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wannabe american
Dec 31, 2001
late 1914

As i walk down the street to no10 I am expecting a normal day at the office . Couple of things to sign possibly some protest over the P.M's latest desision and news from across the channel where a massive conflict looks to be breaking out. Then to my horror i walk down another street and see a crowd all talking. I rush over to see what the fuss is all about. A big sign is what the fuss is about announcing that the Germans have invaded Belgium. My heart sank. I knew there was no way out now. I rushed to Downing Street and wasn't suprised to see a big crowd of Journalists outside. I walked in and sat down at my usual place.

Everyone looked tense and i knew why. This could be our biggest conflict since Napoleon one said.

At last the P.M came and sat down and with him came a couple of men from the army. Right he said whats the situation?

For a couple of seconds no one said nothing then i replied
" The Germans are attacking Artois the only Belgian Terrortory not under thier control. Some 5,000 Belgians and 6,000 French troops are doing thier best but they wont last long.

If we go into this war , The Foreign Secretary said then we face many enemy's . Obviously theres the Germans but the Ottomans in North Africa will need attention and The Austrians will look to seize Malta and Cyprus.

And the allies? The P.M said
I responded first. The French and Russians and We can Expect help from India facing Turkey as for Australia , New Zealand and South Africa who knows?

O.K said the P.M at last and our fighting forces?
General Smith butted in. We have an army of 60,000 men waiting to cross to calais and have a fleet of 20 warships and 30 transports.

And what about Africa? The P.M questioned
6,000 troops and 3 warships.
Not enough slammed the P.M
We are going to have to call up 2 million men and that will be stretching it. So it was agreed and The Prime Minister was about to go and make the announcement when a message came over.

Belgium has fallen , 5,000 French troops taken prisoner and 4,000 belgian troops awaiting rescue. Rescue them The P.M slammed we will need all the men we can get!
On a dark sunday evening a British Task Force set off for Flandern . The task to help evacuate up to 10,000 Belgian and French troops stranded on a beach. At midnight it arrived and with no fire at all the troops were saved. The Troops were taken to London where the army told them of the plans.

I only heard about British Deployement through my Butler early one morning. Basically the French and Belgian Troops had set off with 10,000 British Troops for The Algiers. There they would meet 2 Indian Armys and an Australian Battalion. The Turks had taken no time in taking over British Held Egypt and French Tunisia and Libya. Although they got bogged down as they came into Algiers through some skilled work from the French Troops Stationed there.

So a week later 20,000 French , 4,000 Belgians , 25,000 Indians and 15,000 British Troops staged thier first assault on The Turkish Army .

Meanwhile in Europe the Germans had taken no time in putting themselves in a stronger position. On the 4th March they invaded France and captured Calais in 4 days. They also ran into Denmark demanding Jylland . the Danes refused so Denmark was occupied. Unlike the Belgians only 1,000 men of the Danish Army escaped and fled to Paris itself was in Danger from Germany. Worse was to come because in April the Austrians started an offensive in France. Despite mounting losses against the Russians they captured Savoy and Provence from France. This was going to have terrible consequences elsewhere.

In Mid April the Entente Armies in Africa had pushed the Turks back into Syria but because of the invasion's in France all French Troops were recalled. A meeting in Norway in June between The British , French and Russians resulted in little. Despite the P.M's claims to the French African Forces th French would not be moved. And who would be. Marsielle and Lyon were taken by the Austrians. Picardie , Caux and Orleans by The Germans. The Russians and Our P.M agreed a new ally was needed one that could Fight in Africa and On the Western Front and so we looked whilst there seemed to be no hope of winning....
May 1915 western Front , Picardie

General Dan Cook was in all parts an American . But like quite a few Americans was of German Blood. He had moved to Germany to study. Joining the armed forces he had quickly risen to General.
Now he was about to be involved in a big German offensive to take Paris. By This point 67,000 German men were in France. 45,000 of which were under Cook. He new he had to Eliminate the Entente 4th Army before he could enter Paris but this wouldnt be hard. The Germans outnumbered Field Marshall Ariel's Combined British , Danish , Belgian and Indian army 3:1 this was going to spell the end of the war for France. If Paris was taken Just 2 French Army's remained. Both were occupied with the Austrians. On May 15th The battle of Paris started. Initially for Cook things went well and he was getting closer and closer to Paris in fact he could almost smell the Eiffel Tower. But Ariel had other idea's

On the 21st Ariel recieved re enforcements from Britain and an Army from Russia which had somehow made its way through from the german controlled Baltic. Now he had 30,000 men under his control and with the Entente holding the high ground he had the advantage. Every assault he saw a mile off. Cook realising he was almost beaten asked for reinforcements but none ever arrived. The Germans were now pressed against the russians putting 7 Army's against them in Warsaw. Cook seeing no alternative retreated back to Picardie to wait for Ariels Advance.

But for 3 weeks there was no advance. Ariels army had become depleted. Indian troops were needed in Africa where the Turk's were threatening the Indian Homeland and the Russian Army had Gone home to Relieve Fighters on the Eastern Front. Every Day he was promised new troops but they never came. The British were hard pressed. 50,000 men were in Serbia fighting there. 20,000 in Africa and 60,000 were bogged down in trenches in France because Germany controlled most of Northern France it was hard to get Reinforcements in.

Meanwhile Lord Durham a high ranking advisor to the PM was making plans of his own. On the 18th he visited Naples and officially signed the Italy-Entente pact which saw The Italians join the war. Britain and France offered aid to fight the Austrians. Aid such as arms and Money in Exchange for Italian troops to come to France. At first Itlay disagreed with this but the sinking of several Italian ships by Austrian and German Destroyers. They were promised Naval Protection by the Navy in Malta. At last this was the Breathing space The allies needed now everything seemed positive . In August Canada joined the war and 6,000 Canadians joined Ariels Entente 4th Army which was a famous army by this point and on the western front seemed to be the allies best
A 'high-ranking' advisor, eh? Nice start, nice premise. Do you have a screen of the starting positions by any chance?

Oh, and take care of that Canadian contingient. They're the only ones who don't run from mustard gas... ;)
Originally posted by Lord Durham
A 'high-ranking' advisor, eh? Nice start, nice premise. Do you have a screen of the starting positions by any chance?

Oh, and take care of that Canadian contingient. They're the only ones who don't run from mustard gas... ;)

In all seriousness, the Canadian forces in the first world war were the most feared troops. They performed the best in all availble threatres. Sadly, this meant they were given al the crap jobs like Jukon Hill *shudders at the horror*
Actually the *most* feared were the Newfoundand regiments (Nfld not being part of Canada yet...it was only after WW-II that they agreed to join our nation in exchange for serious infrastructure investments by the Federal government). Of the pre-WW-I male population of an eligible age, 60% died in the war.

I agree, though, that our armed forces distinguished themselves greatly in several of the major battles and we do take a great deal of pride in that. In fact it was mostly by virtue of our military's performance that we gained international prestige and got to be part of several of the more important leagues of nations (I'm thinking security council of NATO and the G7 here).

This will be interesting indeed. How does the AON handle the early fighter squadrons...or does it?
yeah dan this is the same one that your fiddling with. Being the Germans i thought you should become a General of one of thier biggest armies on the western front

I have tried to fiddle a bit but until i get scenario editor the war with the ottomans is fictional :(
Originally posted by MrT
Actually the *most* feared were the Newfoundand regiments (Nfld not being part of Canada yet...it was only after WW-II that they agreed to join our nation in exchange for serious infrastructure investments by the Federal government). Of the pre-WW-I male population of an eligible age, 60% died in the war.

I agree, though, that our armed forces distinguished themselves greatly in several of the major battles and we do take a great deal of pride in that. In fact it was mostly by virtue of our military's performance that we gained international prestige and got to be part of several of the more important leagues of nations (I'm thinking security council of NATO and the G7 here).

This will be interesting indeed. How does the AON handle the early fighter squadrons...or does it?

I didn't know that Newfoundland wasn't always part of Canada. Who owned it before, or was it independent? Intriguing.
And I was including those chaps in my 'Canadian' catagory anyway, so I was kinda right :)

Either way, hats off to the Canucks :) well done. Yes, you may beam with ancestral pride now. ;)
Don't give the Canucks an inch! They'll take a mile. Besides we all know who won the great war :rolleyes::D and I don't think they've been mentioned yet.

Actually Im glad your doing this pds, seeing the same conflict from two different sides shoud be interesing, nice start.

June 1915 North Africa .
A newley appointed Field Marshall took control of the Entente 3rd Army which by now was struggle in what seemed as a never ending retreat . Field Marshall Rictus stepped off his Ship in Tunisia with 4,000 other British troops . By now 1,000 Belgian , 12,000 British , 10,000 Indian and a newly arrived 3,000 Italian troops. Italy which by now had invaded Venice was planning an Amphibious landing In Alexandria to cut off some 100,000 Turkish Troops which seemed unstoppable. Some 40,000 Italians lead by General Caesar would invade in the first day alone.

In Europe things went from bad to worse for the French as they were now basically protected by the British . Inflicting losses drew the French closer and closer to surrender. By now Northern France was German. Most of Southern France was Austrian just the West and Paris were standing. Despite being surrounded Ariels 4th Army now mostly made up of Canadian's stood firm. Another 6 assaults by Cook had failed and the General had lost 50% of his men. A new technology was Ariels only hope. Dropping supply's from the air force was the only way. Was Ariel about to surrender?

On the Eastern Front and the biggest German army reached Moscow. By this point another meeting by the Allies saw the Tsar wanting to quit the war. He complained that the peasants in St Petersburg and been complaining a lot recently and talk of revolution was high. The Allies would not back down till the August when finnaly the Russian Revolution started and Russia was out the war giving significant amount of land's to Germany and Austria. Now the Allies were doomed as all resources were put on them . Within weeks the Germans transported 120,000 men to France more men than France currently had in its fighting forces and almost as much men as General Luc , The supreme commander in France had in British men . By now cook was ready to assault and in mid September. Ariel and 30,000 men of the 4th Entente army surrendered.
are you playing my scenario modified or someone else's?

ALso on troop quality, here are generally accepted fact on the Western front.

The best overall troops were those of elite German divisions and commonwealth troops of Australia, New Zealand and Canada because they came from such wild rugged areas of the world.
Originally posted by Rath Jones
not to continue a debate :rolleyes:, but who was supplying the money/equipment for the equipment that allowed unnamed persons to fight "on their own". :D, couldn't resist that one.


Heheh, only on the provisio we give it back - with interest ;)

Good stuff pds, lets hope I kick ass in Africa, eh?