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Apr 13, 2002
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Imperium Ottomanicus.

This game is an attempt unify the entire world under a relatively benevolent and "modern" regime. (full free. Full centralised. Innovative. probably plutocrat.) There will be no cheating or reloading. (save CTDs) On the other hand I *will* use any tactic I can dream up no matter how cheesy or exploitative it may be...

V-hard, furious, 1419, ottomans.
Reign of Mehmed I.

Jan 1.
My ministers report that I have a treaty of millitary access with the Byzantines which is really a shame as I would really like to add that great city to my domains. On the other hand the Byzantines have a millitary alliance with Trezibon. And Trezibon exists only on my sufferance. (permanent CB. The ottomans have a lot of those.)
I order that the farmers in the empire be given the right to buy the land they work if they can scrape up the cash. (-1 serfdom), also I ban catholics and shiite from publicly worshipping in the empire. Not that there are any shiites or chatolics in the empire
but it seems to please the orthodox and sunni clergy. Further I order all my millitary forces save the 8 cannon I bought from a foreign trader to march to Byzantium.
Due to really abdismal state of the roads I make the decision to divert all public funds save millitary maintaince to infrastucture. One can't build a decent new roman empire without roman class roads you know. In fact. Lets mothball the fleet.
(maintainance to a minimum) Buzy day.

Jan 23. Finally the last of my armies stand before the treble walls of Byzantium.Gee, they've fallen into disrepair. (Only a level 2 fortress? WTF?) I order them merged and split into a cavalry and infantry army, and dispatch a diplomat to Trezibon with a DOW. Marvels of marvels. The Byzantines honour their treaty and
battle begins. Allah is great. So is massive mumerical superiority.
Feb 9. After 16 days of battle the byzantine armies are destroyed to the last man. I order 10.000 foot and all my cavalry to march on Trezibon. This leaves 20.000 foot sieging Byzantium. I ispatch my cannon to help with the siege.
march 27. A force of 2000 raw recruits make a doomed sally from byzantium. They die.
April 15. My 15000 strong cavalry arrive in trezibon and vipe out the 6000 men stationed there.
April 27. 6000 _very_ recently knighted trezibon cavalry charge out of the gates. They lose, and a few days later the infantry I sent to trezibon arrives to take over the siege and I dispatch the cavalry in pursuit of the fleeing Trezibon army.
may 30. The last of the Byzantine + Trezibon armies are defeated in angora. I order 12000 foot to move from the siege of byzantium to Macedonia and dispatch my cavalry to the same location. The duchy of Athens stands is in the way of complete
conquest of byzantine territory. That cannot be tolerated.
July 11. My armies stand ready in Macedonia and I dispatch a DOW to the Duchy. The courier is closely followed by an army of 14400 cavalry and 2 armies of 6000 foot. Given that the total forces of the Atheneans are 6000 men the outcome is pretty
predictable. Morea is undefended and I dispatch one of the foot armies to siege it and withdraw my 13800 cavalry to Macedonia. Time to wait for the sieges to complete. Hellas falls in december but refuses to yield as they still have allies. 9000 of whom
are suddenly sieging Smyrna. Hmm. Checks. Only 900 cavalry. I order my cavaly to remove them from my territory. Tuscany looses 9000 men and offers me a 50 ducat peace. hmm. No. Siena and Modena offer white peaces. I take those.
Then I offer to Annex the Duchy again. Yhea! Success. Stab = 2.

Feb 1420. Byzantium falls into my hands. I dispatch my cannon to Morea. Trazbon also falls to my armies but due to a shortage of diplomats I can't annex them just yet.
May. Got a diplomat trained, annexed Trezibon, Stab = 3, all 8 cannon arrive in morea.
June. Tuscany offers me a 10 ducat peace. I take it. Morea falls. I can't make any ultimatums to byzantium just now as I am rather lacking diplomats. But the byzantines offer 79 gold and Morea, which I accept.
The Byzantines seem to have made another millitary alliance to replace the one with Trezibon. They've allied themselves with Genoa and Georgia. I dispatch my cannon back to byzantium (I still have millitary access.) and move my armies
(save 10000 foot and 8 cannon in Byzantium) to Trazbon to await the training of another diplomat.
August sees the development of a new taxation system to support my roadbuilding and infrastructure programme. (Infrastructure 1. I build 9 taxcollectors, wiping out my treasury.) In septemper I get a report from my mothballed fleet, that while idleing around the harbor one of my officers has come up with an
improvement to the shipboard ballista. I order him promoted. And he is now an idle captain instead of an idle navigator.. (Naval tech 1)
November finally sees the training of a new diplomat and I DOW Georgia. Byzantium honors the treaty and I start sieging the great city again. I raise war taxes and charge Georgia. Stab 2.

December. Moldavia DOWs me? Pretty suicidal. I'll deal with them when I've got Georgia under siege. Darn. I loose a battle with Georgia despite massive numerical and cavalry superiority. my armies retreat to Trazibon and I decide to wait for morale
to rebuild. On the plus side Genoa offers me a white peace. Which I take.
1421 July.
Reign of Murad II.
New Monarch. Very *good* monarch. And millitary commander. Murad II appears in Trache. I leave him there to speed up the siege. Georgia is subdued and left under siege while the surplus armies are sent to byzantium. War taxes raised again. Stab 1. 4000 cavalry hired.
July. Trache falls. 10000 foot under my personal (murad II) command dispatched to deal with the invasion by the moldavian alliance. Bulgaria has fallen to Wallachia and Drobuja to Moldavia. I decide to pound the Moldavians into a thin paste and ignore their allies. When the leader falls the rest will follow.

December. If only the allies would ignore *me* My army, en route to drobuja was attacked by 26000 wallachians. I kicked their asses though. (Murad II is a 3,3,4,1 millitary leader. Helps a lot.) The 4000 new cavalry arrived just in time to be joined with the rest of the army before attacking the hostile forces in drobuja. Numerical superiority, morale superiority, cavalry superiority,
superior leadership. Even if Murad II says so himself, the outvome of that campaign was not in doubt.

1422 January. I raise wartaxes again and annex byzantium. Net result: stab 1.
March. I decide the fate of the patricate. I appoint a new patriarch. +1 centralisation. +1 stab. Stab = 2. I make constantinople the new capital. Yhea! Further centralisation + 2 stab. 3 free convesions to state religion and turkish culture.
Stab = 3. Also I tear up the trade agreements with Vencie and Genoa and a trade center appears in Trache. +2 mercantailist + 6 merchants.

November. The cities of Georgia finally fall. Also a plauge strikes
Hellas. Georgia refuses an offer of 2000 gold and sochi for peace.
I'll try again with a request for 1000 gold and Sochi. They yield. and pay me 70 gold, Heh.

April 1424. *Finally* moldavia falls. I thought that siege would go on forever. They yield bujack and the contents of their treasury readily enough. Another 10000 cavalry are hired bringing my armies up to 12000 foot and 16000 horse. + 8 cannon.

May. Gift to the state. +100 gold.

June. I DOW Albania to get at Ragusa who are in an alliance with venice. Albania looses all their armies in less than a month and I leave a sieging force, DOW Ragusa and march on that city(state).
March. The venetians have captured smyrna and have troops all over the place.. But Ragusa just fell the the cannon and cunning of Murad II and as the leader of their alliance I ask the Ragusians for all the venetian provinces I have CB shields on. Which is all of them, save their capital. Dalmatia, Corfu, Crete and Ionia fall into my hands. Also 276 gold.
I did say I'd use any tactic short of cheating didn't I? Since I now have catolics inside the empire I decide to tolerate them.

July. Ak koyonly, Dulakir, candar and the golden horde invite me to join their war against Georgia. Whatever did the Georgians do to offend the gods so? I decide to pile on their misery and join the alliance. The sheikh-ul-islam office is suggested. Thanks, but no thanks. +1 innovative. -2 stab. Albania falls and is annexed. +30 victory points (mission) +1 stab. stab = 2.
Naples who were Albanias feudal overlords and allies offer me a 25 gold peace. Sure.

October. I take charge of the siege in georgia with 3000 horse and a reigning monarch. 4000 soldiers from the papal states attempt to siege Dalmatia. I am at war with the papal states? Infrastructure II is reached. I increase naval maintaince and pull my rather large navy out of mothballs.
(I've gotten such a pile of galleys from annexations.)
Time to put a hurting on the pope. 6 merchants are sent to Alexandria.

january 1426. Georgia falls and is annexed. Stab = 3. Two naval victories over the pope and the fleet is approaching dalmatia
with a 14000 strong relieving force. A few victories and some 8000 papal casulties later the pope suggests that he might graciously agree to a peace if I pay *him* 30 ducats. Okay.
Whatever. Just go away.
I get a natioalist revolt in sochi and send the army to deal with it. Apparantly since they were never a part of the original roman empire they don't want to be a part of my empire either. We'll see about that. A state gift is sent to our friends and allies in candar enormously improving our relations.
In May the ruler of candar offers me his daughter in marriage. I accept. In october the ruler of ak konloyo does likevise. I accept. It is /good/ to be a muslim prince. I do hope they'll get along. :)

In july I DOW Serbia. Wallachia and Moldavia join the fun. In august I get hit by "poor goverment policies" Must spend less time with wives and more on paperwork. Hmm. Unless I can persuade the wives to help with the paperwork.

December. Serbia falls, freeing up enough troops to essay an assault of 10000 cavalry on wallachia. Victory! Muhrad II is the greatest commander ever:) So say both his lovely brides. :)))

Ak Kuyonlu ask that I honor my treaty of alliance and DOW Qara
Okay. I am also asked to DOW karaman and Teke. Again ok.
I recruit some more cavalry, leave 5000 men sieging wallachia and rush to kosovo since cannon + my personal persense should reduce that province in short order, freeing up troops to attack elsewhere.-

november 1428. Kosovo captured. moldavia under siege, wallachia fallen. Then I get "support for dissidents abroad" And I don't have 25 gold. Arrghh. I take the stab hit. Stab 1. I Annex wallachia. Stab = 2.

January 1429. I suggest to my favorite banker Abraham that it might be a good buisness proposition to loan peasants the cash they need to become self-owning farmers. He agrees. For some bisarre reason this upsets some members of the nobility. (-1 serfdom. -1 stab)
Stab = 1
I lay siege to the city state of Teke and the capital of Karaman.

April. Moldavia falls and is promtly annexed. Stab = 2

April 1430. Have vassalised teke, am sieging all of karaman and Qara. Karaman looses all but their core provice and are vassalised to boot. Qara gets vassalised. An exceptional court painter shows up and gets hired.

January 1431. I invade Cyprus and Rhodes.
Cyprus falls in june and is promtly annexed. Stab = 3. Rhodes holds out until septemper. I raise wartaxes and annex them.
December. Another painter? I'll hire her. Thanks to the wartaxes at peace and stab = 3 the census tax nets 400 gold. Nice. Lets repeat that stunt a few times. I hire some more cavalry and DOW Ragusa. Bosnia, Venice and Genoa honor their alliance with Ragusa. I decide not to involve my allies. Bosnia falls in the spring of 1434 and venice and genoa offer white peaces, Which I accept. I hold of on the war-taxing and annexing until July so that wartaxes will still be in effect come january 1.
Ragusa holds out until june 1435 and gets annexed (with accompagnying wartax) in july. Then I DOW croatia. Who are Allied with hungary, transylvania, and a couple of
german minors. Then somebody assainates a noble. Darn.
Stab =2

June 1436. A foreign drill instructor is available. Since I'm pretty flush with cash he gets hired. Croatia, transylvania, banat and serbia falls. Transyvania gets annexed (stab = 3)
and I use the 100% peace with croatia to grab a buch of CB provinces from hungary. Hungary is reduced to 4 provices..

November. I enter a Royal marriage with the golden Horde. Must pick the last one with care. The prophet did decree a maximum of 4 wives after all. I send a personal gift to the inlaws in Candar.
Then eveything goes to shit. Poland + lithuania DOW me and I loose some 20000 horse fighting them in the very hostile lands called "the polish winter" I can't afford this. I mean that literally. My armies cost a bleeding fortune to raise (19 gold per 1000 horse) I decide to avoid major battles as far as possible and concentrate on sieging lithuanian provinces. (lithuania is the leader of the alliance.) I start replenishing my armies. On the bright side 1439 sees a strengthening of the yeomanry, as I pass new laws restricting the maximum length of apprenticeships to 5 years. (-1 serfdom)
This naturally pisses of a number of guild masters. I could hardly care significantly less.
Infrastructure reaches III. I could now commision distilleries. If I had the money, that is.

in 1440 an uncooperative philosopher arrives from Spain and instantly starts critising my regime. I can see why the spaniards kicked him out, but I restrain my passing impulse to have him thrown in the dungeons. (+1 innovative. -2 stab.)
Stab = 0. Must annex somebody soon.
I also reach landtech 2.
After I've conqoured 3 lithuanian provices the polish-lithuanian alliance agrees to relinquish jedisan, and return the provices the poles had occupied.

In june 1441 another drill instructor appears and I take out two loans to pay the man. Arrgh. thats 2 % of inflation i did not need. on the upside my armies are just one step from full quality and two from full offensive.
Febuary 1442. Getting tired of the occasional revolt I decide to distract the population with a display of martial glory. I DOW Croatia with the aim of annexing that country.
Yhea! I appoint an excellent minister. Go me.
The mameluks and the bohemian alliance then DOW me. I get the impression I am less than perfectly popular. (and my rep is a mere very bad too.) Croatia falls to my armies and I annex em. That should rid me of the 1% revolt risk. Hmm. The Bohemian alliance includes several one-provice minors.. Free stabilty!
Venice DOWs me. I think I need a larger army. Venice and Mantua get marked for death and I return 106 percent worth of coreprovinces to hungary. This drops my badboy to "rather bad" and blocks the path the armies of the Bohemian alliance would have to take to get at me. I plan to retake those lands in 5 years.. I also hire 15000 cavalry.
april 1443. Some 60000 of my enemies are piled up in Istra dying of attrition.
Stab increase from monarch skill. Stab = 2

Then the clergy announce that the way my regime tolerates artists, jews, and artificers is an affront to god and must be dealt with. I tell them to go screw themselves. I think I may have hit a sore spot there, because one of them had a heart attack
on the spot. I think this may disturb the populance a bit..
stab = 0. Lombardia just recived a deathsentence.
I sail troops past Istra and lay siege to venice and mantua.
The alliances against me just keep pouring in men to the siege of Istra. I estimate that several hundred thousand die by attrition.
Manuta falls in september 1444 and promts several members of the "anti-ottoman" alliances to settle for a white peace. Including milan and I accidentially accepted. *Arrgh*
Stab = 1
Venice soon falls and is annexed.
Stab = 2
January 1445. Is an exceptional year. Yhea! Inflation = 0.
the remains of the armies sieging Istra get crushed by my armies returning from the siege of venice. Are the fools going to sue for peace soon? Ah yes. They did. My navy is absurdly large at this point as I inherited the venetian fleet.
October. I get hit by a wave of obscuratism... That is pretty horrible. For the first time in the game I move the finance slider away from full infrastructure.
To full cash.
I need to buy a peace with the mamelukes pronto. Also the loans are coming due pretty soon.
June 1446. The loans are repaid in full, peace has been bought with the mamelukes and I am rushing hinter and youn putting down revolts. Slider is put back to full infrastructure.
1447. I am petitioned for redress. Hmm. No.
Stab = 1.
I spend the next few years trying to imrove the relations with my eastern co-religionists and rebuilding the army. In 1449 I decide to say "screw that", ban slavery and slavetrading within the ottoman empire (-1 serfdom) and DOW Hungary.
And then I get a boundary dispute with the mamelukes. Yhea! free stab. Stab = 1
1451. New monarch. And he is actually *better* than Murad II. 9,9,9 monarch skills, and military commander skills to the tune of A veritable demigod.

And then Milan DOWS me. YES! They are so going down. I may only have 13700 horse. But those are 13700 landtech 2 horse with strong morale and under the command of Meh.Med II. This is pretty much an invincible army. Milan just declared themselves "Free Stab"...
Anybody interested in the further adventures of the ottoman world-conquest?

Though I am surprised that your BB wars are so few and far between.
Badboy wars? I'm not anyplace _near_ dishonourable scum yet.
The ottomans have a truely scary amount of badboyfree core provinces. The only nation with more is Russia. (the byzantines have the same Core provinces) And maybe China.

On with the show.
1452. I get hit by Good Goverment policies in the middle of quite a large and destructive war. Heh. Army down to 9000 horse. Those 9000 buzy sieging wuttenberg. My enemies are sieging Istra again. 80000+ soldiers camping in front of that one fortress, with more comming every month. That works out to about 20000 dead from attrition every month...
August. Peace has been made with several of my ememies. The ones with more than one province that is. Wuttenberg has been annexed. and the army dispatched to Milan.
Another 10000 horse recruited. Now if only I could get them to the king.. I let them run the gaunlet, and they get there more or less in one piece. Austria offers, and gets, a white peace.

December 28 1453. I retake mantua from Genoa, raise wartaxes, and annex Genoa. That solved my fiscal problems quite nicely. On the "bad news" front it also caused a revolt in wuttemberg. I can't get at wuttemberg what with Austria being in the way.. So I relase them as vassals. Another Ottoman Great army reform happens.
Yhea! I hire 450 gold worth of cavalry, and concentrate on crushing Hungary. Then the "founding of enderun" happens. Maybe I shouldn't have hired those horse... Two loans. The good news are that I just reached max quality. And got a conscription center in Trache.
October 1454. Boundry disput with Candar. I was already at stab 3, so largely a vasted event.

March 1455. All of hungary is either under siege or conqoured. Victory is inevitable.

December. Total victory. Hungary is reduced to magyar and presburg.
1456. feel strong enough to DOW the mamelukes. So I do.
An exceptional Court painter available. I hire her. I'm not certain, but I think she has a crush on my second wife. (Full innovative.)

1459. I abolish certain draconian penalties, and write up a code
of law with certain interesting concepts. Trial by jury, habeus
corpus, those kinds of things. (Full freedom)
Stab 1.
Also just in on the brand-spanking new empire-vide mail service:
Infrastructure reaches level 4.
Warweariness from the conflict with the mamelukes is beginning to hurt when they offer me the fertile crecent for peace. (allepo, samara, judea, sinai, lebanon, the nile and quatara.) I take it.

In july Milan declares their independance from me (I missed the revolt) and I repay my loans. Milan gets invaded and annexed pretty much instantly.
Stab = 2.
I move my slider to full cash (Which means an income of 75 gold/month) and start appointing chief judges, using the ledger for Taxincome to determine the appropriate order. Highest first.

Febuary 1460. Wuttemberg cancel their vassalisation with me.

August 1460. The clergy seem to be rather upset about certain portraits my new court artist has painted of my second wife. I don't see what the fuss is about, they seem perfectly tasteful to me. *Sigh* I guess this means I am going to be vilified by the clergy again?
Stab = 1.
November. I finish the codification of the Atam-Dedem Kanunu.
+1 stability +1 centralisation.
Stab = 2.
The war with moscow (the golden horde dragged me into it)
seems to be dragging on endlessly despite no contact between
our empires... I start recruiting some more cavalry.
That BB's starting to climb pretty rapidly now. You may be getting some unexpected visits from your neighbours soon ;)
July 1461 It seems my military buildup has caused the russians to
reconcider the wisdom of staynig at war with me. White Peace. Great. The War Weariness was getting at me. I celebrate the peace by ordering the further expantion of the army. When I reach mymanpower limit of 75.000 the austrians are in for a world of hurt. Also my second wife is hinting that I really should marry the painter.
Hmm. I _may_ be spending a bit too much time marching about expanding the empire.
However. Since I'll gladly declare war and destroy nations to preserve domestic harmony I can hardly deny her this.

February 1462. Army has reached 67.000 horse when my newest wife makes some helpful suggestions for reforming army drills. Well. I knew she was brilliant when I hired her to paint pictures..
(Event. Army reformation. Landtech + some hundred of ducats.)

August 1462. Army buildup is complete and the army is in place. I DOW austria and launch a series of raids across the austrian border in order to destory their armies. I don't want to be stuck with a 60000 man army in hostile territory come the first of any month, Nor do I want to face the austrian armies with any less of a force.. After the bulk of the austrian army has been dispatched I use 6 11000 horse armies to siege austria into oblivion, while accepting the peace offers I get from austrias erstwhile allies. Total casualties during this operation amount to 20000-30000 horse, which are quickly replaced.
(I'm racking up inflation here.. But that can't be helped as I
need a judicical system, and an army quite badly.)

July 1465. I conqour the last Austrian province and ask for *everything* in the peace proposal. That works out to a 100% peace. They accept. Excuse me while I pick my jaw up from the floor. Austria is now a one province minor.. Hey. I got a distillery in Baden. Also my rep just hit extremely bad. The hungarians have a cure for that.

September. Candar, which had joined my alliance with the golden horde and ak unspellable agrees to become my vassal. while my diplomatic overtures to the pope about millitary access come to nought. (the hungarians are allied with Siena. The pope is in the way of an attack on that minor.) I must bribe that supposedly holy man some more.
November. I DOW Hungary.
December. I Offer them all their core provinces save Istra. My rep is now a mere "very bad". I get hit with a petition for redress. Hmm. No. More later.
Ah screenshots... *hmms and haws a bit* What would be the easiest way of taking those?

And yes Hungary is a good target for BBreduction. As long as
the "conquest" bit of the cycle goes smoothly you lose approximately 1/badboy a year in this way.

Back to the show.
I decide to reduce the mamelukes to a one province minor, and embark on a naval expedition carrying 36000 horse, leaving the quite capable Gedik Ahmed, with a force of 12000 horse to put down any revolts in my recently acquired austrian territories. November 1466. Cities demand old rights. I don't think so.
Stab = -1. Ouch. I issue 3 diplomatic insults to italian and german minors, cross my fingers and hopes for a DOW. I also prepares to bloddily put down revolts.
November 1467. Still no DOWs. A number of revolts though.
An italian engineer offers to teach my armies to fight defensively.
Defence? I'm out for world conquest. What do I need defence for? I turn it down.
October 1468. A few more insults. Still no DOWs. The last mameluke city falls and they refuse a 72 % peace. Fanatics. I decide to try again with a 50 % peace. And then they offer me everything but Tripoli and Egypt. Okay.

January 1469. My centralising reforms upset a populance which is already pretty pissed. Stab = -2 I /need/ a war. Badly. In the good news department, I have pretty much established a universal system of justice, and have begun to pour my resources
into infrastructure once again.
June 1471. I am getting really tired of killing rebel scum. I do however see a possibility of imroving my situation through martial glory. The truce with hungary has expired, they are still allied with siena and the pope has agreed to let my troops march though his territory. 10000 horse stand at the border to Siena and the remaining 60000 are ready to retake our rightful lands in hungary.
November. The clergy are bithching about my domestic arrangements again. It is enough to turn a man atheist.
Stab = -3 !
At this point I decide to let a couple of the mediterranian islands revolt and declare their independance. The DOWs and the reannexing should solve my stability problems.
1472-1475 Nasty, nasty, years. No independance movements show up to solve my problems. Things look up in 1475 when tripoli declares their independence from the mamelukes, rendering them a oneprovince minor. I DOW them. Finally I get Hungary crushed despite the constant rebellions. Siena gets annexed.
Stab = -2.
October 1475. Cyprus declares independance and War. YES!
Stab = -1
March 1476. Egypt falls and the mamelukes are no more.
Stab = 0.
Then one-province austria inherits Burgundy.

November. Cyprus falls and is annexed.
Stab = 1
I have also managed to put down the revolts that was plauging my empire. I decide to attempt some diplo annexing and vassalising.
January 1478. Candar accepts my proposal to join the empire. Stab = 2
May. After 4 bribes to increase their relationship with me the ruler
Crimea sends me his quite lovely niece. After takling it over with my wives I accept and reprociate with an offer of vassalage. Crimea accepts.

October 1478. An excellent minister. Just the thing for a round of diplovassaling.

January 1479. I Am The State. Ehh. To be specific I and my wives are the State. Full centralisation. stab = 1. The feeling of absolute power may go to my head, and the household/goverment/harem insist that I marry at least one more lady. and hire some more paperpushers. They are drowning in the paperwork and can't recall the last time they had much time to spend with the kids. Isn't children what tutors were invented for? I propose a royal marriage to my allies Ak unspellable, Administrative experience a plus. They look at me a bit funny and send me the young(est)
widow of their former king. Fantastic. She'll fit right in. I have little luck vassalising either the golden horde or Ak unspellable though and in January 1480 the clergy start bitching again. Misogynistic, narrowminded, "I presume to know the will of God" fucks. I'm beginning to take a serious dislike to these people.
Stab = 0.
In august my truce with Hungary runs out and I instantly DOW them. Austria, Cologne, Bavaria and Bohemia join in. The following month I make a seperate peace with Hungary returning all their coreprovinces ave Istra. Again. The court is starting to lok at me funny and ask what my issues with Hungary are. No issues. I just like fighting them. I can't do that if they are small and weak. Not for long anyway.
October. Stability increase. (from the saved up monarch skill put into stab.)
Stab = 1
February 1481 Infrastructure reaches level 5. I can now appoint governors. The cash slider moves to max and I lock it there. Time to spend money like water.

5 may 1481. The ottoman empire howls the lament of the fallen as Mehmed II dies as he had lived. I battle. While a skilled administrator and acceptable military commander Bâyêzid II just does not measure up when held to the standard of his predessor.
Diplo **** Admin **** Mil ***** Commander

November 1481. Bavaria offers me ansbach and 264 gold. This reduces them to a oneprovince minor, and puts my rep back up in the extremely bad range. I've managed to bribe my way to military access through the palitinate and can now get at Cologne and Austrias dutch possesions. This month sees the rise of foreign trade competition. I deny any increase in tariffs. (-1 merkantilism.) Also 7000 of my horse commanded by a unexceptional captain slaughter some 30000 foot and 1000 horse in cologne, and the currency is once again unaduterated silver and gold.
(Inflation hits 0 And lowtech cavalry with high morale _rock_)

My brother Chem rebels and I crush the rebellion mercilessly. How could he betray our mothers so? (-1 stab +4 admin for 24 months 4 revolts.)
Stab = 0
October 1486. The clery ask that certain paintings my mother painted in her youth be taken down. Let me think... NO! I tell them to just "go away" Then they start calling me an unreconstructed heathen like my father. Actually. I'm kind of flattered.
Stab = -1.
December. I annex Køln and at the news of yet another nation falling to the ottoman empire the people decide that yep, maybe I am just like my father, and maybe thats not such a bad thing. Stab = 0.
I other news I commision a distillery in Cyprus.
March: Distillery in Crete. Most of bohemia has fallen.
October. Distillery in Morea. Bohemia falls. I take Moravia, vassalise Bohemia and exact 150 gold. Then I get hit with "poor Goverment policies."
Arrgh. Stab = -1
November. Austria offers me 80 gold for peace. I take it.
June 1484. millitary land technology reaches level 3.
August. Refinery in Ionia. I make a decision to keep a 1000 ducats on hand at all times, in case of events, and to beef my army. This unfortunately delays my next refinery a bit.

November 1485: I DOW Hungary. One must after all uphold proud
familly traditions. Bavaria (one province minor!), Papal states
and Austria join the war.

February 1485. Refinery in Smyrna. Some 50000 horse are sieging Hungarian provinces. I hire another 38000 horse in Trache. This puts me well above my supportable limit of 98000 but I have a lot of siegeing to do.
July. I hire 31000 horse in Trache. Thats it. No more manpower.

October. The Hungarian armies are viped from the face of the earth, and all provinses are either in my hands or under siege. 31000 recruits complete training in Trache and are shipped out for Venice.

May 1487. I let Austria buys its way out of the war.
September. Papal states withdraw from the field of battle, the last Hungarian fortress falls and I reduce them to a two province rump state in a seperate peace. Thus I'm still at war with Bavaria and plan to annex them as soon as their fortress falls.

September. My people apparantly approve of martial glory.
Good Goverment Policies happen.
Stab = 0

April 1487. Whats with that Bavarian fortress? It just keeps standing.. I found a refinery in Alsace.

May. Bayern falls, and is annexed.
Stab = 1.

July/august: I note that Crimea has been my vassals for exactly a decade and send them a state gift and suggest that they join the glorious ottoman empire. They accept.
Stab = 2
I also note that the golden horde has a particularily inept monarch and decide to attempt diplo-vassaling that nation.

October 1488 I get a border dispute with the Calipate Yes!
Stab = 3. I can't remember the last time the empire was this quiet.
Originally posted by izedragon
April 1487. Whats with that Bavarian fortress? It just keeps standing.. I found a refinery in Alsace.

I was just walkinjg along one day and *poof* there was this refinery sitting all lonely by itself. I just found it. Honest! Can I keep it?:D

Keep it up...it's fun to read.
Since there appears to be a certain demand for screenshots:
The extent of the current ottoman empire:

And a _very_ common situation for hungary:

There will be further adventures of the ottoman sultans, (And their wives, children, dogs, and cats) just as soon as I get some some more playing done.
January 1489: I decide to remove some of the tax-exemptions for millitary service. This makes it a little more expensive to hire horse, but simplifies administration, and bureacracy, thus promoting trade. The fact that it frees up some of my time from paperpushing and listening to the military caste has nothing to do with my decision at all. Nope. (-1 aristocracy. Now 5) It also causes a bit of unrest. Stab = 2 The price of vine (for the christians) and rum (for the muslims) remains high so I order the the construction of a refinery in Moravia.

May. Since the existing refineries buy the entire anuual crop of sugar and grapes, I see no urgent reason to build more at this time. With 1200+ in the treasury I decree that all the resourses of the state shall once again be spent on improving infrastructure.

January 1490. An excellent cavalry commander: General Hadim appears. ( After having their province change hands rather frequently in wars, the citizens of Maros decide to upgrade the fortifications of that provice out of their own pockets. Not that it'll help any...
February. I get my yearly diplomat and the efforts to bring the golden horde closer to the empire via state gifts succeed.
March. They reject vassalisation.. Arghh...
January 1491. A german mercenary by the name of Ash offers her services as a drill instructor. I hire her, and soon find my armies to be the very image of professionalism and tactical aggression. Particularily my officers have learned to better exploit the full effect of shock in combat. Stunningly beautiful lady, even with the scars on her cheek. Unfortunatly I doubt she'd accept a proposal. (Full offensive. I already had full quality.)

December sees a minor army reform as the priciples espoused ash percolates through the army, and some of my officers work like genies to prove themselves equal to any foreign woman. (+250 landtech.)
January 1492. Major General Hadim Ali appears. ( Since my truce with Hungary will soon expire I start massing troops at the borders of Hungarys allies. Notably, I'm planning to reduce the papal states to Roma and to take Podolia (CB shield) away from Poland.

September. The mine in Steiermark hits a major new vein.

October. I DOW Hungary and send 50000 horse into Poland, and 30000 into the Papal States.

December. I cede hungary all their core provinces save only Istra. in the usual seperate peace. My rep is now a mere very bad.

January. I recive disturbing reports from Spain and a small number of refugees show up in Istanbul. Spain has aparantly persecuted and expelled the moors from their country. I make a note to do something nasty to the Iberians one of these days. I hire 37000 horse in Trache and put the sliders back to full
cash to replenish the treasury.

August 1493. My wife brings a beautiful baby boy to term, and I arrange for festivities!

Stab = 3.

October. Roma falls, and the pope offers me his treasury(87 ducats), and all his lands save Rome. I accept. I also hire 39000 horse in Trache.

December. Genoa joins the alliance against me, and all the court marvels as I order the band to play and dance the dance of joy at these news. I order the army to withdraw from poland (I control enough of poland that they should secede the one province I actually want there anyway) and to march on Genoas possesions in the black sea, while I personally lead an attack on the city of Genoa itself.

October 1495. While sieging Genoa I recive reports of corruption. What? they want me to leave of the siege and go hareing off after embesslers? No way. I appoint ten governors to do it for me...
June 1496. Infrastructure reaches level 6. I lock the incomeslider at full cash once again. My sieges of Genoa and Corsica appear to be going nowhere. I order the dispatch of a fleet to blocade their harbors.and order the construction of a weavery (goods manufactory) in Anatolia.

December. Corsica falls and Genoa agrees to secede Kaffa and Kerch to me. Since Kaffa is a vine produceing province and the thirst of my people is great I order the construction of a refinery in Kaffa.

February 1497. Austria offers me 119 ducats for peace. I accept. a flurry of diplomatic activity now ensues as I attempt to diplo vassalise ak unspellable and fail. I think their ambassador was a bit offended that I don't even attempt to spell their nations name. I also take a bride from Astrakhan.

August 1497. G.Manufactory in Allepo. Positioning my armies around Hungary, and station 24000 horse at the border of Rome.

October. The mercants sent a delegation to complain that times are to peaceful and my policies to protectionist.... Trade investment -200.

January 1498. Truce expired with Hungary. I DOW them and invade. A very quick and succesful campaign. /All/ of Hungarys armies are wiped out to the last man before the end of the month. Likevise the papalstates.

February. I order the construction of a goods manufactory in Lombardia.
April. Austria and Genoa offer me seperate peaces which I accept.
June. Rome falls.
September. Goods manufactory in Macedonia.

January 1499. I further simplyfy my paperwork by knocking down the aristocracy another peg and annexing Rome. This gives the entire Christian world a just cause for war with me but they don't seem to be rushing to use it...

August. Hungary reduced to two-province state, Goods Manufactoríes in Crotia and Konya

November. My other wife gives birth to a beautiful girl and I order general celebrations.

In the years 1500/01 since the birth of the profet Jesus I order a great programme to promote wealth, production and industry throughout the fertile cresent in honor of the occation.
(G.m in Samaria, Judea, Adana, Sinai, Nile, Sienai)

December 1502 In joy over my policies bringing wealth to the nation a consoritum of merchants and producers have procured a grand gift to the state treasury. +200 gold.

So throughout 1503 I continue the same policy. Goods Manufactories are begun in Quttara, Anatayla. Egypt.

September 1504. I DOW Hungary. Austria, Poland, Genoa, Tuscany. join the party. I had armies ready to strike Tuscany and Genoa. So I strike those nations.

October. I make the usual peace with hungary.

november. I recive a report from the docks. Aparantly they've made a bit of a breakthrough. Naval 3.

Jan 1505. I recive a report that the stimulus to trade from the refineries have apparantly drastically improved our understanding of economics. We can now theoretically achive monoplistic status in the major markeds. Trade 3.

August. I order the construction of a manufactory in Delta, and Alexandria, and then France joins the Austrian alliance.. Ouch! Genoa falls and cedes Corsica to me thereby reducing them to their capital.

July 1506 the french are pretty unstoppable and I am forced tp pay the Austrians 1300 gold to make peace without territorial losses.
!507-08 sees Goods manufactories in Cyrenecia. Lebanon, Hellas, and Rumelia

January 1509. Pursuing my policy of "less paperwork" I abolish some tariffs. and hire 41000 horse.
stab= 2

November. Having massed my cavalry strategically I DOW Hungary. and attack Hungary, Genoa, Tuscany, and the austrian capital with overwhelming force and offer France 1000 gold to sell out their allies. The french refuse... High price they put on their honor. The mine in steiermark finds another major vein and in January 1510. I send the frogs a solid gold statue worth some 2000 ducats to make peace. That works.

In April I hire 41000 horse in Trache

October. Tuscany falls and is annexed. Stab = 3.

I take break at the autosave here and when I reload
in January 1511 the treaty of tortillas goes into effect... Ehh. I seem to remember having the pope in house arrest? Nevermind.

I build Manufactories in Dalmatia and Istra.

August. Last Hungarian fortress falls but I hold of on the peacetreaty a bit.

October. Genoa falls, I announce wartaxes throughout the empire, Annex Genoa, and Reduce Hungary in a peacetreaty as leader of alliance. Then the money starts rolling into the state coffers.
December. I am told that this is an exceptional year. No kidding.

January 1512. The census tax amounts to 2000 ducatts! I order a manufactory built in Ragusa. And one in Venice.

2 may 1512. Selim I Yavuz acends the throne. ****dip ***adm *****mil Millitary Commander with the stats Not bad. Not bad at all.

July. The nobility wants their taxexmptions back. I feel that my father made a good call here, so I simply ignore them .

Then I build a Manufactory in Kerch.

February 1513. There is a growing Shiite movement in the empire, which incidentially includes me. So I convert the empire to the shiite faith, and move the religious sliders back to their usual position of tolerating all religions equally.
This brings my stability to rock bottom, breaks all my alliances and causes revolts to break out all over the empire.
stab = -3 On the positive side I now have a just cause for war with all Sunni Muslim nations, and my TL 3 cavaly have "Very Strong" morale. I start recruting cavalry. A lot of cavalry.

May 1514. despite, or beacuse of the chaos the empire is in we develop Central governance.

November 1515. Poland annex Austria. I've also got the revolts largely under control thanks to the standing army of 200.000 cavalry. Following the lead of my ancestor I have once left the islands in the mediterranian under rebel control. A independance movement there would work as a stabilising influence on the empire by providing a common goal. Eg: "squash them"
Good AAR but cheesy tactics (we were warned, however ;)). How many times have you ceded territory to Hungary by now? Are you ever going to kick off the BB wars? If not, I fear the excitement may soon fade, as you become unstoppable.

Prove me wrong, please.
Ceded territory? I've lost count. A lot. I'm getting really good at conqouring hungary as fast as at all possible :) Being unstoppable is kind of the idea. Once I kick of the badboy wars they are /never/ going to stop until I rule the entire planet, simply because as a muslim nation, and a plutocratic muslim nation at that, I don't get enough diplomats to make peace quickly enough. So the idea is to be in a postiton to steamroller everyone into oblivion and handle my own rebellions at the same time. I simply ain't there yet. Probably won't be for another century or so.

I am also growing worrisomely fond of the free/quality/land/offensive/shiite combo for low tech cavalry. They are quite simply scarily effective killing machines. I reccomend it to one and all.

April 1516. Still no independance movements. Why oh why are there no traitors I can blame the troubles of the realm on?
While the land burns I order the construction of a great imperial
halic shipyard. At least the workers in Constantinople will have jobs.
November. At last. An independance movement. I write a thank you note to the leaders of the rebellion and declare them to be under sentence of life imprisonment whenever captured. (I abolished the death penalty) Unfortunately the revolters are Crimean muslims, but free stabilty is free stability. Stab = - 2 I DOW Dulakir and send 13000 fanatical horsemen screaming in over their borders to bring freedom, the word of god, and imperialism to the unwashed heathens. I am told that there is an reformation movement afoot in the catholic church. Some german priest by the name of Martin Luther is denouncing the church for corruption. Nothing new in that, but he is gaining adherents. A lot of adherents. Inside my empire. I order that they be treated like any other religion. And DOW Hungary. Fortunatly almost all the protetants in the empire live in Hungarian lands.

December. I Give hungary all their lands save Istra back. Rep back down to very bad. Since I no longer have any great number of protestants within my empire I zero protestant tolerance.
1517. February Enthusiasm for the navy.

July. The diplomatic academy tell me they have finally produced another acceptable candidate and I dispatch him with a DOW to Karaman and followed by 16000 horse.

August. Dulakir falls and is annexed. Stab = -1 Annexing a fellow muslim by force has tarnished my rep considerably. I must endeavor to avoid doing so in the future, but this once the stability brought by such martial glory was well worth it.

November. Crimea falls but distressingly I have no skilled diplomats available.
1518 January. A one of our diplomats has recuoerated from his last harrowing mission and having squandered his earnings is willing to undertake another mission. I dispatch him to vassal Crimea. Hmm. Whille not perfectly stable the empire is quieting down. I certainly don't need a standing army of 200.000 horse to put down revolts anymore. However such a large and excellent army has many potential uses.... I order the armies to mass on my eastern border.

June. Cyprus declares independance! Stab = 0 I dispatch an army from the fleet that just happens to be positioned of the coast of Cyprus, This should be a very short spell of selfgovernance, for the island. Also I appoint a number of new chief judges. It looks like some of them got were the unfortunate targets of mob anger during the rebellions.

September. Karaman falls, agrees to become my vassal and yields 600 ducats to my treasury.

October. I order the refinery in Morea rebuilt.

April 1519, Cyprus falls, And I take the oppertunity to abolish certain mercantilistic policies the empire is saddled with and annex them. Stab still 0.
June. I note that the refinery in Crete was also destroyed and order it rebuilt.

September. With a diplomat reporting for duty I dispatch him with a DOW for Ak unspellable. The Golden horde, Astrakhan, Nogai, and Sibir honor their alliance with the Ak. This is excellent as I was planning to take them all down.

Then The celai uprising happens. Let me consider this carefully. I can crush a shiite rebelion and get a stab hit,a few revolts and +3 to admin. Or I can let Shivas convert to my _state religion_ get +1 stab and a +4 to admin? I take it back. I need not consider this very carefully at all. Stab = 1 Soon Ak unspellable is fully under siege, Astrakhan likevise, and 6 provinces of the golden horde under siege. In all this campaign I've lost no battles so far. (figthing mere "Diciplined" TL 1 forces? Not going to happen.)

November. Vinter on the plains. I forsee a goodly amount of desertion/starvation amongs my troops there. I hire 19000 cavalry in Trache, 10000 cavaly in Alexandria, and 4000
in Shivas.

January. Major General Gazi Husrev appears.

September 1520. I die.
Taking charge of the empire we have Suleiman the Magnificient. **** dip ***** adm ***** military commander. Another ottoman demigod.

November. As my first major act I order the refinery in firenze rebuildt.

December. Ak Unspellable is reduced to a one province minor in a seperate 50% peace.

1521. March. Astrakhan falls agrees to vassal status. The army has shrunk to a mere 86.000 men, mainly thanks to the golden hordes favorite ally, king winter. I start recruting more horse.

May. The govenor of egypt has betrayed me and a major revolt is in progress. (Mameluke uprising.) The new recruits I had hired in Alexandria sees combat on the very first day out of their barracks and emerge victorious defeating the rebel scum.

August. As the provinces of the golden horde fall I'v moved the armies to Nogai which is now fully under sieged. The army has
reached 150000. horse.

September. I am told that no more horse or men fan be found to join the army unless I am willing to resort to hireing mercenaries. (Out of manpower.) 158000 men under arms.

January 1522 As the truce with Hungary expires I do the expected thing and DOW them. Poland, France and Crimea join
the war.
April. Nogai falls to my armies and is vassalised. The shortage of potential recruits is hurting my millitary operations.

In May I solve this by buying of France with a gift of no less than 1550 gold.

June. The last lands of the Golden horde falls. and they hail me as master (Vassalised)

August. Poland offers a white peace. Accepted.

November. Merchants are complainig about the rise of foreign trade competition. I do not see a problem and deny any new tariffs..

June 1523. Crimea falls and agrees to convert to the Shiite faith.

July. Manufactory in wallachia.

October 1523. I am told this is an Exceptional Year. I noticed.

December, Sibir falls to my armies, in addition to Vassal status they pay me 500 gold.

February. Manuufactory in Brobudja
Maj. Hungary falls, and I make the traditional peace.
The empires is no longer at war wuth anybody.

In 1524 I make extensive diplomatic overtures to the persians. I sequre myself a bride and an ally, but unfortunately not a vassal.

In september, a wave of obscuratism strikes the empire. Nasty.

1525. February. Refinery in moldavia.

September 1525. I recive word that certain of my nobles have allied themselves with Wurtzburg. Stab = -1 This makes me rather.... Upset. I decide to teach Wurtzburg somewhat of a lesson about interfering with the internal affairs of my empire.

November. Infrastructure reaches 8

January 1526. Truce expires with Ak unspellable. And I kick of a new round of battles with them and, not incidentially, all my new sunni vassals, who honor their alliance with them. All according to plan.

June 1526. Landtech 4. Darn. My cavalry just got /less/ lethal.

September. The citizens Alexandria expand the fortifications there, and I order the construction of a refinery in Sochi

October. Astrakhan and Ak unspellable both fall. Astrakhan sees the sense in accepting the Shiite faith. while Ak unspellable agrees to become a vassal in a seperate peace.

August 1527.Wurtzburg which has fallen offers me mainz and 40 gold. I guess that must be accepted as a token of regret.

March 1528. refinery in Bosnia.

May. Nogai Also comes into the fold of the shiite faith.

July. Refinery in istra.

January. 1529. The True Faith reaches Sibir.

February. And the Golden Horde.

April I abolish a few more tarrifs. Stab= -2

June. Another war with Hungary. (I getting tempted to start
rendering these wars as a oneword note: "Hungary")

August. Usual hungarian peace. and a refinery is commisioned in bujak

December An exceptional painter seeks employment at the court. And finds it.

August 1530. Having been my vassals for exactly a decade Crimea agrees to join the empire proper. Stab = -1

September. refinery in Jedisan

November. A boundry dispute with the kalipate is peacefully resolved. Stab=0

November 1531. The order to begin construction of a Refinery in shivas was quickly followed by a substantial Gift to the state, from the single malt apriciation society.

1532. September. I am told this is an Exceptional year. and take the occation to start improving our relations with the golden horde. (Really bad monarch)
October. Refinery in Syria.

January 1533. Golden horde accepts our proposal to join the empire. for millitary protection, since they had no standing armies of their own. Strangely this affects my rep quite adversly. It is now Extremely Bad again. I order the appointment of taxcollectors on the steppe.
September. Refinery in Trazbon. A diplomatic move from Lithuania results in me getting a somewhat larger diplomatic staff. Most Fortunate.
February 1534. I extend the benifits of ottoman Law to the steppes by appointing a rash of chief judges there,

July 1534. A conquistador reports for service in Egypt., and is sailed hinter and youn.

September. The traditional DOW of Hungary lowers my rep to dishonourable scum.... This is most certainly _Not Good_ To get out of this jam I relase Cyrenecia as a vassal, and add them to my alliance. (oneprovince shiite minor. perfect for this.) This saves my neck by bringing my infamy back down to extremely bad. (At least I know my bb score now. 34.)

Hungary has lost all its armies and all its fortresses are under siege in less than a month. I've got "invading Hungary" down to a fine art at this point.

January 1535 . Refinery in Azerbajan

March. France and Poland abandon their ally in his time of need. White peace with Poland. 25 gold peace with France

August. Refinery in Daghestan.

1536. June. Refinery in Armenia

July. Hungary falls. Usual stripping of provices.

2 attempts at vassaling the persians fail despite their pisspoor monarch.

1537. Refinery in Rodhes.
After finding a portugese trading posts on the vest coast of Africa,
My conquistador sets sail of egypt down the east coast of Africa and I disovers Massava. Most repulsive place. The locals offer to sell theis neighbours as slaves. I think that I will not colonize this region.

June I discover Keren. Spices grow here! and the natives were unfortunately viped out in a foolish attack on my conquistador. I start colonizing the area.

September. Noble families feud. I buy them off and found a refinery in Ionia.

Since I now have 5 traders in every tradecenter I know about, I start attempting momopolistic positions (not absolute monopolies. Just having 6 traders present.) I keep a reserve
of two traders, and send a replacement whenever a trader is kicked.
June 1538 refinery in corfu. 4 monoplistic positions. My monthly income is at this point 396 ducats. After maintainance.

August. Trade reaches level 5.

1539. March. G.manufactory in Steiermark. The architect Minar Sinan offers to build me Great Works and I offer him a cost + contract. Stab = 3! and only one loan nessesary to pay for this.

June. I knock of some more tarrifs.

Stab = 2

August. End of a great feud. Stab = 3! Things are going well.

January 1540. Refinery in Mantua.
July. The nobles are demanding greater pensions, a demand which I agree to.

September. Refinery in Romanga.

November. Great legal reform. +1 stab +1 central. +200 landtech. Amusingly enough I was already at 3 stab, and full centralisation, So the net effect was 200 landtech:)

1541 July. Refinery in Marche.

August. Unhappiness amongst the artisans. I abolish a tax and DOW Hungary.

September. An inventor at one of my many manufactories had developed something called a "Steam enginge" I see great things in the future for this technology.

May 1452. Persia rejects yet another vassaling attempt. I give up and start bribing Astrakhan.

July. Refinery in Rome. May the pope drink his fill.

January. 1543. Refinery in Bayern.

July. Astrakhan joins my alliance.

October Refinery in Koln.

1544. Astrakhan is annex ready, (ally, vassal +200 relations.) But I'll hold of on it until I run into a stab hit. I start buttering up Sibir.
April. The loan taken to pay for the great works expires and is paid in full.

June. Refinery in Salzburg.

July. Meteor sigthed. Stab = 2 Astrakhan Annexed. Stab = 3.

November. Military landtechnology reaches level 5. My Cavalry is loosing some of their edge now that they must think of more things than just "kill the enemy" I decide that this Half-modern army would serve me ill in a war and start a serious research and modernisation programme. (I unlock the treasury slider from
full cash (where it has been stuck for a /long/ time) and put it on full land.)

January 1545. Naval 4 discovered.

July. Land 6.

1546 february. Landtech 7. Cannon. I commision 10 for each Hungarian province.

April. Land 8. Naval enthusiasm.

May. Trade 6, land 9.

July. Land 10.

October. Hungarian war, number something.

December. Land 11.

1547. February. Seperate white peaces with France and Poland.

July. Land 12.

October. Last Hungarian province falls. New record. Conquest in less than a year.

January 1548. Sibir joins alliance.

February. Sibir Annexable. Saving that for later. Conquistador!

May. land 13.

December. Land 14.

1549. April. Land 15.

June. I knock of a few more tariffs and and annex Sibir. The ottoman empire is now a freetrading frontier country. That sort of thing attracts colonists! (0.60 a year.)

August. land 16.

1450 March. Diplomatic insult from kleves. I ignore it, as I dont have a lot of breathing space BB vise.

July. Landtech 17.

October. Jean Calvin.

December. Cities demand old rights. No. Stab = 0