives. The conservatives knights were against the reforms given politicals rights to the towns and the gentry vassals. While the towns and the landed nobles demanded economicals and politicals rights and were ready to rebel against the Order.

New difficulties arosed.

In 1414, polish forces attacked some fortress on the border.

In 1414, the simple existence of the Order in the north east of Europe was discussed, during the Concile of Constance (1414-1416), Polish theologists will said that there is no more pagans in the baltic region, and that their conversion can be made by locals royal powers. So the military orders were useless and should be dissolved.

And the Hussites ideas continued to progress among the prussian and livonian population and elite, the religious reformists forming the "Toison d'Or" Association. The catholics uniting under the banner of the "Gold Vessel".

Everyone pursued his own agenda :

Towns and landed nobility fought for their rights.

Teutonic Order fought for his own survival.

The Church fought against the Hussites heresy.

Michael von Kuchmeister saw that the crisis had no solution, and that the internals quarrels will provoked the fall of the Order, and after it, the annexion of the prussian and livonian provinces by their neighbours. He decided to play on the upcoming problems to show everybody that the only solution was to face to the problems united and not divised.

He played on the fears of a new war against the mighty alliance of Poland and Lituania and he show everybody that the country cannot defend itself without the order army and if the prussian towns and nobles wanted to stay under german rule, they must accept to fulfill Order's army needs.

In 1415, a synode is convoked by the bishop to settle the hostilities between religious conservatives and reformists (hussites). He united all partisans of the catholic faith, clerics, nobles and commoners together and the heresy was officially condemned.

1416 : Creation of the Prussian and Livonian League.

A General Assembly of the State is gather, and for the first time, representants from the lower classes are authorized to participate as full members. After years of intrigue and manipulation, Michael von Kuchmeister succeeded to make the reform of the state, the main topic of discussion.

"We must indeed all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
Michael von Kuchmeister, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order during the opening speech of the General Assembly of the State in 1416.

In the same time, in Constance, the Teutonic Order is condemned for differents reasons, but Prussia and Livonia are no more a monastic state but a League of Church, nobles and towns representatives.

1418 :

Erik, Duke of Pommerania and King of Danemark, Norway and Sweden since 1410 allied with Poland and Lithuania against all common ennemies.

The hanseatic towns feared already the centralized kingdoms and principalities jealous of the Sund monopole, but this new alliance represent a force impossible to rivalize with.

The Hanseatic League decided to reinforce their ties with the new Prussian and Livonian League, whose majors members were all members of the Hansa. A capital was chosen to be the permanent siege of the Hansa General Assembly, the Hansatag. And Dantzig was chosen, being both a Hanseatic town and close to the Castle of Marienburg, the siege of the Teutonic Order. It will also be a gesture against Poland that Dantzig will never be given back .

1st January 1419 :

The first session of the new Hansetag is convoked in Dantzig.
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Schroeder walked forward, the sun was rising, and much of the town was still dark and silent. The streets of Danzig were much different the his home farther west. But here he was, the merchants were arriving in the boatload, and lords and knights towered impressively above them. He felt like a dwarf in a sea of giants.

Schroeder had been a noble for but 2 years. Now here he was, opening the very first Diet of the untied Southern Baltic states. A livonian noble walked by, his tall stature and German look made him an impressive site compared to the short, blackhaired weakling that Schroeder presented. Helmut had never visited the eastern lands, and he didnt plan to. Lats, Livonians, Estonians, none of them were civilized, and he had heard rumours of Pagans that ran wild through the lands.

Schroeder had never been the most pious man, but a modern term might be insane. He feared that the devil was always stalking him, and him alone. Those tall stalwart knights seemed to be uneffected, and the rich merchants cared for nothing but their own profit. Now here he was thrust in the middle of them all. The looming doors of the Diet, which stood a dark and forboding figure next to the magnificent house of God.

Now Shroeder entered, with wide eyed anticipation and took his seat at the head of the Diet, next to the chairs reserved for His Holiness, the highest religious man present and His Grace, the Duke. He stood, waiting for the representatives.

"Gentlemen, I bring forward to you the following requests from their Graces, our lords. I must detail to you the agenda, of which all items must be approaved by the Diet for the Duke to act. 1st, the use of royal funds into research and developement of our duchy, and our fleets and weapons.

Secondly, we must look internationally for allies. Poland and the Lithuanians will likely lay claim to the Teutonic lands once more, we must find some way to stay together.

Thirdly, the use of Royal resourced for the support of Merchants abroad, or at home.

Fourthly, His Grace's stances on Domestic policies such as His support of an, and although I dislike to use Spanish words, Armada.

Lastly we shall deal with other topics not discussed by me. Scribes begin recording, I shall be reporting our solutions, thank you."

And with a silent sigh, Schroeder sits.
Otto Jager listened intently. He didn't care what the youngster in front of him was saying. Otto knew what this meeting was for, he was trying to see where this Schroeder and quite possibly the Duke's sympathies lied. So far the Duke's errand boy gave no indication, except that he dislike the Spanish.

On the meetings agenda, Jager had a thought on each of the topics. Trade is what funds this nation, and the nation's funds should support trade. If they could increase their economic superiority, then a larger army could be funded, more roads built, better fortresses. It all rested on trade. Jager could be cautious at times and also favored building their mercantile strength here, in the markets they controlled, before expanding into foreign territories.

International policy was something Jager was less familiar with, but he still held strong opinions. Pommern would be a target to some. It split this nation in two. The Teutonic and Prussian lands on the east, and Mecklenburg and Bremen to the west. Unifying the country would be an appealing prospect to many. The Knights and their noble allies always longed for more land. There were many reasons to oppose this. First, any war would weaken them, at least temporarily, and their many enemies, Poland, Lithuania, the Kalmar Union, are waiting for just such an opening. Secondly, Otto Jager owned one of the largest commercial fleets in the Baltic. Shipping is where his fortune was made. As the nation stood, it relied on fleets such as his, and he profited greatly because of it. Pommern would best be brought in as an ally, for many reasons.

In domestic policy, the merchant had many pieces of legislation he would like to see passed. Most focused on limiting the powers of the corrupt nobility, but they would never be passed, at least not now. Instead he intended to propose for increased attention to all things naval. A strong navy would keep the Danes at bay, and guarantee Hanseatic merchants free access throughout the Baltic.

For now the red haired merchant remained quite. Let some one else step into the kill zone.
Lothar was uncomfortable in his seat at the Diet, the room was too crowded with people and the stench of all the commoners was starting to get to him. He probably should not have come, these men would never listen to him anyway.

Before the start of the meeting he had overheard some of the conversations. There were many issues discussed, but a future war on Poland seemed to be one thing most agreed upon...

"The Freiherr von Willitzer!" the clerk announced. Lothar was shook from his thoughts. Oh well... no turning back now.

"Esteemed servants of the Church, fellow Nobles and Burghers. In response to von Schroders points I would like to add a few words.

I wholeheartedly agree to most of his propositions, but I urge the Diet to strongly consider a stronger bond with Poland. With our border in the South at peace we could focus our forces all the more on seeing more prosperous German Towns in the West and South-West join the League. Also, should the Rus people in the North rise above their petty rivalries (much like we have done) it will be assuring to have a strong neighbour to lean on should they prove aggressive.

Secondly, in response to von Schroeders proposal on strengthening the fleet. I propose we liberate the Hansestadt Visby from the repressive rule of the Dane King. With a strong fleet stationed in Visby we should be able to control the Ostsee and will also weaken Denmark's ambitions into our sphere of influence.

Thirdly, a matter of small importance, I admit... I propose a large map of our nation is placed on the East wall of this very hall. So that those of us not to highly schooled in the science of Geography, my humble self included, can follow the progress of the League.

Thank you!"
A messanger boy walks quitely in. More nobility then he had ever seen stood present. He quicky walked up to where Herr Schroeder was sitting, and handed a parchment. He bows to the easily recognizable nobles and quickly vacates the room.

Schroeder eyes the parchment and stands.

"I have news. As we speak I have been informed of activities around us that must be brought to your attention.

First, the Russians are moving. The mongol desire for war has caused the Schismatics to begin their unholy wars again. Moscow has invaded the merhcant city of Novgorod. I bring this to your attention for 2 reasons. Our trade may be effected, as well as the stability of the Teutonic and Livonian orders.

Next I bring you more distressing news. The city of Berlin has alligned itself with our former allies in Pommerania and Holstien. The three form an obvious threat to any future ambitions we might have in Northern Germany, both economic and militarily.

Lastly I would like to announce that our Duke has been invited to the royal wedding of the Duke of Warsaw to the Duchess of Vilnius, as the houses of Poland and Lithuania draw closer together once more. I doubt this means a unification again, however it does pose an interesting situation.

From the South the Archduke of Vienna has sent us a warm welcome, whether this is a ploy to buy our friendship or a true gesture is unknown. However the relations with our Danish neighbors is obvious. They have numerous times expressed their distaste for the dominance of this Diet over the Baltic sea. We may find an enemy in the Scandinavians.

I bring these items just for your knowladge, I have also been delievered a map to hang upon the wall. "

Word of the alliance between Pommern, Holstein, and Brandenburg caused a collective gasp from the Hansetag. It seemed as if their newborn nation was already surrounded by a ring of enemies. Kalmar to the north, the various Russian states to the east, the Poles to the south, and now this new axis in the west all seemed very hostile and even eager to wage war.

Otto Jager knew it was time to speak his mind.

“Gentleman of the Hansetag, our nation is a newborn babe. We have no army and it would take months before we could raise a suitable army, and, many more months before it would ready to see the field of battle. Without swords, we must wield the pen. Diplomacy is not just an option, it is our ONLY option. Von Willitzer is wise when he recommends a policy of friendship towards the Poles, but I do not know if they can ever truly be called our friends. Too much has happened for us to see an immediate friendship, and they still long for access to the Baltic and it's lucrative shipping lanes.

This new axis between Berlin, Hamburg, and Pommern is our best hope. Pommern feels threatened by our existence. She knows some people sitting here today wish to remove her from the maps of the world. If we approach them with the olive branch, I do not think we will be turned away. Holstein and ourselves share a common threat in the Danes as well.

To further counteract that threat, I have written a modest proposal here to increase our focus on the high seas. They are our lifeblood. I submit it now for your consideration.”

Jager returned to his seat. He had said enough for now. Other issues can wait, for now. If some fools rush this nation off to war, it could be the end of them all.
The Grand Master of the Order raised his hand for silence.

"Good gentlemen. I have seen much of war, of course. I am a practitioner of its art. Therefore, I understand the feelings of those who wish to go to war. However, I feel that we are not in a position at the present moment to wage war. We must carefully choose our enemies, and plan in a way that we will win all battles. We must also make sure we have funds to raise armies. Without an army, all our plans here will go to waste. We should lay down laws and treaties to ensure our traders will get into centers of trade. I think that this combination of trade and careful planning of war will lead to success and domination of Europe.

Thank you."
I stout man walks into the hall, ignoring the normal formalities and walks to Schroeder. They have a quite conversation while the Grand Master finishes, and Schroeder nods to the man. He walks to the center of the room and begins.

"Good gentles, the treasurer's report.

We have a rather large stored income, from years of carefull planning and from the influx of resources since the creation of our state. Our monarch has granted us a total of 600,000 Ducats with which we can raise and support an army, navy or look to developing military industry.

Our monarch has granted us another 600,000 for the funding of non military actions, such as the developement of a merchant base, or the expansion of alliances and relations.
Thank you."

With that the man vacates the room, paying again, little attention to the rank of those in the room.
Wilhelm von Sonnig rises to speak.

"With your permission, noble friends I would like to add my voice for joining this new alliance with our neighbors. It seems clear to me that what some see as a dire threat is actually a rare opportunity to have friendly realations on nearly all fronts. I feel that the other powers of the region are threatened by our union, but if we calm their fears, show ourselves to be men of peace, well then, not only will we have less to fear from them, but we may, in time, coax them to join our most excellent League."

"I purpose, therefore, that as soon as can be made ready we send a representative to negotiate our entry into this alliance, and that thereafter we shall spare no effort or expense in sending representatives to our new allies."

There are a few half-hearted 'hear-hear's as von Sonnig returns to his seat.

(OOC: Basically I'm calling for peacefull diplomacy with our neighboring allies, building toward eventuall diplo-annexation.)
Archbishop von Riga, Michael arrived the chamber, and he blessed the Diet. He then sat down and listening to another peopel speaking, after that, he stood up,

I would say, that we should be friend with Poland, since they are stauchy Catholic nation, and very honorable at that one. We should plan to annex Poland, by marriage mean. I would recommend that we max the encouragement of Catholicism (10) and be tolerant of Orthodox (left over tolerance scale, after max Catholic) because they are fellow Christian, and it permits us to convert them. Also, it will put us in friendly position with Russia, until we are ready to convert them to Catholic. I would recommend, take Novgrad's terrorites, thus expanding our nation.

Church will accept the necessity of war for survival of our nation. And we may take over then land that we claims. We can also, try to break the alliance, prehap by attack Holstein then make peace with another nations. After that, wait 5 years then annex the entire alliances. May God be with us.

Mike blesses the Diet, and sit down.
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During most of the meeting, Markus of the Vorkampfer family sat in his chair silently. He wasn't quite listening to what the others were saying. He was bored. This meeting was so unnecessary. It would be so much better if he was at home right now, in the family forest, with a pike in his hand, waiting for a wild boar to appear. He would start chasing the animal. It would try to run away. Eventually his horse would catch up to him, considering that he doesn't get into the deeper part of the woods. He would throw his pike. The boar would fall down, suddenly, and...

The family courier has arrived to him, and woke him from his day dreaming. His two brothers were sitting in the audience, and while they did not have the right to vote, they observed the situation and gave advice to Markus. The courier, a 15-year old boy was how they communicated between each other in the Hansetag.

The boy whispered something to Markus, then left.

When father Michael finished his speech, Markus stood up and said:
"I would like to ask Shroeder about our relationships with the Polish, the Danes and the Pommeranians. It is very important for us to know which nation favors us more, so that we would try to join an alliance that would actually accept us.

After joining an alliance, I would suggest we use our new friend's blood - whatever country that friend might be - and declare war on the Novgorodians. It seems to me that a war with the Muscowites might weaken the Novgorodian republic so much that we might annex them, thus gaining a valuable new province.

I would like to know the opinion of the Hansetag about this matter. If a war against Novgorod is agreed upon, the house of Vorkampfer shall send its troops in aide to our monarch"
After hearing Markus Vorkampfer speak of "war with Novgorod" (those being the only words he heard, as he was speaking with his son Ludwig, bearing news of trading vessels just arrived, for most of the meeting), Friedrich Niemöller could stay silent no longer.

"Why should we go to war with Novgorod? This would disrupt our trade with the area immensly. And I do not believe we have a strong enough military yet. Let us build up wealth and military power first. Let us find an alliance--with whom is Bremen aligned? Then we can fight the Russians. Perhaps Pskov would be a better target, considering our current state. They are Orthodox as well, and need to be shown the true faith."
At this Wilhelm von Sonnig bolts up.

"I do not understand. Why are my fellows so eager to war? There is work enough to do in peace, without turning our swords upon our neighbors. Such warmongering is unworthy of us. The Hansa is a league of Peace, of joint protection and prosperity. It is an alliance of defense, not an engine of conquest. If the world beyond us will let us be, then we should let them be. Let us build up our own house before looking to tear down our neighbors. In any case, there is more to be gained by diplomacy and trade. Why conquer Novgorod, when our traders can tap its wealth without having to rule and defend it? Why stretch ourselves so thin, that we must protect the whole length of the Baltic? If we o'er reach ourselves now, exhaust the flower of our chivalry in pointless conquest, then I fear that we will not have the strength to defend what is ours at need."

"If the church wishes to convert the schismatics, that is good. Let them start with the ones already in our realm. When they are brought to the true faith, then we shall look abroad for souls to save. We have enough to occupy us for the moment. Let us put aside talk of war and destruction, and begin to labour toward building and life!"

<At this point, the Hansetag degenerates into shouted arguements and counter arguments, and all sanity is lost.>
"You people are overly eager to go to war! To war, we need a good army, and for a good army we need money. And Novgorod is not a good target at the moment. When the time comes to fight Novgorod, we need a large country that can field a large army. The attrition in that area is the worst I've ever seen."
Schroeder stands up and shouts to the room.

"Order! This meeting shall not degrade into a shouting match.

If you desire to call a vote, then call for one. Now, although I do not have the Duke's ideas on this matter, I do have my own. Novgorod will be weakened, however Moscovy will not destroy it. We must be caustious of this. We can take land from Novgorod, but the Swedes in Finland may find us an easier target, as may the Poles.

I call for a vote, shall we place our strength in the land forces, or on the high seas?"
OOC: J. Passeportout - I couldn't find your character description in the Character thread, so I don't know what stand to take up against you

While the rest of the Hansetag was moving against his proposal of war, Markus fealt insulted; that these people are saying these words only because they dislike him. At one point he wanted to say something back, but didn't know what, so he looked at his brothers for advice. They signed him to wait for a minute.

Finally the courier arrived at the moment that Shroeder tried to make some order. Markus's brothers didn't think that Shroeder would speak up right then, and the courier has already left, and they couldn't tell Markus to shut up.

The courier whispered something in Markus's ear. Then Markus stood up, and since the Hansetag got silent thanks to Shroeder, he could speak and everyone could hear him.

"I am surprised at you, fellow members of the Hansetag. You cover your eyes when a promissing opportunity shows up in front of you. And although I shouldn't be, I'm even surprised at Friedrich Niemoller's lack of faith. It is true that God never intended merchants to fight wars, but still, think of the glorious conversions of the heretic Orthodox that we could do if we take Novgorod. Friedrich claims to be a devout Catholic, yet he fears to fight the infidel. Declare war on Pskov! Hah! We could do that any day we wanted. But Novgorod, that is a different story!

We do not need a strong army. The Muscowites have devasted the Novgorodians hard enough. We should find an ally first, here I do agree, but if we can't in a short period, then we must fight the war ourselves. This is a one-time opportunity! If the Muscowites seize Novgorod, and take controll of the Northern trade, then you can all say good-bye to your trade vessels, since all they will be carrying is refugees, fleeing from the Muscowites when they attack us!"

Markus wanted to seize the opportunity and say something bad about the merchants, but luckily he looked up at his brothers that were signing him to shut up. And he did.

The courier arrived at the moment, and Markus pronounced that if they vote now, then he would vote in favor of strengtening the land forces. "We are small, but we must show some courrage!"

OOC: Could we get some statistics? Like the relationship with Poland, Denmark etc? Manpower? Mercantilism value? I would like to know how strong are the merchants, so that my character wouldn't do a horrid mistake without me knowing it. Also, are there any Orthodox provinces?