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Gaijin de Moscu

A Rising Tide
41 Badges
Sep 3, 2002
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Country: Zapotec (Central America)
Difficulty: Hard/Furious
Version: Base Game 1.05, EEP 1.2.3
Mods: Only Flag (sigh - wanted to do more... if I knew how)

As AARs from the Terra America Latina are becoming increasingly popular, I desire to inform the reading and writing public that I am pondering the plot for a Zapoteca AAR. :)

The teaser for that story can be found here in Eochaid's smart collection of the great battles.

This is of course not to say that I wouldn't enjoy someone else's Zapoteca AAR ;) but just wanted to put a stake.

We have a long weekend (banking holiday Monday) here in Japan so the first installment will see the light soon. :rolleyes:

Any ideas welcome!!! It will be a spiritual (as in 'spirit=alcohol' and 'spirit=ghost' mystery story maybe. Maybe not :))

I will have lots of blood, cultural clashes, betrayal and honourable behaviours ;)
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Now that we read your teaser in the Field of Honor, we have high expectations... Will read this one for sure. I'll see how you handle it compared to Dmitri... Is it fashionable right now for Russian people to write a Latin America AAR?:D

BTW: what about your other AAR? I hope you'll not stop posting there....
Guys, thanks for dropping in - appreciated!!! :) :) :)

Eochaid, I will try to continue with both. It's jut I get bored with one topic too fast, so I need at least 3 or 4 games going... and as I started Zapotecas this AAR idea was borne.

Dmitry is a respectable competition, not afraid to take on a tough country. So I will look forward to reading his story.

I think Russians like writing about Latin America because there is quite a lot in common - pagans turned devote christians; lazy in style; lots of revolutions; beautiful women and strict codes of honour... etc. ;) That's my theory.
This AAR's Objective:

- Conquer Spain. Make it 'Tlaxcala Nueva' and take all of their gold ;)

My ground rules:
  • Even though I am playing Zapotecas, I will call my little warriors "Tlaxcalans" because I think this is more historically correct, and I love the story of Tlaxcala: they wanted to use Europeans to fight their own enemies but it got a bit out of hand.
  • I will not use the word "Aztec" because it was introduced only in the 18th century or so by a Jesuit. Instead, I will call "Aztecs" the "Mexica" as they did themselves. Note the pronunciation rules: it's read as "Mesheeka".
  • I will translate names of rulers and generals into English to create a better atmosphere.
  • I will not change my religion regardless of events. My game nation is a Pagan politheist. BTW, everyone who wants to be worshipped in a pagan temple, please post your comments and I will dedicate one of the temples in the conquered privinces in your name ;) (this is roughly a historically accurate gesture). So post if you want my devote pagans to pray for you!!!
  • Surviving as Tlaxcalla was hard, and it's neighbours were furious. So I am playing at Hard/Furious :eek:
  • As much as I wanted, I did not do any mods apart from the flag/shield which I found at this wonderful site.
EDIT: I will use random pieces from a novel set in Mexico that I am writing so your feedback will go a very long way... :D :D
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Lord Passeportout, Oh Master of the Rain, giver of life. Your devoted servants will build a temple in your honor in Honduras, when they possess that land.

Hear our prayers, bring clouds, thunder and rain, moisten the tender ears of corn.

We will hold a festival in Your name at the end of every May. Priests will run along the roads, and they will bring Maize bean porridge, and they will kill anyone who crosses their way. And the priests will be tested, and we will send You our most beautiful children.

Bring us Rain, Oh Lord, Oh master of the Rain, Lord Passeportout.

:D :D
Lord Oleg, God of Spring, fertility, and success in war! We will erect a temple in your name in Rio Grande, as soon as we possess that land.

Your devoted servants will hold a festival every March, early in the month. Men will be killed, and flayed, and will resurrect again as priests will wear their skin. We will dance and feast, and the Leaders of Tlaxcalteca Alliance will dance for you on top of the main piramid, lit by bonfires.

Bring our women many children, and victory in every battle, Oh Lord, Or Master Oleg.

:D :D
I must say that this is really outstanding work! The sacrifice scene was beautifully written with highly evocative passages and I love the youthful...err...exuberance of Piercing Arrow's son in this second offering. Surely he is destined for great things. ;) I'm really looking forward to reading this as it develops as you obviously have a wonderful sense of their culture and general mindset.

Out of curiousity, is that an "actual" creation myth of Tlaxcalla or did you create it to suit your desires?
Lord Passeportout, the figure on the right wears the skin of a sacrificed victim (see his feet and hands), which means he's a god of fertility. So you are on the left! :cool:

MrT, Thank you! I indeed spend so much space on the boy as I have some designs for him. As to the legend, I think it's a true one, there are many variations of the same theme.

By the way, I have vacancies in my pantheon so if you want to be included and warshipped by my pagans, just shout :D