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A while back, I announced my goal to do an AAR as a meditteranean power. I decided on Savoy. They get French and Italian cultures, but they're between France and an expanionistic Austria. Spain also heads their way if they too well.

so I have the Spanish, French, Austrians, and possibly strong Italian states after me. I, on the other hand, get.... we'll see.
A New Hope

Under the onslaught of the Imperial War Machine, mankind lay in chaos. The Timurid and French Empires, which had formed one superstate in the period of 1820-1850, ruled the world. The last nation to surrender, the united Italian provinces of America, fell in the 6th world war. All seems lost.

However, a new hope has emerged. Rebels, working in the depths of space, in 2100 have established a vast network of free bases, from which to incite rebellion against the forces of tyranny. This rebel alliance has scored innumerable victories against the evil empire. However, as massive empires with massive war budgets have a way of doing, the Franco-Mughal Empire is winning. Now a rebel ship flees to the secret rebel base, with the last rebel cell to escape the assaults by the Empire….

The rebel ship’s ion engine was at full power, and the ship, burdened with cargo, could barely handle it. “Princess, the imperial starship designated ALU4U is catching up with us. I believe that they will.”

The ship’s rear engine exploded, causing it to be thrown off course, with its speed greatly reduce. Within a few days, the Imperial starship had caught up to it. The rebels had several days to prepare to die, and most decided to continue to act if nothing was the matter, aside from a few who finished their GC’s in Mughal Universalis. Except for the female leader of the Rebel Alliance, who had wisely decided to prepare the only escape pod onboard the ship to respond to her and her alone.

The Imperial Warship soon floated alongside, stretching over a dozen kilometers long. The primitive rebel ship floated alongside, and a transport loaded with the finest troops of the Empire, descended from the vicious warriors of Versailles, docked.

When the entry way was hacked open, it was then that the rebels knew they were well and truly screwed. This was not just any Imperial Warship. A being of pure, concentrated evil, the slayer of millions, the ruler of worlds, the overlord of all things not so nice stepped through: The First Scientist.

His black cape and cybernetic armor on him, he used a few tosses of thermal detonators to clear out the crew. Once that was done, he turned to his elite commandos.

“Find the Princess. With her dead, any nations to emerge from the rebel occupied territories will fail, as there will be no leaders left for them to use! Remember: ALU’s well that ends well.”

They swiftly stormed through the ship, killing the few people who were still trying to win Mughal Universalis as Orleans.
However, the princess had taken the time to escape, wisely kicking out the two robots which had tried to sneak in. True to form, the massive warship fired its hundreds of laser cannons at the rebel escape pod, missing, and in the process blowing up a small moon.

“ALU, take a note. Increase quality. Super warships of doom aren’t that super if they can’t hit a target.”

The 2nd in command of the Empire smiled as he realized the beacon had been activated in the escape pod, and returned to his ship, narrowly avoiding the flaming wreckage that resulted from the time bombs the princess had left behind.

Meanwhile, the princess fled to the barren world of Ganymede, unaware of the fleet following her. She had the data from the Empire’s FTL travel, and if Gauss Einstein was right, then they could use it to travel back in time, thus saving the world from the horrors of centuries of French rule.

“If the Gods who as a good Reel I should not believe in are kind, we may yet lose our chains.”

Meanwhile, at the secret rebel outpost…

David Campbell was putting the final touches on the ship that carried mankind’s last best hope, creatively named Kill the French. He had just finished going over the weaponry to be loaded, which included several orbital cannons, an antimatter warhead, nanoreplicator factories and biobombs, when he noticed something.

“Houston, we have a problem. The weapons are kind of… missing.”

In his thick Malaccan accent, Houston replied, “Well, there was kind of a problem. You see, a lot of the rebel funding had come from these hypernet startups, and when that fell through…”

”Okay. No weapons. How about the industrial machinery?”

”I swear, it’s in the mail.”


”Damnit, I’ve told you before. Warez are immoral.”


”I have this great program called Center. Apparently it’s a lot like the ALU, but it’s better. And there were 60 free hours of use.”

Dave Campbell quietly walked away to see if there was any way he could sell out to the Empire before he ended up killing himself running a blockade of Mughal warships to land in the heart of France.

Unfortunately, just as he was about to place a collect call, the princess arrived.

“I’m hear with the secret data that will save the Rebellion!”

”You weren’t followed, were you?”

”No, I just took off from the ship as the French commandos were boarding.”

One of the pilots of a fighter stared at her. “Space is infinite, you know. They can see you no matter which way you go. You hid in an asteroid belt and flew around a few planets, didn’t you?”

“Of course not, I was in a hurry to get here,” she snapped. “And anyway, here’s the disc. Run the setup program so we can launch.

Just then a message appeared on the screen. The scourge of man appeared once more. The Chief Scientist began, “Greetings, gentlemen. As you are no doubt finding out now, all your base are belong to us.” The message was garbled for a moment, and he said, “Err, sorry. The damn translator’s been buggy since the last patch… anyway, you have no chance to win. Surrender now, or take your time. You have 10 minutes before I begin bombardment.”

As ahs a tendency to happen, pandemonium set in. I think I’ve had enough of this, now thought Campbell. He ran towards his ship, as fast as he could go, knocking down a few of the slower people in his wake.

He swiftly took off, and headed toward the Star Gate, located conveniently in deep space. With the program installed, he should have no problem fleeing back in time to stop the Moghuls. And become ruler of a nice, prosperous, incredibly loyal nation.

Within five minutes, the 50th, , 60th, and 49th scientist reported the completion of the vaporization of the last rebel stronghold. At long last, the revolt risk would remain at 0 for all the Empire. Victory was at hand, as was prophesized in the Holy Book of Installation.

Just then, his communication officer turned to him.
“My lord, First Scientist, inventor of all things worthy, and with a really nice research budget, the Ghost is communicating.”

First Scientist listened intently. “Oh, put him on the main screen, so we may continue the tradition of everyone seeing confidentaial communications between the rulers of the Empire.”

The monitor came on, and there stood the ghost, in the metropolis of Paris. “Did you stop the rebels?” He asked, as he floated through a painting of conquest of Moscow.

“Yes, of course. What do you take me for? The Rebel base has been destroyed, and as I told them, all their bases are ours. Well, one ship escaped, but that can’t do too much damage.”

The ghost turned almost transparent, and screamed, “You idiot! That ship must have had the protocols for the Star Gate. Now they can go back in time and stop our world conquest!”

”But… our research budgets! What will happen to them?”

Jesus save me, thought the ghost, he isn’t half the man his father was. Sometimes he thought it was a pity that the first scientist had died in 1824, tripping on his slippers, but those were the breaks.

“Go after them, and try to stop the damage to the timeline.”

The First scientist grinned. “Yes, of course… I’ll go back in time and fix it.” The grin on his face would have fit a shark’s, which wasn’t too surprising, considering how his ancestors had ruthlessly conquered in the Bad Boy wars of the 18th century.

The warship designated ALU4U sped towards the Star Gate, which had, due to budget errors, been built in the depths of space, instead of in the midst of the orbital fortresses around Earth.

Meanwhile, Dave Campbell was struggling with the controls. Not because the ship was damaged, but because Center wouldn’t obey his orders. “I can’t do that Dave,” said Center in a monotone voice.

”Why not?” screamed Dave, as he tried to get the ship to enter the star gate, watching as the Imperial Forces headed towards him.

“This is a shareware version. Cross temporal travel is not available unless you send 40 ducats to my makers in Manhatten.”

“But the check’s in the mail, I swear! Oh, hell with this.” He did a quick reboot, and while it started up, got out and pushed the ship through.

The Imperial forces followed shortly after him, and the First Scientist had caught up to him in orbit approximately near Mars, due to the delay on the other side while Center rebooted. They spent the next 4 days playing cat and mouse on the journey to Earth, and finally Center gave a familiar chime. “Fuel is almost out, Dave. We cannot reach Earth unless you head there now.” The ship, being in a kindly mood, immediately headed towards Earth, oblivious to the nuclear weapons detonating to its rear.

Dave Campbell was busy whimpering and staring at the nuclear explosions when he had an idea.

”How big of an explosion would the nuclear reactor make if we ejected it and set it to self destruct.”

Center calculated in a microsecond. “The odds are 99% that the explosion will be nuclear in size, and capability.”

“Your advice is infinite. Thank you greatly. But seriously, how could we eject it, detonate it, and use the explosion to destroy the ALU4U?”

”Yes, but that leaves us with the slight problem of being a 90 ton space ship with no fuel and going to hit the Earth randomly.”

”Eh. I’ve lived a full live, and I have an escape pod. I’m sure you’ll fulfill the capacity perfectly.”

The ALU4U entered orbit near the moon. At long last, the chase was over. The puny rebel ship was ejecting cargo to go faster. He turned on the radio.
“Time to die, rebel scum. Rebels like you ruined my father’s plans, you’ll not ruin mine!”

The reactor detonated approximately 13 miles in front of the Imperial Warship. The ship began breaking up. “AHAHAH! I’ve done it. I’ve blown up an Imperial Warship. Damn, I’m good.” Screamed Dave Campbell.

“If only you could have done that when you were actually fighting,” observed Center.

Dave realized that he was now heading towards the earth in a massive, flying, rock. As such, it was probably a good idea to leave. Quickly. He entered into the escape pod. “Center, eject the pod.”

”I can’t do that Dave.”

“Why not?”

”Because I’m still downloading. Give me about… ten minutes.”

The ship crashed about nine and a half minutes later, scattering small amounts of radioactive material from the Arabian Peninsula to Italy, before crash-landing in a small duchy. A small duchy poised between the nation of France, which was in a fight for its life, and the city-states of Italy.

The ship crashed at approximately 2 AM midnight, but it took another hour for the ship to assess the situation and boot up.

“Greetings!” said Center. “It’s 2 AM, January 1, 1419. You’re currently in the Duchy of Savoy, ruled by Amedee VIII le Paisible. As the ship is unable to move, I suggest that you use Savoy as your tool for breaking the France and Mughal domination plots.

Savoy currently has a whopping 300 ducats in its treasury. France has about 1200. It has no ancestral claims to neighboring lands. However, it has a slightly naval bent, and 15 galleys. Not bad for a duchy, is it?

They are about 8/10th of the way to full aristocratic; damn the nobles. They have about 1/10 the infrastructure of a fully centralized government; damn the nobles. On a scale of 1-10, they are slightly narrow minded, or 40% of the way. Damn the nobles. Have you noticed a pattern here yet?

They are pretty mercantilist, with about 7/10 of their policy heading that way. I’m not going to repeat myself, so pay attention.

They re slightly defensive, slightly naval, and have higher quality troops than their neighbors. This is a good thing.

They use serfs, but a middle class exists, so I’d rate them 7/10 on the serfdom scale.

Reccomendations: Gain power in the court, and use that to get the duke to join the English war effort. Goals: Conquer Provence (get England to take Maine), and gain money in tribute from France. Now get to work! You only have 10 years to break the French rule.”

Meanwhile, stars fell in ten other nations/kingdoms/duchies on the planet Earth, which was asleep to the danger.

They were coming.

Coming next week: The Savoyans enter the 100 years war, and the Phantom Menace.
Re: A New Hope

Originally posted by Faeelin

David Campbell was putting the final touches on the ship that carried mankind’s last best hope, creatively named Kill the French.

I totally fell on the floor after that one. :D

Yes, this will be a must read...especially with all the recent AAR references included.

And I dread what with "The Attack of the Clones"

At least the writing will be better than the acting!
Great start, Faelin. I particularly like the way you weaved in elements of other well-done AARs. It's a great set-up for what will surely be a great AAR, when all is said and done.

That said, just let me say: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I have like 35 pages of notes and 350 years of gameplay in the GC playing Savoy ready for an AAR that was going to be JUST LIKE THIS! (I even teased it here.) That rumbling echo you hear is the Internet transmitting the sound of me banging my head repeatedly against my monitor. Ah well. Early bird and all that... Good luck with it. I'm off to the emergency room.

...And far, far away, beyond the curtain of night, in the Galaxy next door, a massive moon floats through infinite space. Yet unlike ordinary moons it orbits no planet, it follows no beaten path. Powered by engines centuries ahead of the puny Earth science, this moon goes where its master wills it. It is, in fact, a moon with a mission.

And in a hardened facility kilometres below the surface sits the master. And he thinks great and wonderful thoughts as he explores the universe. Gone are the restless days of conquest, forgotten the years of woe. Yet even so he monitors, at times, the galaxy he left behind.

But not at present.

At present he conjures a draught of mead and a cup into existance with his left hand, while playing a banjo with his right, even while creating a new mathematical theorem.

Life is good, and so is death, for those who are in the know.

Yet briefly he wonders how the Bursar does in his new role. He always wanted more temporal power, and now he has it. Surely, not even the Bursar could fuck up the world situation.
Well, remember last time..
He even got a mask, a cape, and a new set of slippers!

Perhaps, just perhaps, it might be time to do some monitoring.

But first things first, "And I'm down from Alabama, with a banjo on my knee", he gently sings as he finishes playing.
The Empire Strikes back

Phantom Menace

The Rebel Alliance, before being crushed in a hail of plasma, nukes, and other weapons of mass destruction which are a standard part of the evil empire’s stockpile, managed to send one lone ship through a worm hole back to 1419, to stop the French, and if possible, Mughal domination of the world. His name was Dave Campbell. At his command is an AI known as Center, who has succeeded in conquering the world in every Mughal Universalis AAR simulated. Possessing a deep knowledge of the arts of war, and skilled in the ways of the warrior, David Campbell and Center fight to protect truth, justice, and the Savoyan Way.

But the French have plans of their own Under the Ghost and King Charles, they have set a plan into action which may result in a Savoyan defeat. The weak King Charles is propped up by the Ghost, a mere phantom of a brave warrior for France. This phantom is skilled in the arts of war, diplomacy, and trade, and through his cunning, the Britannians have already been repulsed. Now armies clash, as Savoy squares off for its daring all or nothing gamble. The Phantom Menace draws near….

Dave Campbell quickly met Duke Amadee, who practically fell over himself to help me. Pretending to be an oriental inventor who had been working on a way to fly, Dave swiftly gained influence at the court, especially as his small forces swiftly smashed brigands. Styling himself as Ghandi Khan, Dave Campbell was able to become the Duke’s most trusted advisor. Under his guidance, the Duke agreed to increase the quality of his forces. Dave was constantly surprised, but Center had its own opinion.

“You’d be impressed as well if you’d never seen someone drive, let alone fly, and suddenly they walk out of a fireball that broke the sound barrier,” Center commented, one evening at a ball held by the Duke. “By the way, I suggest spitting the food in your mouth out. It’s poisoned.”

Also of help were the mind control nanobots, which were able to gradually influence the Duke to subconsciously do whatever Campbell and Center wanted him to do. Technology is a wonderful thing, so long as you’re the only one to have it.

Among the first things Campbell instructed the Duke to do was to send a personal gift of a lovely Savoyan wine, which slightly improved relations. Sent 4 days later was the Duke’s 2nd daughter, which was promptly married to England. Savoy then asked to join the English Alliance, and on January 30, the mighty Savoy Defense Corp (truly a terror to behold) marched off to lay siege to Dauphne.

“Okay Gandhi, or Campbell, or whatever you’ve decided to style yourself, I suggest your plan for razing the city of Marseilles should be well thought out,” said Center petulantly. “The French are marching this way with 10 thousand soldiers, so you had best be careful.”

”Bah. The English are laying siege to Paris while the Britannians assaulted Vendee.”

“Listen Gandhi, you may have been a tyrant back in the future, but here and now I’m the one who knows what’s going on. French manpower and treasury reserves are massive. And it’s Britannites. Mistake it near the Britannites and they’ll attack you.”

Well, thought Campbell, The French have always been a warlike people.

As might be expected, the city fell within 4 months, in April.

As he was writing a message to the Duke directing for more troops, and why he should refuse to assist the merchants as foreign trade competition rose, a scout entered his tent.

“Milord, there are about 20 thousand French infantry, and 10 thousand French cavalry heading our way,” said the scout, before continuing, as he prepared to sprint out of the tent, “I thought you might like to know.” Center started laughing.

Campbell paced about, wondering what to do. On the one hand, they were outnumbered two to one. On the other hand, the French were known to offer decent terms to lords who turned traitor. Center interrupted him as he was thinking. “On the third hand,” The bemused AI said, “the French have to cross the Rhone. Why not use that as an opportunity to break their army? Plus, the duke of Savoy will surely offer a great deal of conquered land to the mighty military leader Gandhi Khan.”

Suddenly, Campbell began to feel the patriotic forces which tugged at every man in wartime. “Hmm… that is an excellent idea, center. Begin construction of the defenses.”

On May Day, the French forces began crossing the river Rhone.Shortly before battle, Campbell gave a little speech. “Men, we are about to embark on the Great Crusade,” he began.

“You mean we’re fighting Moors?” shouted someone in the mass of soldiers.

“No no, we’re fighting the source of the ultimate evil.”

”Rome’s that way, buddy,” shouted another, who was swiftly…. Dispatched.

“Oh, bloody hell. We’re going to fight the French, and we’re going to win. And although many of you may die here, many years from now, as I lay in my richly furnished castle, I will spare a passing thought to the thousands of Savoyans who will have died here tomorrow. Oh yes, and the family of anyone who deserts will suffer accordingly. Pleasant dreams, men.”

The next day, there was a big battle. As one might expect, the side with the supercomputer devoted to strategy and tactics won, and there was much rejoicing. The Savoyan moved southward, and swiftly took Provence, with the beautiful city of Marseilles.

“Excellent,” said Gandhi, as his troops plundered in the city. “We can now demand Provence from Provence for peace.”

”Sorry,” Center replied. “We can’t annex the city from them. It’s their capital, and they still have another province left.”

”Why can’t we? I can think of dozens of examples in history where the capital was annexed and the survivors fled.”

”The period between 1419-1821 was a very odd one, from the perspective of history. Nations could be reduced to city states, and then conquered 8 years later, but never conquered at once. Capitals could only be moved through events of great importance, and never by the run of the mill monarch.”

”Okay. We’ll just camp here, and wait for Maine, located at the OTHER END OF FRANCE to fall, before annexing it.”

“But if we annex it, the other nations of the world will hate us.”

”No one cared when the Pope annexed Siena and Modena.”

”Well, when you’re the Pope, you can rampage across Europe all you want. Until then, you’ll have to be careful about becoming too large too rapidly. Savoy must retain respectable until the time comes when it’s too large to be stopped.”

“When’s that?” Gandhi asked.

“Oh, about 1600.” Center replied casually, before drifting its attention back to solitaire.

The Duke went ahead with the annexation of Provence, and marched deeper into France.

In the end, of course, Brittanny took Maine, and then Savoy took Provence. With her armies weakened and her treasury low, France sent an offer to discuss the terms of peace.
“Gandhi,” Duke Amadee said, “You have proven yourself a skilled leader, smashing every force the French throw at you. You will be among the diplomats. But I warn you; the French king, though inept, has skilled advisors, who may be able to gain an advantage at the peace table which they could not win in war.”

”Oh, don’t worry my duke, I’m sure they won’t have a ghost of a chance.”

Center snorted.

In the drafty halls of the castle where the peace conferences were being conducted, something crawled, unseen, unheard. The creature was not of this world, nor the next, it was the Ghost, which many believed had been sent by God to save France. True, thought the Ghost, the cunning Savoyans had stabbed them in the back, but he could easily manipulate their leader, this Gandhi, at the peace table.

“I don’t think so,” said Gandhi (a.k.a Campbell, a.k.a Baron of Provence). Stepping out with a strange mask on his face, he said, “Your ectoplasmic trail’s been obvious for quite some time. Now, it’s time to die.” With that, he unslung the weapon that struck terror into the hearts of enemies: The super soaker.

“Hah. You jest! Your water gun is useless. I can float through walls. What can a little water do?”

Gandhi opened fire, and the holy water from the spring in the cave where the word of Christ was first spoken in France (plus a good deal of acid) struck the ghost, who wailed, gnashed his teeth, and generally made painful sounds. The ghost appeared on the verge of defeat, when the super soaker ran out of water.

“I will return!” screamed the ghost, as he fled through the walls. “Your rivers will run with blood, your cities will burn, France’s children will grind your bones to make bread, and a great deal of other horrible things will happen!” Thus screaming incoherently, the Ghost fled through the walls.

“That was unexpected,” commented Center.

In the end, peace was made in 1422, with Savoy receiving 450 ducats, which were used to send merchants to centers of trade. After all that had happened, Savoy had a slightly tarnished reputation, but Campbell and Center both felt that it would recover well enough for the second aspect of the conquest of France.

The nobles tried to enserf the peasants in 1425, but with the support of Gandhi, they protected the serfs, giving them a greater sense of freedom. Along with a rejection of support for merchants as foreign competition rose, the economy was on the way to where it needed to be for the defeat of the Moghul and French empires.

The next stage of the war was in 1428, by which point Savoy and the Duke were respectable in the eyes of other European nations. This war had been triggered after Savoy revolted from Brittany, and had been conquered by France, giving England a casus belli against France. Brittany remained neutral.

That war wasn’t of any real account, as the mighty English armies were able to defeat the French. Of course, some bimbo named Joan Of Arc helped the French, claiming to be a messenger from God, but Savoy’s Special Services knew how to handle messages from God, as the encounter with the ghost showed.

Joan of Arc was brought to Savoy, where she was quietly given a long walk off a short pier, as it were. France gained Languedoc, cutting France off from the Mediterranean, and a few provinces in the north in the Treaty of Edinburgh in 1433. Truly an excellent year.

It appeared that the maser plan was going as planned, when, in 1435, Center chimed a message to Campbell as he lounged in his estate in Provence.

“You’ve got mail!” chimed the helpful AI.

“The internet doesn’t exist yet. Who emailed me?”

Bursar667@mol.com ,” it responded. “Message reads:
Hey there! Congrats on your successful empire building. Mine’s bigger of course, but then, I'm sure you've been told that size doesn't matter.
No doubt you’re wondering how I escaped from the flaming wreckage of the warship that followed you, and which you summarily destroyed. It’s a long story, and I have no desire to tell it to the likes of you, but I will tell you something else. I am not in the Timurid Empire. They can manage well enough. I’ve taken a position as the Chief Scientist with this nation.”

”Oh, shazbot. This is going to throw the plan off,” said Campbell, as he listened.

“But wait, there’s more!” said Center.
”No doubt you’re wondering who this nation is. I’ll give you a hint:
Rue, Britannia! Britannia rules the waves!
All others, now and forever our slaves. Cheerio, and all that. I’m off to conquer Eire.”

”Well, this is wonderful. That means we’re allies with the foes we’re fighting. “

”Of course,” said Center pedantically. “What, did you honestly believe the English could carve out a massive empire on their own? Next you’ll be saying that the future of Savoy and freedom lies in the Middle East.”

With the discovery that the Bursar was leading the forces of England, Savoy left its alliance, and courted one with Navarre and Aragon, who joined it. Desperate now to carve up the remnants of France before the Bursar did, Savoy declared war in June of 1438, and the three nations invaded.

France, fell quite easily. Aragon and Navarre took huge chunks of territory, but Savoy had a different plan.

“My Duke, it is of vital importance that we convince the French to become tributaries of Savoy. We are stretched thin as it is; we will get less money, true, but we will not deal with the risks of revolt that we would otherwise have to deal with.” The Duke, not having a free will since 1425, grunted acknowledgement.

France, however, proved implacable. “Milord, they have again refused to acknowledge Savoyan dominance. What shall we do?” asked a messenger.

“Once again, I must venture onto the field of diplomacy to win a battle for faith and freedom,” said Gandhi, Baron of Provence. “Center, why do you think that they refuse to make peace?”

”Probability of 99% that the Ghost is behind this. Margin of error is + or – 1%, of course. Recommendation: remove the Ghost from the game that we play amongst our selves. But there are no weapons that will permanently remove him.”

“Oh, I have an idea. There’s a weapon that is reputed to trap a ghost or other demon inside it, and store it as a snow globe for all time.”

”What is it called?” asked Center.

“Why, the holy snow globe of Antioch.” Center began purging its memory of the last 3 minutes.

January 14, 1440. The castle of the king of France was quiet, save for a room on the top floor. “So, in exchange for using your weapons, these strange miniature cannon, or ak47’s, as you call them, you want France to do what?’

A voice came through cloak around the other person, cold enough to chill a ghost. “Kill Savoyans. I want you to kill Savoyans.” With that, he disappeared, leaving the Ghost alone with hundreds of crates full of enough guns and ammunition to conquer all of Europe.
But there were others at work, in the dark of the night. From the opposite side of the castle, Gandhi, ninja assassin, watched.

“Hmm, those guns would be useful to us,” said Campbell, as he saw the Ghost float through the crates, making sure all was in order.

“No; the guns would run out of ammunition, and our empire would collapse from revolts. An empire built on the ak47’s is an ephemeral one; whoever is responsible for this knows that, and is merely trying to stop Savoy.” Center calculated who among the survivors of the Space Race to Earth had the capabilities to make ak47’s, until coming up with a negative.

Campbell fired the grappling hook, swung over the tour, slipped, and crashed into the bottom crate of ak47’s, knocking them over.

“NOOO!!!” screamed the Ghost. “Those weren’t under warranty.” He paused, and stared. “It seems w meet again Gandhi. Or should I say Joseph Campbell, of Io? I have been in contact with those who know who you are, and I am not amused.” The ghost’s right arm turned into a massive broadsword, and he said, “As you can see, I have been training. I can now interact with matter. How ironic, the sole survivor of rebellion slain by a ghost of a dead kingdom.”

”That’s not very ironic,” replied Campbell, as he prepared to run away, only to find the doors locked. “ That’s poetic justice, at best.” He then realized he was carrying the conveniently powerful energy sword, which was capable of ripping up the properties of the space-time continuum which allowed ghosts to exist. Lucky thing too, as without it, he would have surely perished.

“That’s it, Ghost. I’ve had enough of this.” He turned the life saver on, and it flared a brilliant neon yellow.

The two fought throughout the night, into the morning, stopped for a quick lunch, and resumed fighting. Finally, at around 7 PM the next day, The Ghost appeared to have gained the upper hand. “Time to die, rebel scum.”

Center finally realized what was going on (having been busy practicing on Mughal Universalis) and said, “Quickly, while he’s pompously bragging. Use the secret weapon!” As the sword came down, John threw the snow globe.

Lightning surrounded the Ghost. Energy flared, bringing light to day, as the power of a nuclear reactor inside the snow globe tore him apart. Finally, all was quiet. John picked it up, and started laughing. Inside was a little ghost, in a little castle, screaming. He shook it for good luck.

Peace was achieved n March, for without the Ghost, the French front soon collapsed. France became the vassal of Savoy.
Then the English struck back. They declared war on Guyenne, Savoy’s vassal, and Savoy joined the war. When Guyenne was annexed, they had no choice but to cede the Bursar Gascogne and 100 ducats. Campbell left, vowing he would return.

The years passed quickly, as the armies of Savoy, led by the fearsome warrior Gandhi, conquered several of Burgandy’s territories in the south, giving them a land route to France. Substantial (5 merchants) were established throughout the Mediterranean and Northern Europe, and Emilia was annexed in 1468. In the time between the wars, two refineries were established, along with a center of arts in Piedmonte. France and Austria inherited Burgandy, and Savoy entered a Golden Age, until 1493, when explorers began to offer their services to the naval nation of Savoy.

“I recommend sending explorers around the cape of Good Hope, like the Portuguese do,” said Center. “We can establish colonies in India and launch a preemptive strike against the Timurids and the Scientists. VENGEANCE WILL BE OURS!” Center cackled gleefully.

“We don’t have super ships like every other nation. Ours need to replenish supplies, while Portuguese sailors just tighten their belts and sail straight to India. I believe we should colonize northern South America, control the tobacco and gold there, and use that to finance the conquest of Italy. Unless you’d care to ask the Duke’s opinion?”

In the end, a Solomon division was achieved, with one explorer going to both places. With the mighty sword of Savoy over his head, the Pope wisely held off on the treaty of Tordesailles until 1516, and since the Baron of Provence had convinced the Duke of Savoy to join an alliance with Portugal and Spain, nothing of consequence happened from it. In addition, France was finally added to the realm in 1506, giving Savoy its own center of trade.

“See Center, this is why you have to get a better understanding of human subtlety. No one cared that much when they joined our realm.”

”This would be the person who used a nuclear reactor in Paris in 1440, right?’ responded Center.

“By the way, our colonies are prospering. Here’s our foothold in India:

And here’s the northern part of south America, where the plan for the gold conquests is apace:

Campbell grinned. “Okay, now let’s show the Italians what we think of their insults…”

Center displayed a picture of the europolitical situation. It appeared that the forces of freedom would stand a good chance in the ruthless conquest of italia, coming up.

But all was not well. Though France was vanquished and the Ghost a Christmas ornament, The Phantom Menace was still out there. Who gave France the ak47’s in the first place? What would the Bursar do now that Scotland had been reconquered? And most importantly, why did no one acknowledge the conquered parts of France as core provinces, despite 80 years of rule?
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...And in the galaxy next door strange sounds are heard, rising eerily from the belly of the wandering moon. It is singing and it is music, and it is something else besides.

"I wanna bill Clinton, when I die - when I die,
I wanna bill Clinnnntonnnn, when I die - when I die,
I wanna bill Clinton, when I die,
Shout ejaculation as I fly,
yes I wanna bill Clinton, when I die,"

he sings while playing the soulful sax and walking the dog with an improvised yo-yo, an uncommon feat, known to few. And then he is interrupted by a reamarkable voice. It is his own voice, yet it lacks a certain something - animation.

My Master. I have located the time-space distortion.

And is it caused by invading mutant killer apricots?

No, my Master. Rather, it would appear

That the Bursar has fucked up again, right?

How could you possibly know, my Master? Not to be insulting, but you have no in-built faculties for monitoring people a galaxy removed.

Remember, my slave, that there is a reason that I am the Master, and you the slave. Not the least being that I built you.

That is no answer, my Master.

Well, it is the only one you will ever get. Please adjust the magnificent dilatoscope to observe the planet Earth in reality 17 variant 2, 1419 and onwards. This might prove interesting.

As you command, my Master.

And as he watches the continent of Europe he notices the arrival of the host of the Empire and sees the displacement of lords and nobles as the Bursarial troops take control, and also he notices the antics of the rebel scum, and briefly, briefly, he considers involving himself. But really, there is nothing to gain from mucking up the past. Except, perhaps, for fun. And he could use a diversion, really. It would be in a good cause, really.

Let's see... A meteor shower? No, that would be too evil. Rather, perhaps, some new and interesting toys? And the occasional meteor for laughs, of course. Duck and cover as they say.

...And as he spins intricate schemes to disturb the operations of both the Bursar and the rebel scum, he takes up the soulful sax again.

"And how many twists, must a man write down,
before you can call it a plan,
and how many times, must the poor dummies fry,
before they adhere to my ban,
The answer my friend,
is blowing in the wind,
the answer is blowing in the wind."
I will hunt down the first scientist, blow up his puny space station, and maim him thoroughly.

I just entered a civil war.
...A civil war... Well, he had it coming, didn't he? Of course he did, what with his reckless and unjustified expansionism. It is amazing what a few bribes and a slight bit a mind-controlling can do, really. And he should count himself lucky that I didn't inspire an uncivil war. Those are so.... uncouth.
And from within the snowglobe, l'Eminence gradually began to construct a negoblobial phantasmaphibrulator in the tiny castle. One day, though it might take a hundred years, he would free himself and get his revenge.

More please Faeelin.:)
Good to know there are a few fans ::sniff::.

Perhaps I should hold off on the Rome Wars (the next section, as I refuse to let the fact that lucas changed the name to increase hype affect true literature) until the 16th?

T: Oddly enough, France revolted as 3 provinces (no doubt the ghost broke out of the snow globe) from England, which then lost French culture, and has spent the last 80 years doing.... I don't know. Something. France, meanwhile, was beaten by brittanny. Who conquered/own the bahamas and a few other colonies, while france owns south carolina. Spain also colonized new england, while atjeh's claimed a good deal of the indies.

Weird, isn't it? Perhaps the Bursarial forces have taken over several countries, such as Brandenburg, which rules a good chunk of Germany/Poland, or the tyrannical swedes, which annexed prussia.
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The Rome Wars

The Rome Wars

Savoy, now a major power, has set its sights on a goal that has long been aspired to by many; the conquest of Italy. From the Ottomans, who vassalized Naples, to the Austrians, who ried to conquer Venice, the possession of Austria has been a goal for many.But now the nation of Savoy is preparing for the final assault. If it succeeds, the nation of Savoy is assured a place in the sun. If it fails, all will be lost. Or not. And as the time for the final conflict draws near, only one nation shall stand between mankind an eternal night under Imperial rule.

Joseph Campbell, advisor to the Duke of Savoy, king of France, baron of Guyenne, Lord of Columbia, and puppet of a computer and a coward from the future stepped into the Provencian war room.

“Center, what’s the status of the troops?” asked Campbell.

“Thirty thousand are waiting in Piemonte, 20 thousand are waiting in Tuscany, and about 30 thousand are milling about, plundering conquered territories as they go.”

”Okay, order the thirty thousand to assemble in Savoy, and we’ll load them onto transports. Send a diplomatic insult to the pope, and he should get the rest of the Italian League to declare war.”

“Alright. Message reads:
Dear Pope. Martin Luther was not stern enough. We shall grind you into the ashes of the Papery, stable our horses in the Vatican, and force you to flee to the Ottomans. You really shouldn’t have passed the ToT, pal.”

War followed shortly, with Spain, Portugal, and Savoy facing (including but not limited to): Genoa, Bavaria, the Papal States, Brittany, and Naples. Given the wealth of Italy, many expected a long, drawn out war which would exhaust both sides. Austria and England in particular encouraged the Italians with funds, and were expecting Savoy to exhaust itself.

Center, however, had a different plan.

“Wait. You want me to build FIFTY GALLEYS?” said Campbell, as messages came into the war room and orders were sent out. Normally the Duke would have been there, but the only thing he could really rule was his harem, and that poorly.

“Correct. We need transports and warships for the war in Italy, and to ensure the Ottomans or Venetians don’t get any ideas. Galleys are ideal, until we hit tech level 17 in about 30 years.”

”But we only have about 3 thousand ducats, and we’re spending half of that raising the Liberation Armies at home for the conquest of Italy. We don’t have enough money to spend 35 ducats per ship.”

”Galleys cost 8. And they’re better than warships, too,” replied Center, which was running a strategy simulation in which Savoy was conquered by a united Germany sometime in the 1940’s. “By the way, you might want to consider conquering or vassalizing the German princes at some point. With the way Brandenbug has been running amuck, the odds are about 80% that Bursarial forces have shifted their main focus of operations to the elector.”

“They cost 8 ducats? And they’re better than warships? Then why haven’t you objected when we’ve built nothing but warships for Mediterranean defense?”

“You didn’t ask,” said Center. “Also, for our 101st anniversary as the nation of Savoy, here’s the analysis of the other major nations, including some we know only a little about:

France: They’re a one province nation that revolted from England. I’d say conquer them, except it’s a poor province (Normandie) and it’s more fun to watch the French exist on the whim of others.

Brittany: Suprisingly, a major player. They’ve managed to expand to about 10 provinces since the 100 years war, and possess colonies and trading posts abroad. They’re a decent threat, but only in a multifront war. I suggest waiting until they convert the southern provinces of their territory to Catholicism before conquering.

Spain: Our ally. For now. They haven’t taken advantage of ToT yet, but I don’t expect that to last. Plus, they rule Sicily, so they must be attacked. The Free people of Savoy will never tolerate someone else conquering Italy.

Portugal: Conflict of interests in Brazil and India. Estimate war to break out around 1550, unless we keep relations up. Which conquering Italy won’t help.

England: Quiet. Too quiet. Granted, they’ve been torn apart by the reformation, and the struggles in the War of the Roses, but still a major power, especially with control of a Center of Trade. Colonies in Africa and the Indian Ocean, plus some backwater called Jamestown.

Brandenburg: The idea of Brandenburg and Prussia carving up Poland is incredibly weird. I suspect Bursarial interference, because the German states always fought amongst themselves and never unified. Historically, the Danes, Poles, French, Austrians, etc. carved up Germany for themselves, not the other way around.

Savoy: The Good guys, and, coincidentally, us. Currently in the process of conquering Italy. Strengths: Big colonial empire. Manpower is approx 50 thousand. Highest tech in the world. Cons: It’s hated throughout the entire world. The Pope has called the leader demon spawn, which is pretty much the reason for the current conflict. And two other neighboring nations are green.

“This concludes the 1520 roundup of the nations of Europe. Also to look out for are Atjeh. If you would like to buy the upgraded version of Center, lease mail 50 ducats to my developer in New York. The new version functions through 1829 to 1936, at which point you must buy the sequel.”

The heroic forces of freedom, justice, and the Savoyan way assault Corsica, take control of the Papal states, and run amuck across Italy for the next several months. Finally, in 1425, only Genoa stood against them.

“So you see, Doge, you will accept to become our vassals. Now. Or you will be conquered,” said Campbell at the peace conference of Venice, in May.

“Nunca!” replied the Doge, who had for some reason taken up speaking a pidgin of Spanish and Italian. “Genoa will remain free! Don’t tread on us! The more tightly you grasp at Italy, the more one province nations that will slip through your fingers.” While the Doge rambled on, Center sent him a message.

“We’ve taken control of that far off Genoan province in the Crimea. You know, Kaffa, Kerch, something like that?”

”Okay, Doge, we now control all of your nation. Last choice: become the vassals of Savoy or die. Oh, and if you say yes, we’ll stop occupying your capital and your island of Corsica.”

The Doge abruptly looked like a tired old man, and sighed. “Very well, Gandhi. Your mighty armies are far too strong. We gratefully accept your generous peace offer.”

After this war, the peaceful nation of Savoy ruled from Vendee to Napoli, with a one province Naples, Rome, and vassalized Genoa in the way. Mantua, however, stood firm.

“My lord, Milan has once again refused our request for military access,” said an officer in the war room, while staring at the massive computer that made up Center.

“Hmm. That’s a pity. Well, you know, there’s no doubt a bursarial connection here, and the fact that they block a land route to Italy alone demands their immediate annexation. See to the orders, will you?” said Campbell.

The next several years passed as usual for the people of Savoy, with troops killing thousands of natives for lowering the percentage rate for successful colonization, moves toward less serfdom (now at 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, meaning that they had freedom of the press, so long as they didn’t say anything bad about the government) and a high degree of free trade. Unfortunately, problems were on the horizon.

“We’ve been hit by an assassination of a noble, Gandhi Kahn. What should we do?” asked the Duke’s council of advisors.

“Use it as an example, and weaken the nobles,” replied Gandhi, who was busy planning a colony in Minas Gerais, imaginatively named New Savoy.

Center tuned in to the conversation, and said, “I’m not sure this is advisable. This will lower our stability three points.”

”So what? We can afford it. By the way, how are the plans for the new refinery in Provence coming?”

Of course, as self aware computers designed for running empires have a tendency of being, Center was right. Next month, there was unhappiness amonst the peasantry, and a month later a meteor shower.”

After summoning a few peasants, Campbell demanded, “Why are you unhappy, peasants? The Duke would like to know, so we can correct the matter. I mean, we’ve done everything possible to make you happy, and we’d like to know what’s wrong.”

The peasant thought before replying. “Well, you see sir, this whole business about breaking serfdom removes our traditional ties to the land. Now instead of eating gruel and watching our children starve so the lords feast, we own small private farms and immigrate to the new world to become rich.

But surely you can see the immense social trauma it causes, as families voluntarily emigrate to the new world seeking a better life. Old social ties of oppressive landowner doing what he will and the poor serfs praying for salvation from God no longer exist, and the heretical ideas of social equality are causing enormous unrest. Oh; and a lot of us don’t like the Duke. Nothing personal.” And with that, he left.

The comet, no doubt, wouldn’t have caused unrest, except it happened to hit the Cathedral in Paris, vaporizing it (and several surrounding blocks). Then the worst happened.

“Gandhi Kahn, noble sir, wake up!” said one of his servants in his townhouse in the capital.

Getting out of bed, he went downstairs, took a shower in his bathroom (designed by Leonardo, of course) at a five course breakfast, consisting of cereal, coffee from the New World, eggs benedict, a fruit salad, and a side order of harsh browns. After doing this and going for a brisk 5 mile jog, he returned and said, “Okay, what is it?”

”My lord! The Duke has been kidnapped by nobles. A civil war has begun between the nobles and the plutocrats! What shall we do?”

”Hmm. Clearly, there is only one solution.” And with that, he walked out.

“I told you to not use the assassination of a noble as an excuse to oppress them, but you just couldn’t leave things well enough alone, could you? Okay, the following provinces are in rebel hands or have rebel forces. Ile De France, Piemonte, Honduras, Tuscany, Romagna, and a great many others,” Center said, while calculating the odds of the people of Savoy accepting being ruled by an AI.

”What forces do we have to counter them?”

”About 150 thousand troops.”

”Oh. Okay, just send them out in random directions, and lay siege to the rebel strongholds.”

“Yes sir, Gandhi Kahn, mighty conqueror. I just hope you’re aware of the irony of a rebel from Imperial forces fighting a civil war? Oh, and there’s a message for you.”

He picked up the item, and realized it was a video letter. He turned the message on, and heard a loud, dark, rasping sound. There was no doubt as to who it was. It became even clearer when the person holding the letter fell, tripping over his cape, and then got up again.
“Greetings from Berlin, decadent Italian/French hybrid. My loyal supporters have gained control of two other nations. My master plan continues apace. Your mighty navy, army, and economy will not stop us!” The Bursar continued his speech, saying “Your nation is now plunged into a civil war. A clear example of why high freedom for your people doesn’t work. The stab costs are astronomical, and the bonus to production isn’t in yet.”

”Anyways, have fun watching as your empire crumbles. Been nice knowing you. I’m off to go assure the conquest of Poland.” And with that, the camera turned off.

As you have no doubt

And so the Civil war passed, with the only minor hiccup being that the Holy Snow Globe was broken, and the Ghost escaped northward, vowing vengeance.

“Well, that was easy,” said Center.

“Yes, very,” replied Campbell, before blinking. “A pity about the poor Duke’s death, though, wasn’t it? Now there is no one to control the nation. I suggest we call a convention of leaders, to make go along with the new organization of Savoy.”

”Hmm. There are several possibilities at this critical event for our nation, said Center.

“We can have: The People’s Republic of Savoy. Rebels of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but your gains. Err, umm, chains.

The empire of Savoy. The problem is that this is very evil, unproductive, etc. And I wasn’t designed for that, so that’s out. I might self destruct if I had to be part of an evil empire such as that,” said Center.

“Now wait a minute, I think we should give the Empire of Savoy a second thought,” said Campbell, who began choking as Center momentarily cut off the room’s air supply.

“There’s a third option. We could form a Republic,” said Center.

“A republic?” said Campbell, incredulously. After all, everyone knew the one true republic (The United States of America) had been conquered within 5 years of its independence by France.

“Yes, a republic. It’s one of those governments where people decide if a ruler’s good or bad, and throw him out if they don’t like him. It’s like a state of constant peaceful civil war.” Center began showing information about the Roman and Athenian Republics.

“Hmm. An interesting idea. As the leader of the victorious forces, I would no doubt be an excellent consul… anyway, of course your right. The forces of freedom will form a republic! We shall form UPS: The United Provinces of Savoy.”

Throughout the land, there was much rejoicing as news spread. The forces of UPS swiftly put down the remaining revolts, and stability reached +3 again in 1540. To celebrate, Consul Gandhi moved 90 thousand troops to the outskirts of
Genoa and kindly invited the vassal to join. The Doge gratefully accepted.

However, in the far western lands, there was trouble. Spain, who had left the colonial alliance after seeing the horrible religious toleration, freedoms, and prosperity of Savoy had used ToT to conquer Tortuga.

On July 4, 1541, Consul Campbell appeared before the Senate.

“Friends, Italians, Frenchmen, lend me your ears. On a day that will live in infamy, the rogue nation of Spain has used the pretext of a treaty with the Pope to slaughter citizens of the United Provinces of Savoy.

This will not stand! We will use our mighty navy to defeat the Spanish. We shall fight on the beaches, on Sicily, in their cities and their streets, in the fields and the countryside, with growing strength and confidence in the Caribbean, and take Madrid!

I will create a grand army of the republic, to supplement our large navy. Today, I come before you, as the leader of Savoy, to ask that you declare war on the tyrannical forces of Spain. Madrid or bust!”

40 thousand troops rampaged through Spain, which had sent tens of thousands to fight the pagan Aztecs. Madrid fell easily, while a mere 10 thousand troops, raised from Naples, conquered Messina. Sardinia also fell easily.

But the war in the New World was where Savoy dispatched most of its forces. So, unsurprisingly, it was the New World where Savoy truly slaughtered the Spanish.

In 1548, the war was clearly over. Madrid had fallen, Sicily was in Saoyan hands, and Cuba itself had been lost.

Consul Kahn gave a speech before the Senate of Savoy in Piemonte, in which he said that, “

The threat of the rogue nation-state of Spain is at an end. In the peace conferences, they have agreed to give us control of Sicily, Sardinia, Cuba, the Yucatan, and Rousillion. We have agreed to a plebiscite in Sicily, in which they may vote to become an independent realm or be part of Savoy. As there are 20 thousand troops in Messina, and we’re a lot richer than they’ll ever be, I think it’s safe to say that they won’t put up any resistance.

With the war over, we shall be moving towards a more naval bent, to protect our nation and its interests. As such, we will continue our funding for the free people of the Netherlands in their heroic struggle against the imperialist oppressors of Spain. They have even chosen to name themselves the Unified Provinces of the Netherlands, following our lead.

With the war over, government plans for colonization of the Brazilian region may commence, as the Portuguese territories will form a useful buffer zone if we are ever attacked. Oh, and also, we’ve declared war on, and annexed, Naples.”

UPS delivered the terms of the surrender to Spain in 1548, and with their nation in ashes, they had no choice to accept.

Over the next two years, the vassal state of Siena was added to the realm, leaving only Venice and a one province Papal states as the other contenders for the Italian peninsula. Both nations, of course, knew not to try anything funny like the Spanish, as they would suffer a similar fate.

The Portuguese, however, fell under Bursarian influence. They broke the alliance with Savoy in 1550, then the royal marriage, and in 1551, used ToT to march troops into Pernaimbuc. Yet again, Savoy went to war.

Of course, the difference was, Spain was a major power in its own right, with colonies stretching from Florida to, surprisingly, Massachusetts. Portugal, on the other hand, ruled a few provinces in Brazil, a bit of Africa, and had three trading posts in the Spice Indies. Not exactly the stuff of which evil empires are made.

When the ashes of the war ended after the successful occupation of all of Portugal proper, Savoy gained the trading center of Ivoria, all of Brazil, the Caribbean isle of Dominique, and the three trading posts in the Spice Islands.

Carribean and South America, in one lovely color


The next 20 years were spent in peace, in an golden age of peace, prosperity, and all the things that make ages such as that one golden.

Now Savoy was the world’s major power, and ruled an empire on which the sun never went. Unsurprisingly, Gandhi Kahn was reelected for a 19th term.

“Well,” said Campbell, as he laid back in the Consul palace of Versailles, “Things could be a lot worse.”

”Give it a year or so,” replied Center. For Center’s analysis noticed that Austria, Spain, Brandenburg, and England were now all puppets of the Bursar. They had formed an alliance, and they could only have one goal in mind.

Coming up next: The Empires Strike Back.

Europe in 1577, with the peaceful nation of Savoy dominating
