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Northern Expansion - January 1419-June 1421

January 1, 1419,

A new Duke rises to the throne of Lorraine. A very ambitious man it seems, his name is Charles II (5-3-3). He plans to expand, where, no one knows. Yet.

Nine thousand men are raised in the capital, Nancy and move to the Northern border of the province of Lorraine. In June, a declaration of war is issued to the Duke of Luxembourg, causing unrest amongst the Peasents (-3 stability).

The Duke has claims on Burgundian lands, but Burgundy is much to strong for tiny Lorraine to attack, even know they be at war with the French.

The Lorraninan army marches to Luxembourg and defeats the small army there, reducing it to half of it's original size. Two more victories against new Luxembourgian recruits and the original army follow, causing Luxembourg to be defenseless.

The siege of Luxembourg stretched out two years, the city finally surrendering and annexed on June 4th, 1421. A great victory indeed for Lorraine. Maybe the Duke is not crazy in his thoughts of expansion.
I think it was a sign from god.... apocalypse CTD.....

I've always wondered what CTD really stood for. :p
How about.

"Complete Total Distruction."

Originally posted by Storey
I've always wondered what CTD really stood for. :p
How about.

"Complete Total Distruction."

Ah Joe, it never ceases to amaze me how often you mangle the English language. Everyone knows it's "Complete Total Dystruction" :rolleyes: