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Mar 30, 2001
  • Age of Wonders III
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Hearts of Iron IV Sign-up
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters
  • Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
  • Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
  • Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife Pre-Order
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Imperator: Rome
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  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: Call to arms event
  • Heir to the Throne
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Europa Universalis IV: Pre-order
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Cities: Skylines - After Dark
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
Before I get started, let me take care of the usual OOC stuff. I have attempted 2 AAR's before, both for EU1. Neither one did very well, as I had no pics, and no real style of writing. Well, I still don't have a style of writing, but at least I have pics! :)

I decided that instead of starting with a nice easy major, my first real AAR would be much more fun with a crazy hard minor. Out of many attempts, I have found the TO to be just about the hardest minor to use. Low manpower, low cash, surrounded by big boys who all have CB's on your land. Oh yeah, this should be fun.

I have but two simple goals: 1: Simple Survival, for the TO, that really is a goal in and amongst itself. 2: Expansion in Germany, the TO is a German Order Militant, and it only makes sense that since my "capital" is in Mecklemberg that I should try to expand my influence in the German states. This will also add valuable manpower and monetary reserves. Also, it should make it harder for my immediate neighbors to knock me out in a war.

As for settings, I'm using NA v1.03 on Hard/Aggressive. Like many other authors, I will not reload except in cases of a crash. I plan to post a Grand Master's reign in one fell swoop, but if they seem to be getting excessively large or the audience demands it, I will split up a reign here and there.

Finally, in order to solve the ever present problem of the undying "Grey Emminence" behind the throne, I have invented the von Holdeck's, a family whose history shall be intertwined with that of the Teutonic Order. Get used to 'em, they're here to stay.

But enough talk, off to the first post!
The Reign of Michael Kuchmeister von Sternberg


The Crest of Our Order


"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kurt von Holdeck. I was born in the Year of Our Lord 1387. My family has resided in Eastern Prussia for generations, I am but the most recent of a long, proud line of Germans. At the age of fourteen, I headed north to join the Teutonic Order. After several hard years of training and serving other knights, I was awarded a membership in this most Holy of orders.

"For almost fifteen years I gained rank and prestige in the order, coming to serve on many councils. I was at Tannenberg when our order was shamed by the Poles and Lithuanians. It was after this disaster that I was able to gain access to the Grand Master's ear. I foresaw in my mind, a resurgence of the order, a return to our roots in German lands. Eventually von Sternberg asked me to become his personal advisor, and it was thus that in the year 1419, I came to have power very near that of a Grand Master himself."


The clouds gathered over head. It's going to be another cold day, Kurt thought to himself. Indeed, this far north the weather is a brutal force in winter, and the land was deep in its months long slumber. But this made no difference to Kurt.

"Summons to the court he says. Bah! Damn that messenger, he doesn't have to ride for a week."

Was it already a week? In this bitter chill, every hour spent on his horse felt like a day. Just as a reminder, the horse shivered, muscles rippling for a moment. But at least I'm not far off.

The gates to the castle in Dorpat were open. Peasants and nobles streamed in and out of the grounds, drawing fur cloaks tight around. The cold makes no distinction between the poor and the privileged. A squire came out to meet me, taking my horse, Honour, by the reigns and leading him to the stables. Hmmph, he'll probably get to eat before I do. I'm sure there will be hours of introductions and petty conversation before I am allowed the luxury of time to myself and a warm meal.

True to Holdeck's predictions, as soon as he come to the door of the keep, none other than Master Michael von Sternberg came out to greet him.

"Ah, Kurt, it's been along time since I've seen you in Dorpat. Come, come, we have much to discuss!"

Our leather boots padded softly across the stone floor. The halls were dimly lit by smoking torches, and a lamp here and there. Far from the great fortresses in Germany or France. This was a smaller, dirtier affair. It was not long before we had reached the Grand Master's quarters. Inviting me in, we both entered. Maps were strewn about, mixed with letters and reports. The only furniture was a desk, a few chairs, some bookcases, and a modest bed. Sternberg motioned me into one of them.

"Kurt, I had you summoned hear for a very important pieces of business, directly involving you. Before I get into that however, I would like very much to hear about the status of our order and the realm it keeps," Sternberg said, lighting a candle on the desk.

"Well my lord after our defeat at Tannenberg," Sternberg grunted at that, "you know well of our physical territory. Of the more ephemeral properties, here is what I think. We are a highly aristocratic society, but our rule is scattered amongst local judges, chiefs and so forth. Our people are very heavily invested in their lands and lords. Our trade is mostly controled by the order, but research into new ideas and technology is very suppressed. As to the training of the knights and levied peasantry, they enjoy training superior to most other armies, and our strategies are a tempered mix of siege and battle on the open field. Finally, support for our forces is a rougly even mix between our armies and ships, though we have none of the latter.

"We have on the order of some 22,000 men ready to march at a moments notice, most in Livland, but about a quarter in Estland. A little less than half of this force is made up by our own mounted knights, the balance being made of peasants serving their lord's duty in the army.

"Finally, we maintan a strong allince with the northern German states of Pommern, Holstein, Bremen, and Mecklemberg. Prussia is our vassals, and also part of the alliance."


Von Sternberg waved his hand. "Enough, that is all I needed to know. Thank you for this report, now onto more urgent matters. I am in need of someone I can trust to aid me in my rule. As you said, indivuals hold too much power over our scattered towns, and I want someone to tie them all together. You have served us well, and as a reward, I want you, and future generations of your family, to become, officially, The Advisor to the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order."

Suffice to say I was speachless. Sternberg got up and went over to a bookcase. When he returned he had a metal stamp with the Cross and the words "For the Glory of God and the Order" written in a circle around it.

"This is to be the seal of your office. Any letter bearing it will be brought directly to me. It will be read by no-one, its contents known only to us. Show this seal to the guards, and you will gain immediate access to me, no matter what occupies me."

The rest of the day was a blur of meeting other high ranking knights, being shown my own quarters, and then spending most of the evening pouring over reports from provinces. The next day, January first of the Year of Our Lord 1419, I was now the second most powerful man in the Teutonic order.

I decided to try out the seal, and wrote a quick letter to the Master stating that we should move a force of 4,000 foot and horse from Livland to Estland. I could have told him myself, but I wanted to test my new office. I waited patiently for a few hours, then wandered outside. Sure enough, I caught sight of the tail end of a comlumn moving north out of the city. I asked a gate guard if he knew where they were goind.

"Master's ordered them north sir. Awful time of year for it, if you ask me though."

HAHA! It had worked, I knew for certain now that my dreams of a reborn Teutonic Order could be realized.

I spent many hours each day pondering decisions and talking with
the Grand Master. Being the first month of the year, several decisions were made that would dictate that course of our realm. First in all our three coastal provinces, galleys were constructed. Second, reforms were started to streamline tax collecting in Livland. Thirdly I ordered our knights to begin training in field tactics, moving away from the idea of siege to more mobile warfare. In this time, Poland, our greatest enemy, had the gall to guarantee our indpendence! Fools, they will pay for their arrogance in the future, and it will be they begging others to protect them.

The rest of the year was rather quiet. More troops were ordered, swelling our ranks to 25,000 foot and horse. The shipwrights in Kurland were kept active and by the end of the year we had a modest fleet of five galleys in the Baltic. In August, Sternberg summoned me to his room once more.

"Kurt, this morning an entourage from Sweden delivered to me a request to allow their troops into our realms. I was on the verge of denying them, when I thought you might want to know before I decided."

I paused for a minute, pondering the pros and cons of this offer. Finally, I spoke, "Accept. By allowing their troops into our lands, we gain the confidence that they dare not declare war before withdrawing those same said troops. This would give us ample warning and time to marshall our forces in response." So on August fifteenth, the Swedes returned from to their country, satisfied with our answer.

In order to strenthen the realm, von Sternberg arranged a marriage of his niece to a prince from Bremen and his nephew to a dutchess in Mecklemberg. Similar arrangements were made with Pommern and Holstein. The former wedding occured in late 1420, and the latter in 1421. Holsteind took some convincing however, and only a personal letter persuaded them to agree. I will have to keep an eye on them.

In February of 1421, several merchants from Polotsk approached us. In exchange for 100 ducats they wanted to have a monopoly on the iron trade in their own province. We agreed, and used the money to fund a diplomatice mission to Prussia, presenting them with a gift in the form of a great spring festival, this has brought them closer to us than ever.

Towards the end of 1421, Sternberg appeared to be ailing. "Holdeck, I sense my time as leader of this order and presence here on earth may be coming to an end. I have chosen my succesor: he is to be Paul Bellitzer von Russdorf. I already informed him of my decision. He knew of you by reputation already, and now knows of our pact and your seal." He paused to cough, it sounded very throaty, and I could see his skin had considerably paled in the last few weeks. "Holdeck, Kurt, continue your office with pride, and make us a power once more!"

Michael Kuchmeister von Sternberg passed into heaven on February twenty-eighth in the year 1422. After two weeks of state morning, Paul Bellizer von Russdorf took over position as Grand Master. I could see in him a lust for battle, and knew that the upcoming reign would be a bloody one...


treaties at the end of von Sternberg's reign.


The holdings of the Teutonic Order.

Up next, The Reign on Paul Belizzer von Russdorf
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Hmm, it seems my paragraphs are missing the five spaces I put at the beginning of each one. Guess I'll just have to hit return for each one now!
Nice start - but the screenies aren't there. Just a Tripod logo.

Good luck...
hmm, I they were there when I posted them, and then I edited it, but didn't change anything, and they were there. But then, I refreshed the page, and they're gone! Any ideas?
The links are definitely right, I just ctlr-c then ctrl-v them, and if you type them in, they show up fine.
Ok, switched website for pic hosting, links should work fine now.
Played up to 1441, will post update with lots of screenies later tonight.
I'm looking forward to this...the Poland/Lithuania dynamic dual have a tendency to be very, very nasty to the Teutonic Order and its little vassal, and Sweden usually isn't that friendly either. You've got your work cut out for you for sure. I bet you'll find yourself at war with Denamrk too before much longer as they have that tendency to go after Holstein due to the CB and national shield.

I like the first post and the "Advisor to the Teutonic Order" approach to the grey emminence. It has a nice flavour to it.
Whenever sweden happens to break away from Denmark and becomes allianceless... pick them up, they helped me in numerous games from playing Mecklemburg to the TO. Its better to be friends with them, rather then enemies
Very well written. You're off to a good start. You mentioned about your paragraphs missing the five spaces at the beginning. Apparently the software deletes extra spaces and defaults back to one.

Keep up the good work. I look forward to more.
Some fb, then the next update!

MrT: Oh yes, let me just say the Poles will be dealt with in the next post...

AvA: Thanks for the tip, right now my North German alliance is very strong, but I'll keep that in mind. Fortunately, relations between me and the Swiss are pretty good.
The Reign of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf


The battle standard carried at the Battle of Danzig from December 16th-17th, 1435


January 1st, 1419. Today will signal either the rebirth or doom of our order. We war with Poland and Lithuania, but with the support of the Hanseatic League and Prussia. Already our knights and peasant levy are on the move, only time will tell if this was a good decision-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order


"So it's to be war then eh? Well, I suppoose it had to come some time. The Poles and Lithuanians pose far too great a threat, and the oppurtunity to strike while they fight Austria and her allies is too good an oppurtunity to miss. Also, heh, Bohemia dishonored her pact with Poland, and will not be joining this war," Kurt thought aloud to himself.

"What was that?" Asked the Knight riding astride him.

"Nothing, just pondering our postiion in this war. Weighing odds and such."

"Well sir, rest assured this knight will do the utmost for God and Order!" the obviously confident knight shouted.

"I'm sure you will, ah! I see we approach Danzig. Hold the Knights back, and surround the walls with foot troops. Any news of how von Russdorf fairs?" I asked, turning to an aid-de-camp.

"I am pleased to report that a messenger arrived not just a few hours ago. He had a letter from Russdorf, 'Greetings Kurt, I trust the northern thrust into Poland has gone well. We met some resistance on the way to the interior of the country, but dealt with them handily. I left a contigent occupying Masovia and besieging the provincial capital there. I and the main force now march on Krakow. March 8th, 1423, by the hand of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf.' So sir, it appears all goes well so far."


"So far indeed, I wonder what the Lithuanians are up to? And any news of our allies?"

"News from Prussia is that they engaged a superior force from Lithuania and pushed them back (a small cheer went up at that news). Little else is known about Lithuanian movement. As for the Hansa, Bremen, Holstein, and Mecklemberg are still marshalling forces, but even as we speak, Pommeranian troops are engaging a Polish force in Poznan."

"Good, good. I never expected to rely on the others too much, but it is well that the Pommeranians have come through."


December 8th, 1423. The siege of Krakow continues. Reinforcements from Kurland arrive, but are few and infrequent, and mostly foot. Yesterday, we finished off a relief force of some 5,000 Polish spearmen. Only a few hundred survived, and were last seen retreating north to Wielpolska. Unfortunately, the Poles still occupy that land, and this prevents communication with Holdeck. However, since no Poles have come forth asking our surrender, I can only assume all goes well.-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order


Kurt looked to his aid, who was shivering a little in the chill breeze. "What news do you bring?"

"Sir, Masovia fell on February 11th, and the troops there immediately moved to occupy Podlasia, but are still en-route. Still no news from Krakow. As for Danzig, you can see for yourself."


Indeed I could. Almost a full year had passed, and still Danzig held out. If we didn't take it soon, it could allow the Poles to regroup with forces from the south, and jeopardize the whole war.

"Send a message to the center wing. 'Desist in March on Wielpolska, turn to Podlasia.'"

"Yes sir. Um, sir, may ask the reason for this?"

"We need communication with von Russdorf. With Masovia ours, it would be easier to take Podlasia and open up supply to Krakow then to take Podlasia. Furthermore, it would stopper up reinforcements from southern Poland."

Kurt looked at Danzig, some fires burned here and there, but on the whole the city was amazingly resistant to all his siege tactics so far. If something didn't budge soon, the Order was in dire danger of losing this war. An idea struck him.

"Aid, ammend that letter! 'Upon arrival in Podlasia, leave only forces necessary to maintain siege. Take all else, and march simultaneously on Podolia and Galizien.' Hopefully the occupation of the lands, if not the cities, will be enough to cut the Poles off from the south."

The aid mounted his steed and was off. Kurt von Holdeck turned his gaze back on Danzig.


August 14th, 1423. News arrived a few days ago that Danzig had finally fallen almost a month ago to this day. Von Holdeck has split his force into two parts, and sent them off to besiege Podolia and Galizien. Krakow is about to fall, I can feel it.-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order


Ah, the smell of country air, wind blowing your steeds mane back at you, this is far better than Danzig was, Kurt thought. It was now January of 1425, Krakow had fallen on August 15th of last year. Bellizer had moved onto Podolia, while I reinforced Galizien.


After Krakow had fallen, Poland tried desperately to ransom Danzig and ducats off to us, but it was not to be, we were winning, and we were going to keep on winning. In December Lithuania accepted a white peace offer, and now the Poles stood alone.

"Sire, Podlasia has fallen, and the commander of the siege requests instructions."

Looking over a map, I saw that the Poles still had a number of men in Wielpolska, more than I wanted to risk fighting with a mostly infantry siege army. Besides, the Pommern army appeared to be on the march again.

"Order the commander to split his forces and send half to me, half to von Russdorf. Aid, when did he send this letter?"

"January 8th sir, day after the siege ended."

Excellent, I thought. The Poles had week fortifications out here in the open country, and allowed a style of warfare much more suited to our offensive training. These new provinces were falling at a much more rapid rate then before. Not long now...


August 18th, 1425. Finally the war is over, Podolia and Galizien had fallen by the end of February, and the Pommeranians had occupied Wielpolska in March, and finally captured it a few days ago. The Poles accepted our terms, nearly reversing the situation after Tannenberg. We recieved Danzig, and Poland was now a vassal of the Teutonic Order. Our forces march to occupy Danzig now, I look forward to seeing von Holdeck again.-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order



"Von Russdorf, sir, I wasn't expecting you so soon. The banquet is still being prepared, and won't be ready until tomorrow."

"Never mind that, I want to discuss some matters with you before that anyways."

"Very well, let us retreat to my chambers." The Grand Master and I walked through the castle halls of Danzig. They were a far cry from the fortress that once stood here. Even after months of rebuiliding, scars from the siege could still be seen in charred buildings and crumbling walls.

We arrived in my quarters, a close replica of former Master von Sternberg's. Spartan and very functional. Paul Bellizer gestured to several maps on my table.

"Ah yes, I had these commissioned after the fall of Poland milord. This first map shows our treaties shortly after the new year."


"And here you can see a political map of the Baltic area, redrawn a little." We both chuckled at that understatement.


"Very good Holdeck. The Order it seems, is secure. I am returning to Dorpat, leaving you in charge of Danzig directly. We shall keep in touch by letter, and any time you need my ear, come north or ask me south."

"You will stay for the banquet, won't you?"

"Hmm, oh yes of course. I wouldn't miss that for the world!"

It was a great feast. All throughout the day, parades and tournaments were held between Order knights. The peasants ooh-ed and aah-ed over the pageantry and spectacle. Towards dusk, I and Russdorf went to Castle Danzig, and there feasted on venison and lamb. The beer flowed that night, and all gave thanks to God that the Order had reemerged from it's slumber. The next day, Russdorf left with a small retainer of knights for Dorpat, being received by the Prussian Duke on his way north.


June 2nd, 1435. God I hate peace. I left Holdeck in Danzig five years ago for a reason. I have no love of administration. I love and live for battle. Not Kurt though. I get a near endless stream of letters. Raising foot in Danzig, rebellions there over too quickly for me to arrive in any position to fight. He has done well though. Marriages with nobles in Sweden and Muscowy helped secure our northern borders, and he is quite excited about some new methods of commerce and goverment he introduced in 1426 and 1427. Personally I have tried to merge Prussian lands with our own, the most recent only yesterday. Twice now, I have failed, their nobles seem very resistant. I fear this quiet is getting the better of me, oh, how I wish for war.-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order



"Yes sir, Prussia has called up the alliance to defend against Poland."

"Dammit, we are not ready this time. What day is it?"


"No the date!"

"Oh, June 3rd sir."

"Right, we'll plan this war defensively, sent word to von Russdorf, he'll want to over see this personally." Once again it seemed, the Poles and Lithuanians thirsted for revenge. Their fury was directed at Prussia. I wanted to help, but our army had still not recovered from the losses incurred almost a decade before.


"Von Holdeck, what's the situation?"

"Sire, we engaged the Poles twice since the outbreak, both times driving them out at heavy losses to their force, and light casualties for us. Pommern sieges Poznan, but Prussia is buckling under the combined armies of Lithuania and Poland."

"I see, Paul Bellizer will not sit back. We will ride south, and take Poland out of this war by force. No vassal of mind will war against our alliance!"


December 17th, 1435. A miracle has happened! As we marched from Danzig to Wielpolska, 7,000 Polish spear and bowmen engaged us, after just one day, not one Pole lived! No knights of the Order perished. Surely this is a sign from God. We move to occupy Poland once more.-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order


Prussia was spared. The Teutonic Order's occupation of Poland, assisted by Pommern forces, brought the war to a close on March 17th, 1436. Even now, our forces march home.


I fear though, that more peace will only further weaken Russdorf. I could see brief spark in battle, but with the fighting over, I see him beginning to fade again.


"What? Again?"

"No sir, this time it's Brandenburg."

"Brandenburg! With what allies?"

"None sir, she has declared war on Pommern alone."

"So be it. Hmm, this could be good for us, we can take Kustrin and make Brandenburg our vassal. Send for Russdorf, tell him we war again!"


January 2nd, 1440. I arrived with a body of 5,000 foot in Kustrin to lay siege today. Von Holdeck thought it best to keep out knights back. I was a bit hesitant, but agreed in the end. With Brandenburg forces bogged down in Pommern, we should have no resistance.-From the Diary of Paul Bellizer von Russdorf, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order


Surely this is a disaster on the order of Tannenberg. On August 7th, 1440, the army besieging Kustrin was wiped out. Russdorf managed to escape, but was grievoulsy wounded. I do not expect to last out the year. I raised war taxes, but the effects will take several months to manifest themselves.

Just then, an aid burst into the room, "Sire, von Holdeck, Paul Bellizer von Russdorf is dead!"

"God have Mercy. Did he name a succesor?"

"Yes, the new Grand Master of the Teutonic Order is to be Konrad von Erlichshausen."

Up next, the reign of Konrad von Erlichshausen.
Great installment. I like the variety you've got going on between the dialogue, monologue and diaries. Good use of screenies too. I think your choice on going for vassalizations rather than huge territorial land grabs is also likely to stand you in good stead. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the props MrT. I actually put the diary in to add some flavor to the long stretches of boredom (low income does that).

To all, I have been thinking about what to do after the Dismemberment of the Order event. Since obviously I intend to survive, I was thinking of doing some events. Well, one event. But I could use some help creating it. I would like to create a "Teutonic Order becomes the Teutonic Empire" event. This would give me CB shields over the provinces in Holstein, Pommern, Vorpommern, Mecklemberg, and Bremen (this is where the Teutons came from I believe). It would put the von Holdecks on the throne (I would like to make a post 1527 Holdeck spin on them. Culture would still be only German though, but capital would be moved to Mecklemberg if I ever got it.

Anyways, I hope to play throught Erlichshausen Thursday night, and post on Friday.
Nice AAR, I'm looking forward to the next installments. As for your event, I think it's a good idea to make the Order a worldly principality, but I don't think the CB shields are necessary. The Teutonic Order had the task to convert the 'heathens' in Eastern Europe, AFAIK, and hence had no task after Poland and Lithuania became Christian. So I don't think they have roots in northern Germany. But it's your game, do whatever you want ;) .
Originally when the TO broke away from the Knights of St. John, they recruited knights of german decent and got funded by the merchants from Lubeck in particular, the order recruited in this time period mostly germans until they started getting their butts kicked after Tannenburg. As for Prussia, absorb it into the TO, could cause more headaches then not. Even so the events as is aren't too good for the Order. Livonia coming out of it should happens sometimes as an alternative (well it basically did happen) but the TO should continue to be able to flourish and there should be an event for when one of the hochmeisters turned protestant, and there should be a choice, stay Catholic or turn protestant. The TO still exists in Vienna Austria and greatly helped in the defence of Vienna from the Turks with Deutsch-and-Hochmeister Brigades, which should also be an event of some kind IF the turks can make it that long... The TO in Vienna is Catholic as the TO it self has been since its exception, there is a protestant TO based in Utrecht Holland, that's under the Sovereign reign of the Queen of Holland

To bad this was never continued. Are there really no Prussia or Teutonic Order AARs? :eek: