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Second Lieutenant
Jul 11, 2002
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I will be playing the Papal States, playing each Pope differently. Some will be warmongers, some will be devoted to the people, the church, Crusading etc.

Game Stats---Very Hard/Aggressive

No restarts/cheating/war without CB's etc. A good clean game...

Decentralized -1
Narrow-minded –4
Mercantilism –8
Defensive –4
Land – 4
Quality –6
Serfs – 7

Goals – Each Pope will have different goals.
(Main Goals)
-act as they did in real life...
-unify Italian peoples
-claim a CoT (Alexandria, because of Saint Augustus)
-save the peoples of the Byzantine Empire from the Turks
-create the Kingdom of Jerusalem

(Minor Goals)
-force as many nations to convert to Catholicism
-keep relations high with all Catholic nations

And here we go….
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Im going to try and present it as historically as possible, i got to catch up on my Papal history if i want to though.;)
An excellent challenge. Are the Papal states allowed to engage in Royal marraiges? I was never able to marry into them with my other GC countries.

Will you conquer and then vassalise Constantinople if it is lost to the turks?

This may prove difficult as it is the capital of the ottoman empire once it falls to the turks.
Short point of explanation

Are the Papal states allowed to engage in Royal marraiges
Neither the Papal states nor the Knights could be engaged in Royal Marriages. Royal marriages are to be made with country with same religion, but for Buddhist countries that can marry whoever they want :D

Sorry for the interruption.

If you are the Papal States you can give Royal Marriages, but i think of them as dispatching a trusted Cardinal...:D

Also Im going to send an army to Byzantium to support them, and invade Ottoman territory *hopefully*

Just hafta see...
The Papacy under Martinus V (1417-1431)
(The Reformer Pope)

The Great Western Schism ended when the Council of Constance deposed John XXIII, accepted the resignation of the Roman Pope Gregory XII, denied the validity of the Pope of Avignon, and unanimously elected Martin V. Martin found himself as Pope of a Papacy that many nations had lost hope in. It was Martins duty to restore the Catholic nations confidence in the Papacy, caused by the Schism. Upon his election, he forced the Papacy to recognize that the Church council had no higher authority than that of the Pope.

“Rome now is the center of the universe, all nations pay homage to the might of Christ, and of his servants. Today, Cardinals of Europe, we gather together to pray to the Lord our God. To beg His forgiveness for the past decades of division and strife within our very own church. No longer will Satan hold sway over the minds of our wayward brothers in this very church.
Unfortunately, I cannot speak for the rest of the known world. At this very moment, heathens who support Satan and his evil doings are at the doorsteps of our cousins in Constantinople. We must mend our relations with our cousins of the Orthodox faith, and aid them in their time of need. We pray to God that the barbarous demons of the Ottoman Empire accept His might, and keep their dirty paws off the Byzantine people. We must send our bishops (diplomats) to the Emperor and come together in spiritual friendship and brotherhood. Our armies must train and prepare themselves to be sent to their lands, to help them protect against the onslaught of their ungodly armies.
And here in our own region, we must strengthen our ties with our neighbors, showing them that serving the Church and Christ is in their best interests.
I pray to the Lord that we find glory in all our endeavors. Now, I will begin the mass…” Martinus V

In the time of Martinus’ reign as Pope, he brought the Papacy and Byzantine closer together. He constantly sent gifts, from gold to swords, he sent a Cardinal for a permanent station in Constantinople. He guaranteed the independence of the declining Empire as well. He also began sending out Cardinals of his choosing throughout Europe, Kingdoms such as Castile, Aragon, Portugal, Austria, Siena, England, Scotland, Eire, and France all receive new spiritual enlightened men.

Martinus also reformed the income of the Papacy, by setting up permanent tax collectors to collect the fund from the people who enjoyed his protection.

But while Martinus continued to look towards Asia Minor, and the Byzantine and Ottoman war, things in Italy began to change for the worse. An alliance system began forming, dividing almost all of the Italian States. Albania was a vassal of Tuscany, and accepted to join an alliance with them, soon after Modena, a nation north of Tuscany was asked to join to protect against the every growing power of the Papacy. For no nation wished to be annexed, even if it was by the ‘Holy Father.’

And to seal the deal of this growing alliance, Naples joined them all soon after. Siena and the Papal States began looking at this dire situation with trepidation. Did these nations plan to attack them? And so, on June 28 1421, Siena and the Papal States signed an alliance, ‘to protect the interest of their people.’

The Holy Father then began sending gifts to the Sienese to make way for an even greater friendship.

But war came, as all of Italy knew it would. For in 1425, Tuscany sent a missive to Siena, nobody knows what it said, but apparently it greatly insulted them. Siena declared war on Tuscany, asking Martinus to join his war, of which he, which was a compassionate, God fearing, peace-loving man, reluctantly accepted. Soon after this, Martinus received declarations of war from Modena, Albania, and Naples, war had come.

In November of the same year, the Army of the Holy Cross, now 17000 men strong invaded Tuscany with Siena not far behind them. The battle was fought and won by the Papal States, who quickly laid down a siege. In August of 1426, the province of Firenze was captured by the Papacy, who quickly demanded unconditional surrender. Tuscany had not choice but to accept, and the Papacy celebrated the gaining of a province.

Upon hearing of their ally’s great defeat, Naples sent a peace offering, begging a white peace, of which Martinus greatly accepted. Albania, having just lost their vassal lord, also sent a peace offering, of which Martinus accepted as well.

In January of 1427, the newly restocked Army of the Cross invaded the single province nation of Modena, and by December of that year, it had fallen into Papal hands. Martinus did not want to increase the anger the Catholic nations of Europe gave him by annexing another state, and so demanded Modena to become their vassal, and give 125 ducat to buy indulgences, so those that fought against ‘God’s voice on Earth’ would be forgiven. Peace was made.

The following year, to the amazement of all of Italy, [the Cardinal in Siena had been time an again, (under secret orders from the Pope) been asking Siena to come under Papal protection,] for which they did, becoming vassals of the Papacy.

From 1428 until the time he died in 1431, Martinus continued talks with the European nations, trying to call a Crusade against the Muslim invaders of Byzantium. But alas it was not to be. Martinus died and was entombed in the Confessio in front of the altar at the basilica of St. John Lateran. So passed the life of a great man, a Pope who ended the Great Western Schism and nearly 39 years of division in the church, it was said that he brought the ‘moral healing to a wounded body.’

Upon his death, the Catholic world mourned, and at his funeral the Cardinals, upon every Holy Fathers death said the saying…


‘Thus passes the glory of the world.’
Eddie Teach...I think so, but didnt he right City of God in Alexandria?

Excellent start. I like your goals and I especially like the way you plan on handling the Popes. The Papacy is kind of dear to my heart, since that was the first nation I wrote about in EU I. I'll definitely be reading this.

Ah, I noticed you live down the QEW. Go Tigercats! :)
Originally posted by Drgnsrd
, but i think of them as dispatching a trusted Cardinal...:D

... or beating the manservant, as others have thought... :D

Sorry, couldn't resist...

That's an interesting approach to the Papal States. I'll do my best to follow this.
and give 125 ducat to buy indulgences, so those that fought against ‘God’s voice on Earth’ would be forgiven. Peace was made.

I really liked the operationalisation of the war damage payments there. :)
Lord Durham...Go Cats Go!

Norgesvenn...thanks :cool:

Eugenius IV- Feb 20 1431 - Feb 23 1447

(ooc- ok, im going to ignore history here. I know many of you know that there were 2 Popes at this time. One was Eugenius, who because of contention with the council was claimed a heretic and fled to another city, but remained a Pope in his own right. Calling for Crusades and all. The other was elected after Eugenius fled, Felix V (the antipope) who reigned in Rome, but was not the legitimate Pope. Lets all just ignore this man…)

Eugenius IV (born Gabriel Condulmer) came from a merchant family in Venice. He was a violent man who had mood swings. Eugenius always struggled against the council in the Papacy. It is said, ‘He was a man dignified in demeanor, but inexperienced a vacillating in action and excitable in temper.’ He had a fierce hatred of heresy but was very kind to the poor.

Coming from a merchant family help Eugenius understand the importance of money, trade, and loans… economics.

[In the Council chambers of the Pope]

“Brothers of the Church,” began Eugenius, “Specifically the Cardinals of England and France. It vexes me to no end happenings which occur on our soil. I hear of a Maid in France, who brought victory to the French armies, crowning Charles VI as King. It confuses me to no end, that our French brothers believe her to be a saviour, and our English brother believe her to be a witch. What is it?”

The Cardinal from England rose quickly, “Holy Father, she has said she talks to voices, which we cannot determine are from heaven, they may be voices from Satan,” quickly continuing before the French Cardinals could speak, “Either way, if she is found innocent, we shall release her and she can continue with her God-sent work, if she is guilty, she will burn. If we of the Church of wrong in our handling of this, God will bring her to Him any way, so she has nothing to fear.”

The Holy Father sat considering his words, “We’ve no time for this now, do what you will, back to matter of the state.”

[Thus ended a small chapter in Papal history regarding Joan of Arc, but not for good.]

During Eugenius IV entire reign, because he was Venetian himself, the ties between Venice and the Papal state grew close. Gifts were sent from the Pope to the Venetian merchant to help in trade exploits.

In April of 1431, the Papacy believe Byzantium was on the brink of destruction, so he guaranteed their independence and constantly asked that they be allowed to have a military presence in the city. This was constantly denied, for the Byzantine people, never forgot the injustice the Catholic world caused them when they sacked Constantinople in the Forth Crusade.

In May of the same year, the Nobles of the Italians states under Papal authority demand they recover the rights they formerly had under weaker Popes, this was denied.

November of 1432 brought annexation to Siena by Modena. This was followed by the Pope sending a Cardinal of his choosing to Venice, to help their spiritual growth.

The state of affairs turned for the worse, when the Papacy tried introducing new taxes and laws, the people considered these poor governmental policies, and all across the Papal States people were discontented, as well as trade and the nation infrastructure suffered.

“This has been a most horrible year Excellency,” stated the Venetian Cardinal, and the Pope’s good friend.

And it had been, for the Ottomans had declared war versus Byzantium in April of 1436, and by April 19 1437, Constantinople had fallen, and the Byzantine Empire faded from history.

“Now, Most Holy Father, we have received most horrible words from our Cardinal who is in hiding there. It states the a vile un-Godly men of the Ottoman Empire have finally raped beloved Constantinople, for their have sacrilegiously changed the name of Constantinople to Istanbul. Not only this, but they have made it the capital of their un-holy Empire…”

Voices broke out in rage, in the gathered council of the Papacy. Some began calling for an immediate invasion of the infidels, some cautioned against fighting a strong nation, others began blaming, pointing fingers at other Cardinal of the nations that the Pope had unsuccessfully been trying to create a Crusade.

The Pope raised his hand, and the hall hushed quickly, “Continue Cardinal Giordanna,”

“Most Holy Father, the end of this horrible news is not near. For soon after claiming a new capital, the devil closed down the Patriarch, and placed all Orthodox clergy in exile, or prison. I hold no great love for our misguided cousin, but they are Christians, and these acts are intolerable. On top of this vile act, the un-holy leader of these misguided pagans, have defied the will of Venice and Genoa, and through economic reforms create a trade capital in their new capital!”

Many of the Venetian and Genoa clergy began muttering among themselves, calling the Ottomans thieves. The Pope put this into his backround thoughts, for he had already decided that action must be taken.

When he stood up, quiet decended once again. “Is it the will of the Church, that we teach these barbarians a lesson?”

Cheers rang out in the hall, “Then send word to Naples, telling them of our intention of joining their alliance, with Albania and Modena. After this is done, I myself will visit with their Kings and talk of war.”

By Oct 10 1437, the Holy Father had convinced Naples and Modena to join a Crusade against the Ottomans and a declaration of war was issued.

December 10 of the same year, the Pope in a resplendent ceremony crowned Albert V of Austria, the Holy Roman Emperor. By January of 1439, he was dead, and the Pope found himself crowning another Austrian, Ladislas Postmus Emperor.

The Crusade was set in motion and in April of ’39 the Army of the Holy Cross had invaded Morea.

Meanwhile, the Pope had been visiting the Venetian, Ragusa, Milan, and Genoa alliance, finally convincing Venice, Ragusa and Genoa to call a Crusade against the Ottomans, war was declared and the 5th Crusade was in full swing.

In May of ’39 Siena revolted against Modena, of which the latter declared war, which the Papacy followed, but Naples reneged on the alliance, thus began the instigation of the cessation of the Crusade. By February of 1440, Siena had been conquered and made a vassal by Modena.

In March of the same year, the nobles had the audacity of demanding control of Church lands, in the ‘Cessation of Church functions to Nobility.’ The Pope quickly denied them, stating they should be happy now, serving God and his Church.

The same month brought victory to the Army of the Holy Cross when Morea was conquered. Two years latter a great sea battle, involving 6 warships, 5 galleys, and some transports defeated the Ottoman fleet of 10 galleys and 5 transports in the Aegean Sea, opening up a prepared invasion of Smyrna. The invasion began in May of 1442, in which their Crusader army conquered it int January of 1443. By Febuary, Venice, Genoa, Naples, and Modena quit the Crusade, stating a lack of funds and support. The Pope was distraught, and had to concede that they couldn’t continue the Crusade without all these nations support. So in May of 1443 the 5th Crusade came to a conclusion when the Papacy accepted Morea from the Ottomans for peace. The only consolation the Pope and the clergy had with the war, was that now they had a closer piece of land to launch more invasions in time.

Between 1443 and 1445, the Papacy tried to improve the relations with their neighbors, Modena and Seina. And in the year 1447, the Pope sent Cardinals of his choosing to England, Aragon, and Austria. In February of 1447, Eugenius had died.

His reign finally brought a Crusade against the Muslims, although the fall of Byzantium was a fatal and crushing blow to Christianity, that the world hadn’t seen since the fall of Rome to the Germanic barbarians.

The Holy Father had passed,

Ouch, The Turks went with the ahistorical choice hmm? I've never seen them actually choose to crush the Patriarchate. Usually they choose to let it go on. I think that continuity is an 85% AI choice. be interesting to see if the AI can handle the displeasure it has created for itself.
The Papacy under Nicolaus V Feb 23 1447 – Mar 26 1455

The reign of Nicolaus was a short one. Born Tommaso Parentucelli in the Genoa capital of Liguria, he dedicated his life the God. Upon his election, he dedicated his life to increasing the influence of the Church. He not only did this, but also lavished attention of Rome, ordering the cleansing and paving of streets, as well as restoring the “Aqua Virgo,” an aqueduct created by Agrippa.

Between the time of his election and his death, he continuously improved relations between the Papacy and all Italian states, Modena, Siena, Genoa, Venice, and Milan. He also created a Trade Agreement with Modena, in 1448.

In September the Pope made contributions, reforming the navy to meet modern standards of sea-faring, while shifting their attention more to their land forces.

Great rejoicing rang out in the streets of Rome, when word came from Denmark that they now claimed themselves to be Defender of the Catholic faith. It was said that upon hearing this, the Pope muttered to his council, “what right do they have to claim this title, the Church is the defender of our faith, and always has been, since the days of Charlemange.”

Between 1449 and 1451, the Papacy lent money to Bavaria and Milan to help their economy.

The Pope’s council gathered together to celebrate the news from Morea, the clergy there finally converted the heretics, changing the provincial religion from Orthodox, back to the true faith of Catholicism.

Between 1452 and 1453, the Pope sent trusted Cardinals to the nations of France, Castile, Lithuania, Eire, Scotland, Portugal, Genoa, Milan, Bavaria and Saxony. While the two last years of his life went to improving Italian and Holy Roman Empire Electorate relations, he died in March of 1455 not having sent a Crusade to the Holy Land, which was his dream.

When he died, his body was laid beside Eugenius IV in St. Peter’s. It is said that Nicholas Papacy was one of the brighter pages in the history of the Church, he was gentle and kind showing all his warmth and generosity. The Church and Europe mourned his loss.

Heres another (short) one.

The Papacy under Callixtus III --- Mar 26 1455 – Aug 8 1458

Born Alfonso de Borja in Aragon, to a noble Aragonese family, he became a mediator between the King of Aragon and the Pope. During his reign, he proclaimed the innocence of Joan of Arc, setting her on the road to Sainthood.

During his reign, he continued the efforts of his predecessor in creating closer ties to both the Italian states, and the Holy Roman Empire Electorates. In the September of 1455 alone he sent Cardinals of his choosing to Brandenburg, Denmark, Sweden, Gelre, and Bohemia. The following year, he suppressed the heretical ideals of a growning number of people misinterpreting Christ’s teachings in the bible.

On November 23 1457, the Callixtus crowned Friedrich V of Austria Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, after the Electors voted him as such. But the coronation began the troubles that would plague the Popes and Emperors for some time to follow. For even though relations between Austria and the Papal States were amicable, the relations between the power of the Pope and the power of the Emperor were strained.

In March of 1458 he sent clergy to Modena to ask them to join the protection of the Papacy and coming under their direct rule. Modena was so furious at this proposal that they kicked the emissary clergymen out of his hall, and cancelled his vassalage to the Pope.

In July of that same year, Callixtus tried to relieve the tension between the two by sending a charismatic Cardinal to them.

Callixtus passed on to God on August 8 1458…

On November 23 1457, the Callixtus crowned Friedrich V of Austria Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, after the Electors voted him as such. But the coronation began the troubles that would plague the Popes and Emperors for some time to follow. For even though relations between Austria and the Papal States were amicable, the relations between the power of the Pope and the power of the Emperor were strained.

An interesting period indeed. Friedrich was the last Emperor to be crowned by the Pope's own hand in Rome and after that, as you said, relations became very strained indeed.

Very nice, Drgnsrd.
This AAR features the Papacy with a nice twist. Each Pope is played differently. I hope you enjoy the AAR as much as I am.
Originally posted by Lord Durham
I hope you enjoy the AAR as much as I am.

Sure do and looking forward to see how it goes on. :)