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Court Jester
Feb 28, 2002
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So this was hell? The King of Georgia blinked and looked around. It wasn’t really what he expected. There weren’t any whips, tearing of the flesh from bones, or even searing of eyeballs going on. It wasn’t even that hot. Also, who were all these other guys sitting around looking bored? Just what the hell was going on here...in hell? Now if that pointy tailed guy with the horns holding a toy pitchfork made of plastic would just be quiet for a moment, maybe he’d get some answers. Surely this couldn’t be The Devil.

“…and remember we have rules here. There will be no…”

The King coughed loudly.

“Yes? Yeah, you in the black and gray, do you have a question?” the little devil squeaked while trying to sound tough.

“What gives around here mr. devil? I mean who are you, who are these guys”, the King points at the other men, “and what is up with the heat? Can you turn it up? I’m getting a little cold.”

The devil’s tail twitched nervously as he wondered what he had to get stuck on this particular assignment. Why couldn’t he have gotten a cushy job like the last time? A little smile crossed his lips as he thought about that tour with Black Sabbath. Now that had been fun. They had even let him play the drums once on their We Sold Our Soul For Rock and Roll album. This on the other hand…

“Okay, okay. I was going to get to all of that in a few minutes. Since you asked though, I’ll explain it all now. I’m Nicodeamus, minor but soon to be major” his chest puffs out slightly, “devil at your service. These other guys” he looks around the room, “are badboys like you. I’ll have you know that you’re only a pup amongst these wolves by the way. Not even invading Europe.” The little devil snorts indignantly and starts to read a list of names as he points out a few of the individuals from the small crowd assembled, “kurtbrian, Mr. BadBoy himself; MrT, that ain’t red paint on his hands; Carolus Rex, just a kid but he’s a killer already; Roland Deschain; not really a BB but he did turn Spain, Italy, and Ireland into Muslim lands – evil enough to get him included with this bunch; boehm, he comes in peace – ha!; Prufrock451; the alien specialist; Warspite; one of the legends; Secret Master; the guy writes commandments but don’t be fooled – he works for us..." The list goes on for quite a while.

"Not much I can do about the heat. We’re trying to conserve energy down here these days. Budget cutbacks and all.

Now where was I? Oh yes, a little more information. If the old hands could just be patient for a minute, I’ll explain how this whole thing works to the newcomer.” The devil rolls his eyes and looks with mock scorn at the King of Georgia. “You all have been identified as really evil and nasty SOB’s. The kind of people we need working for us. In the old days we would have just beaten you, ripped your eyes out, burned you alive…you know, the typical thing. This is the new century though and we’ve got to keep up with the times. It’s far more efficient to recycle our worst villains back into the world and have them spread death and destruction. It’s good for business. Sends a lot of souls into our coffers you know - that sort of thing.

Anyway, each of you will be given the power to possess the rulers of certain countries. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to lead them into war after war and kill millions. Of course if you don’t like that plan, there is always the eye searing, burning, etc. to fall back on. Also, if you louse your assignment up, we’ll make you suffer even more. The old carrot and the stick idea.”

The devil grins evilly as he pauses for a minute before assigning countries to each of them. The former Georgian King shifts nervously as all of the good nations are being taken. Finally the devil gets to him, “A real doozie here. I think you’ll like it. It’ll be Bourbonnais for our man from Georgia. As far as I know, we haven’t sent anyone there before on a dedicated full time mission – although we probably should have. This little country has some real potential to light things up in France. Your charge will be to unite all of the provinces having French culture under the Bourbonnais banner. I'll be checking in on you periodically. Okay folks, you’ve got your assignments. It’s time to head out.”

“You have another question?”

“Uh, yes sir monsieur devil. I notice you didn’t mention Peter Ebbesen?”

The devil gasps, “You know the Big Guy himself? Oh my!”

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****** ***** *****

OOC: Okay, a little more information. I was looking around for a country to play in my spare time now that I’ve wrapped up the Georgia AAR. I haven’t played any of the French minors before so I set my eye on Bourbonnais since they seemed to be in a good position to expand. After I made my selection, I checked the LibrAARy just to see if an AAR had been written on that country so I could get some gaming tips. I didn’t see an AAR…other than MrT’s wonderful and inspired part-time play during One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer. While hilariously entertaining, it doesn't offer much in the way of applicable tips after the first round for playing Bourbonnais full-time...well...other than don't drink Bourbon whle doing it.:D I thought it would be helpful to have a full-time AAR done for them.

Sooo...I’ve decided to write a little lighthearted AAR to let you know how I make out with them. I haven’t seriously played any of the French minors before other than flaming out immediately 3 times a few months ago with Orleans.

I hope you enjoy the ride with me. This will be a play and post as I go AAR in the I did this, this, and then this style with a little humor thrown in. If I make it big, you get to cheer me on. If I crash and burn, I will dodge the incoming tomatoes. :D

I will finish out the AAR but updates may be a little sporadic as business trips and other RL events interfere.:)
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Re: Bourbonnais: One Devil of a Tale

Originally posted by Backpack
“You have another question?”

“Uh, yes sir monsieur devil. I notice you didn’t mention Peter Ebessen?”

The devil gasps, “You know the Big Guy himself? Oh my!”

Good luck that the big guy wasn't Rt Hon. Lord Peter Ebb es en, WC, who spends his sparingly allotted free time doing cake-bakes and charity work for the salvation army, or roughly trampling infidel thrones with his jewelled smoerrebroed.

:)D )
Re: Re: Bourbonnais: One Devil of a Tale

Originally posted by Nikolai II

Peter Ebb es en

Oh crud! I totally blew his name.:( It's corrected now.:)

To steal from KlevesWarrior, "elling and spunctuation aren't my strong points." It seems I now need to add memory recall of people's names to the list of weaknesses.:D

Thanks for pointing that out Nikolaai:D...errr...Nikolai.:)

*Backpack kicks himself several times for his stupidity*:)
Re: Re: Re: Bourbonnais: One Devil of a Tale

Originally posted by Backpack

Oh crud! I totally blew his name.:( It's corrected now.:)

To steal from KlevesWarrior, "elling and spunctuation aren't my strong points." It seems I now need to add memory recall of people's names to the list of weaknesses.:D

Thanks for pointing that out Nikolaai:D...errr...Nikolai.:)

*Backpack kicks himself several times for his stupidity*:)

:p :D

I only noticed because I followed the WCfD thread, where Prof. Ebbesen brutally maimed thoose faling to spell his name, which was nigh on everyone..:rolleyes: :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bourbonnais: One Devil of a Tale

Originally posted by Nikolai II

:p :D

I only noticed because I followed the WCfD thread, where Prof. Ebbesen brutally maimed thoose faling to spell his name, which was nigh on everyone..:rolleyes: :D

That is why I changed it so quickly.;) Thanks.:)
I actually call him E2b'sesen fairly often because he said it's spelt with 2 b's and an s.

Sounds like fun. I recall playing them a few other times than during my "liver experiment", and they stand a good chance of doing well (I quit when I turned into France since WC was a foregone conclusion).

A couple suggestions...watch out for Brittany! They can be pretty nasty to tangle with at the begining of the game since they seem to have unlimited finanaces and manpower :rolleyes:. I also developed a rather slick strategy for the first 5 years that works wonders with them. I'd tell you what it is, but that would spoil the fun of letting you discover it yourself. A hint, though, would be to "stay out of the way of a certain English army as they inevitably walk by, leaving behind..." ;)

Looking forwad to this.

January 1, 1419

Jean I, Duke of Bourbonnais, pulled a simple white shirt over his head. The Duke was a giant of man whose every movement conveyed strength and confidence. He tucked the shirt into a pair of loose fitting trousers and pulled on a pair of boots. The Duke did not wear tights. Tights were for sissies like that little fop calling himself the King of France. A stern frown creased his lips as he thought about the King. It irked him that he had to kneel to that man as his vassal. Subservience to a man he didn’t respect had always annoyed the Duke. Lately though that annoyance was growing into outright hate. He had never forgiven Charles for their defeat in Agincourt at the hands of Henry V of England. Whenever he thought of those few thousand English dogs defeating 60,000 French, Bourbonnais, and Auvergne troops he grew cross. That whelp’s incompetence had cost them dearly. It was with these angry thoughts that the Duke looked up into the mirror for a quick glance to make sure all was in order before heading out to discuss war plans with his commanders.

What he found staring back at him was not the image of the large rawboned brown haired Duke of Bourbonnais. Instead, a hard jawed man of medium height and build was contained in the mirror. The man had black hair that was graying at the temples and a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. He seemed to radiate evil and coldness. The Duke found his gaze drawn, as if against his will, to the stranger’s eyes. The irises were a deep black with the slightest hint of blood red. He, who had stood against countless foes and insurmountable odds on the field of battle without fear, was unnerved by this black garbed man in the mirror. The King of Georgia stepped forward into the room. An evil smile crossed his lips as Jean took a few involuntary steps backwards and tried to avert his eyes.

The Duke could neither look away nor even move his body further. This man held him under some strange spell and it raised his anger. “What do you want!? Who are you?! Get out of my castle!”, he growled.

“Just possession of your soul.”, came the smiling reply as the man moved closer and placed a frozen hand on Jean’s immovable shoulder. Jean ground his teeth with hatred and frustration. The veins on his neck stood out as he strained to move. Try as he might, he could not break the hold this demon had over his very body. The two men stood there silently for several minutes staring at each other as if locked in some unseen struggle. The stranger’s image slowly became translucent and eventually faded away into a thin smoky mist.

The Duke shook his head from side to side and stepped forward through the mist. After adjusting his shirt in the mirror as if nothing had happened, he walked out into the hallway and headed towards the council chambers.

**** ***** ***** ******* ****** ****** ******

A Few Minutes Later

Sir Simon le Brun looked up from the map as the Duke entered the room, “My liege are you all right today?” he asked. “Your eyes look a little red around the edges.”

Image from www.fotw.ca
Bourbonnais flag François-Jean Blanc

January 1, 1419

The Duke ran a calloused hand through his hair and looked around the room at his advisors. “So let’s recap the current situation: We are part of the French alliance which is at war with England, Burgundy, and Brittany. Bourbonnais has 13,000 men under arms while the strength of our enemies and allies is unknown. Our spies have intercepted a report which states there is a powerful English force lead by Henry V moving up the coast from Gascogne. Our best guess is that they are planning to attack in Maine or Orleanais. There are 112 ducats in the coffers and we have plenty of brave men who are willing to join the army if we pay to outfit and train them. We have one diplomat and some guy calling himself an international trader even though we don’t conduct any international trade.

The heads of the assembled advisors went up and down in agreement.

Okay, here is what we’re going to do:

1. Send our diplomat off to France to cancel our vassal status. Hopefully Charles will be too busy with the English to do anything about that for a while.

2. Move the army down through Limousin and Guyenne to siege Gascogne. Avoid contact with Henry’s force at all costs.

3. Outfit all the cavalrymen we can for 112 ducats and give them some extra offensive training (offensive DP +1).

4. Raise war taxes so hopefully we can pay for all of this.

5. Let me know when the _hit hits the fan.

***** ***** ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****** ****** ******

March 3rd, 1419

“What do you mean Henry’s army has turned around and is heading back towards our forces in Gascogne?”

March 10, 1419

“What do you mean we won’t be able to escape before he gets there?”

March 25, 1419

“What do you mean only 1,200 men survived the attack.”

March 30, 1419

“Don’t even come in here.”

***** **** ****** ***** ***** ******* ****** ***** ******

April 1, 1419

The Duke is standing alone in his war room looking at a map of France lying on the table in front of him. Small figurines depict the arrangement of armies. A small red lion sits in Limousin surrounded by armies from Brittany, England, and Burgundy. The Duke slams his meaty fist down on the table in anger and looks out the window.

*poof* A small cloud of smoke appears in the room. Nicodeamus steps out of it coughing. “So how’s it going Georgia? Have you conquered France yet?” He laughs at his own humor, takes a look at the map, and then whistles, “Man that’s ugly. So what’s the plan now?”

The Duke groans and says, “I was contemplating taking out a loan. What do you think?”

“Oh I wouldn’t do that. Hmmm…my gut instinct is to say suck 25% less next time…but that’s probably not what you wanted to hear. I know, why don’t you let me give you some money? How does 50,000 ducats sound?”

The Duke’s eyes bulge slightly, “50,000 ducats? You have that much money? How could you get that?….oh…I see you don’t have it…but…you could make it. Wouldn’t that be cheating?”

Nicodeamus chuckles and wipes a tear from his eye, “Oh Georgia that was rich. Cheating. Like I’d be concerned about that. Look who you’re talking to.”

“Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that. You could really do it though?”

“Sure, no problem. Just say the word.”

”Okay, it’s not like I have anything left to lose. Let’s try it.”

Nicodeamus rubs his hands together gleefully and his tail twitches slightly as he begins to chant, “Oh great master please send ducats when I say the great command….OHHMMMMM….OOHHHHMMMM….OOOHHHHMMMMM….Montezuma.” The little demon smacks his hands together loudly and looks around expectantly for ducats to start falling from the sky. Instead a single sheet of paper blows in through the window on a light breeze and settles to the floor.

The Duke walks over and picks it up. There is one line written on it which says, “Don’t make me call BiB – The Big Guy”. He swears, crumples the note up, and turns to Nicodeamus with an angry look on his face, “You are the lamest demon I have ever met. Scram!”

The imp looks hurt but then sticks out his tongue and makes a hideous little face, “That’s pretty tough talk for a man who’s going to be answering to the Big Guy pretty soon. You just wait until I get promoted…then we’ll see who wants to be mean to Nicodeamus…yeah…then we’ll see…we’ll see…” Mumbling to himself, he turns and vanishes in a puff of smoke. Coughing can be heard for several seconds until the cloud clears.

Later that day

“Yeah, tell those loansharks we’ll take their 200 ducats and start recruiting more men into the army.”

**** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ******

May, 1422

Sir Simon smiles at The Duke. “Absolutely brilliant sir. I can’t believe the way this has turned out. Grabbing Orleanis from the English adds a huge chunk of land to Bourbonnais.”

"Well it was pretty fortunate that we caught Bedford with only 2,000 infantry in Normandie. Then after Orleanais, Calais, and Normandie fell, that brash fool Henry V tried to break up our siege of Caux with only 8,000 men. He really didn’t stand a chance against our 15,000 cavalry. It’s a shame that last volley of arrows didn’t kill him outright. Although he can no longer take the field, he is still quite an able statesman. I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of the English yet.”

**** **** ***** ***** **** ***** ***** ****** *****

December, 1422

Tomas licks his lips nervously and fiddles with his abacus. A few minutes later the old mathematician can be seen heading towards the Duke’s chambers with some bad news.

“Sir, I’m sorry. Our initial calculations were incorrect. Even if we put all of our taxes into the treasury and minimize troop maintenance for the next few years, we will be 11 ducats short of paying off our loan when it is due.”

The Duke groans. ”Any more good news? What do you suggest we do?

“Since we can’t pay off the loan, I’d take the money and promote tax collectors in our three provinces. Then make sure we have enough funding on hand to pay it off when it is due again.”

Okay, make it so. The Duke waves his advisor away and grumbles something to himself about this being a lot harder than he thought.

**** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** **** ***** *****


Bourbonnais’ loan has been paid off and the tiny kingdom is at peace with inflation running at 6%. Miraculously a weapons manufactory and 20 cannons have appeared outside The Duke’s castle.:)

OOC: Argghhhh! I thought I was so smart, so sneaky…but…NO…I almost lost my rump in the first ten years.:rolleyes::D

Lt Tyler: Thanks.:) Some of the scenes will be detailed...and others...well...they'll be quick (like the post above:))

Image from www.fotw.ca
Bourbonnais flag François-Jean Blanc
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I just set up an account on Tripod.com. You'll have to do the right
click, properties, copy, paste into browser, go button, and then
back button trick. Sorry.:(

Let me know if there are problems ore a better way to do this.:)

BTW, monthly income dropped to 3.2 the month after this.:(
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This is interesting, Imagine being able to possess someone and then when your finished, go and possess another. i like how you have developed the setting and all. Nice twist to a rather twisted story:D

Thanks for the flag website, it has a wealth of info to it.
Warspite: Thanks.:) I'm glad that the chain possession and continuation of the Georgia AAR came across okay (even if it is twisted:D). The FOTW website is pretty awesome and it is okay to use any of their images as long as you provide a link to their site and credit the person who contributed the image to their site.:)

RJ: Thanks.:) I think it's the story of everyone's life from time to time....just some of us (like me) get to tell that story a little more often than others.:D BTW, I'm enjoying your updates in the FC thread.:)
Originally posted by Backpack


Bourbonnais’ loan has been paid off and the tiny kingdom is at peace with inflation running at 6%. Miraculously a weapons manufactory and 20 cannons have appeared outside The Duke’s castle.:)

Miraculously? Don't you mean 'Devilishly?'

Or isn't Nicodemus going to take credit for this act of... yes who?
Originally posted by Nikolai II

Miraculously? Don't you mean 'Devilishly?'

Or isn't Nicodemus going to take credit for this act of... yes who?

Thanks.:) I toyed with that but it is really beyond Nicodeamus' abilities. I also thought about bringing the "other" side into the picture but decided to hold off on it for now. Info just included to keep folks informed of what is going on.:)

February 5th, 1434

Sir Simon de Brun sat at a small wooden table with four of his closest friends;Sir Robert, Sir Bruce, Sir William, and Sir Wallace. The old knights had gathered together at The Braying Donkey, one of their favorite haunts just outside the castle to share a few drinks in memory of The Duke. Several empty pitchers, and one full one, already littered the tabletop.

Sir Simon refilled their mugs and lifted his for another toast. The others did the same except for Sir Wallace who had already drained half of his pint. Sir Simon gave him a dirty look. Looking guilty, he wiped the foam off of his beard, raised his mug, and mumbled, ”Sorry Simon.”. Then in a quieter voice to himself, “I hope this is a quick one. Can’t be letting the Smithwicks get warm ya know.”

”To The Duke.”

“To The Duke
the others echoed as they saluted with their mugs.

A low voice muttered, ”I think we already did that one…but…hey whatever…more Smithwicks.’

Several more hours of toasting, quaffing ale, and swapping tales of their adventures with the Duke followed. Here is a small random sampling of the knights’ comments:

”Do you remember that time The Duke got irrational back in ’29? I thought he had flipped but that guy had a plan. Seems like he always had a plan…and some of them actually worked too…like that half baked idea to declare war against Byzantium to make Provence and Auverge dishonor our alliance so we could declare war against Povence and take Maine from them. Phew, that was a mouthful. Yeah, that was one of the better ones…worked out well…other than the Byzantine invasion fleet actually landing in Languedoc and catching us with our pants down. Overall though, one of his better accomplishments.”

”Another round of Smithwicks. Ain’t you a pretty lassie.”*wink*

”Or how about in ’31 after France had taken Armor and Bretagne from Brittany. I still remember that day when we were all in Provence and he said to me, “Sir Robert, the entire army is tied up with the siege down here but I’d hate to waste this opportunity to stick that silver clad pig up in Brittany. Take 100 ducats, go back to Berri, raise 6,000 new recruits, and declare war on them. Let me know when they agree to join our Kingdom.” That one ran just like clockwork.”

”More Smithwicks. Did you see the size of the jugs on her?” *whistles*

”Then we did the same thing in Lorraine in ’32. Damn fine women there too.” *smile*

”Or how ‘bout the time he said….Moooooore Smithwicks!”

Image from www.fotw.ca
Bourbonnais flag François-Jean Blanc
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Ahem. I am very interested to see that I have been sent to a certain silly religion's Hell merely for freeing some of those oppressed by said silly religion from said silly religion's misguided teachings. Here I thought I was doing a service for mankind. And here I thought that I'd do an AAR of one of my more interesting World Unification games when I'd finished with Granada. I shudder to think where I'd be sent upon performing such a great service for mankind. This is what makes atheism so appealing, folks. :D

BTW, Backpack ... I assume that the Georgian King found Hell so cold because it had already frozen over. Or, more specifically, because the Bills won the Super Bowl. ;)

Nice start, though it is saddening to see you go from a great state like Georgia to one teeming with frenchy frenchness. Bleaaahh!

Argggg...I am wounded. Your assumption is correct. I'm a Bills fan as well as a Sabres fan.:) Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.:rolleyes: I have my fingers crossed for this season. Although, I won't be surprised if I have to suffer through another year of ribbing.:rolleyes:

Here are the two worst comments/jokes I have ever heard about the Bills:

From my "friend" Dave from Iowa, "You're a fan for Buffalo!?" *snort/laugh* "They're half a step away from being a CFL team.."

Another one of his bad jokes: "What's the difference between a dollar bill and the Buffalo Bills?....Give up?....You can get four quarters out of the dollar bill."

Anyway, back to the game/AAR (sort of). I....uhhhh....had planned...errrrr...yeah that's it....planned to do an installment where Allah met with The Devil to solve the mix up with Roland Deschain and take him to the muslim heaven...totally what I'd planned all along....but....now...no way man.:D You're gonna burn in Hell forever for that Bills comment.:D
Eóghan II mac Néill Óg entered the Braying Donkey rather later than he had intended, and the first thing he heard was a loud Scottish voice yelling out across the room "Moooooore Smithwicks!.

He cringed. What in blazes was that bastard Sir Walace doing drinking good Eireland ale?

Sighing to himself at the sad state of the world, Eóghan II mac Néill Óg found himself a small table in the corner of the room and glowered at the Scot.

"One of these days....," he thought....

(Great stuff Backpack! Loved the failed Montezuma attempt. :D