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Lt. General
Mar 31, 2001
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Wait, wait. That's not right. Doesn't it stand to r eason that they would expect the Holy Inquisition? Especially if it is coming from the Papal States? See, now I am confused...

Sorry, I guess I should introduce myself. Some of you may already know who I am. That's right...

Heeeeeeeere's Death!

*music plays in the background, a theme song*

Thank you! Thank you! I am here to tell you of my experiences in a little corner of your planet called the Papal States. Now, I have to admit, I have an alterior motive. You see, back in the day, when I was The Guy Who Runs things in Ethiopia I had the displeasure to meet some guys. You know? The guys? The guys who give incompetent boobs a good name? You guessed it! The Ethiopian Inquisition!

Ah ha! Nobody expects the Ethiopian Inquisition! Our chief weapon is the...I'm sorry. I can't do this. We still haven't found the Comfy Chair! And I will not do this until I find it!

Umm, yes. Sorry. I guess they are still looking for the Comfy Chair. Now, for those of you who followed my previous exploits, you know that I granted the two "leaders"-if you will- of the Ethiopian Inquisition immortality. Well, there was a bit of a snafu in the crossover from timelines. I only have their essences now. So I have had to grab two new guys who are in the Papal States and add the essences into them. Damn! What a pain in the ass-side! Note to self: Never grant immortality before travelling across timelines again. It is just a waste of time.

So! I have two new guys, who call themselves Luigi and Mario, and are the main force behind the Holy Inquisition. I thought that by ruling the Papal States, I could find another Comfy Chair for these guys, give it to them, and let them be on their merry way. But there was a snag. I cannot find another one. Nowhere. Which means the person who took it has to have been an Entity like me. Crap! So now I have to let these Holy Inquisition types go searching through all the places on this planet where a Comfy Chair could be hidden. Just Great! I need this like I need another hole in my head! In the immortal words of HS : D'oh!

As for myself, I have taken on the guise of a young man, who calls himself Bob. Bob Cajun. But never Bobby. Anyone who calls me Bobby gets to meet Doug the Devil in person(and trust me, you do not want to meet Doug. He has been having his "moments" recently. Sheesh!)

I have been told I have 400 years before I must leave this place and go to another. I only hope it is enough time to help Luigi and Mario find the magical, mystical, comfortable Comfy Chair.

I need to get started. Give me a bit, then I can come back. Yeah, that's it! I can come back. Yeah! See? Nyaa!


So! Here is my next installment in the "Comfy Chair Chronicles". The setts are normal/normal, I am playing the Papal States. I hope to do two things.

1) Stay alive! If I can unify Italy under the Papal banner, then that is good. But first and foremost, I want to stay alive.

2) Try to Take over the World! This is probably more difficult, but I hope to take over at least 1/3 of the planet. Perhaps even, if I am lucky, 2/3. And if I am the luckiest little crazyperson alive, all of it. For now, I am aiming at all of Europe. That is Goal#1.

This AAR is going to be silly. Very silly. If people see things that look like things they have seen elsewhere(like the two leaders of the Holy Inquisition ;) ) it is done on purpose.:D And if some things are plagiarised, well, that is ok as well. Plagiarism always gets a bad rep simpy for having the guts to be honest about lying. I like that!

I will start soon. When? Soon. Where? What? How? Who?...

Hmmm...your theme song seems to have changed. Now it's more like...a video arcade. :D

If you can take over all of Europe, I'll be impressed!
Yeah, there's quite a gap between goal Nr.1 and Nr.2. :D

Anyways, Nintendo™ would like your idea, and since the SNES and the Gameboy were with me for some years, I love it.;)
Now for the monoonous stuff

Right! Here are the policy settings at the very beginning. This will make it easier for all involved when I say [+1 to Land DP] You can simply do addition and discover what the policy is at. Conveniently evil! Yes!

Domestic Policy for the Stubborn Papal States! Mwa ha ha!


Centralization...1 ?! Damn your decentralized ways! Pope, I could scream "Mama Mia!" at you for that!







So! Now you know, and knowing is half the battle! GI Joe!

As for the references to Mario Bros. well, that is wholey intentional :p

I will start my prelude soon. Well, not soon, but upcomingly. Not upcomingly, but somewhere in the not to distant future.

Zabba zabba zabb

Well, I find myself in this place that is simply referred to as the “Papal States”. I guess they do that because the Pope lives there. The Pope! What a conniving, ungrateful, two-faced bastard! He’s my kind of guy!
After my little jaunt in Ethiopia, I came here, mainly to help my Inquisition guys. But, as was mentioned before. Well, that kind of tanked. So! I am now stuck here, but I will make the most of my predicament. I must say, ruling the seat of Christianity is very fun! Doug and Cybil(the Devil and God respectively) have made a bet that I can or can’t corrupt the world ruling from behind the Papal throne. Well! We shall see! We shall see…

In the Papal Palace, I have taken on the guise of a guy, who is simply called Bob(but never Bobby! Grr! ) and I am the go to guy for the Pope. Everything is referred to me first. Now, the same accident that left Insert Name Here and Sir Runnybottoms as essences affected Jambalaya as well. A pity. I really hoped a new breed of Farters could be brought into existence here. Oh well, what can you do?

There are two leaders who are very important to me. One is Jean Calvine, a Swiss guy who leads the Army, and ensures that new things are implemented into the Army. He will make the Army better. Yay him!
The other guy, his name is Martin Loogie, and he is in charge of improving the Navy. They will be my two guys who will lead the Army and Navy to greatness. They better! Or else! Grr!

In a moment of weakness, I grant these two guys immortality. Damn! It’s like I am treating Immortality like candy at Halloween. Any annoying kid who disturbs me gets it! Oh well, I am Death, after all. I have the connections. Yeah!

So! I now have Mario and Luigi, who will travel throughout, searching for their Comfy Chair. And I have Jean and Martin as well, who will make sure that I have a good army and Navy. Oh yeah! There is also that guy, wassisface? Yeah, the Pope! I guess he is important as well. Sure, whatever.

I think that I will look over what I have first, before I make any moves. Soon, so very soon, I will start. But not right now. Mwa ha ha! Ha!
The Inquisition couldn't even find 'the rack'?

Well, I for one is going to follow this one closely. :)
Originally posted by Honour_Shogun

This AAR is going to be silly. Very silly.

What? Its going to be silly? I don't know Honour_Shogun if you have it in you to be silly.:p :D Looking forward to reading this.

Originally posted by Lord Joseph
haha... are you gonna convert to protestant later in the game... :-D

No he won't! I have AAR Copyright on that move. :D

Seriously, it's quite a blast playing protestant as the Pope. :D
Now converting to Sunni...that would be real entertainment (and would require a little judicious editing of the save game file). :)
Originally posted by MrT
Now converting to Sunni...that would be real entertainment (and would require a little judicious editing of the save game file). :)

but imagine the look on the faces of all the Catholic rulers as their bishops and what have you come in, and tell them that the bastion of Catholicism has not only abandoned the one true faith, but has joined the blasted infidels as well. Now that would be very cool!

BTW, first portion is coming up.
Part 1: What to do with those beer swilling Austrians?

Alright! Let’s see what I have in these Papal States. One army, that calls itself the Army of the Holy Cross which has 10,000 men in it. At least, I hope those are men. They wear those long flowing robes, makes it difficult to tell. They are in the Capital, Rome. I wonder, what if I was to try and copy what that guy, Julius Caesar did. That would be nice!

In Marche, the Papal Fleet is stationed, with 10 warships. Not a very auspicious start. I will have a great deal to do, I fear.

So! Let the party begin! Whoo!

Now, before I start(aren’t I so annoying? :D ) I will note that time shall be referred to in Papal Time, or PT. Now that that is out of the way, time to get to the nitty gritty.

1419 PT

I am annoyed. I have been given this nation that sits in the middle of a lady’s boot. I feel like that old woman who lived in the shoe. Ok, well, I am not a woman. And I do not really live in a shoe. But you get my drift. I call up 10,000 men in Rome, so that I can have a decent army. I also order tax reforms in every province. And finally, I declare that our domestic policy will see a focus on the army. As such, the policy shall focus more on Land than on Sea.{+1 to Land. Huzzah!]

I also order that order be restored. I do not like all the grumbling that is going on. Oh, and just to piss off those poor sailors, I notify them that I am cutting maintenance for the navy to 50%. Ha! Take that, you salty sailors! Of course, Martin Loogie objects, but I stick a halibut in his mouth, and tell him I am doing it just for the “hell of it”! Ha!

As for Mario and Luigi, they begin their search in the deep dark catacombs that run under Rome. I do not think they will find their Comfy Chair there, but it gives them something to do.

It takes 2 months to restore order to the realm. I like it!

On May 8th, the very first diplomat leaves the Naughty, Stubborn, Ass Academy for Diplomats™ and is sent with a gift to Naples. I will make them my friends, then I will eat them, like some tasty, greasy treat. Yum. Tasty greasy treat.

May 16th sees the first merchant head out to Veneto, and I tell him to make such an ass of himself that everyone else leaves him be. Besides, I hear there are good blinds there. Get me some, will you?

The second diplomat comes from the Naughty, Stubborn, Ass Academy for Diplomats™ and I send her to Albania. Why? Why not?

Don’t I have all the luck?! I am aiming to form an alliance with Naples, and Milan offers me an alliance instead. I take it, and maybe I can make them my vassals. The wheels are turning.

In Rome, I am introduced to a man calling himself William of Baskerville. Great guy, but he likes the books a bit too much.

August 17th sees strange news. Bohemia declares themselves to be Protestant. Now, I may not know much about your planet’s history, but didn’t the Protestant movement start with Martin Luther? In the 1500’s? Talk about forward looking people. These Bohemians are like some sort of Rhapsody, they are! Wow!

On September 2nd, in a bid to strengthen the ties between the Pope and Milan, I send a young lady to Milan, and tell her to do whatever the ruler of Milan wants her to do. Last I heard, she was dressed as a sheep, and eating grass in a field. Poor lady. Poor, poor lady.

On December 1st, Martin Loogie rushes into my private study. Seems that he has discovered something new. I do not know what, but he assures me it will make the navy better. [Naval Tech 1 reached]

1420 PT

Well, this year sees a few things. Those tax reforms? Done and done. I give Milan a note introducing me to them. They shake their heads in awe, and BAM! We have better relations. I like it! I call up 2,000 men in Rome, just for the hell of it, and I send a merchant to Veneto. I really like those blinds!

Umm, nothing really happens this year. Well, that is not exactly true. I get rid of the Papal Fleet. I will be focusing on the Army. Loogie is obviously pissed, but I tell him that it will allow for a quicker advancement in developments. Loogie agrees, although half-heartedly.

1421 PT

I start the year sending Milan a gift. Why not? I am pleased to see that Helvetia and Savoy have joined the alliance, and will make for tempting targets for vassalage as soon as I can afford it.

I order two more merchants sent to Veneto. I almost have enough to cover my windows. But not quite.

I send women to Savoy and Helvetia. The gesture is appreciated. I have the finest looking women in all of Christendom! Hot Damn!

1422 PT

I send another gift to Milan, and it vastly improves our relations. Sweet!

I am led down to the catacombs, and meet up with Mario and Luigi…

The torches illuminate a small cavern. Mario and Luigi are standing in the middle, beside a hole that seems to go down forever. They have lanterns surrounding the hole, and a book open on the ground. They shout orders to workers, telling them to “be careful” and to “watch it!”. They look up just as Bob Death comes in, and they motion to him to come and take a look at something they have uncovered.

“Listen, Bob. I think we have a lead here. This book was found in a sack just under the ground. We grabbed it just as the bottom fell out, and we found this.”

Mario motioned to the hole.

“We lost three men, they could not get out of the hole fast enough…”

Luigi began to speak excitedly.

“Yeah! The floor just collapsed! Ka-Boom! It was so cool! So cool! I wish we could do it again…”

Bob Death looked at the two men.

“Listen to me, do you have something important to tell me. I do not want that Pope to get the impression he has any power. That would not do. So? What about this book?”

Mario and Luigi squirmed for a second, like a bug caught by a young child, and then they regained their composure.

“Well, if we could get that William fellow to have a look at it, then we would have a definite lead. All we were able to make out were references to something called the “Comfy Couch”. Couch? Chair? Same thing! So…”

Bob Death just sighed, and nodded.

“Fine! Do what you have to do! You know that you have my permission to do whatever you want. So go and get William, have him take a look at it, and go from there. Ok?”

Mario and Luigi nodded, and hurried up to find William. Bob Death, or Bob Cajun to these simpletons, just sighed ruefully. He wondered if he had made a mistake granting those two immortality. At least when he left this timeline, he could leave them here.

Amazing! I cannot believe how skittish those two are. They have to ask me for permission to speak with William of Baskerville? Why? I tell them to do what they have to, and they act as though they are walking on egg shells. Sheesh! What babies! Wa! Wa! Wa!

On January 16th, I am informed the peasants are unhappy. Stinking peasants! And they revolt in Rome? Rebels? Rebels?! I thought I would be rid of them! Damn them! Damn them all to hell!

After putting down the rebels, I order the Army of the Holy Cross(or Holy Cross for short) to head to the border between Milan and the Papal States. I wonder if this will work, what I have planned?

1423 PT

I am pleased. I have sent a gift to Milan, and they now regard me as their best friend. That’s it! Slowly walk into the middle of my web, as I watch and wait to strike and dissolve your insides! Mwa ha ha!

I also send three merchants to Veneto. Why not? It is such a tempting thing, all those blinds. Marvelous!

January 10th sees war with Austria. Just great! So! Milan, Savoy, Helvetia and ourselves are at war with Mantua, Baden, Bavaria, Wurtemberg and Bohemia. This is not good! I order Holy Cross into Mantua, and will go for the quick take out.

February 1st sees Mantua under siege. If I can get them to join my fledgling empire, that will be excellent.

The year is spent with sieges in Mantua, led by Holy Cross. In Milan, I am shocked to discover that Bohemia is laying siege to them. That is not good!

I will have to help them out as soon as I get Mantua.

Well, that sucks large! Milan came in, took over the siege just as the last defender was giving in, and annexed Mantua! I wanted that province for myself! Well, I order Holy Cross to head for Baden, or perhaps Wurtemberg. I will get something from this war!

1424 PT

I have changed my mind. Tyrol will be placed under siege. If I can grab it, then it gives me a platform to strike at Austria again. It will allow me to strike at their gold province! Sweet, nourishing gold! Ha!

I changed my mind again. Seeing as how Milan just comes in, and takes over every siege I start, I head for Wurtemberg, and lay siege to it. I have already lost close to half of my original force. From 19,500 down to 9,000? And all to help Milan take some land for themselves?! Damn them!

September 1st sees news that our infrastructure has improved. So both trade and infrastructure have improved? Excellent! [Trade hit level 2 in September of 1423, and Infrastructure now is Level 2. I like September!]

On December 15th, I order War Taxes raised. I need to reinforce Holy Cross. I need to rebuild the Army!

1425 PT

Well, I am pleased to see the coffers full. I call up 9,000 men in Romagna, and hope to send them to Wurtemberg as soon as I can. Maybe I can move against Bavaria next? Would that not be wonderful?

Those infidels that call themselves the Golden Horde are having problems of their own. I am informed that a new nation, following the Orthodox faith, calls itself Ukraine. Nice! Anything to piss of the infidels! Ha!

On March 12th, Baden is annexed by Helvetia! I love this alliance! We are kicking ass!

Damn! I take back that statement about being in a great alliance. Savoy declared war on Provence, and now I am in a war versus Provence, France, Auvergne, Bourbonnais and Scotland. I don’t have time for this!

On June 25th, I annex Wurtemberg. Sweet! I move now to siege Tyrol. After that, who knows? Maybe go for Bavaria, and let everyone else focus on France, Provence and those annoyances. Damn!

Well, this sucks! Not only is war exhaustion becoming a problem, but now bad government policies have led to unrest. Damn!

1426 PT

Well, I call up 4,000 men in Romagna and send 4 merchants to Veneto. I need all the funds I can get, to further improve my holdings! Damn!

April 16th sees some good news. Tyrol has fallen, and I order Holy Cross to move onwards to Steiermark. I am lucky, as it seems that France is preoccupied with other battles. Milan, Savoy and Helvetia form a grand wall against them. I hope I can make some gains from Austria. I need to, as they have Wurtemberg under siege, and I doubt I can get men up there to relieve it.

July 26th sees me concede defeat to Bavaria, and offer them a white peace. I cannot worry about them right now. I have too many other things on my mind right now.

On December 28th, I order War Taxes raised again. I need to reinforce Holy Cross quickly. If Milan can keep Austria occupied in

1427 PT

Well, with the fresh funds, I call up 9,000 men in Romagna. This is going to be my troop centre, I think. If I had the funds, I could call up 14,000 men there. If only! Damn!

War with France and their allies goes all right. I worry about Bohemia. They have sent only two armies so far, and both were beaten by Milanese forces in Wurtemberg. I wonder what they have up their sleeve?

On January 26th, Savoy gives Bourbonnais a concession. A “gift” of funds to make them quit this war. So, one down, only 7 to go. Oh, and Orleans has joined in the fun with the French. Lovely!

In March, with the last little bit I have in the treasury, I am able to send a merchant to Veneto. Sweet!

September 14th sees further inroads being made in Austria. Although I am encountering small forces, there is nothing major that causes me concern, at least from Austria. Proof of this is that Steiermark falls to Holy Cross and the 9,000 men, who had a bit of trouble in Tyrol, now head for the capital of Austria. I wonder if I can take it? Milan is doing very well. Surprisingly so. They and the others are keeping the French at bay. I should congratulate them, when I get the chance.

October 11th sees Salzburg and the Austrian capital under siege. Of course, I do not know how much longer I will be granted this luxury by Milan. If they make peace with Austria or Bohemia, I may have done all this work for naught. I hope that will not be the case.

November 1st sees much happening. Artois defects from Burgundy to France, making the Enemy that much more of a pain, Wurtemberg revolts, and I can do nothing until the next year, when the funds come in, and Jean Calvine informs me that our fortresses can be improved, made bigger. [Land Tech 2 reached]

Well, that is good news, but I want to end this thing with Austria so I can look to France and her allies.

Oh yeah, I also order War Taxes gathered [I[again[/I]. They must really hate me now, the peasants. Seems I call up War Taxes every year. That has to be annoying. Oh well, they will have to live with it.

December 13th sees a bit of good news. Provence offers me peace, and I take it. It is a free “Get out of Trouble Free” card, and I use it. So! Now I only have Austria and Bohemia to worry about. That and the Rebels in Wurtemberg. I will send next years recruits to deal with the problem.

1428 PT

I call up 9,00 men in Romagna, and they will be sent to Wurtemberg to reclaim that province for me. With what I have left after all of the War Taxes have been collected, I send 3 merchants to Veneto. Why not? Couldn’t hurt, could it?

March 8th sees me sending foxy ladies to Brittany, Lithuania, Poland and Denmark. The world loves my ladies! Sweet!

March 17th sees grand news! Those Rebels are doing something right, as I am told that new land has been claimed in the province. Sweet! It will be that much sweeter when I retake the province from those damned Rebels! Ha!

August 11th sees Salzburg fall, and only the Austrian capital and Ostmarch remain! I must admit, when first I started this war, I was worried. But thanks, in huge part to Helvetia and Milan, not so much Savoy, I have had almost free reign in Austria. Bohemia is another matter, but for now, I will worry about one enemy at a time.

Holy Cross joins with the other army in Ostmarch, and I fell that perhaps this war will be coming to an end very soon.

1429 PT

The first thing I do is order domestic policy to be focused more on the Army. It only makes sense, no?[Land DP +1]

I then call up 5,000 men in Romagna, and order that they join the army in Wurtemberg. They will help in the siege there.

April 1st sees Wurtemberg back in my control. Sweet!

June 1st sees Ostmarch fall, and I offer peace to Austria. All I ask for is Tyrol, Ostmarch, Salzburg, Steiermark, and a huge cash settlement. They accept! Holy Crap! Not the stuff that comes from the Pope’s ass. A different kind of Holy Crap.

With these new funds, I order troops in the conquered provinces. In Ostmarch is Holy Cross, with an impressive 19,030 men. Very nice! In Salzburg, 3,000 recruits are called up, 1,000 men are called up in Tyrol and 4,000 in Steiermark. With the remainder of the funds, I order tax reforms in Ostmarch, Salzburg and Steiermark. The remainder of the settlement is given to Helvetia and Savoy in the form of gifts. Very nice!

1430 PT

Well! With all of these new funds coming in, I have much more choice in what I can and cannot do. I call up troops in Rome, Marche and Romagna. In Rome, 5,000 men will make for an excellent guard against Naples, with Marche and Romagna each getting 2,000 men. That should do. I only wish that my allies would make peace so I could offer them vassalization. I am certain they would refuse me, but still, you have to give it a go, don’t you?

This year is peaceful for me, but not my allies. Savoy is having a great deal of trouble with France, and part of me wonders if making peace with Provence was a bad thing?

December 8th sees a revolt in Rome. Stinking Rebels! They make me want to retch! Blah!

December 21st sees the Rebels win, and wipe out the force I had in Rome. That is just great! Damn them!

1431 PT

Well, seeing as how I cannot call up men in Rome, I call them up in the Austrian Provinces. Why not? They could use the company.

I will send in the forces in Marche and Romagna together against the Rebels in Rome. This shall be a good day to kill some Rebel Scum.

February 20th sees a new guy calling himself Pope. Eugenius IV? What? No one calls themselves Genius! The only one who is allowed to do that is a certain Coyote, who goes by the name Wile E. Damn Pope! I hope he has a heart attack! Arrogant bastard!

I am shocked to learn the 4,000 men sent to defeat the rebels in Rome fail, and are wiped out. I have to detach a force from the Army in Wurtemberg and send it to defeat the rebels. They do, but not without some anxiety from me. I cannot lose the Capital. How would that look? Not very good, I think.

Revolts in Tyrol and Salzburg also are cause for some alarm, but they are taken care of easily enough.

As I ponder these things, William of Baskerville comes in, with Mario and Luigi following closely behind…

William walked with a purposeful gait, while the two Inquisitors shuffle along. Mario has some pasta sauce on his face, most likely from lunch. In William’s hand was a large book. The book that had been found in the catacombs under the city. Bob Cajun looked up from his table with its myriad of papers and maps, and motioned for the trio to approach. William spoke, and his voice was crisp and clear. He knew what he had to say, and how to say it. Bob Cajun was impressed by this. Here was a man who was not afraid to speak his mind. William stepped forward, and placed the book on the table, opening it to a marked page.

“Well, Bob Cajun. I have been looking at this book, and at some of the chapters in it. It refers to an entity simply known as the “Dark One”. I thought it best to come to the man who knows most about all things supernatural…”

Bob Cajun looked up, the surprise hard to hide on his face.

“What? How did you know?”

William laughed heartily, and gave Bob Cajun a knowing wink.

“A man of your skills obviously has much knowledge about many things. Even those that the Holy See may find offensive, or blasphemous. So I thought it best to ask you first, before going to other sources.”

Bob Cajun was impressed. This William was an excellent reader of people. Perhaps he could be used by Bob Cajun?

“Well, you have guessed right, my friend. I have heard of this “Dark One”, but only in passing.”

Bob Cajun’s mind was racing furiously. The “Dark One” was an entity that had existed before Time. It was no longer considered to be a major player in the universe, mostly keeping to itself. Why would it be mentioned in a Human book?

“Well, I will tell you what I know. In the distant past, long before the Romans, Greeks or even Egyptians were in power, there was a group of people calling themselves the Followers of the Void. They believed that the universe was nothing, that the only thing that mattered was what they called the “Void”. No one ever discovered what they meant by it, as all written records have been lost for almost 5,000 years. I know of it simply because of references to these Followers in Herodotus’ History. But it is only spoken of in passing, and so, I never gave it much thought. Are you telling me that this book speaks of these Followers and the Void as well?”

William smiled, and Mario and Luigi drank pasta sauce from the glasses offered to them.

“Yes, Bob. It does. I know of a library, in the capital of Austria. As of right now, I am barred from it, because of an argument that I had with the old King there. But I have heard that your armies have taken much of the old Austrian lands. Would you give me leave to visit some of the monasteries in those provinces?”

Bob Cajun pulled out a Papal Seal, and melted the wax beside him. He then placed some of the melted wax on a piece of parchment, and made a slight impression with his ring. He handed it to William, and motioned for the two Inquisitioners to approach.

“You two! You will go with William, and help him as he sees fit. Understood?”

Mario looked as though he was going to object, but Luigi poured some pasta sauce down Mario’s throat. Luigi nodded, and they both stepped back.

“William. This parchment will let you enter any and every monastery you wish, so long as it is in Papal lands. I cannot say how certain I am that it will work in lands outside of our borders. I would not trust that it would get you very far. Perhaps in the Infidel lands, but not in any of the Catholic nations. Especially not France, Bohemia, or any of their allies. They would kill you as soon as they saw you. Take Mario and Luigi, and use them as you wish. Just try not to get them killed.”

Bob Cajun then smiled, and shook William’s hand.

“Good luck, and Godspeed, William.”

William nodded, and turned on his heels. Mario and Luigi slithered behind William, and Bob Cajun went back to examining his maps and sheets of paper. William had taken the book with him, but had left a piece of parchment. The parchment was blank.

Bob Cajun watched as William and the two Inquisitioners left. He shook his head, and only hoped that Mario and Luigi would not get William into too much trouble…

1432 PT

The first thing I do is call up 8,000 men in the Capital. No more getting caught with my mind wandering!

My allies are still at war? What? Are they stupid? I cannot ask them to be my vassals while they are at war! Damn them!

This year is one of monotony. Nothing happens. I mean, yeah, that saint performs a miracle, which is great news, but really? Who cares?

1433 PT

I start the year by calling up troops in Wurtemberg, Tyrol and Ostmarch. I can only call up 4,000 in Wurtemberg, 2,000 in Tyrol and 3,000 in Ostmarch. Nothing big.

I do nothing else this year. My allies have made peace now. But I fear that the current Pope is diplomatically inept. No offers of vassalage will be made, at least not for a while.

1434 PT

I call up 2,000 men in the Capital and in Marche orders are sent out that 8,000 men should be called up. Sweet!

December 5th sees me concede to the demands of the nobility. The government is so decentralized that giving these nobles a concession is not a huge deal.

1435 PT

This year sees men called up in Steiermark, Tyrol and Salzburg. That is all.

1436 PT

Hmm, I am awoken from my daydreaming by several merchants. They want to go to Liguria. Sure, let them. So all 6 are sent there. Can’t hurt, can it?

I also give gifts to Savoy and Helvetia. If only I could have a decent Pope, with a good diplomatic skill. Why do these fools live so damn long? I should have a say in it! Damn!

August 27th sees word that some of my policies were not accepted with open arms. How can they claim that I have made some Poor Government Policies? Damn fools!

1437 PT

Well, once again, there is nothing to report. This is worse than Ethiopia, I tell you!

I send 2 merchants to Veneto, and call up 8,000 men in Romagna. Yeah, sure. Whatever!

The year passes without anything of great importance happen, and so I shall stop just as the clock turns from December 31st, 1437 to January 1st 1438.
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Well, like the Inquisition, no one expects when the next bit will come. It could come now!! Or maybe not. Soon, soon another bit will come. Soon.:D
Re: Part 1: What to do with those beer swilling Austrians?

Originally posted by Honour_Shogun

1432 PT

The first thing I do is call up 8,000 men in the Capital. No more getting caught with my mind wandering!

1433 PT

I start the year by calling up troops in Wurtemberg, Tyrol and Ostmarch. I can only call up 4,000 in Wurtemberg, 2,000 in Tyrol and 3,000 in Ostmarch. Nothing big.

1434 PT

I call up 2,000 men in the Capital and in Marche orders are sent out that 8,000 men should be called up. Sweet!

1437 PT
I send 2 merchants to Veneto, and call up 8,000 men in Romagna. Yeah, sure. Whatever!

Damn H_S All you do is build troops.;) What is the manpower rating for the Papal States? Good start. I couldn't believe that Austria gave you everything you asked for and threw in the kitchen sink for free.:D

Re: Re: Part 1: What to do with those beer swilling Austrians?

Originally posted by Storey

Damn H_S All you do is build troops.;) What is the manpower rating for the Papal States? Good start. I couldn't believe that Austria gave you everything you asked for and threw in the kitchen sink for free.:D

the manpower sits right now at 14. Thing is, the troops are so expensive, I need to make 105d a year to pay for them all. As of right now, I only make 102d. As well, there are years when I use the money for gifts instead. So, that manpower limit goes up and up and up.

As for Asutria, I have to thank Helvetia and Savoy. Milan started like gangbusters(they had that general, or monarch, or whatever that leader was) that made some quick gains in getting Mantua and begining to take Tyrol. They lost their leader somehow, I think to an atack by Bohemia, Bavaria and Austria combined. But having a 25,000 strong Helvetian force sieging Bavarian lands, and a 20,000 strong Savoy force helping others to siege is great. Honestly, there was a battle in the next installment where I started with 7,000 men in a siege. Helvetia and Savoy contributed 34,000 to it! They rock!

BTW, another bit coimng up right now!...


The year 1437 ended with a whimper, and 1438 does not seem to offer more. I have been in my study, poring over maps, studying who is allied with whom, who is at war, who is at peace. I notice that everyone in the alliance is at peace, and so, I wonder if a move towards ultimately making my allies my vassal is out of the question. I know that as of right now, with that idiot Eugenius IV calling himself Pope, I do not have a chance.

I also note that William of Baskerville and those two incompetents, Mario and Luigi, are exploring monasteries in the province of Tyrol. I have not received any notes from them yet, but I have been assured that if they find anything, I shall get the message right away. I gave them my personal pet, Gusto. He is a large, black raven. I use him for important messages, as he can fly very fast. What would you expect from an entity’s pet? That I would have a normal one? Ha! Unlikely!

So 1438 begins…

1438 PT

I begin this year simply enough. 9,000 men in the Capital are called up, and their robes are made to be extra flowing. I send 2 merchants to Veneto, just for the blinds.

Nothing of note happens for the rest of the year. Salzburg is under Rebel control, but not for long. A siege has begun there.

1439 PT

In pursuing the massive improvement of the Army, this year sees me further aid that.[Land DP +1]

I call up men in the Austrian provinces. 1,000 in Tyrol, and 2,000 in Wurttemberg, Ostmarch and Steiermark.

Two merchants are sent to Veneto, because other people are asking me for blinds. I am such a softy!

In August, I send the Tyrol Regiment(from Tyrol, where else?) into Mantua, as Rebels there have begun to strike at Milanese men and women there. I defeat them and return to Tyrol. I think, as soon as I can, I will attack Austria again. I want to eliminate them as soon as I can. That would help William of Baskerville in his search for the “Dark One” and the Followers of the Void…

The man stood impassively at the gate to the monastery. William and the two Inquisitioners watched as this man made a series of strange gestures before allowing them in. They were greeted with a mighty sight. The monastery had been founded in 1324, by a devout group of monks led by a man who simply called himself “Agin”. As such, the monastery bore his name. Agin Monastery sat high atop a mountain, in the east of Tyrol, right near the border with Helvetia. It was said that in its dusty tomb, there were countless treasures of the literary variety. That tomb had been locked, hidden from prying eyes, until now. The letter from Bob Cajun made it so. As William, Mario and Luigi were led inside, they were greeted with stares, and murmurs from the monks inside. These monks had not taken a complete vow of silence, as some others had. They could speak their minds, if asked a question.

The trio was led into the main hall of the monastery, and after the monk who was leading them had grabbed a torch, and led them down a dusty, dark, forbidding staircase. Several times, they had to change direction, as the stairs were designed in a labyrinthine manner, so that if you came down on your own, you would be lost forever in these dark halls.

Several sets of stairs were climbed, until they reached a small library. In it, a small pedestal was set in the centre, and on it, a book. It was written in an unknown language, neither Latin nor Greek. To William here was a true mystery. He had visited many libraries, but none like this one. To the sides, on the walls of the room were bookshelves. A hundred books were gathered in this room. Never had William seen such a collection. He motioned for Mario and Luigi to gather up several books that struck his fancy, and he returned with them to a reading room of sorts. There, William sat down, and began t read. Perhaps in these dusty tomes, he could find what he sought. He motioned to Luigi to send a note to Bob Cajun, informing him of what was happening…

I was surprised when Gusto flies off for an unknown place one day in 1439. He is gone for a few days, but returns with a note from Luigi. So! William has found some new books to search through? Good! I am curious. This Dark One could lead to something more, but right now, I will have to let William do the legwork for me.

November 6th sees me send a declaration of war to Austria. They have the one province, and if I combine forces in Salzburg and Steiermark, I think I can grab land from Austria and Bavaria. Bohemia will be a pain, I am sure.

Austria, Bayern and Ansbach are placed under siege, and my allies all join in the fun. I think this will be very fun!

1440 PT

This year sees me call up troops in all of the Austrian Provinces. Not much, mind you. 1,000 in Tyrol and 2,000 men in Wurttemberg, Ostmarch, Salzburg and Steiermark.

I wonder if I can end this war quickly? I hope so.

I am worried. Hungary has joined with Austria, and now I have to contend with them as well? Not good!

Bayern, capital of Bavaria falls in June, and I order the army there to head to Wurzburg. I also demand to know who exactly is arrayed against me.

Well! Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Moldavia, Bavaria and Wurzburg fight against the Holy Alliance. Milan, Savoy, Helvetia and ourselves. I think this should go well. It had better!

July 23rd sees peace with Bohemia. A status quo. Bavaria will be out of the picture soon enough. As will Austria and Wurzburg, barring some freak of luck. Hungary is the problem. Hungary will require luck and my allies doing a great bit of good.

August 19th sees the Hungarian force in Ostmarch sent running, and Wurzburg under siege. I also order a force of 7,000 men sent from Romagna to lay siege to Istria. Istria? Didn’t that used to belong to Venice? Huh? My gain, I guess.

October 9th sees Moldavia offer a white peace. Austria is losing her allies every day. Poor, poor Austria. Too bad!

December 1st sees Ostmarch revolt, but I will ignore it for now.

1441 PT

Well, Istria is under siege, but I do not have enough men to follow through on it! I need at least 10,000 men. Great! I call up 4,000 men in Salzburg and 2,000 men in Tyrol and Steiermark. I will send then to Hungary as soon as I can.

March 1st sees Ansbach fall, and I offer Bavaria peace. I get Ansbach and a small amount of cash to leave them alone. Fine.

I think I will make white peace with Hungary if I can. This day sees that dream reached as well. I only fear Austria and Wurzburg now. Not!

April 1st sees the capital of Austria fall, and all that remains is Wurzburg. That will fall soon enough. It will fall very soon as I have a little bit of everyone there. Helvetia has a force there, Savoy does as well, and Milan has some as well. Isn’t this great?!

May 10th sees excellent news. Wurzburg is part of our nation, as is Austria. I will now pursue a more peaceful path, as I am told that many nations are chomping at the bit to take a bite out of the Papal States. I will not give them anymore reason to do so.

1442 PT

This year is a good one for me. I have eliminated Austria, Wurzburg Wurttemberg and half of Bavaria. I will now pursue a great peace. At least for a few years.

I call up troops in Wurzburg and Wurttemberg, 4,000 each. The remainder of my funds are used to send letters to Milan and Savoy because all of this war has seen my relation with my allies fall a fair bit. I cannot allow that to happen.

July 12th sees horrible news. Some merchants have complained about being treated unfairly, and I really do not care about them. So?! I don’t care about them. What is so wrong about that? Nevertheless, they sabotage our trade ability by spreading these true rumours.[-400 to trade]

1443 PT

Well, first things first! I give gifts to Savoy and Milan, and they appreciate it. Good! I give Helvetia a letter on some nice blue parchment which they think is very pretty! Good for them!

I send 4 merchants to Veneto, because everyone is asking me where I got my blinds. I hate that! I will get them their stupid blinds, and they can leave me alone.

February 7th sees the small nation of Ragusa declare war on me. They have the Teutonic order joining in as well. Damn! Now I need a fleet! Fate, you bitch! I hate you! Evil, nasty, no good Fate! Bah!

I do not ask my allies to join. Why bother? I will offer them white peace, they will accept, and that will be that.

Ok, so maybe they won’t accept my offers of peace. The dastards!

1444 PT

This year sees me call up 14,000 men in the Capital. I send 3 merchants to Veneto as well. Why not?

March 9th sees peace with Ragusa. What ungrateful bastards! I kept on offering them a status quo peace, and they kept on refusing! It is about bloody time they accepted! Bastards!

July 1st sees Loogie tell me that the non-existent navy is now even better than it was before. Now, with Loogie, he has this annoying habit of spitting at you when he speaks. I have even ordered him to carry around a handkerchief to wipe people’s faces off after he speaks to them. I think he does not like me for that. How do I know? Well, when he tells me that the naval technology has improved, he spits so much there is a torrent running down my face. Eww! Gross![Naval Tech 2 reached]

I am disheartened to learn that on September 3rd, that lady I sent to Milan, the sheep lady, she died. Seems she choked on some grass. Pity. I send another to Milan. This one will not eat grass, but damn! She is fine! The ruler of Milan is understandably pleased with me. Ha! And people call me an insensitive pig! I am not a pig! More like a bull! People always are saying that is what I am full of, anyways.

November 6th sees me ask for and get military access from Savoy and Helvetia. That damned Pope, the incompetent diplomat, is still on the throne. I have been informed by Cybil that I cannot kill off people unless it is their time. Damn it! Why can’t it be time for this ass to die? Bastard!!

1445 PT

Well, I call up men in Wurzburg, Wurttemberg, Tyrol and Ansbach. I give Helvetia another letter, and they love it! Ha! They are so easy to impress.

Three more merchants find themselves sent to Veneto. Those damned blinds sure are popular. Even the Idiot Pope wants them. Maybe he will hang himself with them! Please?!

1446 PT

A revolt in Austria on the first of January shows me that that border needs securing. In a move that is questioned by many, I tell the treasurer that he can send out merchants. Not before I send out 3 to Veneto. Blinds! Blinds! Blinds!!!

I call up 5,000 men in Austria, 4,000 in Steiermark and 3,000 in Ostmarch. Ha! A wall of robe wearing troops! Robe! Yeah!

I offer trade agreements with my allies, and only Helvetia refuses. Too bad.

You know, these Papal women are not very long lived. Seems they only live 15 years after they are married off, then they die, or join a convent, or sleep in a pool of sheep urine. What’s up with that? Huh? Huh?!

So! I send women to Savoy and Helvetia, and they are very pleased. Papal women may not last very long, but damn if they aren’t the prettiest women on the planet! Yeah!

1447 PT

Calling up Robes in the Austrian provinces is the first thing I do this year. I send two merchants to Liguria and one to Veneto. I know I promised the treasurer he could, but I lied. At least this year I did.

So! In Wurttemberg, Salzburg and Ansbach, Robes are called up. 12,000 in total, so not a huge amount.

On February 15th, a new Pope is installed. He killed that last one, so he can’t be all that bad. He is a decent diplomat, which should help me. I hope so, or else I will be very pissed at him, and the Catholic Church in particular for giving me such horrible, inept Popes to rule with. Well, not rule, as I do that myself. Be the face to take all the criticism. That’s better!

This guy is doing something right. April 1st sees me discover that an extremely well versed minister has been appointed. His term is for a single year, which is unfortunate. I will try and put him to good use.

1448 PT

A revolt in Wurttemberg annoys me, as the rebels defeat the force that is there, and I must send the Army from Ansbach there to quell the Rebel Scum. Damn them!

I give gifts to Milan and Helvetia, simply because I can. What will this year have in store for me, I wonder?

On February 2nd I am delighted to be informed that Milan has yielded. They will be vassals to the Papal States! Huzzah! Huzzah!

The rest of the year si spent in quiet awe of the fact that Milan is my vassal! Yay!

1449 PT

The first thing I do, this January 1st, is to order that the domestic policy be further focused on Land.[Land DP +1].

I call up Robes in Tyrol and Salzburg. Not much, only 1,000 in each. I send gifts to Helvetia and Savoy as well. Why not?

I think this is as good a place to break as any, and so I shall. Bye!