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Running Joke
17 Badges
Sep 26, 2001
  • Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • 500k Club
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Europa Universalis IV
Dear Members of this honourable board,

Before I start this AAR, I will ask you, Gentlemen, for indulgence. You suppose I've got good reasons. I hope you're right, else I wouldn't dare writing in this forum.

The first reason would be for me the difficulty to express myself in English, as it is not my mother tongue. I can already hear some Scandinavians and some Germans say "ney, ney, ney, Zis is nad han exkuse vor fridink sotch a pat AAR !". Well to defend myself, I've to add that for French people, English IS difficult and I will forget to mention that I'm half-German (oops, I didn't). So please forgive me for the poornes of Vocabulary and for some twisted sentences. Hum, in fact for all of them.

The second reason concerns the game in itself. Although I'm an EU1 veteran, this will be my very first attempt at EU2. From what I've seen, there have been some major improvements in the game that I will have to take advantage of. I hope I can learn fast because if I fail you will have the right to exclude me from this board with my full agreement.

The third reason is that this will be my second AAR only. In the first and only one I played the Hansa in EU1. I think I will try to keep the line and make this AAR illustrated enough.

The fourth reason, hum, does "I need to go to the dentist " count ?

May I continue ?

With regards,
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Language should never be a barrier for an AAR. In fact, I admire people who make the attempt when English is obviously their second, or third, spoken tongue.

So, bottom line, we look forward to your AAR. Oh, and see about that tooth. :)

As this is an imaginary world where a country like Trezibond can conquer the entire world except some odd places called Terra Incognita by the profane (experts however never mention them), I thought I'd come up with an imaginary me myself.

Well, let's imagine him then.

You wonder about the title of this AAR ? Let me come to it.

This imaginary me is a student at the Beaux Arts Academy in Paris. It's pleasant to remember myself back in those University years. Even if in RL I didn't go to the Beaux Arts because I took a totally different road for my life to come, I still think I could have at least spent some time ( as a genius in Painting, Composing or whatever) to try to demonstrate why it is so.

So, I, for the purpose of this AAR, am studying Arts and getting skills to execute Art myself. Sculpture, Painting, History of Arts etc, and all connections between them are my every day life. Or should. As a way beyond decency talented young man, I spend actually more time in doing other things that what I'm supposed to. I think I could always catch up when it would be necessary. Playing Europa Universalis for example, is one of the occupation that kept me from running for the promotion to model student of the month. Guess what ? I didn't care. Guess what ? This promotion doesn't even exist.

Lately , as I was reading on my portable computer in the backend of the classroom this masterpiece of the already mentioned world conquest by Trezibond, I was interrupted by the teacher. His name was some sort of Beebsen…
"What are you very exactly doing, young man ? he asked.
Hum, I had to come up with something and fast.

"Sir, I could be admiring the nice colour display of this map ?" I barely answered as my ALT+TAB had pop up EU.

"No you could not, and don't take me for an idiot. " he said.
"I was more exactly studying the art of leading a country through diplomacy, war actions and economic growth. There are some excellent reports on some forums."
"You are taking me for an idiot. This is a computer game, and you think playing this game requires art ?"
he continued while the words "in some points art is required" stayed in my mouth. "I will tell you, here is the challenge if you want to demonstrate your point of view. You will play this game and pick up a country that has only province and no access to the sea. Preferably Siebenbürgen. You mentioned the nice colour display, well I find it Ugly, you will have to change it exactly this way. As your country name starts with the number 7, I want only 7 colours at the end of the game. Naturally those 7 colours don't include the sea and that sort of things. But remember, Seven colours for seven countries. I leave to you the choice for the 6 other remaining country/colours. You fail and I'll kick you out of this academy. You succeed and you will have gained … hum … my esteem. Take your time, analyse the situation and report to me. Once you have done that, I will give you one month. You may leave now."

Well, the shock gone, I wondered if the professor had never played the game himself before. Beebsen, beebsen, didn't this sound familiar… ?`
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I painted quickly the professor, here is a scan...


Professor Aarhus Beebsen, 2002, by Apebe
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Re: Foreword

Originally posted by Apebe

Well, the shock gone, I wondered if the professor had never played the game himself before. Beebsen, beebsen, didn't this sound familiar… ?`
Beebsen? Nope. Can't say it rings a bell.
I will give you one month
One month game time or real time ? :eek:

Whatever, that's horribly short. :cool:

Good luck with your AAR. Nice to see another frenchie trying to write in English... :)
Sometimes I feel alone in my AAR writing quest (well, in reality, I don't: I am living and working in London, and guess what, none of the Britts make the effort to speak French to me :D )


PS: Si tu as des problemes techniques (gameplay, liens, screenies, etc... n'hesites pas a poser la question sur le forum Franco, ou a me PM-er :D ). Mmh probablement pas si tu es un vétéran de EU1 et que tu as déja écrit une AAR :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Cat Lord

PS: Si tu as des problemes techniques (gameplay, liens, screenies, etc... n'hesites pas a poser la question sur le forum Franco, ou a me PM-er :D ). Mmh probablement pas si tu es un vétéran de EU1 et que tu as déja écrit une AAR :rolleyes:

C'est la moindre des courtoisies que de te remercier pour ton aide.
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Setup seems interesting so far. I'm not sure how far you plan to take the Art theme, but I'd encourage it. In my own work, I tend to incorporate a lot of paintings, famous quotes, snippets of literature, etc. I think when not overdone it adds a lot.

Good Luck!
Very creative set up. You've already set a high standard for yourself. To echo Morlac, I'd love to see you continue with the art theme. Any paralells you can draw between the bloodthirsty, backstabbing world of EUII and the lofty, peaceful world of art would be most interesting.
I don't know myself how far I want to take the Art theme. I only know that at the end of the game I must have A nice political map with 7 colors assembled harmoniously.
I also want it illustrated but this wont be an "I'm the Kings Counsellor"-AAR, so no historic illustration etc... Just fantasy and only creative illustrations.
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So I went out of the classroom, and out of the academy and began to walk. I always walk when I need to think and decide something. And maybe you'll be surprized but I often take much better decisions just by walking outside in the streets of Paris than at home or somewhere else with all the documentation requiered in front of my eyes.

I was regreating for a while not to have switched to Eu1 instead of EU2. Maybe I should play a little and then come back to the Professor. But I was also very excited to begin the Game and see what's in it. I tried to remember all the different colours I had seen on the political map and decided to sort them by color-pools. The whites together, then the greys ... etc... But I couldn't do all the list by mind so I would have to come home eventually today.
I was also thinking that I could make the challenge even harder to impress the Teacher, maybe I could decide that all the seven Countries that should remain in the end of the game should start with one province only ... Hum, na, maybe this would be too difficult...

Finally, after a few hours I went home and switched the computer on. (This imaginary me hasn't got a 11 month old boy that requires more attention than a dozen of BB wars played on 13 different computers simultaniously).

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Well I must first pick up the 6 other countries. My choice has to be set on the beginning and wont wait to see what happens during the game. I have to paint the map and that can't be done with my eyes shut.



these are all the countries succeptible to exist during the game.

(if I missed some country, please advise...)
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My strong advice would be to stay flexible about the goal of which countries to keep in the game. Especially if you want to keep 1 province minors alive. Remember that you aren't the only one who will be annexing! (Then there are the various inheritance events as well...)
Originally posted by Apebe

(This imaginary me hasn't got a 11 month old boy that requires more attention than a dozen of BB wars played on 13 different computers simultaniously).

:eek: I feel your pain :)

Still, if you can manage 400 years of gameplay in one month you must have a smidgeon of free time at least, which I can envy you of.

I have a boy at 35 months and a girl of 1½ and I ain't getting much playing done no more..

Enough whining, I just wanted to say I really like the way you are making your own illustrations and wish you good luck.

And of course ask which difficulties and aggressions you'll be using.

And of course encourage you to build art academies in the game in a way that spells out your signature:)