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Lord Finnish

A man of science and culture.
74 Badges
Sep 4, 2006
  • Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
  • Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Age of Wonders III
  • Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
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  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
  • Hearts of Iron 4: Arms Against Tyranny
  • Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
  • Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone
  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Battle for Bosporus
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Europa Universalis III: Chronicles
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
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  • Europa Universalis IV: Call to arms event
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
  • Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Victoria 2
  • Cities: Skylines - After Dark
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Europa Universalis IV: Pre-order
  • For The Glory
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury Pre-order
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Arsenal of Democracy
  • Crusader Kings II
Hello there.
This is my third AAR, first AAR based on EU2.
Some things about this AAR:

Country: Japan (doh!)
Difficulty: Normal/Normal. I change it harder some point.
Main enemy: China
Main ally: Manchus (I use their agression towards chinese to my own good as i join their wars)
cheats?: No.
mods?: ExtraWatk 0.4 (makes magic to Japan)
Main goals before 1500: Take Korea, Taiwan and some coastal cities in China and Indochina and prepare for the Chinese decline. And of course, fight against the civil wars.
Main goald in the 16th century: Build up economy, steal some more land from Chinese. Hard to tell from now.
Updates come... every day at least once, except weekends and if it is impossible by some thing (not often)

Chapters so far One has arrived!
Chapter I - Ashikaga's wish Part 1 of 2

So, let's get this started?
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Imperial Winds

Chapter I - Ashikaga's wish

Japan, Jate 14th century.

Japan is standing where it has standed for over 2000 years now. As one of most isolated countries of the earth, it is willing to mind only it's own problems, and it has decided not to be swallowed into the mess of other world.
The current Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimochi of the Ashikaga Shogunate, has reigned from 1934, even his father was in the actual power for some time.
Recently, he began planning his wish which was not supposed to be revealed to the people until it's ready to be committed. This wish was a plan for the military and taxation of Japan for the future decades. He knew that he wasn't going to reign much more decades, but he trusted that his followers would go on with the plan.
The plan was complicated, and put in a long text. It clearly gave Japan orders to gather up a massive army and then raise taxes. Why to raise taxes was simple question, but raising army had it's very own mission: To stop rebellions caused by the taxes. To prevent soldiers from complaining the massive taxes then, Shogun decided to give a raise to soldiers daily pay, to keep them happy.

Finally, after two years of planning, the Shogun called his most trusted Samurai and he let them read the plans. The Samurais had few things to complain about the plan, but they knew what happens if you resist the monarch, and told the Shogun how brilliant plan it was.
So in European calendar December 14. 1418 the Japan began this new project.​


(oo what happened to that picture?)
As preparations began, in a few months Shogun gathered and raised and trained an army of 40,000 and held i magnificant parade in Kyoto​

As you can see, Yoshimochi wasn't a true leader for Japan. That caused many problems in Japan for next several decades, including Japanese intervention on Korea and long war against 30 times better China.

None asked him, why he needed an army of 100,000 (as he had asked in the wish), and Japan had already good taxation and money base. Shogun had his own personal goal, breaking the isolation and assaulting on the mainland of Asia.
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He may have gotten away with it; all he had to do was say that he was taking revenge on the Mongols :p

I'll keep reading this.
RGB said:
He may have gotten away with it; all he had to do was say that he was taking revenge on the Mongols :p

I'll keep reading this.

Yay first reader!:)

I promise, he will also revenge the Mongols:)
Imperial Winds

Chapter I - Ashikaga's wish 2/2

Early 1419.

Against all thoughts, Yoshimochi actually managed to begin massing up armies. Not even Ezo (modern Hokkaido) or Ryuku or any other low-population prefectures hasn't been spared from this new hard-class reinforcement campaign. But as the armies grew, Japan's money vaults were sucked empty.
But everything was going according to the plan. Now Shogun just had to begin raising the taxes.

In February, Shogun recieved good news:

His personal hitman had done the dirty job and removed one enemy from Japan. But Shogun's mind soon flew away from this, to the more inportant things.

The tax reform begun soon, and by Mid-1420 five cities had or were preparing these new reformed tax stations (in game terms Bailiffs have been promoted to Tax Collectors), and army size was closing to 65,000. Not bad in such short time.

Japanese Navy wasn't much improved. It didn't have a major role in Shogun's dreams, which was the current name of the plan. Shogun didn't need much navy because he already had enough boats to transport armies to Korea and China and when he conquered pieces of mainland he didn't need improved warships anymore, as the waters between Japan and Mainland would be under japanese control.

Period between 1420-1425 went silently. No conflict or war occured in Japan or it's neighbouring areas. But soon, there would be. None just knew that.
Duke of Wellington said:
Interesting start. I like playing Japan its a nation with lots of possibilities, perfectly suited for raiding almost anywhere in Asia.

I agree to that
So...Korea first?
Stay away from Manchuria, the mighty Manchu Banners will smite you with righteous wrath. :mad:

Now that I have done my plug for Manchuria, I will stay tuned to see where this goes.

I have to admit, the begging tone below your link pushed my pity button. ;)
Raden Shaka Thanks:)

RGBThey will disappear from the map soon as i get my army ready:)

Grayghost My evil plan worked! Muahaha! :rofl:

Oh yes to mention as weekend begins now, i will continue this AAR on Monday or Sunday. See ya then!
I made a Japan ARR myself. You could have much bigger goals (Until the year 1750 I took Indonezia, Philipines, the most of China, Manchuria, Siberia, Siam, Vietnam, some colonies in Africa, Korea. And the AAR is not complete yet- well the empire wont get any bigger, beacuse the numerous revolts). Well yours is atleast nicer made as mine.
Delex said:
I made a Japan ARR myself. You could have much bigger goals (Until the year 1750 I took Indonezia, Philipines, the most of China, Manchuria, Siberia, Siam, Vietnam, some colonies in Africa, Korea. And the AAR is not complete yet- well the empire wont get any bigger, beacuse the numerous revolts). Well yours is atleast nicer made as mine.

I read your AAR, and it's good also.
Imperial Winds

Chapter II - The Korean offensive

Yoshimochi kept his promise, and raised an army. Well, not size of 100,000 but it was closing to 70,000. Army of that size drained all the incomes, and the country had to go to a war. Shogun called up his massive army (except few hundred soldiers in Ezo). He declared the following:

Our dear Empire is standing strong, and it still does. We must unite Japan, and make sure, that it will stand strong and ready for a conflict of any kind until world breaks apart! We know we have inner conflics, but I know one thing: We are strong and forever after it! Three huzzahs for Japan, for us!
Soldiers were praising the Shogun more than Nazis praised Hitler. Yoshimochi did know, that attacking on mainland (Korea) would break Japanese isolation, but he was sure that by time Japan would isolate again, and be saved form horrors of other world. None knows how, but it will..

Invasion to Korea - Japan and his sneaky plans

Shogun and his Generals knew that Korea wouldn't stand alone. China was supporting it, and China would easily break Japan like a bug. But like in wars Japan had in future, Japan always finds a way to disturb his enemy.

China was having major trouble in her south, Vietnam, the place was called.
They began sending money (remaining anynomous) to Vietnamese rebels, wishing that that would help them to fight China. As time passed, China had to place over half of it's full army strenght to Vietnam. The apple was ready to be picked.

Japan soon attacked Korea, and when Chinese Emperor heard about this and about Koreans demanding support, he remembered that if he goes against Japan (no matter how weak it is) Vietnamese will gain superiority in south. So they dishonored alliance with Korea. Korea was in shock. They had never seen a Samurai, and they told afterwards that Samurai were best soldiers they have ever met. So guess how the war went? Without losing a battle, Japan first took the Capital, and then moved by this plan:
Koreans were smashed, but they didn't give in Japan's demands of annexation, and Japan spared their life, but the cost was terrible, Korea lost 80% of it's land and all it's money, and total 30,000 men in battles. And they had to accept Japanese demands of letting them march on Korean remaining lands, which made impossible to betray Japan, as it's soldiers were everywhere on the last Korean lands.

Japanization of Korea began immediatly. Koreans were executed like chikens during bird flu and Japanese were put to replace them. It went well, and that was not enough for Japan.

One special thing happened during the campaign, actually twice.

The "Father of Army", Yuoshimochi, died, and another very soon. New Shogun, Yoshinori, claimed that Japan must stand isolated, but it doesn't have to end this series of victories. Most of Japan were in complete shock, when he released this plan:

Kyoto, next evening.

Seituro Ichito, a Samurai officer, came to Shogun.

"Are you crazy!? We can't attack China just by that!"

"Is there a problem with that? Our warriors are best ever seen!

"But that doesn't mean that they would suck at wars. This is surely going to suck us down the drain if we attack now."

"Have i said we must attack now? No. We take time to prepare. None knows how many thins occur between today and the invasion. Now, go back to sleep. It's almost midnight.."
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Well I need about 20 wars to bring China to its knees. There are only 2 options. You will be fully defeated, or you will come trough as I did. I have 2 questions. First which mode are u using. And second how did you get the cool writing (I mean that shows how many armies, are you going to use?).
Uh uh. Poor Korea.

But that war with China - madness!
Delex said:
Well I need about 20 wars to bring China to its knees. There are only 2 options. You will be fully defeated, or you will come trough as I did. I have 2 questions. First which mode are u using. And second how did you get the cool writing (I mean that shows how many armies, are you going to use?]

RGB said:
Uh uh. Poor Korea.

But that war with China - madness!

I will defeat China, at least i hope so. Koreans are a small thing. A spike in my ass. Of course i little fear China, but i trust in my Samurai.:)

I use Lucida Blackletter font on the plan map.
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