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First Lieutenant
Feb 4, 2006
date: June 9 1433
"state your needs"
"urgent letter for the Sultan"
"go right in"
"sire, sire... the Genoese have laid siege to Constantinople"
"say again"
"the gen--"
"I heard the first time Allah damn you"
"but y--"
"shut up... this is bad news indeed... quick send a letter to the king of genoa asking what is going... on we have tried for years to batter the walls of that city down... you have time"

while at the same time in Venice
"sire our allies the Genoese have laid siege to Constantinople"
"haha your jokes are getting weaker and weaker by every day"
"no, your lord, its true"
"haha i will not-- what i-is this... oh holy God it can not be true..."

and in the Popes death bed
"your most holiness... a letter"
"what is it...."
"Its about Constantinople"
"damn Turks laid siege to it again?"
"err...no its the Genoese your--"
"WHAT... oh my my-my arm it hurts my left arm hurts i cant br-- help! help!"
"Guards, Guards the pope he’s dieing GUARDS!"

#this may seem small to you but to the Pope, that’s the late pope, it was the last thing he needed. To Venice it was Genoa (their ally) attacking the heart of there empire. To Genoa it was playing with fire red hot fire!
I suppose you are playing a very agressive Genoa Sir Sean? :D
trust me if you saw a constantinople sitting the with only 1000 men defending it yourll take it! well at least i keep my blacksea outposts
just very quick im playin on my map (btw great map watk and mymap i neck and neck!) anyway ill get to the first chapter soon
ah but Venice got the other one i dnt knw how cos ive been an ally since the begining so event maybe or war dunno but it has one undefended rich province lying there perfict for a republic with money problems

with Constantinople under genoese controle Genoa went on to attack tunisia and aragon all wars led to no gains... money was a problem but we could moan all we want as Genoa was leading to the decline of the Ottoman empire BUT it was still dangerous and only to be approuched witch caution...

"Sire, our navy needs more money and rebuilding"
"but sire surly our army is more important"
"shut up both of you our past defeats arnt because of our amries or navies! Its because of our allies!"
"What, the King of--"
"I dont care you've already told me how your king puts his allies first. But we must face the facts... if the ottomans attack we wont be able to hold our outpost in the east we need more grain and that we can only get from Tunisia"

"and in the east we need more forts... we have allies there and we need to use the hate against the Turks Against the Ottoman Kings!"

"But look Venice wants us to step down from Byzantia and give constantinople back!... The Pope, the new pope, wants us to give it to him!...
The Ottomans want us to give to them! ... well what i say to them is that they will only get what if the sink our navy and kill every last man in our army. before we agree now if you dont mind we've got some islands to catch."
"yes, sire"
"should we call on our allies sire?"
"wait on that one i think i shall hold a talk with them... send for them and get to strike forces ready!"
Only Naples agreed to go to war under our rule... but still the war was going to be slow...

Onboard the Porto di Genova, type transport
"Sir, our fleet has broken the enemies lines but im afraid we only have one warship left..."
"hmmmm... our situation is not a good one... we will land the troops anyway"
"but sir, if they attack we shall be--"
"you doubting me?"
"no sir..."
"then let it be done."
"yesssss SIR!"

the Genoese army landed far west of Tunisia and had to face a strong Tunisian army...

there was one officer in this army who’s accounts are the only living record...
-the Arabs came so quick there was nothing we could do. they surrounded our smaller army but we held they asked if we wanted to surrender we laughed and fired a volley of crossbow bolts at them then they charged getting thicker and thicker as they came. before new it I had Arabs to the left of me and Tunisians to the right. i hacked away and then found myself surrounded by men covered in silk dress and the best amour of the time i looked up to see the leader of the Tunisian army i hacked at his horse. it fell but he got up and swung at me, I blocked. the he swung again, and i blocked again. he was not skilled at all and if it wasn’t for the 10 guards around me i could of killed him there and then so i cut 2 guards in one swing and by the end the was only 2 but i was tired and couldn't push any more. then the leader came at me, i now realize he was the prince of Tunisia, not the crown prince, but a prince none the less, so I swung defended and swung again I then had to fight a guard and when i turned back the prince was gone... i looked down and saw his lifeless eyes staring up at me! I then cut the few strings of flesh that held his head to his body and thrust the head in the air shouting first in Genoese Italian then in broken Arabic "Your leader is dead, give up!". That’s when an arrow hit me. I fell and now im on my way back to Genoa. To get a award for my bravery!

And so Genoa won its first major battle the war had stared good but it was clear this was to be a long war!