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Imperator Universalis
May 4, 2002
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This is my first AAR,so have patience with me. I also have some work to do at my school, Loyola College in Maryland, so I may not update all of the installment quickly but as fast as possible.

1.05 patch with EEP 1.2.1

Added events for Kingdom of Jerusalem

Changed the date of accepting Greek into order from 1501 to 1453.

Restrict : focus on Infidels, and no aggression on Catholic Countries unless have CB.
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"I would trade a hundred years of fame and glory for a year of quiet time, where I don't have to hear one more Allahu Acbkar! We should exteriminate those Satanic religion."
A quote by General Johann Strobel

Grand Master strolled around the castle, wondering what to do about the infidel. He walked into the Chapel and kneel to pray. He prayed for the guidance. Then the vision struck him.

Jesus Christ said "You must trust your gut feeling for they are guided by holy spirit. Also, to win, you must do something instead of sitting around and praying when you do nothing or do evil things in my name. Now, you must listen to your goodness. I will be with you for always. Now, farewell."

The vision dissipated even as the Grand Master made the gesture of waiting, please tell me more. Then he heard, more of feeling it really, "Just trust your gut feeling and trust in God." Grand Master nodded and made a decision to listen to Jesus. He felt much better, and overjoyed that he receive the answer to his praying. He left the chapel after praying a thank to God for sending Jesus.

He strolled into the chamber and told the page to call out for all of the Knights. They came, they muttered among themselves, wondering what is going on, and what is so important. The Grand Master stood from the chair and announced "the time has came for us to be on offense against the Infidel. We must be on offense, otherwise, we would be overrun for being on pure defense accomplished nothing. Victory lies only in offense. January 1, 1419 is the first day of new era of the Order. May God be with us!"

They cheered even as they are bit anxious about losing their lives but they join in the service of God so they would gladly die for God. They went o the Chapel and praying for all of day.
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When I first saw the title, I thought you were doing an African AAR(Rhodesia you see)... but you are doing the knights I see.

Considering that we both used EEP(I used the earlier version before the new events in the region) and have similar beginning agendas, it will be interesting to see how you fare.

Grand Master looked at the calendar, just after he signed the approve for the bailiff to organize Rhodesian economy, it said January 7. He hummed and muttered "That is what mark the infidel as infidel, that they each other. Ottoman Empire attacked their ally, Karaman. Dulkadir even joined in with the war against Karaman! Thank God! They shall wear each other out, and our work shall be easier. However, what a foolishness! To fight against your own people." He went to chapel and thank God. There is several of Knights and advisors. He reassured them about the war,

"Of course they fight each other, Otttoman Empire may expand however, it is against a fellow infidel. And it keep the focus away from Byzantine Empire, and rest of Europe. Also, it will make it easier for us to take the offense to them. Now, relax for God is with us!"

few month later….

Grand Master called for Convocation. The Knights muttered, "Convocation again, so soon? What is happened?" They nevertheless came. When everybody is seated, Grand Master raised from his simple wooden chair, as to show the humility, and announced,

"The time has come for us to be on offense. I have just send the declare of war to Teke, the province that is right off our island. It is the easiest target and perfect foothold for our Crusade. Now, when you leave for ships, don't harasses the populace for I declare that Orthodox is much better than infidel Islam. We need their support or we will lose. God is with us, and watching us. Do you that God would be gladden by the oppressing of fellow Christian? (tolerance scale of Orthodox is 6.) It is the best time for us. Farewell, the Convocation is over." He left the room. The Knights muttered something about his insanity for accepting Orthodox but they will obey him for now, they have a target. Sir John called out "FOR GOD!" They cheered and wen to their ships.

A clerk told Grand Master, "The Knights have aboard the ships 10 days ago, April 21. So far, everything is going well." Grand Master smiled and think to himself, of course, it goes well. At that point, the messenger break into the room and gave Grand Master the note, it read "Teke has joined the Alliance with Ottoman Empire and Duk… whatever." The people seat round the table have a pale face. Then Wolfgang von Weissdach asked the messenger and recorder, "Are we at war with Ottomans?" The messenger smiled and, "No, Teke joined the alliance with Ottoman but they have not join into our war." Then the relieved people chuckled for a bit, and Grand Master declared "It is more of the proof that God is with us, that Teke merely join Ottoman so we are not at war with Ottoman. Thank, my Lord." The sound of Amen echoed loudly throughout the castle, even the populace heard it and wonder if Knights went insane.
When you annex Teke, go for Karaman next. They should be weakened by the Ottoman invasion. After that, it's time to crush the Ottomans. Dulakdir should be annexed, and grab a few provinces from the Turks.

This should be a little more realistic than my advice in the other Knights AAR.
"It is more of the proof that God is with us, that Teke merely join Ottoman so we are not at war with Ottoman. Thank, my Lord."

A booming voiced answered Grand Master

"-You're welcome! You owe me now. Now get some lands to have income and manpower and split some skulls in my name. Maybe Tunisia could be a good choice. And then Algeria and you slowly eat the Mameluks and go for the Ottomans"
I was too expecting Ian Smith popping up here somewhere, but thankfully, we'll have the Defenders of The True Faith instead. :)

This looks promising Zhai. The Knights are always popular.
Here I'am..:cool:

Always nice to see a fellow knight in times like this..
I will follow your progress closly and perhaps find something to use in my wars against the Ottoman empire.
Oleg : Drop in any time you like.:) Just don't literally drop yourself!:D

Bismarck : Any advice you have would be fine.

Judas Maccabeus : That is what I intend to but I would be side-tracked. You will see.

Eochaid : Are you psychic!:eek: That is what I planned gto do, to take it and plunder it while establish the base for the invasion into Egypt. That is my future plan, I have not yet implmented it in my game, I got far as 1425.

Patric123 : Thanks! Well, it is African AAR, that is after I colonize Africa and conquer Egypt:)

Norgesvenn : Thank you. Who is Ian Smith?:confused:

Issac : Fellow Knight, I shall aid you in any way to crush infidel, you can adpat some of idea into your war against Musmlim.:D

Any advices would be welcome, especially since it is my first AAR.
Pray. If you're ruling the turkish states, and go after the ottomans, pray. Especially when you're the knights.

It's far easier to use your italian and french cultures to carve an empire, then return aroundd 15000 for the great crusade.

Hey, God wants you to rule Venice. Really.
Colonel William de Bordeaux stood on the bow of the leading gallery in the fleet. Teke is in sight, however, it is difficult to see for it is a cloudy day. Then a pelican landed near him. Remembering the ancient mariner legend, that Pelican on the ship is the sign of bad luck, he jerked back then laughed at himself. He muttered "It is just a superstition." Then he turned his eyes back to Teke, as it is nearing. Commodore Pius Aquila walked to beside of him, William turned, "It is a fine day for the battle. We will win easily, for we are Christian whence they are just infidel. Today, May 18, 1419 will be the most glorious day." Commodore turned around from the view of Teke and glared at William. He said, "If that is true, then why we lose Jerusalem? Turks are fierce fighters, you shouldn't underestimated them." William laughed and brushed away Commodore's comment. Commodore made a decision right there, to do something about it. Then the ships came to stop, just off Teke.

The Knights have been off loaded from the ship, and they charged into Teke. There, they ran into the enemies. They fought for seven days.

Cardinal Mario stopped by in Rhodes. He walked to Grand Master and said, "Pope wishes to bless you for your effort against infidels. Here is the gift from Pope so that you could have money to fight heathen turks." He left Rhodes. Grand Master smiled and immediately send some of the gift to Cyprus. He wanted to ally with Cyprus and strengthen the force of Crusaders.

On the seventh day of battle, May 25, the battle went well, if evenly matched. Both of the sides are exhausted. Then Teke army is on verge of collapse. Then they used the last weapon, they shout "Allahu Ackbar! Allahu Ackbar!" It made Knights nervous. However, William was startled by the chant by Tekian army, that he made a blunder. He ordered the attack into the valley, where few of Knights were slained. Then, William, didn't understanding what is going on, he ordered a retreat. The chaos reign as some Knights believe that the day could be won while another obeyed the order thus Knight lose the battle. They fled to the coast, expecting to make the last stand, however.
then return aroundd 15000 for the great crusade.

... which obviously will be against the Zorthons or the Zöygins of Alpha Centauri... :D

Zhai, Ian Smith was the leader of Rhodesia before it became Zimbabwe. :)
Norgesvenn : Thank you! :) Yep, it will be against Zorton, AND Austria.

Faeelin : sorry, didn't see your post until too late. Oh well! Yep, I am dead sure that God want me to rule the Earth! Yept, using Italy as conquering ground sounds good idea. Maybe Naples would be a good start?

I will update the installment tonight.

I have not play the game beyond 1425 yet but I will. So, I have so many target! I think trhat I will go after Tunisia first, and attack Naples if they have no ally or weak ally and add their ally to my Empire as well :D Then depend on how Ottoman is going, I will decide.
Eochaid : Are you psychic! That is what I planned to do, to take it and plunder it while establish the base for the invasion into Egypt. That is my future plan, I have not yet implmented it in my game, I got far as 1425.

Well you asked God what to do, I answer you....:D
"Why is that the buffoon have been gave the second and third chance? It is beyond me! At least, he was kicked off the command. This gave the army the real chance at winning the war against Teke. Also, we have at least got Colonel Johann Strobel."
A letter to Grand Master from Commodore Pius Aquila

It seems bad for the Knights in Teke. They are about to be annihilated because there are no place to run and reform. So, they ran down to coast, expecting to make the last stand. Col. William muttered a praying of forgive, for his army to fail. He didn't realize that it is his fault that Rhodes lost the day. Teke army is chasing them, and kept up with their chant, "Allahu Ackbar!" It terrifies the Knights.

Then the cheer arose among the first rank to arrive to the coast. Then rest of remnant army saw the reason for the cheer and they followed the suit. There is the fleet, waiting for them. Now they could get out alive after all. Unknown to the army, Commodore Pius decided to have the fleet wait near the coast. He did that because, he knew that William would ruined the day with his underestimating of the enemy. So, that way, the army won't be destroyed because of William. He ordered the fleet to cover the retreating Knights. Teke could do nothing but roar and killing the rear guard unit. Lt. Lucas, the commander of the unit, breathed the praying of thank for God, that the Knights are escaping and that he will die gloriously, to preserve the retreating Knights' lives. Then he die as a sword was thrusting through into his heart and cut off his head.

This took a full month to load all those men. Then they rest for awhile, since Grand Master ordered them to try again, seeing that Teke army had suffered heavier loss than the Knights. He also gave Colonel William the second chance.

Commodore Pius muttered with his first officer, "That buffoon, should have not been gave a second chance, for the stench of incompetence is surrounding William. However, I will obey Grand Master. Well, at least, he ordered that fleet stay near in case, and he also gave me the full authority with the fleet and coast. I just hope that it is enough to offset the weak minded William." The first officer laughed, and shout amen! Then they went back to the bridge. The seaman and a soldier overheard Pius, and they agreed with him. No one liked William at all.

July 2nd, 1419. A day after The Knights have began to leave the ships to Teke, the Grand Master offered the alliance propose to Cyprus. Ambassador of Cyprus came with the response, "I like you, but it is the wrong time for us to ally, besides, you are losing the war against Teke. We don't want a weakling for ally. We support you but that is it. Signed, King of Cyprus." Ambassador bowed and left the castle. Grand Master was really mad and tear the paper and threw it into the fire. Grand Master muttered about the waste of diplomat, since it took quite while to travel.

26 days later, July 28th, Knights finally arrived in the full force in Antalya. Williams ordered more of spreading the men out, among the coast in the effort to circle around Teke army. Commodore Pius watched the whole thing from the flagship. He considered it, and decided that it is not bad, not for William. They fought hard, however William cracked at hearing "Allahu Ackbar!" So the Knights were scattered and enemy took almost no loss. August 18 is the bad day for the Knights. They retreated to the fleet. Majority of the loss were occurred during the retreat.

On that the same day, Trebizond declared war upon Dulkadir. Then Ottoman Empire and Teke joined into the fun. Grand Master was happy because, that would meant that Teke shall be distracted by another way, may even lead to Rhodesian victory. Then, the next day, Cyprus, the friend of Rhodes, declared war upon Trebizond. Grand Master puzzled over that one, why would Cyprus stars the war against the fellow Christian state within Asia Minor? Few weeks later, at September 3rd, Teke gave up the military access to ottoman Empire. Grand Master don't know what to make of it. The council is convinced that it meant that Ottoman Empire is prepared to declare the war upon Rhodes. They went to the chapel and pray.
Ouch. That can't be good.

So what are you going to do to William? Quarter him? Hang him? Put him on the rack?

Nope, I was really mad when it happened. I will give him one more chance, after all I lose one more time before I won, and annexed Teke.

Wait and see:D