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Jan 1, 2007

The idea here will be to morph ws2_32's hyperteching strategy with Jonti-h's (I think?) idea of vassalizing the world. Gaining power through tech leads, before projecting that power on other kingdoms - force vassalizing them.

Ive never tried vassalizing the world before :wacko: , and Im alittle curious if a one province minor can do it. So hopefully this goal will keep me engaged enough, and Im able to complete this AAR.

The aim is to update 20 years every weekend (minimum).
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Interesting, looking forward for it to start :)
Lets forget the video intro shall we (its just stupid), I dont know what I was thinking of yesterday :D (so no evil villain version)

Our first objective is to tech as fast as possible, we can do this in two ways - reducing tech costs and increasing income.

We can reduce tech costs by-

- Reducing the number of our provinces

- Become the Emperor of the HRE and increasing the number of electors with >=100 relations

- Innovation and centralization domestic policy sliders

- Have one vassal

- Changing religion to Protestant - Reformed

We can increase income by-

- Trading & increasing trade level

- Increasing infra & trade tech

- Plutocracy, centralization, free subjects and land domestic policy sliders

- Looting

- Manufactories

- Changing Religion to Protestant - Reformed

- Vassalizing other kingdoms

(If I've missed any, please tell me)

Anyway, this is Venice's starting position in Vanilla 1.09. The good thing about Veneto is that it has some kind of force field around it when the ships are just outside its harbour and the enemy is unable to penetrate it(comes in handy).


As far as domestic policies go, Im thinking -

Aristocracy - More diplomats and higher Monarch diplo rating far outway the higher production and trade efficiency (I hope).

Centralization - No question here.

Innovation - No question here.

Offensive - Shock bonus and better morale.

- Im unsure at the moment. Naval has better trade efficiency, but Land has greater manpower (which may prove very important).

Quantity/Quality - Unsure as manpower may become an issue (especially if we go Naval).

Free Subjects - Higher land morale and production efficiency.

Next update (possibly in a few hours) we get started
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Great start! That force shield is because Veneto is considered an island ;)

Keep it up!

And the intro was fun, let´s not forget it :D
Cool movie. But you will realy hard take over the world timely and practicly seen- since the revolts. Better nation to start a WC AAR is Franc or Spain. If you make it to take Europe in 150 years, than you have a good chance to make it.
Saulta said:
Great start! That force shield is because Veneto is considered an island ;)

Keep it up!


Yeah I know, the force shield is just another way to look at it :D

Saulta said:
And the intro was fun, let´s not forget it :D

I might add abit of its sillyness to the aar. ;)

Delex said:
Cool movie. But you will realy hard take over the world timely and practicly seen- since the revolts. Better nation to start a WC AAR is Franc or Spain. If you make it to take Europe in 150 years, than you have a good chance to make it.

Thanks, Though this is no WC, more like a VW (vassalize world:D)
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likk9922 said:
Uhhh... I'm puzzled as to what that meant. :confused: :confused: :eek:

:rofl: no problem :D , you just entered the other 99.99% of the population :D

heck Im confused :D Basically the original thought was to run the aar through the perpectives of the four characters (who are some kind of super villains - perhaps with special powers :D ) who take control of Venice for their own purposes, in this case - to rule the world through vassalizations.

The movie was meant to be an introduction to that, tho in reality its just silly.

hope that hellps some
hope that hellps some

Of course, it helps a lot
:confused: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :confused:
Really, lets FORGET the movie intro

Early goals -

Downsize to one province (effectively laying off all the 'inefficient' employees).

Loot like possessed Enron executives.

Suck up to the HRE electors like a sleazy politician on ballot day (through royal marriages and alliances - not money - as we are cheap bastards).

Initial duties include -

Reducing land/naval maintence sliders to 50% and kept there during war time (If we can run this company on a shoe string budget, we will).

Begin researching Infra 3 (we need to invest money to make money).

Begin efficient tax collection of the filthy peasants that inhabit Veneto (they need a reason to go to work).

Turn force field on (Send ships to the Gulf of Venice).

Make our scientists more efficient (by giving them live Hungarians to conduct experiments on), +1 Innovation.

Move religious tolerance sliders 100% towards Catholic and 50% towards Orthodox (we will agree to anything if we can make more money from it).

Send some (scam) merchants around foreign lands (to rip off poor saps).

Send a large bulk of the army to Hungary/Croatia to collect monies (they need to feed themselves, since we arent going to do it).

Build 5000 cavalry, (dirty business inflicting misery on other kingdoms, but the pays great).


Lets begin -

1419 - 1427 war on Mantua. The enemy was easily conquered, then looted, vassalized and we extorted additional fees for managing their country for 8 years.

Venetian armies pose as workers of 'save the whales' charity fund, collecting donations from gullible Hungarians in 1419.

1422 - the besieged serfs of Istria barely spun enough wool to feed themselves, therefore counted irrelevant. They were layed off without remunerations, but returned to work for free(vassalized).

1423 - 1427 war on Byzantium. Needing to release ourselves of poor stock (Dalmatia, Corfu, Ionia), we had to find someone desperate enough to take it off our hands. Byzantium - under pressure from a takeover bid by the Ottoman Empire obliged.

1423 - Veneto sucks up to some HRE electors and joins the Palatinat alliance, along with Cologne, Hessen and Kleves.

Europe 1427.

1425 - 1430 war on Ragusa and Bosina. Both end up paying fees to the Venetian army for running 'how to get rich quick' seminars during their stay.

1427 - After taking profits from Crete for eight years, Veneto mathematicians determined the island was no longer making reasonable profits. It was agreed that the serfs there could run the business as long as they paid 'consulting' fees to Veneto (vassalized). (Land tech 2 was not far away).

1427 - 1436 war with Austria, Milan, Bohemia and Bavaria. The Austrians had annexed Istria in 1426, and it was decided that we should seize compensation for loss of income. The generous peasants would happily hand over their possessions to the Veneto collection parties when they arrived in town. The four kingdoms officially paying compensation in 1436.

Spurred on by an increase in German test subjects and funds, Veneto scientists make head way.

'How to get rich' seminars dont come cheap you know.

The generosity of gullible saps makes such extravagant investments possible.

Marrying ugly daughters of the electors and generally kissing German ass doesnt always mean pay dirt.

1438 - 1440 war with Duchy of Athens, Tuscany, Genoa and the Papal States. Veneto forces travel their territories selling pyramid schemes to the unsuspecting serfs.

It was discovered that enemy ships had the abiilty to teleport their troops though Veneto's force field.

Convinced by Venetos hard sell campaign, these kingdoms decide to buy large shares in the pyramid scheme, which collapsed shortly after their money was transferred to Veneto.

1441 - 1448 war with Austria, Bohemia, Milan and Bavaria. Veneto's collection agency (the army) picked up some sweet deals (loot) in the process and extorted large sums by the end (peace settlement).

Forever the bargain hunter - Veneto moves in to pick up assets during Austria's liquidation sale.

Selling fast! Get it while its hot!


1419 - 1442 Tech advances

Land 2 - Nov 1428

Infra 3 - May 1429
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Delex said:
Is this a WC AAR or how to lose AAR.

No this is not a WC, its a hyperteching VW (vassalize world), thats the aim anyhow.

All the wars, I would call 'winning wars', because they are acheiving objectives.

Delex said:
You give fully good provinces away? You have to tell again more correctly how you ment to take over the world.

They are not good provinces for speed teching, when you have a low amount of provinces - tech costs are much cheaper and you can gain them (techs) faster. The plan is to have much higher techs than everybody else later on, that way we will be able to defeat everyone else (relatively easily I hope).

Hyperteching = Speed teching
Delex said:
Well it would be cooler to conqer everything.

That´s exactly what he´s doing but in a different way :D
Ok, I try and talk more normally

Here we are once again, making trouble and collecting donations on behalf of our crazy scientists.

All we can do is thank the generous peoples of the Austrian alliance and indeed all the unsuspecting saps who have contributed to make these advances possible. We look forward to emptying your pockets in the near future.


Europe 1450.

1450 - 1453 save the children appeal (war) in Duchy of Athens, Tuscany, Genoa and the Papal States. Generous monies donated together with Romagna and Marche (supplied by Papal States). These territories will be kept until we draw near the completion of a tech - then released as vassals.


Hmmm, Austria's liquidation sale has been very succesful. I sense they are also in a bid to hypertech.


1456 - 1463 war with the Ottoman Empire. We successfully stopped their plot to liquidate the Byzantines. They were looted, paid peace cash and vassalized.

Colleoni's men killed mehmed II a few months later in Smyrma.

1460 - 1462 war with Burgundy and England. Our allies proved useless and Veneto ended up losing alot of cash in the peace settlement our alliance leader signed.

Burgundy proved too strong.

Note - we are sellecting Innovation DP first.

1462 - 1466 war with Duchy of Athens, Tuscany, Siena, Genoa and Auvergne.
Yes - AGAIN! These cash cows arent good fighters.


Note - we only invest enough money in techs to cover the base cost/time.



1443 - 1466 Tech advances

Naval 3 - Jul 1444

Infra 4 - Nov 1447

Trade 4 - Jan 1465

Naval 4 - May 1465

Land 5 - Oct 1466​
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Delex said:
Vazzalize the world. Well it would be cooler to conqer everything. But keep the job on.

Done before (its tiring) - Now for something different.
chefportnen said:
Looks great so far!

Thanks :), so far so good, with only a few setbacks.
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War and loot.

1467 - 1472 war with Portugal, Aragon and Castile - loot and loss. With the Portugese owning Ragusa and opening a new ATM there - we now have another permanent cash cow.

Note our big war exhaustion going into war - because of our high innovation (slow decrease of WE) and almost constant warring, war exhaustion hovers around 6 - 11 most the time.

War and looting is the greatest investment anyone can make in the early period.


However losing our refinery to Castillian scum puts a big dent in the overall profits of the war. (I was disgusted at that moment)


1472 - 1475 war with Duchy of Athens, Tuscany and Genoa - They cough up once more.

1474 - 1479 war with Hungary, Siebenburgen, The Knights, Croatia and the Papal States. The Pope paid out, the rest gained white peace.

Cyprus vassalized via event, they cancelled it in 1479.

Europe 1475.

Two loans and peace tribute pays for the new refinery.


1476 - 1487 rejoin Palatinat's alliance and war on France and friends. A quick peace is made with Savoy in 1478 - so we are in a seperate war. Orleans paid out in 1485, France in 1487 and gave up MA.

1476 - 1482 join allies war on England and Burgundy. Looted and small peace tribute.



*Rattle, rattle, save the orphaned Iberian children fund. We killed their parents, but we saved their children for future wars.

The 'ahead of time penalty' is removed (for these techs) and our govenator will now allow us to mint coin more liberally.



1467 - 1487 Tech advances

Land 6 - Sep 1469

Land 7 - Jan 1478

Naval 5 - Dec 1478

Naval 6 - Mar 1482

Land 8 - Jan 1485

Infra 5 - Jan 1485

Land 9 - Feb 1485

Naval 7 - Mar 1485

Naval 8 - Jan 1486

Naval 9 - Sep 1486​
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