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Second Lieutenant
Jul 11, 2002
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Chronicles of Brandenburg

I have been instructed by my King and Country to record the glorious history of the Great Region of Brandenburg. I Drgnsrd, the Ever-living, the All-seeing, the Chronicler, Lore-master, Scribe of Kings, Emperors and Clergy take out my quill, dip it into my trusty murky bottle of ink, close my eyes, and see history unfold in the depths of my being, and begin to write….
(OOC-Grand Campaign Brandenburg Hard/Aggressive)

The year is 1419. Wars are waged across Europe and across the known world. Kings, Queens, Clergy, and nobles vie for more control, power, gold, and land. Most of the world watches the scene unfolding in the Great War between England and France, almost 100 years of bloodshed and violence between two Catholic kingdoms. Other eyes focus on the Byzantine Empire and their continuous wars with the heathen Moslems. But we draw our attention, to the north of our Holiest Roman Empire, and to the Electorate and nation of Brandenburg. . Friedrich I of the Hohenzollern line rules Brandenburg as Electorate.

The Reign of Friedrich I – The Strong

In January of 1419 a historical meeting took place, a meeting of all the nobles of Brandenburg and their sovereign. The meeting involved the future of the army and navy within the nation. In a speech by Friedrich “Let peasants and merchants worry about boats, water, and they’re ilk. Our nation is landlocked, why therefore should we care what floats upon the water or sails the seven seas. The sword and the gun enlarges nations, not sail nor mast.”

This would set the precedence of Brandenburgs investments between land and water for many years to come. This new policy created a more disciplined army, drilling became more intense, and commanders become more daring. Again a quote from Friedrich I at the time of implementation, “I want our soldiers to fear their sovereign above all, their commanders next. They must fear us more than they fear the enemy, only then will orders be carried out without question, and we shall be victorious!”

On January 5th 1419 the Electorate of Saxony declared war upon the nation of Magdaburg. Friedrich in his out-rage told his nobles, “How dare the barbarous Saxons invade my vassal. If I let my vassal fall, all the Germanic people will look to me with disgust. No I say, I shall not let anyone say I was a coward. No one will dare call Friedrich a terrified old woman, we go to war!”
In that same month Friedrich declared war on men of Saxony, and began a recruitment campaign. Word was sent to Friedrich in April that the armies of Magdaburg were shattered, driven into the castle and being laid siege to. He ordered his army of 13000 infantry and 9000 horse to relieve his vassal. On April 24 1419, Friedrich armies surged into the midst of the aggressors and annihilated them to a man. His army then poured into Saxony held Anhalt, and lay siege to the city. Magdaburg recovered quickly and recruited another army and marched to Sachsen where they battled and defeated a small Saxon army. They the lay siege to the city.

In March of 1420 the walls of the city in Anhalt were breached and Friedrich army poured into, but surprisingly little torture, rape, or plundering went on. The commanders of the army gave the command that anyone doing anything “Un-Christian” would be sentenced to death by hanging. In July of the same year Magdaburg had captured Sachsen.

Friedrich then sent an emissary to the Electorate of Saxony which stated, “Royal Cousin, you have wronged us in a way that was intolerable. Now your armies are smashed and your provinces held by your enemies. But we do not seek your death, Royal Cousin, but we do seek reparations for the suffering you brought upon not only the armies and the families of Our Great Nation, and Our Vassal’s, but your own as well. We therefore seek the province of Anhalt as a reparation to the suffering you have caused. For this we will implore the nation of Magdaburg to leave your remaining province and no longer war with your people. Honourable Yours, His Most Wise Majesty, Friedrich I.”
The Electorate of Saxony accepted Friedrich’s terms and the war came to an end. Magdaburg gave peace to Saxony but with a large price of 18 ducats, and forcing Saxony into becoming their vassals.

Not long after the war the emissary from Hessen came to Friedrich. In their eyes they saw a worthy Christian ally. The emissary said, “Friedrich I, worthy Champion of Christendom, Electorate of Brandenburg, Victor of the Brandenburg-Saxony war. We come to you in peace and brotherhood. Your Royal Cousin in the Electorate of Hessen seeks an alliance, to strengthen our ties, and our nations in these turbulent times. His Most Wise Majesty seeks friendship and a binding mutual agreement to aid each other in times of need.’

In 1423 Brandenburg joined the alliance of Hessen, Oldenburg, Mainz. In this time a most troubling occurrence happened to Friedrich, it so enraged him that he was quoted to have said, “Magdaburg will one day wish they hadn’t dishonoured me so. We are too weak now, but one day…one day…”

To placate Friedrich somewhat, a daughter of a noble line in Magdaburg was given to his nephew and bonded in holy matrimony.

Friedrich stepped back and looked at his political situation. He was in an alliance that didn’t quite seem all that strong, but one needed friends all the same. Magdaburg entered an alliance with Pommern, Prussia, and the Teutonic Order. As well as having Saxony as a vassal. Relations between Brandenburg and Saxony are abysmal, Saxony shall never forget that the reason they are vassals is because of Brandenburg. Not only that, but a former province is controlled by Friedrich. Bohemia’s relations with Brandenburg are likewise abysmal. Friedrich must be wary with this, for Bohemia is a larger and stronger nation. On top of this, they are allied to Poland and Lithuania.

Friedrich must placate and relieve much of the tension building in the region; emissaries begin leaving the palace in flocks.

(edit: changed the title......liked the sound of this better)
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This seems like a very promising beginning...

...and a big "welcome" to a fellow Canadian and first time poster - the first instalment of an AAR no less. Bravo!

Looking forward to more. Just remember that the responses are likely to be a little underwhelming for a while so don't get discouraged if it takes some time to build up an audience.
Originally posted by MrT

...and a big "welcome" to a fellow Canadian and first time poster - the first instalment of an AAR no less. Bravo!
Don't buy into his blatant 'sucking up'. Before you know it he'll be asking you for beer money... :D

Good start. Brandenburg's always an interesting country to play.
I promise to not hold your being a Canuck against you.:D Especially since you have joined the ranks of those wise and daring enough to play Brandenburg. An interesting way to begin too. It'll be fascinating to see how it plays out.
Thanks everyone.

Ill be posting a new excerpt soon.

By the way, wouldnt mind a beer myself...thanks for the idea.

*gets up to get myself one, then decides its too early and gets a coffee instead....mmmm....timmys*
Excerpt from the Chronicles of William the Teller-1424

…traveling to the newly acquired province of Anhalt. What a wondrous province to behold. The people have a slightly less defined accent, not at all like our people in Brandenburg, or even in Kustrin. But none the less this doesn’t make them any inferior to the people in both provinces. They have a wisdom that cant quite be described, when they talk to you, they seem to talk through you… as though they are looking into a far off place. This could be caused from the fact that most of them drink heavily, or it could be from the ravages of war they have witnessed. I witnessed many things in my travels through Anhalt, but most of all I witnessed the beginnings of insurrection and revolt…

There was a young man, roughly in his 23rd year of life, by the name of Wilhelm. A giant of a man, slightly blond hair, and piercing, penetrating deep eyes. Raised on a farm near the border of Saschen, he saw former friends and his relatives become the enemy of Brandenburg. When he would visit, he saw the bitter hate and vile rage that the Saxon men and women held for Brandenburg. He saw how much they wanted the province of Anhalt return to their Electorate.

When he returned to his farm one day in April, he returned to the tax collectors of Friedrich. They demanded he pay them what was due. As being the owner of a large piece of land, they demanded quite a sum. Then he did something that none in the land dared do. He told the tax collectors “no, no, I will not give you anything. Why should I give money to a Lord that makes war upon my people?”

To which the tax collectors replied, “You people are the men and women of Brandenburg, as you yourself are now.”

“I am Saxon.”

“We will take what is our due.”

So the tax-collectors began pillaging his farm house, collecting every last piece of coin. All Wilhelm could do was watch, for there were too many men-at-arms. After they left, he traveled again to his relatives in Saxony, and told them all that occurred. He told them he would have his vengeance, one way or another. They lent him some gold, and told him to return home.

A month after he arrived home, men began showing up at his door step, saying they wanted to meet and join the man who would defy Brandenburg. Slowly of the course of a year, an army was raised. Wilhelm decided it was time and march across Anhalt, freeing the peoples of his home, telling them, “No more will the evil Brandenburgs take us for granted.”

A people flocked to his cause, aiding him whenever they could, on the Morning of April 1425 a farm boy from a small town ran into the camp. “Wilhelm, Wilhelm! Brandenburg marches!”

On April 18 1425 the army of Brandenburg consisting of 4000 men-at-arms and 2000 knights, met Wilhelm’s forces 8000 men strong, with 1500 calvalry. The battle was horrendous. Wilhelm himself was said to have killed “as many men as ten men have fingers.” Brandenburgs army was shattered, retreating to Magdaburg then to Brandengurg to rest and re-inforce. Wilhelm and his men were over joyed, 6000 of them remained, they marched to the city and laid a seige upon it.

But Brandenburg wasn’t finished with him yet, Friedrich was said to have said offhandedly “I do not worry of whelps of Saxony, nor do I weep over the death of peasants, destroy him.”

On August of 1425, Brandenburg’s army returned, much more stronger then the army Wilhelm faced earlier in the year. But Wilhelm was still euphoric over his previous battle, he rushed out to meet and destroy the invader. But all for not.

Brandenburgs army of 4000 men and 8000 knights rode down and wiped out every last rebel to a man. Brandenburg commanders search the battlefield for anyone fitting the description of Wilhelm. They found too many to send any certain one back to Friedrichs inquisitors. Wilhelm is out there somewhere, in an unmarked grave, rotting. And Brandenburg still remains strong in the region, so as not to let Anhalt think of themselves too highly ever again…

End of Excerpt from William the Tellers in regards to the Revolt of ’25.
Continuation of the Chronicles of Brandenburg

The next four years were years of peace in the land. Freidrich invested in his nation, the economy boomed. Merchants and diplomats flowed out into the world, bringing money, and happiness with neighbors. Then in 1429, things got quite a bit more interesting. In June of that year, the alliance with Hessen, Mainz, Wurzburg, and Oldenburg expired. That same day an interesting diplomat came to Freidrich. He came from the bordering Kingdom of Poland, a large and diverse land, with many interesting peoples.

In the speech recorded by Freidich scribes made by the emissary had a note of scorn. It made Freidrich seem as though the man had gone out of his way to visit the tiny backward nation. “His illustrious Majesty, the King of Poland, wishes you to join our alliance with Lithuania, and Bohemia. He requests that he will protect you when your enemies come to conquer you. You would do well to listen to His Majesty, for he is a mighty King, as well as a most wise King.”

Hating the emissary for talking the way he did, he felt like wringing his next like a chicken. But the emissary was right in many ways.
1. Poland was a massive kingdom compared to Brandenburg
2. Poland was in an alliance with another massive kingdom Lithuania
3. Poland was also in an alliance with another neighbor, Bohemia
4. If Freidrich didn’t ally, it could put him in a very precarious position
5. Being allied with these large powers would help Brandenburg against
foreign aggression.
6. Being allied to these aggressive Kingdoms wouldn’t make him the most loved
in the Holy Roman Empire.

Freidrich decided that the good points outweighed the bad points, and bade the pompous emissary come forward and eloquently signed the alliance. After he signed the alliance, the pompous emissary took out another parchment to the surprise of Freidrich, and began reading, “His Most Holy Majesty, the King of Poland requests upon signing of the alliance that Your Majesty declare war on Magdaburg and the Kingdom of Prussia immediately.”

Freidrich was shocked with the arrogance of both the King of Poland and with this minor emissary. But none the less, he would finally have his vengeance on Magdaburg for the cancellation of their vassalage. Freidrich nodded his head, rose, turned and departed from the hall.

After declaring war, Freidrich began mobilizing his forces. While he was in the process of doing this, Magdaburg seized the initiative and launched an invasion into the province of Anhalt. Freidrich then seized his own initiative, for the army of Magdaburg left their home province undefended. An army of 15000 foot and 10000 horse entered Magdaburg and laid seige to it. After his army was entrenched, Freidrich order the forces spilt leaving the army of 15000 foot to continue the seige. Another army from Brandenburg, 10000 foot and 6000 knight began marching from Brandenburg to Anhalt, while in Magdaburg the 10000 horse join them.

In August of 1429 a Brandenburg army of 10000 foot and 16000 horse met Magdaburgs army of 23000 men. The battle was ferocious, bodies littered the ground. Brandenburg knights 6000 strong made a headlong charge into the Magdaburg army, while 10000 cavalry split and flanked them. Magdaburgs horse were nothing compared to Brandenburgs, being only 7000 strong, mostly unknighted cavalry. After the horse were put to the sword, the army quickly followed suit, and on August 10th 1429 Magdaburg began retreating back to its native province. Freidrich again split his army and order his horse to rush back to Magdaburg to not only warn the army there, but as well as support them. The horse made it back in time just as both armies were setting up to battle. Magdaburgs army was annihilated. On January 12 1431 Magdaburg falls, the same day the Elector accepted the surrender of the Magdaburgian Elector, and Magdaburg become another province in the growing Brandenburg electorate. Freidrich looked at the sum of the war with Magdaburg, which was quite high. Of the 41000 troops who fought and died for him, only 17000 returned from war. Mothers, Fathers, sisters, and brothers, all wept for sons who would never come home. Freidrich decided then and there, that not again would any Brandenburgian blood be shed in war, while he reigned.

In February of 1431, Freidrich made peace with Prussia, against Poland, Lithuania, and Bohemia’s will.

But Freidrich’s dream was about to fall apart when on December 1 1433 Lithuania dragged Brandenburg into another war versus the Teutonic Order, Pommern, and Oldenburg. Freidrich continued to send missives to these nations asking for peace, before blood was shed. In July of 1434 Lithuania declared war on Denmark.

Finally, the diplomats returned to Freidrich with good news, when in the December of 1434 peace was made with the Teutonic Order and their allies. And in August of 1436 peace was made with Denmark. In both wars, Freidrich thanked God, no Brandenburgian blood was shed, his final dream fulfilled before his death.

On October 1, 1440, Freidrich I passed away peacefully in his sleep. The nation mourned the loss of their Hero, the man who should have been a King. Freidrich left his nation strong with the addition of two provinces, and peace with his neighbors.

The people of Brandenburg, and even the Saxon men of Anhalt, and many of the people of Magdaburg, mourned the passing of a King in heart and spirit, if not in title. On the day of his burial, shouts could be heard of over the Electorate despite it not being true, the people believed it, “THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING,”
The Continuation of the Chronicles of Brandenburg...

The Reign of Freidrich II

After the burial of Freidrich I, a new Prince assumed the Electorate, Freidrich II.
He didn’t want to be a weak leader, and so continued the legacy of Freidrich I. Investing in a strong army. It was a good thing he did because once again, Lithuania dragged Brandenburg into another war with Denmark in September of 1442. Denmark invaded Lithuanian held Mecklenburg. Freidrich lent support to his allies and sent an army to Mecklenburg to relieve the province, which it did so quite easily. After the small army of Denmark was destroy, all of Denmarks land were undefended.

Cautiously Freidrich order his armies to lay seige to Bremen. Lithuania lay seige to Holstein. Freidrich then sent another army to Jylland, left a seiging army and went on to seige Sjaelland by September of 1444. Lithuania captured Holtein first, then came to Jylland to support Freidrich’s men.

Then the dominoes fell. Bremen fell in June of ’45, Jylland in September of ’45 and Sjaelland fell in December of ’45. In their provinces in Norway, Sweden began a rapid invasion, Denmark’s forces were laid waste.

In September of 1446 Denmark made peace with Brandenburg in exchange of Bremen. Lithuania followed suit by accepting 145 ducats in reparations. Freidrich II was victorious in his first war, and peace returned to the land, but once again with tremendous cost. Freidrich’s coffers were empty, despite the heavy taxation. And of the 25000 foot and 20000 horse to invade Denmark, only 1000 foot and 9000 horse return. But Freidrich was elated, his people stayed behind him, and supported his effort thoroughly, the the prize was a province by the sea.
From the "Annals of a Monarch...Freidrich II, "Dane Bane"

The 1450’s would be an interesting year for Lithuania. First, by taking the Polish crown when their king died. (Lith. Diplo-annexed Pol.) Declaring war on many, many nations. Just prior to the decade, in 1449 they declared war on the alliance of Serbia, Cyprus, Georgia, and Moldovia. With Crimea in January of 1450 (ended 1451 with annexation of Crimea), Golden Horde in 1451 (ended 1452), Moscovy as well as Ottoman Empire 1452. (each ending with Moscovy and the Ottoman’s giving paltry sums of money.) This wars came many times over the entire decade plus a few years, going to war with Moscovy 3 times, each time Brandenburg had no choice, but to join the war with them, and Bohemia.

In 1450 the Teutonic Order took the crown of Prussia, (diplo-annex) and gain control over their territory. In March of that year they joined the Lithuania, Bohemia, Brandenburg alliance.

On March 2 1450 Bremen revolted, taking the city and castle. Sick of war, the citizens of the newly acquired province threw off their shackles. Freidrich sent his armies to crush the rebellion, and after much fighting, the castle was finally taken on December 23 1450.

In 1445 voyagers sent forth from Bremen, crossed the vast oceans, making stops in the most wondrous of places, and creating a trading post on the coast of the legendary India.

Between 1445 and 1470 much trading between the peoples of India and of Brandenburg went on, the Center of trade in Bengal brought magical good, the like of which many in Europe had never seen before.

Then on February 9 1457 Lithuania drags Brandenburg back into war with Denmark. Bohemia, and the Teutons also pledge support the powerful King of Lithuania. Lithuanian held Mecklenburg came under immediate seige as Brandenburg began mobilizing their armies. On November 6, Mecklenburg fell, and Denmark turned to unprotected Bremen, laying seige.

Disturbing news crossed the Holy Roman Empire in November of ’57, a foreign King, under the name of Henry VI, King of England and France, assumed the throne of Emperor. Freidrich fumed, how could any Electorate support the English King, Freidrich was quoted to have said “How can anyone think that it was possible for a non-German, or even non-Italian to assume the throne! I will not bend my knee to him!”

On November 30 ’57, the armies of Brandenburg destroyed the army of the Danes, then marched to Holstein, laying down a seige. On January 20 of the following year, Brandenburg armies march triumphantly into Holstein, liberating the German cousins.

Lithuania then betrays Freidrich’s trust on the 25th of January by making peace for Brandenburg, taking a measly 47 ducats for the trouble.

Freidrich began making changes to the Electorate, by supporting new laws giving more freedom to the peasants.

Thankfully, to Freidrich’s and most of the German peoples of the HRE, Frederick V of Austria, is named Emperor when Henry dies.

Another war between Lithuania and Denmark is sparked in the spring of ’63. The armies of Brandenburg were well prepared for this war, and immediately invaded the Dane held Vorpommern, while a second army moved to Mecklenburg to releive the Lithuanian defenders. After relieving Mecklenburg the army invaded Holstein yet again, but grim news could be heard whispered among the soldiers, a plague has struck their homes. Many desert the army to return to Brandenburg and discover if any of their families were touched by the plague. Upon their capture, the were put to death for desertion, in all from both plague and execution, approximately 2000 men, women, children, and soldiers were dead.

On February 8 1464 Holstein finally falls. Peace with Denmark was secured, with Vorpommern being ceded to Brandenburg, the army once again left Holstein, and her German peoples under the sway of the Danes.

On March 25 1466, many nobles witness something horrible. After once again leave Holstein to the Danes Freidrich lost it.

Quoted nobles, “…then the door to the meeting chamber opens, and Freidich is riding around on the back of his servant, wiping him in the bum with a lash, crying ‘giddup, giddup. Com’on little donkey, giddup. Hee haw, hee haw. We all stood there in stunned silence. I had to close my lady’s mouth, for she looked even more improper, the scene before us was shocking to say the least.” (Temporary insanity of monarch…obviously)

Less than four years later, on February 18 1470, Freidrich fell ill, and passed away. Freidrich II, or as the peasants called him…”The Dane Bane,” passed away, once again the nation mourned the loss of their lord. Following his death, a new Electorate was crowned Protector, and Prince….Albrecht Achilles, a man who was famed for being very friendly with his cousins, the Austrians….
Did I read that right? Henry VI of England elected HRE?! :eek: I'm astounded, to say the least.

I was just catching up with your last couple of instalments (and I'm running low on funds so I need to suck up to someone for beer money ;) ) and it certainly seems like you're making out all right - although Lithuania is a strange bed-fellow for an Elector to choose to partner with.

Keep up the good work.
I know, Henry VI HRE!! WFT.

Anyhoo, I know I know, Lithuania is a weird choice, but what could i do, at the time i was surrounded with potential enimies, and Poland and Lithuania were the strongest. When Poland was diplo-annexed by Lithuania, I got kinda worried...

But im working on the next section, and lemme just say, Im going with someone more close to home.
The beginning of Albrecht’s reign was a peaceful one for the first three years. Diplomat traveled sending gifts and negotiating with their neighbors. Albrecht gave special attention to the Austrians. Gifts of great amounts, (some though to great for Brandenburg to be giving) were sent to the king and at the time Emperor. Albrecht wished to have closer ties to his German counterparts all over the empire. So in March of 1472, no one in the Empire was surprised when Austria made a declaration to all nation, by guaranteeing the independence of the Electorate. The Brandenburgians were overjoyed.

On April 16 1472, Albrecht and his entourage traveled to meet with the King of Lithuania.

A summons by Papa Kaz (as the allies called him) was something not to be taken lightly. This is why Albrecht and his entourage quickly packed and made haste to the Kings palace.

The morning of the 16th of April 1472 was a dreary one in the Lithuania homeland, clouds followed by rain, thunder and lighting, hung in the sky. Albrecht entered to palace in haste, thinking he was late, but knowing that it would be Papa Kaz would always be the late one, it was his right. The monarch of the most powerful kingdom in Eastern Europe, possibly even all of Europe.

As Albrecht was contemplating this another man stepped from the shadows, a wide smile spread across his face, “Prince Albrecht,” he said friendly, “so good to see you again.”

“And you as well, Lord High Knight.” Albrecht was good friends with the current head of the Teutonic Order.

“What do you think brings us here, on such a dreary day?” the knight asked.

“Only God knows,” replied Albrecht.

“Well I don’t see the Bohemian Elector here, so maybe we’re just here for a friendly talk between nations,” the knight said with obvious sarcasm.

Albrecht laughed aloud, “Lord High Knight, never lose your sense of humour.” Both new full well that when Papa Kaz came a calling, war was the answer.

As he finished his sentence, steps could be heard coming down the hall, and when the door opened, the two men were not surprised to see the Bohemian Electorate and Papa Kaz in a whispered conversation. They were the best of friends, some even thought that Bohemia would soon become a vassal of Lithuania, to protect themselves from their southern neighbors, Albrecht’s friends, the Austrians.

“Here we go,” the knight said.

“Ah, my friends, my friends!” the deep throated Lithuania King said, “I am glad you could make it.”

‘As if we had a choice,’ Albrecht thought.

“We have some dire news, Hungary is pressing claims again in the south. Moscovy is pressing more claims in the south, and the Holy Roman Emperor…Fredrick is being a Royal pain in my Royal arse.”

Albrecht spoke up, always ready to show his scorn for the Lithuania king, whom he thought just thought of Brandenburg as a vassal in spirit, if not in name, “What would you have us do, Majesty?”

Kaz turned to Albrecht, a flare of anger crossed his eyes, “Moscovy is pressing claims on land I have already claimed. They war with a province in the Golden Hordes region. I will not tolerate to loose land I have claim, to a pompous barbarian in fine clothing. War is a must in this case, for there is no other answer. I am going to press my rights, and I expect all of you to follow.”

This was said with such authority and vehemence that Albrecht had to look up and see if there was a Catholic king standing before him, and not a raving lunatic.

The groveling Bohemian Electorate spoke up first, pledging his allegiance to the alliance, suggesting he would support his friends the Lithuanians. The Teuton knight grumbled something only Albrecht could hear, “We are his dogs, and he our master. Ironic we fight over barbarian unholy land, against a follower of Christ.”

Then spoke aloud, “As always the knights will convene, though I expect most to vote in favour of your suggestion Majesty.” He knew that most of his knights in the council were in the money pocket of Papa Kaz.

The entire time the Teuton Knight spoke, all Albrecht could do was shake his head. When the knight was finished talking Albrecht spoke up, “We have known peace in this 50 year alliance probably 5 years in total. Our nation is not as rich and powerful as some may think. We have our problems at home, so many sometimes that we cannot even lend support into many of the wars that your Kingdom thrusts us into. You fight with everyone, Crimea, Denmark, Pommern, Knights of St. John, Moscovy, Cyprus, Venice… You don’t even share a border with most of them. All of them are Christian, many of them have our same faith. Some exsist in an empire, that I am part of. Not once have you warred against a pagan, or an infidel. We tire of this fighting. Im sorry Majesty, Brandenburg cannot follow you in this endeavor, for it would stain my soul so. I wish to see Christ, I wish to enter His Kingdom. I cannot do that being a lap dog. Please accept my apologies, Kaz…”

“You do realize that based upon the principles set out in the signed alliance, if you do not support us, you are barred from the alliance, and we have a right to mend our honour against you?”

“I do, and a beg your fogiveness. I do not do this out of spite, I do it for my soul, and for my people.”

“Very well, go back home Albrecht,” laughing Papa Kaz said, “Your nation has been a loyal friend, live in peace Albrecht, you have nothing to fear from any of your friends.”

Smiling Albrecht held the King of Lithuania momentarily “Thank you.”

Then he patted the Lord Knight on the shoulder, nodded to the Electorate of Bohemia, and departed the hall, and departed an alliance of his friends…
Good instalment D (I think I'm going to take to calling you 'D' because if I try stringing all those consonants together I'm sure to screw it up :))

I like the vignettes you're writing to describe single events...this latest one to cover refusing a call to allies, and the one you did previously - in the 2nd post of the thread - to describe a revolt in Anhalt (nationalism + tax collector RR) and its subsequent suppression. They're not easy to do, and take a lot of time to put together for just a line or two in a history log, but are most enjoyable to 'humanise' the characters you talk about in the overall story. You've done a great jobs on them to date, and I hope you continue to include them.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Im trying to get some screenies, but dont know how, trying to learn how to did it.

But thanks for the great feedback Mr. T.

p.s. D is fine.
Originally posted by Drgnsrd
Thanks! Im trying to get some screenies, but dont know how, trying to learn how to did it.

But thanks for the great feedback Mr. T.

p.s. D is fine.
MrT has trouble with any word over two syllables, so don't worry.

As for screens, there's some good links in the AARland, AARtiFAQs thread that should help you out.

Good work on the AAR.
The Alliance with an Emperor, and the Danish War

That November, Austria again re-affirmed the Guarantee of Independence of the Electorate of Brandenburg. Subsequently, upon receiving this gaurantee, the Emperor himself took the treacherous journey through the Empire to visit Albrecht himself.

What transpired next is little known, not even my omnipresent vision could see into that room. But when Frederick returned to Austria, Brandenburg found herself in an alliance with Austria, Mantua, Genoa, and old time rivals, Saxony. Marriages of friendship were proposed to each of the nations, all accepted. Gifts were sent to all to the alliance, all were accepted greatfully.

Then on the fateful day of May 15 1473, a courier arrived with a missive, stating:

“Most Royal Majesty, Prince Albrecht, Elector of Brandenburg from the people of Holstein.

We are in a most desparate situation. We hope to be still breathing under the stars when you receive this missive. We the people of Holstein are a suffering people. Our “masters the Danes are placing hardship upon hardship upon us. The nobles and peasants of our realm are prepared to revolt. We ask, Kind Sir, that you aid us in our cause. We would gladly accept integration into your most German realm, rather that be taxed into oblivion by the Danish barbarians. Please Prince, help your countrymen…

Upon receiving the missive, Frederick raised a large army in Bremen. He sent word to his allies that he was planning a war with Denmark, as the missive said “To liberate a province of the Empire from outside barbarians…” and such and such, of which he had no intention of doing. He wanted the land to become part of his electorate, but didn’t want to look like an ogre in the eyes of the Emperor.

And so, on November 17 1472 Brandenburg declared war on Denmark, not asking for the aid of his allies saying, “I don’t need a pack of wolves to take down a rabbit!”

The armies of Denmark were totally unprepared for such an action, while trying to defeat the rebels in Holstein. As all of a sudden on the battlefield that they were winning versus minor nobles, and petty peasants, an large army, of the most disciplined lot, 30000 troops descended upon the small Dane army, crushing them. The Brandenburg army then joined up with the rebels and lay seige to the city. (ooc-I know its impossible for them to join, I did defeat them first but for this aar, we joined…understand!)

On November 15 1473 Holstein falls, but in order to force a peace upon the Danish King, Albrecht launched army after army into Danish land.

Seiges began on December 10 1473 in Jutland, and Jan 10 1474 in Sjaelland. In December of that year Sjaelland falls, and in May of 1475 Jutland falls. Provinces yet remain unconquered in the Danish kingdom, in the region of Norway, but Albrecht figures it is enough to gain territory from.

On January 2 1476 Denmark accepted defeat giving Brandenburg 100 ducats in reparations and ceding the province of Holstein. Albrecht was happier than a pig in shite, they say.
Very Intriguing

Enjoying your AAR, D. Im fascinated by soem of the AAR's on the boards including yours. I discovered Europa Universalis II in the latest ComputerActive and spent yesterday phoning round shops. I get it tommorow (yay!). Im most intrigued to discover whether Lithuania does leave you alone, or comes back pompusly to exact a revenge on you for breaking the alliance.
(ooc) Thanks Collingwood for the remarks. I love this game, im positive you will to.

Actually after Poland breaks from Lithuania, they sort of disintegrate....Russia just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

After watching the war between the Danes and the mighty Brandenburgians, the Electorate of Saxony decided it was in their best interests to come under the protection, and vassalage of Brandenburg in 1481.

Poland must not have enjoyed the rulership of Papa Kaz as much as everyone thought when in 1483 they declared their independence from them.

Albrecht watched the world turn, he had had his war, his life was coming to an end he knew. On March 12 1486 Johann Cicero become the Electorate of Brandenburg.

Domestic Sliders Review

Aristocracy – 9
Decentralization – 2
Innovative – 6
Land –8
Quality – 5
Mercantilism – 7
Serf – 8
Offensive – 5

Provinces Owned
Brandenburg, Kustrin, Magdaburg, Anhalt, Bremen, Holstein.


The reign of Johann was a short reign, filled with uninteresting facts, little has been recorded of his reign, and even I, Drgnsrd, can only see some of the events of his time.

On April 9 1487 Austrian dragged the alliance into a war with the Ottoman Empire and Ak Koyunlu, Johann gave the war full support, lending money, and sending gifts to the Austrian, Mantuan, Saxon, Genoan, and Papal nations. (OOC- I have 6 nations in our alliance….how can that be?)

On August 21 1493 the Archduke Maximillian I of Austria became the Emperor.

On January 1 1499 Field Chief Judge Casimir took control of an army in Brandenburg. Ten days later Johann was dead, and Joachim I Nestor takes the throne, and immediately makes reforms giving more himself more control of the land. (Centralization +1)

On May 21st 1504 Genoa declared war on Venice and France, all 5 allies join their cause. While the fighting raged between all the nations, the Emperor in his “infinite” wisdom, declared war on Tuscany, Siena, and Wallachia, and Austria’s allies follow suit.

On July 9 1504 Bremen came under siege from France. Joachim ordered the army in Holstein to relieve the seige, which was done on September the 7 of that year. On September the 8th Casimir and some 25000 troops passed thought the Austrian vassal of Hessen and lay seige to the French help Pfalz. On March 13 1505, Pfalz surrender to Casimir’s forces, he then moved on to Lorraine newly strengthened army of 24000 the following month.

In the December, Tuscany made a separate white peace with Brandenburg. Ten days later Casimirs forces were in full retreat after being defeated by a large army of 36000 French soldiers. The new year brought a separate peace with France giving 175 ducats in indemities.

January 11 1505, Joachim made more reforms to the government, strengthening his power. (Cent +1) The same day a white peace was negotiated with Venice, as well as their allies Naples, in September of 1514.

Another war was brought on by Austria. Denmark and its new ally England were the targets. Austria made peace with them in 1519, one day after Karl V was made Emperor.

The something drastic happened to the great alliance. Modena declared their independence from the Holy Father, who in turn immediately declared war on them. Austria said it was an internal matter and should be dealt with internally, therefore dishonored the alliance. Genoa and Tuscany agree, and quickly follow suit. Because of these reactions, Brandenburg had no choice but to dishonour the alliance as well. The Holy Father was not happy at all, relation between all the former friends, began to strain.

On September 23 1522, Brandenburg allies with a friend and vassal, Saxony.

The fateful day of June 19 1524 came, when Martin Luther pined his 95 article on a church door in Wittenberg. His “protest” spark a “reformation” in the ideolgies of many church’s and people across northern Europe, including all the provinces in the Electorate of Brandenburg.

On June 28 1524 Joachim again reforms the government. (Cent +1)

Then the day came that none in the realm could ignore, a priest visited the Elector. What was said, I can not even see. But Joachim was swayed, he found all the statements made by the priest of the Lutheran church about the Catholic church absolutely true. And on November 14 1525, Joachim converted, and claimed his nation a Protestant nation. The results were staggering, as many of the nobles were frightened of the Catholic nations reactions, specifically the Holy Father and the Emperor. (Stab hit –6, revolt in Vorpommern). Saxony couldn’t accept the change, breaking their alliance, and their vassalage.

Joachim needed an ally, and on January 11 1526 an alliance was made with their neighbor Hannover, which put them at war with Bourbonnais.

On January 1 1527 Field Chief Judge Georg took control of the army in Holstein. A few weeks later the League of Schmalkalden happened, but despite Brandenburg being the only Protestant nation, many of the provinces in Northern Germany sided with them.

A white peace was made with Bourbonnais on Valentines day 1528, followed quickly by a new war with Denmark by Hannover; Brandenburg and Modena joined in the conflict.

On June 12 1528, when the citizens of Brandenburg were still getting used to the idea of a Protestant government(Stab still at –1). A Political Crisis occurred, as the Holy Roman Emperor and the Holy Father gave ultimatum after ultimatum to Joachim to return to the true faith of Catholicism. (Stab hit –3…ooc wtf)

On November 1 1528 while still at war with Denmark, Venice finally could not accept Protestantism any longer, declared war on Brandenburg, thankfully Hannover joins as well, as Modena dishonours the alliance.

On May 3 1529, Joachim attempts something not ever done before, and dangerous to do at a time like this. Austria has still granted Brandenburg military access. So Joachim sends an army of 25000 troops through Bohemia and Austria, and seiges Venice. The problems of the baggage and food carts were numerous, but the army survived and made it. On July 1 1529, after a large assault, Venice was taken, to the shock of the world. Venice begged for peace giving 279 ducats in reparations.

On July 30 1531 Sweden becomes the second nation to convert to Protestantism, a Royal marriage is immediate, joining the two nations in brotherhood. January of the following year, Sweden claims Sole Defender of the Protestant faith. In February of 1534, England follows suit, becoming Protestant as well.

On May 24 1535 Venice again declares war on Brandenburg, Hannover joins Brandenburg against them.

On July 12 Joachim I dies, and Joachim II Hektor becomes the Elector. This was followed by Bohemia joining the Protestant faith.

Peace was made with Venice in 1536, and a Royal Marriage was made with Bohemia in May of the same year. March 2 1537, Pommern joined the Protestant faith, as well as Saxony in December of the same year. Joachim them set up marriages with England, Saxony, and Pommern respectively.

In June of 1538 Joachim II sets up more reforms to the government, just like his predecessor. (Cent +1) As he made his reforms, news came to him that the Teutonic Order to the surprise of all, converted to Protestantism, Joachim immediately set up a Royal marriage between the two nations. In July of 1540 Brandenburg leaves the Hannover alliance and joins Sweden and the Teutonic Order in an alliance. Three months later Hannover converts to Protestantism.

(ooc---this kinda pissed me off, because I was waiting and waiting for them to change so I could Vassalize them, then diplo-annex, so I could have a land route to Holstein and Bremen…oh well)

Between January of 1542 and 1543 an explorer from another land received permission from Joachim to explore the so called “new world.” After discover lands in North America (modern day Quebec, Labrador, and Nunivut), Joachim sent traders to set up trading posts with the natives.

(Will post another soon)
On January 1 1548, our former enemies, Denmark, join our faith. Then in that August, Sweden goes to war with Russia, dragging their allies with them. Brandenburg never saw one battle with the Russians, just as well. November of that year brought more reforms to the government. (Cent +1) In September of 14 1550 after two years of non-aggression, Brandenburg signs a white peace with Russia.

Then Joachim does something to the dismay of his neighbors, friends, and allies in 1551, he declares a unprovoked war on Pommern. (No CB, Same Faith, -3 stab hit.)

Scotland becomes Protestant the same week that the armies of Brandenburg siege both Hinterpommern and the Danzig. In June of 1553 both provinces fall to the might of Brandenburg. The next month, mass bloodshed of those in the Protestant faith in England greet Queen Mary’s rise to the throne, and England becomes Catholic again. February of 1554 brings peace to Pommern as they give Danzig and all their wealth to Brandenburg.

Brandenburg expected war with other nations to follow after his lack of honour against the Pommern people. It was Venice who stepped into it first, bring France, Modena, and Poland with them. Sweden and T.O. join Brandenburg. In September and October of 1554, France destroyed the Brandenburg army in Hostein. Sweden comes to the rescue and defeats France in Holstein, as Joachim sends another army to help them. Then both armies head to Jutland, jointly sieging it.

In December of that year, Brandenburg also seiges Polish Poznam. In August of the next year, they siege Polish Galizien, while the Teutons siege their capital at Masova.

In December of 1555 Poznan falls, as well as Galizien in August of ’56. The Teutons take Masovia in November of ’56, and make peace, forcing the Polish to convert. Brandenburg then marches into Masovia laying down a siege. March of the following year brought the gates tumbling down, and Brandenburg controlled all of the Polish territories.

To the north, Brandenburg finally takes Jutland, as the Teutonic Order, becomes the Kingdom of Courland. To the south in France, Brandenburg armies take Pflaz, and Luzembourg in 1561. France cedes Pflaz to Brandenburg for peace. The same day Joachim frees the people of Pflaz to for the vassal state of The Palatinate, then asks them to join the alliance, which they greatfully accept.

In September of 1663 Poland surrenders, giving its entire treasury, a measly 50 ducats and becoming Vassals of Brandenburg.

October of ’66 Joachim continues making reforms to the government, moving it more and more in the direction of a centralized government, which would be himself.

Poland converted back to Catholicism in 1567 breaking its vassalage, Brandenburg immediately declares war. In the subsequent years 1667-1669, Lithuania collapsed and Brandenburg armies seize Masovia, Polish Lithuania, and Volyn from the Poles. When the new monarch Johann Georg takes the rulership of Brandenburg in 1571, he makes peace with Poland for 200 ducats.

December of 1576 brought more changes to the government, (cent +1) as Hannover joins the Protestant alliance. In October of 1578 Hannover became vassals of Brandenburg, as Brandenburg claims Sole Defender of the Protestant faith. Joyous celebrations rang out through Berlin. Protestantism was here to stay.

Between November 1586 and December of 1590 Hannover and the Netherlands go to war, the allies did join them, by the Dutch overcame the Hannover people before support could be given. Peace was made by Hannover giving over its treasury to the Dutch.

July of ’95 brought changes yet again, as Brandenburg gets a grip on it government. (Cent +1) In October of the same year a drill instructor traveled to Berlin from Austria, teaching the Brandenburgian armies better offensive techniques. (Off +1, Qual +1)

The next year Johann is dead, and Joachim Friedrich becomes the ruler of the Electorate. The same day as his coronation, Venice, France, and Tuscany declare war on Brandenburg, Sweden, The Platinate, and Courland.

The armies of Brandenburg were prepared and immediately launched an invasion into French held territories. In 1598, between February and May, Jutland and Luxembourg fall to Brandenburg. In May of 1600, a white peace was signed with France, as well as Tuscany. August of the next year, Venice makes peace.

Then war comes yet again, a war that Brandenburg was dragged into unwillingly, and unwittenly. Not knowing who they were to face, and without sufficient troop numbers…

Stay tuned…