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Apr 24, 2008
First I would like to say that I have not played Vanilla in quite some time, this is also my first AAR so your going to have to forgive my poor excuse for game play and lack of creative writing. Although I do enjoy narrative AARs, sometimes I find myself wanting an actual After Action Report instead of the screenplays some of you are writing (I am in no way insulting other writers. It takes a lot of talent and time to do what you do, but for my first AAR I think I will stick with a basic recollection of the events that unfold during each update).

Game Name : Jihad Bil Saif (Struggle with the Sword)
Map/Mod : EU2 Vanilla 1.09
Scenario : Grand Campaign
Country : Granada
Difficulty : Very Hard
Aggressiveness : Furious

1) Survive
2) Unite and convert Iberia
3) Assume Spain and Portugal's position as colonial powerhouses
4) Be the sole colonizer of Central and South America
5) Bring Northern Africa under my control
6) Dominate Western Europe
7) Silence the Pope through annexation
8) Ally with the Ottomans and assist in there expansion into Europe

1) I must keep my sliders at full quantity. If I move away from that via event I must go back on my next slider move. The reason behind this is I want my armies to lose more battles against my enemies. I think this will add a lot of flavor to the game. Combine this with my lack of leaders and the game should be quite difficult.

2) West of the Nile is mine, East of it belongs to the Ottomans. Under no circumstance am I to take any territory East the Nile.

3) West of Italy is mine, East of it belongs to the ottomans. Under no circumstance am I to take any territory East of Italy.

4) Rules two and three must be honored even in the case of a declaration of war from the Ottoman Empire.

5) All wars against Sunni brothers must be for there greater protection. Money cannot be accepted from Sunni nations. Forced vassilization and annexation are allowed because they provide the inhabitants of said country with a much more competent leader.

6) The Ottoman Empire must survive.

I would like to thank all of you readers ahead of time (assuming I get any). I am not quite sure why I want to try this because I am almost positive I will fail. I will update this quite quickly as I have a lot of free time and nothing else to do really. So expect updates every 2-3 days. Any suggestions on goals and or rules are welcome. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome. Thank you and I hope I can deliver a some what respectable AAR.

Update #1
Update #2
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The following is the set up for Granada and of Europe in general at the start of the game.





As you can see I begin the game at the bottom of Iberia. The the North I have the very hostile, very rich nations of Castile and Portugal. The south is far more friendly containing my two allies Fez and Algiers. Fez begins in a war with Portugal without the help of his trusted allies.

Granada has a starting treasury of 75 ducats. She also has an army of 17,000 (15,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry). Unfourtantly Granada can only support 11,000 soldiers at this time. Granada's techs are all one and she is also at +1 stability. Granada's cultures are Arabic, Berber, and Iberian.
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nice to see you doing an AAR, R3lic, i will surely follow this. :)
I like the rules you've imposed on yourself, especially the quantity rule, for more casualties... :wacko:

also, you mention a possible failure, but there's no such thing in an AAR.
Even if you lose and die very early, your AAR will be enjoyed, even more so by some. :D

Now go teach the infidels why they shouldn't be drinking ;)
Wari Bana - Yea I have been thinking about it for a while then I noticed you did one. I figured I might as well try. I have not played Vanilla in two years. I am trying to work out my start right now I think I have it. I should post the first update by tonight.

The Swert - I figured I had to make my AAR different then the others. I am sure people play Granada so I had to one up them with some rules.

Thank you both for posting.
Does Granada have monarchs in vanilla after 1492? If not, this may get troublesome once (if?) you get that far. Which isn't too probable, especially with that quantity rule. I surely wouldn't be so harsh on myself, if I was playing this... ;)
Good luck - as the others said, you will need it!

Edit: Yay! Post no. 1000! :D
Emperor_krk said:
Edit: Yay! Post no. 1000! :D


to relic: good luck you will need it:),

(and this is what is going to happen in evil apples:p)
Shortynds - Thank you for subscribing. I will try my best to make it worth your while.

Emperor_krk - No, I do not have anything after 1492. No leaders, no monarchs. And I would just like to say I loved your Pomerania AAR and congrats on the 1000th post.

Martmol - Martin... We all know that A unified Spain can never fall to heathen (or in this case enlightened) Muslims. But, Castile on the other hand is just easy prey.
Why did I see the past simple tense in that sentence? My Pomeranian AAR is to be loved still, requiring as much attention as it used to, because it is very much alive! ;)
But thanks for the appreciation. You are hereby invited to leave a sign of your readership in my AAR regularly. :D

Have you considered playing AGCEEP's Fantasy Resurgent Granada? It has events, monarchs, leaders and stuff until the end of the game. However, if you have already begun your game, you might want to just copy the monarchs - so you don't get stuck with the permanent one.
Just my two cents :)
I think I might copy the monarchs. The reason I went with this scenario instead of AGCEEP is because I feel a lack on monarchs and the absolute lack of leaders and events means I will have even more of a challenge. First update coming in about an hour. It will be rather short in game time but it took quite a while to get through.

Edit - My first attempt was a complete failure. I ended up bankrupt, with 3 loans, fully occupied, no army, and quickly losing my occupation of Castile. Turns out that Castilian manpower and that damned leader Portugal has are not to be underestimated. With this in mind I need to start over. So the first update will not come until Tomorrow.
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Jihad Bis Saif (Struggle by the Sword)

1419 - We are playing as the glorious nation of Granada. Although small in size and influence now, this great nation is set to explode in a blaze of Muslim rhetoric and absolute domination of Christian Europe. The very first move of our beloved Country was to overhaul our policy. Religious tolerance was set to Catholic and Sunni, Shiite heretics and this unknown "Orthodox" will not be tolerated in this perfect Muslim utopia, our research was set to 100% land, our military disbanded 4,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry and set itself to be more Quanity oriented. A tax collector was promoted in Granada. To the North Castile entered an Alliance with Aragon. Portugal now stands alone, already at war with our brothers in arms to the south now is our time to strike.

1420 - On the first of the year our first loan was taken. By April war had been declared on Portugal. Since we had no navy our only way to attack the Portuguese lands was to venture into Castile. Through utter military genius we moved our army through Andalusia into Algarve. Filthy Castilians had begun there siege on Granada

1421 - Our noble allies and brothers in arms Fez declared war on Morocco. We had no choice but to join in. Without a navy and having little interest in North Africa at the time the acceptance was little more then show.

1422 - Castile sacked Granada and quickly offered peace. With the signing of this treaty there would a cease fire in hostilities for no less then five years. In return Gibraltar would be handed over to the mighty Christian nation. On the 26 on July Algarve is captured and the filthy Portuguese send a token peace offering of just 26 ducats. Granada fights for glory and power, neither can be obtained with such small reparations. Just as the preparations for the Battle of Tago were completed Tunisia had other ideas.


1423 - Since October 1422 the Battle for Tago had been raging. With both sides taking heavy losses. With two huge defeats to the Muslim liberators morale was low. Finally on July 11 we had a stroke of luck and annihilated what was left of Portugal's once great army.

1424 - After the Battle of Tago morale was 100%. Tago soon fell and Oporto was quickly sieged. Granada was riding a wave of success but all was not well in the world. To the south our brother in arms had suffered smashing defeats and were forced to sign humiliating treaties that ended in Fez's annexation.

1425 - Our loan came up. Strapped for cash because of numerous wars Granada was forced to extend the loan agreement.

1427 - Oporto was captured. With Portugal only controlling there Island looting was the name of the game. The looting was timed to come in all at the same month. This Sync-Looting will provide an invaluable service to Granada.

Overview - The situation of Granada at this time is double sided. With outstanding success in Iberia and Portuguese loot being minted the looming bankruptcy may be avoided. But Fez, our every faithful ally has been annexed and left us in a war we want nothing to do with. The peace treaty with Castile ends in just a few months. Granada might not be able to weather the storm.
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Perhaps going to war against every single Christian nation of the Iberian peninsula wasn't that much of a great idea? We'll see. I'm sure I would have done it differently, anyway ;).
Now, let's wait for Castile to take the initiative once the peace agreement ends. Good luck in the upcoming wars...
Did you extended the loan? If so, the next time, when the loan repayment screen pops-up, grab another loan and pay the first loan with this second loan, this way your interest rate (I think it's called that) won't grow. Oh and very fine job handling the Portuguese.
Emperor_krk - Well I had to get to Portugal some way. Since North Africa was friendly and I couldn't take on Castile I had no other choice. But it was a good idea. Portugal is wrecked and Iberia is going to have to stand up against the Granada's Muslim hordes and Portuguese gold. Out of curiosity how would you have done it? Castile declares war the second they are out of war, you have no choice but to fight.

Shortynds - Yea I knew about the loan thing, but as I was in the middle of a war and was quite busy I didn't think to do it at the time. Anyway, I should be able to mint the money to pay it back. All that needs to happen now is to get the Castilian alliance involved elsewhere while I build up :cool:
Dimmimar - Well I know I can handle Iberia, the land itself craves Muslim domination. But I left out something very important in my post... Something that is going to end up shaping Granada's future (if she is to have any). I have added a new rule in light of recent events.

I have started on my next update. I should have it done in a day.
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R3lic said:
Emperor_krk - Well I had to get to Portugal some way. Since North Africa was friendly and I couldn't take on Castile I had no other choice. But it was a good idea. Portugal is wrecked and Iberia is going to have to stand up against the Granada's Muslim hordes and Portuguese gold. Out of curiosity how would you have done it? Castile declares war the second they are out of war, you have no choice but to fight.
I've actually started a campaign as Granada some time ago (however, in AGCEEP's Resurgent Granada scenario) and I was able to conquer the entire Iberian peninsula within 3 wars. If I remember correctly, I went to war against Castile very soon (or was it them that DoW'ed me? I don't remember anymore) and was able, through much manoeuvring and, basically, outsieging them, get out of the war while gaining, iirc, Andalusia, Murcia and Toledo. With that done, the rest was easy.