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Field Marshal
Mar 28, 2001
During the summer of 1914, Europe was a powder keg waiting to explode.

When Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria visited Bosia in June of 1914, he was killed by Gavrilo Prinzip.


Franz Ferdinand


Gavrilo Prinzip

Austria blamed Serbia for the assasination. They demanded that Serbia let investigators in to investigate. Serbia refused.

In July, Austria started shelling Serbian targets and declared war. Russia mobilized in helping Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia and France.

The Great War is on!


Kaizer Bill
I vunder ver doz Americans are in all of dis?
Little Belgium's massive forts proved to be no match for the mighty guns of Krupp Works.


After Belgium's demise, France launched a frontal assault at the river Marne. It failed miserably and soon after Paris fell. The French government begged for peace, offering Calais, Picardy, Nivaras, and Champaign.


There was a New Order in Europe with France humiliated once again, but the Kaiser had bigger fish to fry...
After the collapse of France and peace returning, the Kaiser had several options of advance to choose from:

Reader Input

Plan North: Invade Denmark to gain Jyland and Iceland to isolate England.

Plan South: Invade Italy even though our relations with them are at an all time high.

Plan East: Support a Polish state and crush the Russians once and for all.

Plan SouthEast: Support Austria-Hungry with their proxy war against Serbia and Greece. Be warned that the Ottomans may try something.
Are you still at war with Russia? I cannot remember anything about a peace with them. Plan East therefore it is.

Otherwise Plan North would be nice
Plan North. Don't ally with Sweden....Crush them as well!!! hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!