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Member of Parliament 1900
Oct 24, 2001
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I'm commisioned to write this for Ivan IV, Tzar of the Russe, on the most Holy, Byzantine Empire.

Byzantium 1419/EEP 1.02

The Empire is in Decline, all that remains of

our former possessions and glory, are Morea, and the

most Holy city of Constantinople. I send a gift of gold

to the Dutchy of Athea, and secure an alliance with

them, and Albania. Albania declares war on Ragusta,an

our army of 5000 strong, march to the city. We are

attacked in Albania, but with our allies repulse the

enemy army. We arrive at the fortified city, and pitch

camp. The army of the Dutchy, takes command of the

seige, but when the Ragustians lay seige to Athenea,

they pull out. Our army takes command of the seige, and

wait 9 months, before the city looks close to fall. The

Emperor has aready ordered the royal coat of arms to be

made ready to add the arms of Ragusta. Unfourtanly,

Albania signs a peace with Ragusta, and our navy must

move our army back to Morea. Albania then declares war

on Hungry and her allies. The Dutchy dishonors our

alliance, and we pull out.

Byzantium 1421

The Empire joins Vence, in a new alliance.

Suddenly the Heathen Sultan of the the most evil Turks

dies, and we release his other son, causing civil war in

Turkey, and war with the Turks. We lose our first naval

battle, but win the second one. We invade Macedonia, and

lay seige. The most evil and heathen Turks next lay

seige to the most wonderful, great, magnificent, and

holy capital of the Empire of the True Romans,

Constantinople. We sail to Symeria and lay seige.

Soon to come Ch. 2, the turkish war.
I think that you should put in more flesh to it. It is interesting however, it feel more like list of events instead of a history, if you know what I mean.

Not bad! Keep working and you will be good!:)
Interesting. But what caused it, specifically?
Hi historycaesar! I've never seen you on the AAR forum before but I'm glad to see you here! What you write on the CK forum proves your like history and know many things about it... And I really look forward to reading more of this.

If you want to write a short story about this, as Zhai said, you might like to put more flesh to it. Details, scenes, characters are what make AARs great.

On the other hand, if you want to write your AAR more like a Saga or a poem, you might want to check The Devil Went Down to Georgia by Backpack to have a few hints or ideas.

But please keep this running. I know how hard writting your first AAR can be, but it gets really nice after a few posts.
:) :)
Adds on to post one:

Constantinople 1419:

My name is Michael Portigoesea, I am the son of a noble man. When the emperor decided to march for Ragusta, I felt it was my duty, though I'm not even 18 yet, to join the army. I put on my calvary uniform, and kissed my mother and sister good bye. I left our house in the merchant district, and headed to the port to board a merchant ship bound for Vence, but it would stop at Ragusta on the way. As I headed to the harbor, I saw how un-roman and holy greek our city has become, all most all the faces in the crowd where either Venetian or Genoain.

Ragusata 1420,

When my ships lands, I speak to the commander of the seige, and he gives me command of the therma Acripoligea, a calvary diffision of 300 mounted archers. Everyday is the same, we wake at dawn, and fire the capapults, every 25 min. We forage for food, and when we see a Ragustian, fire a quiver of arrows at them.

6 months latter:

The city is about to fall, we know it. One an imperial envoy has arrived bearing an annexation treaty, and he can smell roasted horse comming from the city. The stench is terrible, but soon I will be home.

Damn the Albanians and Tuscans of the Dutchy, they signed a treaty, almost before the city fell, having done nothing, and then taking away our victory is infurating. But their time will come.

I sail home, and am a member of the delegation to Vence, requesting an alliance. As soon as we prepare to leave, war breaks out with the Heathen Turks. I prepare to sail to Symeria, and luckly encounter no storms, pirates, or Turkish ships. I soon land and prepare to meet the colonal of the seige.

Part 2 Soon: The Turkish War
Better! Now this is really cool. I'm especially fond of Byzantine AARs. I'll keep reading this one for sure.
Much better! :)

I will keep read this for sure! I am enjoying it.

(Don't forgot to have your main character interact with few of another people, and the event):)

Good job!
Part 2: The Turkish and Algerian War.

1423: Symeria

We don't stay long in Symeria, when Algeria and

Tusnasia declare war, we sail.

Tusania, outside tripoli:

We meet little resistance on landing, the

Berbers where clearly not expecting our army. We lay

seige, but hear terrible reports from Macedonia and

Constantinople. Our army in Macedonia is destroyed, by

the Turks. And Constantinople falls to the Berbers. My

mother sent me a note from the city after it was sacked.

"Michael, it was terrible, we gathered in the Holy

Sophia for a mass, and heard the terrible sound of

catapults, and the smells of Berber camp fires. Suddenly

the sound of voices filled the streets, The city has

fallen, escape to the harbor. We rush from the church

and meet few people on the streets, most merchants have

aready fled back to Italy. When we reach the harbor, we

sail across the bay to Petra, and Genonian Protection.

From across the Harbor, I can see the fires and smoke

for days to come. The most holy and wonderful Hagia

Sophia is destroyed. When we return to the city four

weeks later, under the Berber Govener,there are no more

than 1000 homes left in the Holy City."

I read with disguest, and my unit and I,fight hard to

avenge the distruction of the Holy City.

Several Months later, the City of Tripoli falls, and we

take no mercy on the Berbers. We burn the city and its

heathen Mosque and Bazzer. We take no mercy, no more

than 200 homes remain standing. We also receive great

news from Constantinople, the citizens at Petra, rebel

and seige the city.

We march to Tunasia and lay seige, but even though the

city looks close to fall, we recieve bad news, Tripoli

rebels, and the rebels at Constantinople are defeated.

Tunasia falls, but so does Tripoli. We return to that

city, and Constantinople re-rebels. We take the city

nine months later, and once more feel no mercy, all that

remains is the harbor. Once more we march to Tripoli,

and lay seige, and the city falls quicker this time, but

Tunasia rebels and is taken. We return to that city, and

using our two ships left, my friend and his unit, land

and garrison Tripoli. Tunasia falls, and the Berber war

ends, Tripoli becomes a provence, and Tunasia a vassel.

Constantinople is retaken, and the new emperor, orders

the reconstrction of the most Holy City.

For 6 years, I'v fought, and now command 1000 men, but

instead of fighting the Turks, I'm asked to garrison

Tripoli, with the Crown Prince.

We are friends, and as soon as he is emperor, I will be

his military Advisor.

Michael, 1426, 22 years of age, commander therma of

This is certainly taking a different direction than most Byzantine games. Starting in North African is going to be a real test of survival. Good luck historycaesar! ;)

Good work!

Good luck! Don't forgot Ottoman Empire and Mamluck!
Tripoli, Theme Africanus Caesarus, 1426

Though the Berber wars ended in our favor, we

still had many problems. One we went bankrupt aready

once, and where facing it again, the empire is broke.

Also still the Turks fought us, and where winning.

As a junior military advisory, I travelled back

to Constantinople, and was given command of the Therma

Ionnia, 2500 men. We invaded Bulgaria, after the Turks

seized the Hinterland around Constantinople and Morea.

We escaped the Turks, on the midnight horse, and

successful invaded Bulgaria. Serbia and Wallencia

declare war on the heathen Turks, and joined the seige.

Time of Troubles, 1429 - 1432:

Bulgaria falls, but we go Bankrupt for the

second, and then the third time. During this time, the

emperor invades the Kingdom of Cyranica, and annex it

into the empire. However, constant revolts force us to

release it as a vassel. After the fall of Bulgaria, and

the reorganization of our fiances, we settle with the


Victorus Romanus, 1432 - 1436:

The empire returns to peace, but we still build

our army, I am given command of the Therma Poetia, 4000

calvary and foot. The empire prospers, we rebuild the

fortress on the Gulf of Cornithea, and continue to grow,

when the Dutchy of Athens asked us to annex them, we do

so. Next I launch a secret campain into Albania, and lay

seige. We however are repulsed by there first great

general king. We reinvade and lose, but invade once

more, and lay seige.

Michael, General of the Empire

Should I annex albania or make it a vassel?

Also I think I'm strong enough to fight the turks, I have a good economy, and 4 provences, and a good size army, but should I invade or gather more allies first?
I would highly recoomend that you annex Albania, since they are not much of use to you as vassel (not much income as a vassel), especially if you have a sheild on it.

I would suggest that you attack Albania as fast as possible however, you should add at least one ally in case. Also, look at the alliance Albania is in.