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Old Greg

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Apr 12, 2008
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Pre-Ming History

The Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty ruled before the establishment of the Ming Dynasty. Alongside institutionalized ethnic discrimination against Han Chinese that stirred resentment and rebellion, other explanations for the Yuan's demise included overtaxing areas hard-hit by crop failure, inflation, and massive flooding of the Yellow River as a result of the abandonment of irrigation projects. Consequently, agriculture and the economy were in shambles and rebellion broke out among the hundreds of thousands of peasants called upon to work on repairing the dykes of the Yellow River.

A number of Han Chinese groups revolted, including the Red Turbans in 1351. The Red Turbans were affiliated with the White Lotus, a Buddhist secret society. Zhu Yuanzhang was a penniless peasant and Buddhist monk who joined the Red Turbans in 1352, but soon gained a reputation after marrying the foster daughter of a rebel commander. In 1356 Zhu's rebel force captured the city of Nanjing, which he would later establish as the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang cemented his power in the south by eliminating his arch rival and rebel leader Chen Youliang in the Battle of Lake Poyang in 1363. After the dynastic head of the Red Turbans suspiciously died in 1367 while hosted as a guest of Zhu, the latter made his imperial ambitions known by sending an army toward the Yuan capital in 1368. The last Yuan emperor fled north into Shangdu and Zhu declared the founding of the Ming Dynasty after razing the Yuan palaces of Khanbaliq to the ground.

Instead of the traditional way of naming a dynasty after the first ruler's home district, Zhu's choice of 'Ming' or 'Brilliant' for his dynasty followed a Mongol precedent of an uplifting title. Zhu Yuanzhang also took Hongwu, or 'Vastly Martial' as his reign title. Although the White Lotus had fomented his rise to power, Hongwu later denied that he had ever been a member of their organization and suppressed the religious movement after he became emperor.

Hongwu Emperor

Hongwu immediately set to rebuilding state infrastructure. He built a 48 km long wall around Nanjing, as well as new palaces and government halls. The Mingshi states that as early as 1364 Zhu Yuanzhang had begun drafting a new Confucian law code known as the Daming Lu, which was completed by 1397 and repeated certain clauses found in the old Tang Code of 653. Hongwu organized a military system known as the weisuo, which was similar to the fubing system of the Tang Dynasty. The goal was to have soldiers become self-reliant farmers in order to sustain themselves while not fighting or training. The system of the self-sufficient agricultural soldier, however, was largely a farce; infrequent rations and awards were not enough to sustain the troops, and many deserted their ranks if they weren't located in the heavily-supplied frontier.

Although a Confucian, Hongwu had a deep distrust for the scholar-officials of the gentry class and was not afraid to have them beaten in court for offenses. He halted the civil service examinations in 1373 after complaining that the 120 scholar-officials who obtained a jinshi degree were incompetent ministers. After the examinations were reinstated in 1384, he had the chief examiner executed after it was discovered that he allowed only candidates from the south to be granted jinshi degrees.

In 1380 Hongwu had the Chancellor Hu Weiyong executed upon suspicion of a conspiracy plot to overthrow him; after that Hongwu abolished the Chinese Chancellery and assumed this role as chief executive and emperor. With a growing suspicion of his ministers and subjects, Hongwu established the Jinyi Wei, a network of secret police drawn from his own palace guard. They were partly responsible for the loss of 100,000 lives in several purges over three decades of his rule.

Fall of the Ming

In 1381, the Ming Dynasty annexed the areas of the southwest that had once been part of the Kingdom of Dali. By the end of the 14th century, some 200,000 military colonists settled some 350,000 acres of land in what is now Yunnan and Guizhou. Roughly half a million more Chinese settlers came in later periods; these migrations caused a major shift in the ethnic make-up of the region, since more than half of the roughly 3,000,000 inhabitants at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty were non-Han peoples. In this region, the Ming government adopted a policy of dual administration. Areas with majority ethnic Chinese were governed according to Ming laws and policies; areas where native tribal groups dominated had their own set of laws while tribal chiefs promised to maintain order and send tribute to the Ming court in return for needed goods. In 1419, the growing Ethnic tension between Chinese Colonists, and Natives reached a boiling point, leading to the Ming Civil War, a War that would change the history of the world as we know it. To the North, the Manchu seceded, with Hongwu's Eldest son Zhū Dì proclaimed Emperor of all of China, while in the south a new Idea had taken hold, with Meili Shihong(Beautiful Red World, literal translation) lead China Proper with the Ideals of Equality, and a new system where anyone could do anything, regardless, of birth. She was proclaimed the First Sole-Empress, leading to the escalation of the Civil War to a Theological War as Zhū Dì's supporters claimed that a Female could never be an Empress, only a "Toy" for which men to use in life, and the afterlife. That of course, would change as Meili Shihong's armies marched north, to end the Civil War, and kill her Brother Zhū Dì.

((Ok, well I have my Backstory, now is Time for the Kingdom of Sky, Dragon, and Heaven to come into existence, stay tuned.))
The Statistics of the Kingdom of Sky, Dragon, and Heaven

Map of the Kingdom's National Boundries during the Onset of the Civil War
Meili Shihong's Rule


The Beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven, Meili Shihong as depicted in Tao's painting "Goddess of Heaven"

In May, of 1419, the Campaign known as "Choking the Northern Tiger" began. Meili Shihong's forces began their assault on Manchu, her brothers Kingdom. Tao Junzhue, the commander of her forces at the time had written. "Our Empress, Meili is Nike on Earth. She has helped us in the defense of Jinzhou, shifting the Winds of the Emperors past into our favor. Our force of Farmers, and Peasants has done a miracle just getting this far, but I am amazed at the skill Meili has, she knows just when to strike and, how." Meili's forces numbered nearly 80,000 while her brothers where only a mere 30,000. However, they were the Professional Soldiers of the Former Ming Army, veterans from many campaigns in Mongolia, Viet, and Korea. Laotung, a Major City that had been in the border of both Siblings Factions was the site of the first Major Battle, in it, nearly 50,000 Chinese(Meili) Soldiers faced off against 10,000 Manchu(Zhu) Calvarymen, it was a bitter defeat for Zhu as Meili had manuvered her forces through the Forests in order to make a Calvary Charge impossible, and then she had picked off his Calvarymen one by one. By the end of the Summer Months, both sides had come to a bitter deadlock, and Zhu had come down with a condition that prohibited him from leaving his Palace.(Speculated to be a Respritory Condition based on Historical Texts.)

However, all was not lost for Zhu and his cause. He had called upon his Brother-In-Law, the King of Choson(Korea) who had pledged that he would help his family in its time of need. When the Choson armies marched, they found much of Manchu under Meili's control, she had pushed her Brother, and his Forces to the Northern stretches of Manchuria, bordering the great Tundra's of the North. Wadjo, lead his forces to recapture the Capital of Manchu, and nearly succeeded until Meili's Reserves from China had landed in Seoul, the Second most important City in Choson. It was a stroke of pure luck as Meili's forces quickly subdued both Her Brothers, and her Brother-In-Laws forces in only 6 Years of bloody conflict.

Aftermath of the Civil War
Meili, still harboring much love for her Brothers, allowed them to stay in her court, a sign of weakness from many of her followers. However, she greatly downsized their Holdings(leaving 1 Province for Korea, 3 for Manchu), and forcing them to hand over their land to her when they passed away. Nearly 300,000 Men had died on both sides during the conflict, and much of the Pleb Class(Middle/Lower) had begun to get on the verge of revolt, so she began the land, and tax reforms, hoping to turn her Kingdom into one that would go down in the ebb, and flow of History.

The Beijing Accords
In 1430, at the Age of 32 Meili Zhihong began to institute a series of reforms that gave the peasentry of China many rights, and swaths of land that would not be possible in many other countries at the time. She made every other Official other than the Ruling Family Voted into Office, and Every Citizen was capable of Voting. There were no "rules" on how long one could hold office, only that Elections were every year. She worked to create a road system that would connect her Empire, and all its Far Flung Provinces. She also labored on the greatest Achievement of her Administration, the Creation of a Professional Army, one that would be Volunteer only, and would offer great opportunities for those who could not afford to live, and could not get land for themselves.


What do you think so far? Any comments?
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Wari Bana said:
always great to have an ongoing China AAR, and this one sure looks promising!


Seconded. Eager to see more.
So, any comments on the Story so far, also thanks for the suscribe.


1434, the years of Change
((Based on Historical Text, this is the year that a LARGE Italian Community began to live in China, mostly Gangzhou, so I will have them influence this))

As the fates continued to weave the tapestry of Mans lives, China continued to grow. In the South, a Minor campaign had started against a small Indo-Chinese Fiefdom called Myanmar, Strange Foreigners calling themselves "Venitians", and "Romans" began to arrive in China, awed by its Wonders, and dumbstruck by the level of Freedoms its Citizens enjoyed under their Empress. Empress Meili had brought about a new Golden Age for the Chinese, bringing about the use of Rocketry, and Artillery into the Military. She created an age of Religious Freedoms, and even asked some of the "Venitians" who were going to return to their homeland to ask their "Pope" someone she regarded an Equal to herself, to send Missionaries, and Scholars to China for Cultural Enlightenment. Chinese Traders began to become rich, and prosperous as Chinese Trading ships began to sail as far as Eygpt, as this happened China began to become one of the Wealthiest lands in the World. The Christ-God arrived in China, converting many to his fold as he promised "Equality" and "Justice" in the Afterlife, something many cults in China did not. However, the Christ-Gods time in China would not last long, as ominous clouds were on the Horizon.

1443, a Year of Sadness

As the 1440's began to open, it seemed much was beginning to change. The Nipponese, one of China's neighbors to the North, and East began to raid her coasts. in 1443 the Empress herself boarded a Ship, and began to sail to the Largest Fiefdom in the Nipponese Isles, seeking to end this insanity. As the Mighty Chinese Fleet began to approach the Cities Harbor, only 3 ships entered. The Empresses ship, and 2 Escorts that were carrying her Personal Guard, and the Customary "Gift" for when you visit foreign powers. As her ships began to unload, she began to proceed to the Royal Palace of the Emperor at the time, looking to talk him out of his sponsored attacks on China. As she approached the Palace, her gaurd began to come within view of her, but it was to late. 6 Samurai began to come down upon her, seeking to end her life and send China in a Disarray, it was successful. She was dead, and Nippon, as a whole became a doomed Nation, as nearly 100,000,000 People in the World now wanted their deaths. The Chinese Guard quickly saw what was happening, and rushed to fight the Samurai, and in that regard, won. However, when they approached the Empress, she was at her last thread, she mearly uttered "告訴我們的人民,有慈悲" and passed away. Her guards picked her up, and carried her back to the Fleet that was waiting, and the Largest War in Asian History began.
War of the Sky Dragon, and Sea Dragon

The waters of the Nipponese Sea were turbulent, it had been a month since the Empresses death, and China had already begun to exact its revenge. Her Eldest son, Kyu, had decreed that the Ports of China begin to build a fleet, one that would span the horizon and make the Nipponese quake in their boots. The Sea's had show their grief, they had been storming ever since the Empresses Delegation to Nippon returned.

On board the Chinese Flag ship, the Fu An Admiral Guang Zho was watching the Nipponese Isles at a distance. He had been kept awake ever since the Empresses death, even before it happened by dreams. "Meili, why did you have to go on the Diplomatic Mission, you should have trusted it to me and my fleet." he thought, and a tear began to slide down his cheek. "I need you, the People need you, your Son needs you. We loved you Meili, why did you have to let the fates spin like that." As he finished that thought, he began to burst out crying. Guang Zho had been a member of the Imperial Court, Meili's Naval Adviser, and one of the closest things to a Husband she had ever had. "Sir, we have reports that the Nipponese Fleet has left Harbor, should we move to intercept?" an Aid said, not noticing the Admiral's tears. "Yes, un-tack the sails and move at full speed, fly our banner and lets sink the dirty Nips before they can harm our people any more." he said as tears streamed down his cheeks, but now was not the time for Grief, there would be much more time after the Nipponese had been punished.

The Meiling untacked her sails and began to lead the Meifeng, Meihong, Meile, Meiping, Meisong, and Meizhen(Kudos to whoever can list their English Names) in an run on the Nipponese Fleet, as the Chinese Fleet approached they were awed at the Number of Ships in the Nipponese Fleet, it was nearly three times their size, but it was not armed with Cannons like the Chinese were, that was a good thing thought the Admiral, it would make it easier for Chinese to exact their righteous revenge against the Nipponese Fleet. As they made their first run, they were in a Line, in order to gain a perfect T against the enemy, allowing all of the Chinese Ships to bring their weapons to bear, something that would become rare after this tactic picked up popularity in the coming Naval Battles. Guang Zho screamed out "Fire at those dirty bastards", and the first Volley of Stones began to hurl at the Nipponese Fleet. Then, the Nipponese countered with their own volley, which hit the Meifeng, and broke its First mast, causing it to fall into the ocean creating a wave that rocked the ships beside it. Guang Zho began to scream at his crew, telling them to reload the Cannons and the Ballista faster, he need that speed to give the Holy Retribution to the Nipponese they deserved. After nearly Four hours of Combat the Admiral began to grow exhausted, the Nipponese had proved great foes, but they were still losing to the now, equal Chinese Fleet. The Meifang, and Meiping were both on their way to heaven now to join the empress, but that would not matter, they would be avenged to.
So, any comments so far, any insights which could help me in the future? Along with that, I am hoping to make more posts like my last, they only cover a month or so, but they are detailed about charachters.
What naval tech do Nippon and China have?
This looks like it's gonna last a while. :)

Reading from a computer screen is however a bit more stressing to the eyes then reading a page in a book, could you break the text up in smaller parts? It would make reading your AAR so much more appealing...

btw:Meifeng, Meihong, Meile, Meiping, Meisong, and Meizhen; aren't those common chinese family names? Something like Johnson, Johnnson, Jameson,... etc.?