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Sometimes They Come Back
Aug 20, 2002
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This AAR will follow the rise, and quite likely the fall, of Pskov. I'm still pretty raw in terms of game experience, so expect lots of rookie mistakes, horrible mismanagement, and a general ignorance on proper tactics. If that bothers you, pretend that I'm "roleplaying the weak leaders of Pskov." That should work.

Why Pskov? Several reasons, some better than others. To my knowledge no one has done a Pskov AAR, and the Baltic/Russian region doesn't seem to be too popular. Too bad, because there's a lot going on, to say the least. I picked Pskov because I wanted to start with only one province, with lots of options as far as policy is concerned. With CBs against most neighbors, but no declared wars (yet) I think Pskov has a very interesting starting position. Beyond that, I like the region for personal reasons.

Rules, Game and House

The game will be played on normal difficulty with normal aggression.

No cheating or editing. No restarting saves. If we get put on the ashheap, so be it.

No declaration of war without a CB.

No alliances with any of our traditional enemies. All the nations Pskov has a CB against are considered tradional enemies. These nations are Novgorod, Tver, Lithuania, Muscowy, Ryazan, and Suzdal.

No alliances with the Teutonic Knights. Our people still remember their aggression in the region.

Religion will never be a motive for war, other than defense against fanaticism (see last). We are faithful, but not zealots.

Goals, From Short Term to Long Term

1) Survive as an independent nation. The most important goal, for obvious reasons.

2) Expand our territory and become a regional power.

3) Eliminate our traditional enemies, that is all the nations we start with a CB against.

4) Unify Russia. Basically, recreate historical Russia, but under the banner of Pskov! The most ambitious goal.

Starting Political Situation

A little background, to set the table. Pskov is located in the Baltic region, and is surrounded by enemies and potential enemies. To the West, The Teutonic Order spreads Catholicism by the sword, and are enemies of all Orthodox nations. Past efforts by the Knights to expand East have failed, but who's to say what they might be planning in the name of faith?

To the South, Poland and Lithuania are a powerful alliance, but their enemies are legion. Rumors of war between this alliance and much of Germany are in the air.

To the North, Novgorod would love to reabsorb Pskov, but they have other, bigger, problems. They seem to have made many powerful enemies, and survival will have to take precedence.

To the East, Tver is small but ambitious, and plans to take advantage of the increasingly volitile situation surrounding Novgorod.

As for Pskov, the small nation is heavily influential on the region, with its code of law adopted by its neighbors. Novgorod is the biggest enemy, a much larger and hostile power that surrendered independence to Pskov only after a bitter war in 1347. The people are hard working and honest, struggling to crave a living from the poor soil. In terms of Religion, Pskov is devoted to Eastern Orthodox and tolerant towards Catholicism. There is no desire to fight crusades or convert other lands, although the Teutonic Order is considered a threat. The military is small and defensive, and looks to other nations for protection.

The military policy is about to change, as flames of war engulf the region. A crisis of leadership will lead to Pskov making a bid for dominance.

This was a introduction, so it was a little dry. I plan on using more of a story telling style for the actual events. Next up, you can expect a fictionalized account of the leadership change in Pskov, and the chain of events that follows.
Pskov. :) I can't remember anyone doing that one before. As far as my knowledge stretches, you can become Russia as Pskov, by owning Novgorod and Moscow before some point around 1500.

I believe it is time to wish you good luck, sir! You might need it. :)
Stroph growls. He had been considering a nation in that region for his next AAR. :D

Oh well, back to the thinking.

Good luck and I look forward to Pskovian colonies in North America!

Thanks for the kind words! Unifying Russia would be a pretty satisfying finish, but with the skill level I currently have (slim to none) it might prove too much of a task. I don't know, Stroph1, I'd like to see another Baltic region AAR, for one! :) If not, maybe Korea or a nation in India? Africa?

Color code for posts!
White: Story Text
Sky Blue: Events in the region
Lime Green: Pskov events


Alexsander Aronov stared sadly at the icon of the Blessed Virgin. He was too weak to move, and likely wouldn't survive the night. Orthodox Clerics crowded the royal bedroom, chanting for the dying King. Aronov didn't see them, as one of their number held the icon inches from his face, insuring his last sight in this world would prepare him for the next. Two of the holy men swung censers, filling the room with the smell of incense, covering the foul odor of sickness and death.

Mustering his last strength, Aronov rolled away from the image of the Holy Mother to face the Patriarch, who was leading a chant at the foot of the bed. He raised a feeble arm towards the spiritual shepard. "Tell me it was worth it." He gasped it out.

Aronov had changed many of the policies of Pskov during his short reign. He had created a stronger central authority, crushing cherished freedoms in the name of survival as a nation. The army had been given more authority than ever, and his nation now resembled an armed camp. Aronov had justified his actions as a response to increasingly troubled times. War was coming, and the question was survival. Everything else had to be forgotten. Across the small nation metals were melted into tools of war. Plowshares to swords, pruning hooks to spears.

As a final action a few months before taking ill, Aronov had given the military final authority in the affairs of state. General Ivan Ochakov would soon be the true power of the embattled nation, while his true successor, Fedor I, would be largely a figurehead, a sad reminder of better days, of the short peace after Pskov had gained its independence from Novgorod.

"All is forgiven, my lord. You have done well as God's Annoited on Earth." The Patriarch made the sign of the cross over the deathbed, and resumed the chant. "Tell me..." Aronov fell back, his strength gone. His head again faced the icon, but there was no light in his eyes. An era was over.

Two days later, on January 1, 1419, the power to rule passed to Pskov's Military.


On January 3rd, the long, bitter wait was finally over as flames of war engulfed the region. Seeking earthly power above all, nations of the same faiths went to war, taking advantage of an unseasonably warm winter.

Muscowy declares war on Novgorod

United only by a lust for power, the nations of Central Europe unite against the powerful alliance of Lithuania and Poland.

Prussia, Mecklenburg, Bremen, Holstien, and the Teutonic Order declare war on Poland and Lithuania.

On January 5th other Northern nations enter the war against Novgorod, sensing its weakness and a chance to gain the spoils of war.

Sweden, Denmark, and Norway declare war on Novgorod.

The armies of Pskov are still being built up, and are currently the weakest in the region. As such, we stay neutral in the growing conflict, granting passage to some of the aggressors.

Pskov grants military access to Moscowy, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

The winter wars raged on, sound and fury, signifying...well, very little. By summer, Prussia is weary of the fighting.

Prussia pays Lithuania 9 Ducats for peace.

As summer turns to winter, the armies of Pskov have increased to approximately 18,000 soldiers, mostly (14k) elite cavalry. Soon, we will do our part to end the madness of war that is gripping the region (i.e. take advantage of it for national aggrandizement).

December 5: Brandenburg declares war on Poland and Lithuania. We could not care less.

On January 28th 1420, fellow small province Tver decides it's time to exploit the chaos by joining in the war against Novgorod. This is the opportunity we were waiting for. In the name of stabilizing the region, we move against the smaller forces of Tver.

January 28: Tver declares war on Novgorod.

February 6: Pskov declares war on Tver.

The forces of "order and stability" move against the opportunistic and evil army of Tver. The armies meet in the field on the 26th of February, and the forces of Pskov, no doubt motivated by the selflessness and rightness of our cause, easily defeat the pitiful forces of our Eastern neighbor. By the second of March, Tver has quit the field to try to wait us out. A long and better seige begins.

March 5: An increasingly desperate Novgorod makes peace with Norway for 370 Ducats.

Novgorod looks to have lost the winter war. There capital is under seige from Moscowy, and they're willing to pay large sums to end the fighting.

Tver tries to lift the siege with two spring counter-attacks, but our forces manage to defeat them both times, continuing an increasingly bitter seige. Bitter cold and a summer smallpox epidemic takes a cruel toll on our brave men, costing nearly half their number by the end of 1420. Luckily, we continue to send reinforcements, keeping the army from collapsing. We are hurting dearly, but such is the price, even of a just war.

Finally, on February 1st, 1421, Tver falls. The city is starving, and with no help to lift the seige in sight, the mayor formally surrenders to our forces. We assure him that his people will be welcomed into our empire.

February 27: Pskov annexes Tver.

Our nation has survived dangerous times, and is stronger for it, doubling in size and population. Heavy loans support the army, and our economy lies in shambles, but with the new system of rule by the sword these issues are less important, as opposed to the glory of defeating an enemy of the peace and bringing them into the fold of our enlightened nation.

Next up: The Continuation War!
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That's certainly one of the more hectic areas of Europe in the beginning. Everyone picks on poor Novgorod. Smart move waiting a while before choosing your victim. ;) Who's next I wonder? :D

Nice start, Nice Nation pick, and nice style.
I guess you could say all round very nice. :)
Paranoid Tsar,

I think I will start to post my Pskov AAR, too. It might be interesting to see two going at the same time and see where we end up. For all I know, we may both be swallowed by the big boys before too long. I will start it today and if it looks promissing, post it. For simplicity, I will use your rules, too.

Originally posted by Stroph1
Paranoid Tsar,

I think I will start to post my Pskov AAR, too. It might be interesting to see two going at the same time and see where we end up. For all I know, we may both be swallowed by the big boys before too long. I will start it today and if it looks promissing, post it. For simplicity, I will use your rules, too.


To make it more interesting, I don't think you guys should read each others AAR until one of you is done. :)
I like the idea of two Pskovs, although I'd bet on Stroph1 to do better. There are so many directions you could go, so I'm sure we'll end up pretty far apart...or both defeated, but in different fashions! ;) It'll be tempting to read Stroph's progress, but I'll resist!

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. You are always welcome in the Kingdom of Pskov and its vassal states! :cool: As for who's next, I think Tver had the right idea...


You have to admire their fighting spirt, sir." Captain Maskimovich
watched as the soldiers taken prisoner in the Tver siege were marched away from the ruined city to return to their farms. The men were emaciated from hunger and covered in dirt and blood, but still seemed a little defiant, even after the defeat.

"Bah!" General Ochakov spat on the ground in disgust. "What do you know about warfare?" The General had presided over the lengthy siege, while the youthful Captain had arrived early in February, when the fighting was already over. The former Captain had died of smallpox during that horrible summer. Mass graves had been dug all around the capital.

"Bunch of cowards. No one ever won a war by hiding behind walls. We beat them in the field, badly. Disease and hunger killed more of my men than they ever could have." The Pskov Army had been greatly weakened in the siege, lossing nearly half their original number. Fortunately, reinforcements had arrived. Maskimovich represented the latest arrivals, still far too green to be of much worth. They'd have their day, though.

"At least with the fighting over we can resume the peace." Fresh faced Maskimovich looked hopefully at the weathered face of the real ruler of Pskov. The general laughed, doubling over. It was several minutes before he stopped guffawing. Days later he would still smile at the memory. Peace? In this world? Where do they find these naive youngsters, the General wondered.


With the fall of Tver, the question wasn't if there would be another war, but when and where. With Novgorod greatly weakened from fighting multiple foes, it was the tempting choice, especially considering the history of animosity it had with Pskov. However, the army had been decimated in the pervious campaign, and time was taken to rebuild. For a brief time, Pskov was again the eye of the storm, with war raging all around it.

April 3rd: Poland pays 50 ducats to Bremen for peace. It appears that the German coalition have gotten the better of the fighting against Poland and Lithuania.

Yeufimei I Becomes King of Novgorod. The new king inherits a war-torn nation, surrounded by enemies. Novgorod doesn't need a King, they need a priest.

June 28: Political Crisis in Pskov! The current military regime is creating resentment amoung certain elements of Pskovian society. Stability suffers, but no one dares rebel against the might of the army. Gradually, the discontent is suppressed.

After a year of internal development, the reformed army of Pskov is again ready to attempt to "stabilize" the region by fighting against "aggression." The Continuation War against Novgorod, the original controller of Pskov, is declared! Clearly, they are bent on world conquest and must be stopped! It seems that the three nations already at war with them aren't getting the job done, and they need the help of the area's real power: Pskov!

February 10, 1422: Pskov declares war on Novgorod. The cynical land-grab against a weakened nation officially begins. The only problem: all of there territories seem to already be occupied. We'll have to wait to attack after treaties, it appears. To say Novgorod is in trouble as a nation would be a mild understatement.

On April 5th, a province returns to the control of Novgorod, for about the length of a cup of coffee. Facing no resistance, we occupy Olonets.

Novgorod buys peace from Denmark, surrendering Kola to Denmark and Kexholm to Sweden.
The partition of Novgorod is underway! Good thing I already bought a ticket!

On November 27th, another huge clusterflub of a war rocks the region. Maybe instead of saying "Balkanized" we should say "Balticized?" Sweden, Denmark, and Norway declares war on Teutonic Order, Mecklenburg, Pommern, Bremen, Holstien, and Prussia. All the usual suspects, here.

On December 23rd our forces begin a seige on Ingermanland. The war with Novgorod is an odd one, as they don't have an army in the field, so it's all garrisons and lengthy starvation campaigns. Once again, the cruel winter is far more dangerous than enemy pikes, taking a horrific toll on our brave soldiers.

January 14, 1423: Poland pays 230 Ducats for peace with The Teutonic Order. Poland pays for peace, again.

April 1: Novgorod buys peace with Muscowy for Archagelsk, Olonets, 470 ducats. Muscowy gets there share of Novgorod, and it's a big one. The capital is now open to attack again, so guess where the Pskov army is heading?

April 12: Ryazan declares war on Muscowy. A fairly short peace for the Russian power, to say the least.

April 26: Novgorod allies with Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Novgorod declares war on the German Coalition. Expect nothing but surprises. Fortunately, we're already at war with the declining power, so this isn't an issue...yet. It's odd to see former enemies become allies so quickly, but it's such a convuluted region, who is to say? Novgorod also entered the clusterflub war, despite it's nonexistent army and current troubles. Amazing.

July 2nd: Brandenburg pays Poland 40 ducats for peace.

On January 9th, 1424 we begin a seige on Novgorod proper. Our forces are spread a little thin, but Novgorod is in no shape to resist us.

Ingermanland finally surrenders to our forces on February 21st, freeing our mighty armies to march on the black heart of our ancient enemy!

On August 1st, our nation goes bankrupt! Much wailing and gnashing of teeth insues, but the citizens are too afraid to rebel. Order is gradually restored. The Pskov herald is posted on the walls of Venetian Banks, with "Do not accept cheques from this nation" written beneath. Gradually, our nation recovers from the economic disaster.

The siege of Novgorod finally ends successful on January 13, 1425. Our army was ravaged by the lengthy campaign, but the victory is still very sweet. Only 9000 men remain in our forces, after the awful price of the lengthy war. We have victory, though, and the fighting is over...for the moment.

Pskov makes peace with Novgorod for Ingermanland and Karelia. Karelia is a worthless Northern colony, if you're wondering. Novgorod has been reduced to a single province: it's capital. Even as our nation recovers from another just and selfless war, we set our eyes on the rich prize of their capital. It became a center of trade while I wasn't looking, and could solve our economic woes...but what of their unholy alliance with Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

The decision now is whether is finish Novgorod, or try some other tact. Right now, it seems the only tenable option. The province of Novgorod is now VERY rich, and it's possible that her allies are too preoccupied fighting in Central Europe to make much of a difference. It's a risk, but I don't see any other alternative. It's all about the Ducats, after all!

Next: Decisions, decisions!
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Interesting AAR. And so far well played for a "rookie." The only thing I could quibble with was DoWing Novgorod before you could attack her. But you weren't punished for it, so that's OK. I played a TO game once in EU1, it was pretty fun. Lots to do in the Baltic. Maybe my next AAR will be up there.;)
Thanks for the update, Looking forward to "Decisions, decisions!"
but what of their unholy alliance with Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

It's lovely being allied to Sweden and Denmark, I can tell you. You'll always have one of them DoW'ing at the start of the GC, and you wont get BB for the DoW. This is the key for success for countries like Norway.

Being allied to the ex-Vikings could be useful for Pskov. :)

I like the use of colour, as it makes things easier to read.

Now go get Novgorod and Muscowy and become Russia. :D
The problem with Pskov (could have been the alternate title of this post, that!) is that my current relations aren't especially friendly with anyone. In this post, I do try to improve things with Sweden, if only to undermine the Novgorod alliance. Of course, I'm still fully commited to uniting Russia under the banner of Pskov!

I'm considering putting the rookie errors in a separate color, as they occur! Pink, maybe? Actually, I've been surprised by the success. I still have the feeling the wheels could come off at any moment, especially with our weak economy and lack of allies.


"If these are the winners, I'd hate to see the losers." The merchant laughed at his own wit as he watched the vaunted Pskov cavalry marched through the village, going home after the victory against Novgorod. The Cavalry were on foot, as they had resorted to eating horseflesh during the bitter seige they were returning from. Filth and sickness hung over the men like a foul cloud, and more then a few of the soldiers were being carried by there fellows, probably not long for this world.

"I'll tell you who really didn't win..." The voice of the head of the trading post pulled the younger merchant from the window. The head merchant sat at a crude desk, staring at rolls of parchment. "Profits down, again. We're going broke as a nation, Kihlinov."

The younger Kihlinov took a seat alongside his boss. The reports were indeed disappointing. Trade was down in Venice, as fierce competition was hurting the Pskov traders. "We should be happy with the victory against our enemies, Borisov."

Borisov laughed humourlessly. "What do I care about such matters? The war was pointless. No money, no power, and I have a feeling its going to continue this way." The merchant sighed, rolling up the report he had been studying.

"I don't mean to harp on negatives, but I think I see farther than most. Anyway, how was Venice." Borisov lightened his tone, becoming almost fatherly.

"Honestly, I didn't want to leave. It's the most beautiful city I've ever seen." Kihlinov smiled at the memory, but it faded quickly, like a dream.

"Perhaps I'll accompany you next time...provided there is a next time." Borisov walked from the desk to the window. Still the army marched, broken and diseased bodies passed off as glorious heroes. All so pointless.


Following the victories against Novgorod, we're at an impasse. The initial plan is to immediately declare war with them again, to finish the job, but it appears that since we have a peace treaty I'd take a massive stability hit. Maybe I should have reread that instruction booklet! War with Novgorod won't be an option until March 7, 1430. With the way they're building their army, it might not be viable even then. Disappointed, I decide to rebuild my own army (it was down to 8,000 men after the seiges in Novgorod). Time for the waiting game.

March 29th, 1425: Prussia buys peace with Poland for 19 Ducats.

May 12th: Ryazan pays 43 Ducats for peace with Moscowy. Hmmm. Very interesting. I look east and see a greatly weakened Moscowy. We're not ready yet, but I think someone just walked into my crosshairs.

June 18th: Golden Horde declares war on Ryazan. I'd considered taking advantage of this, but it's too far off, for now. First things first.

March 25, 1426: Ryazan is vassalized by the Golden Horde. So much for that.

April 13: Pskov sends a personal gift to Sweden. We have too many enemies, so steps must be taken. Sweden is now "neutral" toward our nation.

On June 1, we go Bankrupt for the second time. I have a feeling this trend is going to continue into the forseeable future, but we're stable enough to survive the unrest, for now.

June 8th: Wallachia pays 75 Ducats to Lithuania for peace.

June 18: Moldavia pays 17 Ducats for peace with Poland. It seems things are stabilizing somewhat to the west, but we could not care less.

Finally, our army is ready to begin the latest glorious conquest in the name of all things good and proper. A force of 18,000, almost all cavalry, moves from Tver against Moscowy!

June 5th, 1427: Pskov declares war on Muscowy.

With a two-to-one advantage victory seems assured, but fortune is not on our side. On June 29, our forces are defeated for the first time in the new era. Moscowy moves against Tver! Could this be the end of our nation?

Revenge is swift and sweet. Our forces again meet in Tver, and this time the expected result occurs, and the forces of evil and aggression our routed by the noble defenders of our homeland! On August 15th, we turn the tide completely, defeating Moscowy's army again in Moscowy, and beginning a seige on their capital!

Moscowy fights to raise the seige on their capital, but our forces have both the numbers and the discipline. We defeat relief efforts on September 29th and October 7th. Failing militarily, they turn to "General Winter" as the frigid Northern climate brings suffering to our brave forces.

On October 28th we push our advantage, sending a recently commissioned force against Olonets, laying seige to the city.

The first of the year brings another bankruptcy! An uprising occurs in Ingermanland, but is quickly put down by a small detachment. Discontent is high, but the people are too weak to resist the military government.

January 22, 1428: Suzdal allies with Moscowy.

January 22nd: Suzdal declares war on Pskov. Moscowy has brought a friend, apparently, but only time will tell what difference this makes. Moscowy is in deep trouble, with two provinces occupied, and only 2000 men in the field, defending Vologada. Can we win a war against two enemies, though?

On June 15th of 1428 Moscowy falls to our forces, ending another bitter seige that claimed the life of nearly 7000 of our noble soldiers. It's a great victory, but we've got more business to finish, here. Our victorious army marches North, toward Vologda.

Next: The war with Moscowy rages on, with more bitter seiges!
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Nice instalment. I have not played this area so I find it very interesting. Keep up the good work.
The region really is very interesting, and I continue to be amazed by the events, betrayals, and unholy alliances that seem more or less routine for the Baltic. Take the events of this post, for example...


"We demand our rights!" Under torchlight, peasants had gathered to discuss the current policies of Pskov. More accurately, they were ready to revolt.

Cheering and shouts of agreement swept through the assembled rabble. Pitchforks, sycthes, and similar stop-gap weapons were openly displayed by many of the filthy peasants. It looked as though the discussion was only a prelude to an attempt to physically censor the current regime.

"We're sick of paying for these worthless wars! The people are more important than the army, and we need to send that message!" The speaker, a man named Alexei, put the greivances of the farmers into words that, while not especially eloquent, still had the desired emotional impact.

The cheers echoed through the otherwise silent evening as the peasant "army" made its way back through the forest, towards the largest city in Ingermanland, the seat of the local government. At the gate of the city, the guards, placing immediate survival ahead of national loyalty, allowed the peasants to enter, lowering the Pskov flag at the same time.
The enthusiasm was electric as the peasants took turns stomping the green and gold banner into the mud.

The morning sun saw the mayor of the city and several top administrators hanging by their necks from trees on the city's outskirts. The province was now in the hands of the peasant's revolution. By nightfall, the heads of the city's former ruling class were displayed on pikes in the town square.

News of the rebellion and massacre spread quickly, and a weary detachment of Pskov's army were dispatched to end the uprising. Tired, hungry, and only marginally loyal, the soldiers moved against there fellow countrymen.


Stability would take serious hits in the name of conquest and war, as the new era continued to punish the peasantry in the name of nation aggrandizement and conquest. Even as internal problems threatened Pskov, their armies continued to win victories far from home.

On July 26th, 1428 the forces of Pskov defeated Moscowy in Vologada, beginning a seige. Even as a new bitter campaign of starvation began, another ended, as Olonets finally surrendered to Pskov on October 28.

November 15th: Novgorod declares war on Moscowy. Seeking to pick the bones of the falling power, the newly strong Novgorod army enters the conflict.

Norway and Denmark declare war on Moscowy. Sweden dishonors the alliance. This certainly augers well for our future. Sweden was the biggest and nearest threat to our plans to take Novgorod. With them out of the picture, I begin to see a future course of action.

November 15: Suzdal makes a white peace with Pskov. Moscowy is truly doomed, now, as the Baltic policy of "everyone pile up on a single nation" continues.

On January 2nd 1429, we begin a seige on Nizhgorod. We now either occupy or are beseiging every province in Moscowy.

February 12: Sweden declares war on Denmark, Norway, and Novgorod. The unholy alliance implodes into war. More good news for Pskov.

Moscowy pulls a shocker by defeating our army in Nizhgorod, and winning another battle against retreating forces in Moscowy! Fortunately, a relief column was on the way, and a rapid reversal occurs. On April 25 and May 9, we win back the two battles, and resume the seige on Nizhgorod. We may have witnessed Moscowy's last gasp.

On June 1st we go Bankrupt, yet again. The needs of war and our terrible economy again hurt our stability.

June 9th sees the fall of Vologda, as disease and starvation finally exhausts the city's defenders. Nizhgorod is now the only province still controlled by Moscowy.

An uprising is defeated in Ingermanland on September 26th. The people are enraged by our cruel policies, but lack the military discipline to defeat a smaller, elite force.

June 25: 1430: Ryazan and Suzdal declare war on Moscowy. More typical Baltic/Russian politics, as now even a former ally wants a piece of the dying nation of Moscowy.

On October 1st we go bankrupt (sixth time?). The goal of our next war is obvious. We need Ducats!

Two more rebellions occur in Ingermanland on March 18, and April 4. Both our quickly defeated, but this is a disturbing trend.

On August 16 Nizhgorod finally surrenders. The long war is finally over.

August 22, 1431: Pskov makes peace with Moscowy. We finally collect the spoils of war. Moscowy pays 250 Ducats, and the provinces of Nizhgorod, Vologda, Arkhanglesk, and Olonets. Moscowy is now a single province, and we now control much of Russia.

I'd post a screen shot, but I don't know how to get one! Little help? In any case, We now completely surround Novgorod's capital, contolling 8 provinces total, one of which is only a colony.

Next: This time, it's for money!
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Better the Mayor and city officials than the King. :)
Great beginning! So good stuff here...

Yet if you'll allow me, I'd like to make a teeny tiny remark concerning the way your characters speak. When adressing someone, Russian people don't use the person's last name, but the person's patronym.

e.g. : Mikhaïl Gorbachev --> Mikhaïl Sergueïevich (Gorbachev)
Boris Yeltsin --> Boris Nikolaïevich (Yeltsin)

It's really easy to make up patronyms: you just add -evich (for a man) or -ovna (for a woman) to the first name of the character's father.

Ana daughter of Ivan --> Ana Ivanovna
Fedor son of Yaroslav --> Fedor Yaroslaevich

And just a few Russian names, just in case:

Ivan, Igor, Nikolaï, Fedor, Yaroslav, Vladimir, Alexander, Andreï, Sergeï, Basil, Kyril, Maxim, Boris, Karl...

As for the screenshot techniques, check the

AARland, AARtiFAQs, OscAARs and the LibrAARy - Revised, Newcomers Please Read!