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Mar 14, 2001
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First of all an apology to everyone taking part in the current free company adventure and Lord Durham in particular for disappearing recently, real life intervened..and well you all know how these thing are :)

Those who remember my EU1 AARs (yes both of you) may recall my love for Iberia and small minor states, especially Muslim ones. So I've decided to play Granada to see what they can do with the right (or wrong ;)) leadership.

A brief word about gameplay and content. This is with hard/aggressive settings, the reason for this is to try and cut down on some of the insane BB wars which plague the maximum levels. The game is of course played 'iron man', so no reloading except in the case of CTD. For the first few years I will only post things about Granada itself and selected items of foreign news that might have been of interest to the ruling elite of Granada.

The Moorish kingdom was once great, including nearly the entire Iberian peninsular, with only a few primitive and barbarous states to the North, but these states had grown in size and power while the Moorish kingdom became divided and decadent. Granada is the last remnant of this once proud kingdom, clinging to the Southern coasts of Iberia looking nervously northwards at the great kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. And even now the kingdom cannot focus on fighting back or even surviving, the feuds and petty squabbles of the large noble families dominate the thoughts and energy of the rulers. These divisions look like they will come to the fore yet again following the assassination of the chief minister in a few days ago, rumor has it that Castilian agents trying to spread disorder were responsible, today the Emir will choose a new minister, 4 candidates are being put forward, a each representative of the different factions in Granada, his choice may decide the fate of our fair kingdom, may Allah help him choose wisely.

From a speech given by Ismail Idriss on the 22nd December 1418

The court became quiet as the Emir stepped up to give his announcement, he started off with the usual introductions and small talk until he got to the important part, the whole chamber was so tense, you could have cut the air with a knife.

"...Following the terrible murder of Ali of Almiera [the former chief minister] it is my duty to announce to you today the details of his replacement, in a break with tradition the new chief minister will appoint his own junior ministers, either from the court, or anywhere else he chooses..."

The chamber was hushed, the Emir had always used the appointments as a way to balance the power of the factions, was he planning to give control to just one of them, was he mad.

"It has not being an easy choice" The Emir spoke while looking at the head of each faction it turn "But in the end only one man could possibly fill the position and meet that challenges it presents and that man is...Lord Akbar of Coin"

The chamber was completely silent, the courtiers too stunned to speak or move, the Emir walked through them and out of the chamber. As soon as the Emir left the room was in uproar "Who the hell is he" seemed to be the most common cry from the crowd, the heads of the leading families left soon afterwards muttering about betrayal.

'He' as some of the more scholarly courtiers quickly found out was the Lord of a small estate South of the small market town of Coin and near the Port of Marbella, a very minor noble not affiliated with any of the factions. The Emir has taken a major gamble and in effect had stuck two fingers up at the factions, and I for one hope it works...

From the diary of a courtier in attendance on the infamous 'December 24th'

"Well I'll be fooked..."

Reaction from a resident of Granada's market district upon hearing of the King's decision

I awoke early on the 26th to supervise the repair of the fences near the forest, some imbecile had left a gate open and a bull had escaped causing chaos, I was busy trying to solve a dispute between two groups of laborers over which type of wood would provide the best protection against future bull escapes when Juan, a household servant, came running up

"M'Lord I've..." he began

"Bugger off Juan, can't you see I'm busy" I shouted back

"My apologies sir, but the messenger said it's urgent" he replied

"Can't it wait?" I asked

"It's from the Emir sir" he said

"What does he want?" I asked

"Think you're being called to Granada" Said Juan "there's a carriage and everything, come to the house sir"

"If this is some kind of joke Juan, I'll chide you so hard that you won't sit down until next Christmas!" I said hurrying towards him.

The message had not been a joke, and I had little time to think, I had to pack and get an entourage together containing a minister of war, a minister of finance, a minister of the interior and a minister of religious affairs. I left that evening accompanied by Juan, and my new entourage, Ahmed, a former mercenary who had settled down in Coin, Omar a small time merchant/pirate from Marbella, Abdul the former mayor of Coin, prior to the great corruption scandal of 1416 and Selim, an elderly Iman who had been at the estate mosque for some 30 years.
The Emir had expected us by the 29th but we arrived in Granada on the afternoon of the 28th as we came near to the court a thought suddenly entered my head, the last 2 days had gone so fast that I hadn't had time to think but just like that it came to me

"Why in Allah's name would the Emir pick me as the new chief minister?" I shouted out, the other people in the carriage shrugged

"Maybe he admired the way you handled the goat crisis of 1406" Said Juan helpfully, I glared at him

When we arrived at court, the courtiers pointed at us and whispered, one of them threw a few coins at us and told us to get back on the streets, Omar punched him in the face, while the others picked up the coins, just as a brawl looked likely to break out the Emir appeared in the chamber and everyone bowed down except for Ahmed who was pulled down by Selim at the last minute, everyone then stood up. The Emir walked over to us,

"My Lords, may I introduce Lord Akbar of Coin, the new chief minister of Granada" He said, the courtiers clapped politely, applauding each of us as we were introduced. After this brief spectacle we were shown to our offices with instructions that the Emir expected a full report on the Kingdom by the 1st January 1419.
The previous 2 days had been hectic, I was introduced to the great and the good of the Emirate including General Fahti who command the army of Granada, a force of 15000 infantry and 2000 cavalry. I was also introduced to some of the ambassadors of other nations who resided at court, most Moslem nations were represented and all the Iberian nations had one or two diplomats hanging around, although most other Christian nations didn't consider us important enough to be represented here.

After meetings with my ministers and other important figures in the Emirate I decide that the most important area of public policy is the quality of the army, I ask our generals to implement a more varied training program and more vigorous methods of selection to improve the overall quality of the army. This raises morale but it will now cost more to recruit soldiers.

On my 4th day in office the Ottoman ambassador visits my office to inform me that his country has declared war on Candar, after hearing him prattle on for 20 minutes about the various provocations from Candar that led to the war I interrupt his telling of an especially tedious story about some border fort to wish his country the best of luck and remind him that I do have other business to attend to, he takes the hint and excuses himself. 30 seconds Juan popped his head round the door and told me that the ambassador from Candar had arrived and wished to talk to me about something urgent, brilliant, I thought to myself.

Just after morning prayer I was sitting in my office when I heard terrible commotion start in the corridor
"Out of my way"
"Never, I shall tell him first"
"The honour of Castile shall not be slighted by you peasant"

It was the ambassadors from Aragon and Castile, Jesus and Felipe, who were always trying to out do one another, they both ran up the corridor, colliding and getting stuck in the doorway, they both shoved their way through the door, tripped over each other and fell on the floor,

"Yes?" I asked looking at them on the floor

Jesus got up first and with a triumphant air bowed, as he did so Felipe tripped him and rose to his feet and bowed

"What is it?" I asked as Jesus got his feet

"His most Catholic majesty, the King of Castile, Leon and rightful ruler of.." I cleared my throat, Felipe paused then continued "Has decided to purge Iberia of the Muslim scourge and so declares war on the pitiful Emirate of Granada" He finished with a flourish

Jesus looked like the wind had been taken out of his sails "The King of Aragon does likewise" He said quietly

I was somewhat taken aback at this but managed to maintain my composure "Will that be all gentlemen" I asked

"Well" began Felipe "Just to say that..."

"I said, will that be all gentlemen" I repeated, the two men left quickly.

Merciful Allah I thought to myself, 6 days running things and already at war with the two most powerful nations in Iberia, this isn't going to reflect at all well on my appointment. When I was quite sure the two bickering Spaniards were out of ear shot I shouted out "JUAN!" He came running in

"We're at war, getting my ministers, the generals, our spies and our allies" I said

"Should I inform the Emir?" Asked Juan

"Yes! good thinking lad" I shouted after him as he scurried off

At the hastily conviened meeting our allies' ambassadors inform us that they will not take part in the war, under normal circumstances I would have had them killed, but with the present situation I have to settle for throwing out of the building, from the second floor.. Our spies inform us that the Castilian army is moving northwards for soem unknown reason and it is decided that we should take the offensive and raise more men. Orders are given to raise 3000 infantry and 4000 cavalry in Granada province and 3000 infantry in Gibraltar province. Over the next hour we devise a plan to take the war to Castile.

The Costa Campaign

The aim is to deprive Castile of the use of her navy by occupying her Southern coasts. The army is spilt into two pieces, the first half under the command of Fahti marches to Murica province, while the second half, commanded by Batna marches to Andalucia.

By the end of January Batna has taken several towns and started to besiege the larger towns and cities, on the 27th he lays siege to Seville. In early February Fahti begins to besiege Murica and secure the smaller towns, however he is attacked by a Castilian army at Cieza and is forced to withdraw with heavy losses to Granada, where he waits for re-enforcements. In march 3000 infantry are ready in Gibraltar and are order to aid Batna in Andalucia who is making reasonable progress. However a few days later the sneaky Aragonese land a 3000 strong army at Granada and burn the port of Adra, Fahti and his army arrive on the 16th and attack the Aragonese who over a series of battles are completely destroyed. I have the prisoners put to work rebuilding Adra and praise Allah that Fahti isn't a complete incompetent.

In early April with the main Castilian army reported still twiddling their thumbs in the Leon, Fahti, now re-enforced marches north towards Toledo the old Capital of Castile. 3000 more infantry are raised in Granada On the 11th Batna reports the capture of 1000 Castilian recruits in Andalucia, They are handed over to Omar who claims he can make a mint at the Fez slave markets.

May is a bad month, we are defeated South of Toledo trying to cross the Guadiana river by a 12000 strong Castilian force losing 3000 men, but causing 5000 odd casualties, Fahti retreats to Granada, he better pull his socks up, or the only thing he'll be in charge of is cleaning out my septic tank! from the 10th to the 23rd Batna fights off a series of attacks in Andalucia, encircling and destroying a 3000 strong Castilian army near Lora del Rio on the 19th. However the approach of 34000 Castilian troops forced them to withdraw and by June both armies are heading towards Granada. The costa Campaign was over.
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Originally posted by Cockney
Argh, stupid Geocities, to see the screenshots you have to visit my homepage and click on the links *sigh*

My Site

Maybe not...

Try to rename them *.txt instead, I had the same problem with my provider and it helped

Look (testing)


Notice the fileending!!!;)
Welcome back Cockney. Hope you survive the first few years or should I say wars.

Glad to see you back in action Cockney. Good start to your AAR. :cool:
Part 2

The Toledo Campaign

In June I call my generals and ministers to discuss the war, Omar suggests raising war taxes, and the measure is implemented on the 2nd, the peasants aren't too keen on the idea of paying more, but the small stability loss is really the least of our worries. Fahti is ordered to get his army in order and march to Toledo, the war must be kept in Castile. Batna waits for re-enforcements in Granada. The situation which wasn't looking especially rosy at the start of the month now looks even less so at the end with the arrival of 19000 Aragonese troops in Gibraltar, somehow I doubt they are there to enjoy the beach weather.

on the 3rd of July Fahti seizes the town of Tomelloso and lays siege to the key points of Toledo province, including the city itself. The Aragonese break off their package holiday in Gibraltar and march towards Granada, finding time to sack Ronda on the way. I order Batna to Murica which a small Castilian army is guarding rather than risk destruction at the hands of the Aragonese. I decide to accompany him. The Castilians not to be outdone, march 35000 troops in the direction of Granada. In August 1000 recruits bravely sacrifice themselves to save Batna who fails miserably at Locra , it was a shambles, may Allah guide the general, or at the very least knock some sense into him. We are sent fleeing towards Toledo. On the 11th of September we arrive in Toledo province and seeing Andalucia unguarded decided to leave the siege in the (in)capable hands of Fahti and march with just under 6000 men to Andalucia. 2 days later 35000 Castilians arrive in Granada, much to the consternation of the Emir and his court. On the 29th our army descends on the undefended Andalucia laying siege to Cordoba and Seville, we settle in for a long siege. On the 3rd of October the Aragonese abandon their siege of Gibraltar the holiday season now well and truly over. The remainder of the year passes quietly save for a brilliant battle fought by Batna on the river Guadalquivir in which 2000 Castilians were killer or captured for the loss of less than 100 Moors, the general responsible will have some explaining to do, or would have if he wasn't being put to work in the Ljoa salt mines. The Castilians continue to find new ways of cooking rat in Granada, our spies inform us it tastes just like chicken.

In the new year I call an emergency meeting, the ministers and generals meet in Carmona to discuss the progress of the war, we are out of money and the Castilians are besieging our capital, however we do have two of their provinces under siege and they are unable to re-enforce their men in Granada. The meeting was brief

"We need to put more troops into the field" said Ahmed

"With what?" Said Omar "We're broke"

"And whose fault is that" Demanded Ahmed

"Well if you were prepared to make economies like I suggested." Began Omar

"I'm trying to run a war not a Bazaar!" Shouted Ahmed

"Well how am I supposed to collect taxes from Granada if 28000 Castilians are there!" Replied Omar

"Gentlemen" I interrupted "We need to get more money into the coffers to prosecute the war, we need more troops, and we must stay focused, now how are we going to do this?"

"A loan?" Suggested Omar "And merchants, bring some trading income our way, we might even have a few ducats spare for some troops" He smiled

"Ok Ahmed, how many men do you need?" I asked

"5000 foot and 4000 horse" He said

"4 and 4" said Omar "best we can do with that amount"

"Okay" I said "which financier do we do most business with"

"Yusef of Algeciras" Said Omar "I'll arrange a 200 ducat loan as soon as possible"

"No, I'll do it" Said Abdul "You'll spend 6 months trying to get the interest rate lowered"

The discussion moved on to strategy, it was decided to keep the armies where they were, reducing the towns of Toledo and Andalucia, in an attempt to draw the Castilians out of Granada. Orders are sent to raise 4000 infantry and 4000 cavalry in Gibraltar and to send two merchants to Lisbon, the meeting broke up shortly afterwards.

In February, General Fahti reports that he has captured Orgaz and that Toledo should fall within 3 months, the Castilians continue to subsist on a rich diet of boots and rat tails in Granada while the walls of the city itself continue defy their siege engines (+1). In march Fahti reports he has captured Toledo, with the walls of Seville crumbling and the Castilians only succeeding in reducing their own numbers in Granada the Toledo campaign is over, and a success.
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Part 3

The Madrid Gamble

Despite our success at Toledo there were still over over 25,000 Castilians in Granada, so a decision which was to have far reaching consequences was reached that afternoon, we were to march on Madrid, Capital of Castile and attempt to secure it and force the Castilians to abandon their operations in our territory. As Fahti sets out Northwards the Fezian ambassador arrives bringing tales of the kind of searches performed by Castilian troops and more importantly news that the Fezians have expelled 5000 Castilian troops from their territory [they're at war with Castile due the Portuguese]. On the 30th of March Fahti comes within sight and Madrid and begins siege operations, Batna's troops tunnel under Seville's walls which are now in a poor state (-5).

In April a group of Castilian recruits are seen off just South of Madrid. Just two days later the Castilians discovering that rat and shoelace can only go so far and seeing their Capital under threat pack up and leave, heading towards Toledo. I send orders for 3000 men to be raised there, and for the 8000 new recruits in Gibraltar to be sent to Andalucia to assist us. The Ottoman ambassador visits our camp to inform us that Candar has been annexed, and that his country along with their allies Teke are making war on Karaman, I give him a tour of the siege works of Seville and translated as best I could the insults thrown at us from the garrison. On the 29th a fresh catapult salvo causes another section of wall to collapse and we overrun a key hill to the north of the city (-7). The peasants of Granada say farewell to the Castilian troops by attacking them as they cross into Toledo, although they are scattered fairly quickly they inflict over 2000 casualties.

By 5th May is becomes clear that the Castilians are not going to interrupt either of our siege operations or even besiege Toledo, our spies report they are heading for Estramadra, probably massing a new army as for the first time in the conflict we have more troops than they do in the field 24000, to their 22000, but they are raising more by the day, and there is little we can do about them in the mountains of Estramadra. Seville and Cordoba both surrender on the 29th of April paving the way for a full occupation of Andalucia, Batna and his 13000 strong army are ordered to Murica via Granada to complete the occupation of Southern Iberia. Early in June we overrun the town of Ocana and continue to dig in around Madrid (2), the Castilians are quick to react to this sending 20000 men from Estramadra to meet our 11000 strong siege force. on the 11th I send 3000 new recruits to Toledo. On the 29th the Castilians begin their attack and a battle is fought at Avila, Fahti inflicts some losses and retreats in good order, this pattern continues until the 13th of July when that infernal bungler Fahti allows his right to become exposed near Parla, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and losing 3000 men in the process, I must remember to find him an assignment more suited to his talents when he returns, I hear the Emir is in head of a new stable boy...

I send orders to raise 3000 more infantry in Granada, Omar nearly has a heart attack, we have gone through that 200 ducat very fast with less than 50 left in the coffers, we will have to make an effort to win more quickly. At the end of July Batna arrives in Murica and puts Murica and Cartagena under siege, lets hope Fahti can avoiding losing his entire force before they are taken. In August Fathi is marched once again to Madrid, the Castilians having marched back to Estramadra due to the of loss 4000 men, they are re-enforcing already. later in the month some diplomatic business needs to be attended to, the dishonorable swine, the Sultan of Fez enters an alliance with Tunisia, meanwhile the Sultan of Morocco concerned by this approaches us looking for an alliance, I accept on Mohammed's behalf, one day Fez will pay for abandoning us in our hour of need...

On the 11th of September we once again lay siege to Madrid, and march some re-enforcements to Toledo. However in October the unsporting Castilians send 22000 men to drive us out, I order our re-enforcements to join Fahti as soon as possible, but it is unlikely that they will be of any use. In a sudden change of heart the Castilians change direction and head for Andalucia. 2000 cavalry are raised in Gibraltar and Omar has to be put in restraints. I order progress reports on our sieges, Madrid is untouched (3) but some success has been achieved in Murica and the town of Mula has been captured (1). October is rounded off by the defeat of some recruits in Madrid, raising the morale of Fahti's men and stopping 2000 men from reaching the ever expanding Castilian army in Andalucia.

Navarra entered the war on Castile's side in the middle of November, anther army facing us, just what we need. In early December the Castilians, abandoned their siege at Seville and retreated to Estramadra, must be something in the water there.. I send re-enforcements to Fahti.

In the new year the Castilians , having upped their strength to 24,000 march on our 15,000 strong army besieging Madrid, I travel to Castilia to oversee the battle. On the 5th of February the Castilians begin their attack at Segovia, they are held up all day by our forces, however by the 12th we have been forced to retreat to Ardoz to avoid being enveloped, on the 13th, in an inspired move Fahti counter attacks the Castilian right forcing them back across the Tarama river, in a somewhat less inspired move he then leaves a poor commander to cover the bridge and by the 18th the Castilians cross the river again in force, forcing us back to Getafe by the 20th and by the 22nd we are in full retreat towards Toledo having inflicted 5,000 casualties but losing 3,000 ourselves. I send riders to check on the siege of Murica (-3) and to have 1,000 infantry raised at Granada. The morale of Fahti's army already in the doldrums is further reduced when 3,000 Castilians cavalry force them to march back to Granada in a battle outside Toledo, fortunately we suffer few losses because the men decide to run for it, if only they moved so fast in the attack we'd have won the war months ago.

In mid April the cavalry force which humiliated Fahti is given a sound drubbing by Batna,only a few fugitives escaping. Two days later Navarra offers us a white peace which I accept on behalf of the Emir. On the 21st Batna captures Murica and Cartagena. The gamble has paid off, although Madrid was not taken, Southern Iberia is now in our hands and the Castilians are finding it difficult to continue the war.

I call the ministers to discuss peace. In just under two and a half years of bloody fighting we have achieved a reasonable victory (36%). Opinion is divided, Ahmed and Selim wish to continue the war as we have driven the Castilians out of Southern Iberia. Omar wishes to end the war and start rebuilding the economy, Abdul wants to take as much as possible from Castile but is worried about the increasing war exhaustion amongst the populace, a heated argument is taking place when Juan points out that the Castilians have acquired a weapons manufactory in Murica [random event?] and that the Castilians still do not value that province highly, I realize a weapons manufactory could put us ahead, or at least level with our competition and a decision is taken.

I send for Felipe and show him our terms, Murica and 100 ducats for wartime damage, he accepts the terms on behalf of his King and leaves my office, looking rather less pleased with himself than he was when he announced the declaration of war. Castile is defeated, the gamble paid off, the war is over and Granada is victorious!
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Originally posted by Cockney
Thanks LD, I've been reading the lastest adventures of the free company, amazing stuff :)

Well, the Moors are still active whenever you get the urge ;)

This AAR is really good. We need a screenie soon... :)
Originally posted by Lord Joseph
A lucky break indeed with that weapons manufactury. It will help to offset the tech advantage. Great job...

I second the "We need a screenie" though :)

A screeny seems a bit silly since he only gained one province. Not trying to put down his result bu you should be able to imagine Granade with 1 extra province without a screenie.
There are a couple of screenies on My site. I should have taken more, but I was concerned with fighting a war at the time ;) More to follow soon. Part 4 should be up tomorrow as well.

LD, Thanks for your kind offer (and words), my life is still a little 'interesting' at the moment so I'm not sure I could commit to the free company again, but I hope to return as soon as things are more settled :)
Part 4

The Catalan offensive

The celebrations following our victory were like nothing Granada had seen for generations, processions and parties were held in our honour and the Emir gave us all considerable lands in Murcia, much to the chagrin of the existing landowners in the province, although they seem to quieten down after I had a few of them executed. The Emir even offers his first cousin's hand in marriage to Omar, although she is swapped for his third cousin when he remembered what Omar looks like.

In fact we were about to attend another ceremony to celebrate our victory, the opening of a new Mosque in Vera when Juan asked a question "So what is going to be done about Aragon?"

We all looked at each other "ah crap" we said in unison. Aragon had done so little since they pulled out of Gibraltar that I had forgotten we were at war with them!, "Call the generals" I shouted to Juan "we need a new war plan"

The plan dubbed 'the Catalan Offensive' was, like all the best plans, very simple, Batna would attack the small Aragonese army in Valencia and then asses the situation and Fahti would follow on behind to conduct sieges and provide support where it is needed, Fahti doesn't seem too happy with his casting in a junior role but Omar manages to convince him that while we wish he could command the army, he is the best siege general in Iberia and so is needed to reduce the enemies possessions. He seems very happy with this, although he is somewhat less impressed when Omar tries to get him to invest in his latest business venture.

Batna heads towards Valencia on the 1st of May while Fahti moves in to Murcia from Granada, Batna makes contact with the 4,000 Aragonese in Valencia province and by the 18th had driven them across the Turia river. I order him to pursue them to Catalonia where a further 1,000 men are waiting, Fahti is ordered to move into Valencia and conduct siege operations. Batna completely routs the Aragonese, capturing Tortosa, the road to Barcelona was wide open and he begins to besiege the city on the 6th of June, on the 14th Fahti begins operations in Valencia. Our spies report the Aragonese are trying to raise a new army in their capital so Batna is dispatched in July to stop them from forming up, this forces him to abandon the siege of Barcelona, much to the annoyance of Ahmed who insists we need a 3rd army, we do all we can do to stop Omar from killing him. On the 8th of August we defeat an Aragonese recruit army near Saragosa, Fahti obliviously took Omar's buttering up very seriously and is making remarkable progress, capturing several towns and reducing the walls Valencia (-2) in just two months. The sneaky Aragonese then decide to try and raise an army in Barcelona, most unsporting. Batna is dispatched to deal with it.

He arrives on the 8th of September of finding no troops in the area proceeds to sack Valls and lay siege to Barcelona. Disaster strikes in October, the Aragonese navy, who had been very quiet during the past 18 months suddenly landing 6,000 troops in Murcia, destroying the manufactory, barbarians. Omar blames Abdul for not protecting the facility, who in turn blames Ahmed for not providing troops to defend it, he blames Omar for a lack of money to raise troops. They all at least agree that Selim should shut up when he says it is all the will of Allah. Some comforting news reaches me later in the month though, Fahti has captured most of the important points in Valencia and the city itself should fall in a matter of weeks (-7), it looks like we might have found something he can't screw up. The recruits in Barcelona are dealt with in short order in November, and Valencia falls before the year is out, Fahti travels to Saragosa to strike at the heart of Aragon.

New screenie at My Site