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Court Jester
Feb 28, 2002
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Grand Campaign

EUII Version 1.05 (no modifications)

Difficulty Level: Hard
AI Agressiveness: Normal
Forced Annexation: On
Fog of War: On
Dynamic Missions: Off
Base Victory Points: On

State Culture:


Initial Slider Settings

Initial Max Manpower:


1. Survive.
2. Enter the colonizing game.
3. Maintain a decent reputation. (not a "land grab" approach)
4. Still...I'd like to...Raise a little hell and have some fun along the way.;)
5. Spread the Georgian culture to the new world.
Originally posted by Backpack

1. Survive.
2. Enter the colonizing game.
3. Maintain a decent reputation. (not a "land grab" approach)
4. Still...I'd like to...Raise a little hell and have some fun along the way.;)
5. Spread the Georgian culture to the new world. [/B]

That last one seems a little tricky, and #3 and #4 seem slightly contradictory, but I'll be reading...;)
Aha! I saw your avatar change, Backpack, and now I know why.

Georgia will certainly be a nice challenge for a game. Especially if the Ottomans wipe out Byznatium quickly. You might be faced with a big, mean neighbor who has a CB shield on your capital province...

This will prove enlightening.
Night. A man in a high-vaulted, narrow Gothic chamber sits restlessly in his chair hunched over a small wooden desk. A light scratching noise can be heard as words are put down on parchment. Periodically the feathered quill in his hand dips into a jar of ink as the writing continues.

This kingdom I have ruled
For many, many years
But it is myself which has been fooled
For the devil turns the gears
Such a deal he offered me
My little kingdom by the sea
My greed, oh it was great
And on that night I sealed my fate…
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MrT., Secret Master, Carolus Rex:

Thanks for the support guys.:) Georgia is definitey going to be a challenge with the state culture limit and political hotspot location.

We'll see how this one turns out. Update posts will probably be fairly slow. The presentation style I have selected is rather ambitious for my mental midget mind.;)
This'll be interesting. I can't remember seeing a Georgia AAR before.

I can live with slow updates, as long as they keep coming...
The Devil Went Down To Georgia

The devil went down to Georgia
He was looking for a soul to steal
And he was in a bind
'Cause he was way behind
And was willin' to make a deal.

When he came upon this young man playing
a fiddle and playin' it hot
the devil jumped up on a hickory
stump and said,
"Boy let me tell you what:

I bet you didn't know it
but I'm a fiddle player too,
And if you care to take a dare
I'll make a bet with you
Now you play a pretty good fiddle boy
But give the devil his due
I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul
'Cause I think I'm better than you."

The boy said, "My name's Johnny
And it might be a sin
But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret
'Cause I'm the best that's ever been."

Johnny you rosin up your bow and play your
fiddle hard 'Cause hell's broke loose in Georgia
And the devil deals the cards
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold
But if you lose the devil gets your soul.

The devil opened up his case and he said,
"I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips

As he rosined up his bow
And he pulled the bow across the strings
And it made an evil hiss
Then a band of demons joined in
And it sounded something like this

When the devil finished Johnny said,
"Well you're pretty good ol' son!
But sit down in that chair right there
And let me show you how it's done!"

Fire on the mountain, run boys run
Devil's in the house of the rising sun
Chickens in the breadpan, picking out dough
Granny does your dog bite? No, child, no

The devil bowed his head
Because he knew that he'd been beat,
And he laid that golden fiddle
On the ground at Johnny's feet
Johnny said, "Devil, just come on back
if you ever wanna try again.
I done told you once,
You son-of-a-bitch,
I'm the best that's ever been!"

He played:
Fire on the mountain, run boys run
Devil's in the house of the rising sun
Chickens in the breadpan, picking out dough
Granny does your dog bite? No, child, no.

Bring it on, bub! :cool:
Ah, great song! :) One of the highlights of non-Dylan songs in Dylan's career (shoot me if I'm wrong)...

Oh, and Backpack... nice going! Georgia is worse than Norway, GC-wise... :cool:
Aw come on LD. Don't spoil his whole plot line...:D
Originally posted by Norgesvenn
Ah, great song! :) One of the highlights of non-Dylan songs in Dylan's career (shoot me if I'm wrong)...

Oh, and Backpack... nice going! Georgia is worse than Norway, GC-wise... :cool:

[bang]shoots Norgesvenn[/bang] :)

Although Charlie Daniels did play on a number of Dylan albums, and on (for all you Canadians) IMO Leonard Cohen's best album (Songs of Love and Hate).

Erm... musical digression over. Pray continue, Backpack. This looks like a good read.
Act I, Scene I: Armenia

The year was one four one nine
A sacrifice was needed
So an ally I would entwine
Our DoW was heeded
Ak Koyunlu crossed the line
Their siege of Trebizond succeeded
But yet Armenia is mine
For Georgia’s black and silver storm
Had crossed the valleys warm
Then raged throughout the land
Like legions of the damned
Their last fortress had been breached
Peace was offered next
“Take Armenia!” the enemy beseeched
As my ally they annexed…
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OOC: Wow, I didn't think that people would get so excited over this AAR.:) Uhhhh...hate to disappoint you guys...but...the title was just something I thought would be catchy....the actual AAR will be poetic....and...although quite different from...was inspired by Goethe's Faust.

I had thought about doing a comic southern red neck humor AAR...but...didn't think I could keep it funny for 400 years.:(
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Act I, Scene II: The Crimea

And then my eyes upon Crimea fell
A land where the Genoese did dwell
A group of people I despised
With Athens, Tuscany, and Siena they allied
In a quest for aid to reach my ends
Some diplomats I will dispatch
Naples and Aragon become my friends
They believe our visions match
Papal States and Albania add their banners
With the Pope I mind my manners
Tuscany sends a declaration of war
They will tolerate our alliance not one day more
At Kerch and Kaffa we invade
Where the enemy is laid to waste
Building a fleet that won’t be swayed
Many victories may they taste
Fresh troops board the ships
The oarsmen pull to cracks from whips
I hope my squadron will not be found
For it is to Tuscany that the King is bound
With eight thousand men I roll the dice
While in Firenze Aragon lays siege
Four galleys survive, attacked twice
“Control is yours oh foriegn liege.”
Allied forces watch the walls
Six months later the fortress falls
Taking two provinces in a deal for peace
We allow Tuscany’s life new lease…
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Some Amplifying Information:

In 1434 Georgia is much like the almond in a frozen Hershey bar...locked between an alliance of the Golden Horde, Ak Koyunlu, Dulkadir, and the Ottoman Empire. Our allies (who were helpful against Genoa) now seem very far away...
Act I, Scene III: The Golden Horde

The years they slowly wander
But what to do I wonder
As I plan, I plot, I ponder
Perhaps our agreement was a blunder
Prior gains I must not squander
So this alliance we shall sunder
A scheming Georgia leaves Albania
To form new bonds with Lithuania
In the cold of winter our states conspire
For it is Astrakan which I desire
Soon the plans have all been laid
Then armies struggle with a dethroned lord
Return to Georgia a center of trade
And several chunks of the Golden Horde…
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Georgia's current allies are Lithuania and Bohemia.
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Wow! You are brave Backpack. This is about as ambitious an AAR as you could attempt (I was thinking along the same lines for a future AAR styled on the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner).

Let me say right now, from the outset, that I doubt you'll get a very large readership for this effort. My "studies" and the responses to the surveys don't really make me think that it will gain wide acclaim, so I hope you're both very determined and very self-motivated since you're not likely to get much feedback.

Having said that, under no circumstances allow yourself to get frustrated by it! I think you've got a really great idea and I fully intend to read, enjoy and cajole you along the way. I hope there are a few others who will do so too, just to continue to encourage you.

I applaud your effort. If, for some terrible reason, I happen to forget to drop by and comment frequently enough, please PM or e-mail me and tell me that I'm missing out...I'll be by in a flash. (Honestly...do it. I've got so much on the go that I sometimes forget what I've read recently and end up missing out on some real gems. I won't think you're pleading for attention or anything...really!)

Now, to the AAR itself:

It looks like you're making some pretty good headway in spite of the alliance you had to revoke and the nations you're sandwiched between. If you continue to gobble up territory to the north, Russia shouldn't pose too great a problem to you when it everntually forms. My guess is that your greatest threat will be from the Mughal Empire in about 75 years since they seem to want to head northwards to...or possibly from Poland/Lithuania if it decides to head your way. I wonder if you can engineer a defensive alliance somewhere in there? Austria or Sweden maybe?

With a little interpretive effort I can follow your verse quite well. There are some rather oblique bits of information, but it's coming across quite well to my eye (and ear...I find it easier to recite your passages aloud - at least to my mental ear - when reading) so I think you're handling the style very nicely.

Keep it up. I promise to keep reading this most innovative effort.