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Jan 22, 2002

v. 1.05 – Very Hard/Aggressive

- No loan sharking
- Vassalazing before annexation
- No editing/cheating at all (quite obvious)
- Attacking without CB is allowed but only within certain circumstances

- Goal #1 will be to create a quite large SE Asian empire.
- Goal #2 will be to unite all the Buddhist provinces, even the very holy Boingese ones (check "It Came From The Mountains")
- Goal #3 will be to unite the Hinduism and Buddhism provinces in to one great Buddha-empire
- Goal #4 will be to conquer the world… I think I’ll delete this later :D

This AAR will include many, many screenshots and other images. If you have a slow connection… sorry for you.

To help you understand the dialogues somewhat, please change the “L’s” to “R’s”

“Welcome to the gleat luling dynasty of the Innwa, young Bhalaptalairb-san” started the Burmanese sovereign. “You have come to the gleat house of quietness, hele many soveleigns of the Innwa-dynasty have been luling the Myanmal empire for decades. Until now. Myanmal has been split into many weak kingdoms and soveleigns. Now I’ve called fol you, gleat advisol and lold of the Malacc-ahanan dynasty”

Bhalaptalairb was a young san, coming from one of the most respectful dynasties in Malacca, but when the filthy Mohammedan religion became the national he and his family fled and happened to arrive at the Myanmar court. Here he had met the Sovereign of Myanmar, Thiha Thu, who ruled over the main parts of Myanmar. Before 1400 Myanmar was an empire consisting of the western half of SE Asia, but for many years dynasties and clans had fought each other, leading to a civil war. This war had split the Myanmar Empire to many small cities calling them self kingdoms, just as Thiha Thu said. The new nations were Arakan, Pegu and Taungu. The Ayuthayyan Empire and Vientiane had been enjoying this civil war, tearing apart land from the former Myanmar Empire. Now what was left of Myanmar was not much. Two very poor cities stood left under the Innwan dynasty. Here is what Myanmar looked like in 1419:


Thiha Thu continued: “So what do you say about a co-opelation? Clush the Moslems and invade China, eh?”
“I don’t know what to say…” Bhalaptalairb replied. “First and foremost we must gather the empire together and create stability among the clans. Thereafter we can fix our goals on the trade centres of Bengal and Malacca. If we get strong enough we may even be able to invade China.”
“What you say is wise. Now let’s continue oul discussion over a bowl of flied lise and grill elephant thigh.”

So they to sit down in the lone room, starting to eat their “flied lise”, with only the Buddha statue to watch over them.

1419-1429 Episode 1: Invading China and her awful revenge

Our position is not very strong, two cities producing grain and sheep. However grain is much important with our manpower being at 4000 and our culture supporting max 20.000. Our political situation is also not very strong. We have a great reputation, but no allies. Myanmar have claims on the peacocks in Assam, Tarakan, Irrawady, Bago and Lampang. However, the first war would not be a unification with the other Myanmar states. It would be China with it’s many unfortified provinces. A quick 5000 cavalry could easily take over half of China, if they moved at speed. The only problem was the large unexplored land mass. What we knew about China were 5 unfortified provinces, 7 with minimal fortresses and a CoT in Shanghai. With a diplomatic skill of 1 (our monarch Thiha Thu did not “do” diplomacy, he mainly fought wars with out declaring war first. I was shocked when I heard this first) and Buddhism as state religion our annual income of 1 diplomat is just what we need.


After our longed-for diplomat arrived at the court he was immediately sent to the court of China. The day later, several Myanmar horsemen rode in to China, pillaging and slaughtering their way from poverty, with a big jealousy for the rich China. Surprisingly, we won many battles, even though the Chinese easily over numbered us. We did get a bit past +30 per cent after taking control of 4 provinces and a lot of won battles. They offered us the vast provinces Sichuan Pendi and Yunnan. Sichuan Pendi was actually Confucian, while Yunnan hads the more enjoyable Buddhism. With no fortresses, rebel scum would be a pain in the ass. However, in the end of this AAR they proved to be some what loyal.


With our reputation down to “Slightly Tarnished” for taking those two, no CB provinces, we decided to not being that brutal in the future. In 1422 we enter a royal marriage with Pegu, our ally. There are many peacocks at the dinner (not as the food, mind you. Peacocks are thought as holy here, you know!), they dance and show their magnificent feathers and we applaud and laugh (Asians have this strange humour).

After the delicious dinner we declare war on the damn un-clean Moslems of Arakan. Our goal is to liberate the provinces Chin and Santal from their dirty faith. We’ll remain their capital province though, we have our reputation to worry about. Just as our glorious armies invade Tarakan (in Arakan) Assam declare war.Well, their 10k army do not scare me, they don’t got any war elephants, that I’m sure of, and I know that their army mainly consists of infantry.


Chin falls, so does Tarakan. Taungu declares war on us in 1424. We dance and laugh out of happiness. War with all of SE Asia, great he-he! Ayutthaya, Cambodia and Vientiane joins Taungu. WE’RE DEAD MEAT! We wish to call up Pegu and their 13k army, and they join. In June 1425 the last province of Arakan falls, and we sign peace with them gaining Chin and Santal and 40 ducats. Now only the whole SE Asia to go…

In 1427, we get a new sovereign from the Innwa dynasty. Kalekyetaungnyo, also known as "The one who's name is hard to spell". Eventually, he got killed three years later, by a fanatic analphabet.

One thing I’d like to include, It’s a fucking annoyance with having your two most rich provinces without any fortresses. We’ve never been near 100 ducats and with our inflation on steady rise, we won’t. In 1428 we reach Trade Level 1, finally we can send merchants. 6 of them are sent to Bengal (less competitive than Malacca and with no colonized Indonesia, Bengal is still richer). Woho! In June 1428 China declares war! I’m not afraid at ALL for their 30k armies at our border. Two months later, to help us out in our war with Asia, we reach land technology 1 and we are now able to actually fight our enemies. What a relief, *puh*. The same year with our 100% war score over Assam, they accept to become our vassals. In the end of the year we reach infrastructure level 1 and we are now able to get an income above 1. Actually it’s up to 6 now with all those merchants. We also sign white peace with Taungu, but we are still in war versus Ayutthaya and China (which we have lost control of Yunnan and Sichuan Pendi to).

More glad news are to come when Bengal and Tibet send us a declaration of war. In great fury we take three loans, consisting of 600 ducats, and recruit troops all over the country. As much as unbelievable 4000 men are called up. Astonishing numbers, thanks to our manpower. In June 1429 we reach Naval Technology 1 and we can build ships, according to our admiral Senile-he. I ask him how the fuck peasants in the mountains (as we are) are going to build warships. He answers that he don’t know where my glasses are. I then ask him where he got his name Senile-he from. “It’s a very respectable clan here” he replies. Well, that would explain why Myanmar is in chaos. If you don’t believe me, look at this image:



A picture showing dumb peasants and some nice working elephants:

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Myanmar and Assam pretty much have the same situation at the beginning, and I can tell you that even with the help of Assam the Great King, as a good leader, I screw up quite a few games before beginning to write the AAR.

First lesson learned:

Never ever anger China...

It looks easy to conquer Chinese provinces at the beginning as they do not have any fortification, but China has a 50K army in the North, and as soon as they peace with Dai Viet (or worse, if Dai Viet stay China vassals), they turn on you if angry, and they are nasty...

Also, don't forget that in Asia, patience is an important virtue...

Haven't you try to take too much, too quickly ?

Don't forget to wait until BB points and revolt risks go lower before starting new wars... I can tell you, I have made the same mistakes, and skrewed up many times... :rolleyes:

Well, good luck.

It is interesting to see that quite a few AARs are focusing on South-East Asia at the same time, so we could compare our achievement (even with very different goals and styles ;) )

Originally posted by Cat Lord
Also, don't forget that in Asia, patience is an important virtue...

Haven't you try to take too much, too quickly ?

Don't forget to wait until BB points and revolt risks go lower before starting new wars... I can tell you, I have made the same mistakes, and skrewed up many times... :rolleyes:

Well, good luck.

It is interesting to see that quite a few AARs are focusing on South-East Asia at the same time, so we could compare our achievement (even with very different goals and styles ;) )

Yeah, I've thought of that. It's so many new AARs that focus on SE Asia and the SEA islands (South East Asia). It's been more focus on the territory, and I like it, 'cause the culture and the history is so... complicated and different :).
It's so many new AARs that focus on SE Asia and the SEA islands (South East Asia). It's been more focus on the territory, and I like it, 'cause the culture and the history is so... complicated and different

So true. Very complicated and difficult to find documentation, but enjoyable all the same. Glad to see the region get it's due. Good luck as you continue.
Originally posted by Damion
My parents were born in Burma. (myanmar)

Just thought you'd like to know :)

If you want some random history I may be able to dig some up.
Really? Cool!! I would be very appreciated if you could find some history for creation of events and leaders! Please, if you can, ask your parents what they know about Burmanese history. If you will do that, you are my best friend :D.
Originally posted by coz1

So true. Very complicated and difficult to find documentation, but enjoyable all the same. Glad to see the region get it's due. Good luck as you continue.
Thanks, I'll be following your "True Son of Heaven" with great pleisure.
Hojo Bubu-junior on the situation in Myanmar:

"So he's in tloubre, is he? No wondel, the cause is light thele fol arr to see. The sirry peopre of Myanmal substitute l's fol r's - but they don't substitue r's fol l's! Notice how they consistenry missperr Alakan Arakan, Santar Santal, and even the name of theil own nation. A shame, learry, a clying shame.

With such a sevele speech impediment, is it any wondel that they get tlounced by the infelnar opposition? I think not.

Now, if theil sirry lurels get clacking and lead theil dictionalies, they may yet sulplise us, but I feal not. Howevel, ret it not be said that I dispalage othel peopres' effolts: May you rive in intelesting times!"

Nice going. Always interesting to see a different approach to World Conquest :D
Bhalkfdppqufagatsrer (the one who's name is hard to spell):

Why should we change l's for l's? I don't see why? I think it is YOU that ale wlong this time!

And, did I mention WC? Got damn it! According to the last screenshot it's rather survival that would be my goal. And it really helps having an army of astonishing 765 infantry and 890 cavalry.