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Jan 29, 2002
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Hey everyone! This is my first posting EVER, so please go easy on me! :D

Also, I work and attend university full time, so please be patinet as sometimes I may have a stretch of time between updates,but I will do my best....

Regular text will be individual actions based on characters, with italics being dialogue (done whenever time permits)

Teal text will be narration

Red text will be game play explanatory notes.

As I mentioned before, this is my first attempt at this, so please (I am beggin all of you) go easy on me with this [breaks into nervous sweat].

BTW I am using the 1.02 patch...started this before I knew that there would even be a 1.03..and I don't want to give up now...

So without further ado, the Rebirth of an Empire [drumroll commences]
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Take a deep breath, take it easy and everything will be just fine. Good luck, we can hardly wait... ;)
The reign of Manuel II (1391-1425): PART 1

Okay here is the first installment [takes deep breath].

It is the Year of the Lord 1419, and His Imperial Majesty, Manuel II Paleologus, Emperor of the Romans, sits uneasily upon his throne in the Palace in Constantinople. And so he should, for the once mighty Roman Empire, founded 2100 years before, was now reduced to the city of Constantinople, and some scrawny villages on a peninsula in the south of Greece.

The inhabitants of Constantinople are also uneasy, for they are surrounded on all sides by the heathen Turks (stab = 0); the Turks who conquered and control lands once belonging first to Rome, and then to her successor, Byzanitum. The Imperial subjects also remember the glory days of the Empire, before the sack of 1204 when the traitors of the Western Church dared to vilify and betray the Emperors Issac II and Alexius IV in their struggle against the common enemy, the Unbelievers in the Holy Spirit. And so to does His Majesty, Manuel II, and thus the Imperium brooks no tolerance for those who confess to the vile Bishop of Rome.(Tolerance for Catholics is at minimum.)

And so we find Emperor Manuel II contemplating these things (and more) in his Imperial Great Hall, early in the morning on the Tenth day of January in the year 1419. He awaits his High Council to discuss policy for the coming year.

-What to do, what to do- the Emperor of Rome thinks to himself. –This is bad. Turks warring with Candar, and then the rest of Anatolia, and after nothing will stop them from devouring us. Yet, we don’t have the manpower to wage a war to contain them… To appease them though, is like bleeding someone with plague; eventually we will succumb. Ahh those fools out there…They sit outside in the antechambers, trying to guess why I have summoned them here. Little do they know I can actually hear them…

Outside, in the antechambers to His Majesty’s throne room, the Councilors mingle and discuss the possibilities…

I heard that Manuel has gone mad, that he will wage war against the Turks … - Nonsense. His Majesty would never do something of the sort, not with our troop strength so severely outnumbered… - I swear that Manuel is mad. The Ottomans declared war against Candar just last week, and he didn’t even bat an eye… - If we’re not careful, then we will be next…- We are not what we used to be; we’re little more than a duchy now, living on the sufferance of greater powers… - We must begin to expand, or we will eventually be conquered, just as Rome was by those barbarians 1000 years ago…-

Suddenly the Imperial Page appeared, announcing the summons into the Great Hall. There was a bustle as the High Council obeyed.

-We shall start without preliminary- Manuel II stated, dropping his words into the silence following the High Council’s entrance. – Quite frankly, I am appalled at the gossip circulating amongst you. You are the highest nobles in the land, and I have summoned you not so that you can speculate, but so that you can advise me on, and carry out, Imperial Policy.-

- To that point, my lords, I want your views on placating the Turks. -

At this, the gathered lords broke into a bedlam of noise; this was a path no-one had foreseen. One young nobleman, however, the Baron Galen of Morea, looked up at his sovereign and smiled; he amongst all those present saw straight through to the heart of the plan brewing in the Imperial mind.

-Your Majesty- the young baron replied, - given the Turks’ warlike nature, which we all know from Imperial history, placating them will make them less likely to attack you in the near future. With their attention otherwise occupied in Candar, sire, then that would make the situation ripe for an expansion in Greece, our rightful domain. The Turks can always be dealt with later, once they have tired themselves.-

The Imperial Chambers became even noisier, an event the Emperor thought unlikely in the least. He raised his hand for silence.

-My lord Baron – replied Manuel II, - I like the way you think. In proposing the appeasement, I had only thought to stem any Turkish aggression against our Imperial domain, until such time as more Imperial troops could be trained. Your idea, though, strikes my fancy….- The Emperor paused… - Looking further ahead, what plan would you have our Imperial policy follow?

-Sire, it is only obvious that our Imperial domain is outmanned and surrounded. We must improve our military, and expand into more provinces if we are to gain any strength and restore our Empire to its former glory. – The baron paused –Sire, I suggest that we move the Roman Army from the capital, after placating the Turks, to Morea. We could explain it as policing our domain if any other powers become wary. Then, after that, I suggest the Duchy of Athens as our first target…-

Another nobleman interrupts, the Duke Augustus of Rhodes. –Nonsense, sire. If we remove the Roman Army FROM Constantinople, our capital, our lives, and more to the point, our Emperor, will be left defenseless. (Condescendingly, to the Baron) Are you forgetting that Athens has allies in Tuscany? -

The Baron of Morea responds: - My lord Duke, I confess I disagree with your implications. The Turks will be too busy in Candar to notice us for now, and by the time they do notice us, it will be too late. Besides, are you forgetting that we have an alliance with the King of Trebizond, and that Tuscany is on the Italian peninsula? Athens will be ours before Tuscany can cause any problems here. –

The Duke replies: -You little upstart, you are too young to know what you say. I tell you that the Empire can not risk being invaded...-

At this point, the Emperor interrupts: - Duke Augustus, be silent. Baron Galen, your line of argument makes sense. (To the Duke) My lord Duke, one can not win a war without risk. To me, it seems that we will damn ourselves if we don’t expand, and if we follow your course, then we will be damned to whither away here as we have been doing since 1260. (To the High Council in general) You are all dismissed, except for the Baron of Morea...-

After that fateful meeting, Manuel II ordered the Roman Army to Morea, via the Imperial Roman Navy. After, Manuel II sends his most talented diplomat, the Baron Galen, to the Ottoman Turks with a Gift of State to placate them, so that their eye will be blind to any future hostilities that Byzantium might instigate. Thus began the rebirth of the Empire.
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Very nice beginning. You've chosen a challenging country to play too. I think the colour/text style differentiation will be very complimentary, much as Havard is using in his. I'd do it too but all those [ and ] would drive me nuts while I'm typing.

Let's hope the Turks will give you enough breathing room to get your foothold in Grecia. It's possible, though not probable...the gift should help though; as will having set Catholic tollerance at zero since I presume that means that your Moslem slider is then at 5 or even higher. It might be worth bringing Othodox down to 8 or so to get the extra help in improving relations with the Turk for a while.

A *very* minor nit: I think it sould be "summoned" rather than "summonsed" that you use in the instances above. "Summonsed" relates to the issuing of a legal writ to appear before a court or tribunal, versus "sommoned" which is to request that a person attend you.

Good stuff. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Let's hope the Turks will give you enough breathing room to get your foothold in Grecia. It's possible, though not probable...the gift should help though;

Actually, so far in this game (using patch v 1.02) I have gotten to around year 1480 (I am kinda going slow and trying be a bit detailed in the AAR), but I have definitely gotten a foothold in Greece...though I'll leave the details for later! :)

the gift should help though; as will having set Catholic tollerance at zero since I presume that means that your Moslem slider is then at 5 or even higher. It might be worth bringing Othodox down to 8 or so to get the extra help in improving relations with the Turk for a while.


A *very* minor nit: I think it sould be "summoned" rather than "summonsed"

Thanks...will fix it!
The reign of Manuel II (1391-1425): PART 2

It is now June 17, 1419, and the Emperor of Byzantium, Manuel II, sits once more on his throne in the Imperial Great Hall in Constantinople. Even though the frigid air of winter has given way to the warm embrace of a summer breeze, the Emperor is chilled to the bone. A declaration of war was issued against the Duchy of Athens in April, and Tuscany joined her ally in the Greek War of Unification, whereas the traitors in Trebizond cowardly refused to aid Byzantium.

That act infuriated the Emperor, and for good reason: the dissolution of the alliance could have a ripple effect in foreign circles that could haunt the Empire later. The Imperial fury, however, was more directed internally than anywhere else: the Baron Galen had not anticipated the dissolution, and thus was stripped of his barony, and reduced to baronet, little more than a commoner. As such, Galen of Morea made himself scarce these days in the capital, preferring to command the armies in Hellas than face the Imperial anger at this time. Death would be better than being a commoner.

The fact that the Battle of Hellas ended in defeat bode poorly for the armed forces was not lost on the Emperor. After the defeat, the following Imperial Decree was issued: “that from the 26th day of May 1419, the Imperial Armed Forces shall follow the Offensive Doctrine of warfare
(+1 offensive DP)

As the Emperor sits at his throne, he ponders the state of the Imperium, and of its future.

A page hurries into the Great Hall. – Sire, a messenger from Baronet Galen brings word that the Roman Army has just arrived in Morea from Hellas…-

Replies the Emperor: - Thank you. Now send the baronet word that I order him to return to Hellas as soon as his troops recover. Hellas will be ours, or his head will roll!-

-Yes sire-

***one month later ***

-Sire!!!- calls the page running as the Emperor strolls in his Imperial garden, -word…just…received<huff>Roman Army…won…in Hellas, … siege…begun <huff> -

- About time-
the Emperor mutters

***October 1419***

An Imperial advisor hastens into the Great Hall, and interrupts the Emperor at his evening meal.

-Your majesty, please forgive me, but..but…there is a Tuscan fleet sailing off the coast of the Horn, just outside the Harbor of Theodosius.

replied the Emperor

- Sire, there is a white flag up, and a sign in Latin, saying that they wish to send an envoy to converse with your Imperial Majesty.

-So be it. Tell the Tuscans to send the envoy to the palace tomorrow morning.

***The next morning***

A herald enters the throne room and bows before Manuel II.

-Your Imperial Majesty, I present to you His Excellency, the most honorable Ambassador from the Duke of Modena-

As the Ambassador enters the Great Hall, Manuel II frowns; the ambassador does not bow before his Imperial presence as he should. – Find someone here who speaks Italian, and do it quick!- yells the Emperor.

-No need sire- replies the Ambassador in Greek, - my message is short. I am here merely to report to you that his Excellency the Duke of Modena has joined with the Lord of Tuscany and declared war against your upstart and heretical domain.- With this said, the Ambassador promptly turns around and returns from whence he arrived. (Modena joins alliance with Tuscany joins in on war with Byzantium)

Furious, the Emperor yells out: - Well, your lord Duke may have decided to join his peer in trying to prevent our rightful expansion. You, however, shall not, I am afraid, be permitted to join your lord. (To the Imperial Guard) Seize that man and have him executed at once, with the head shipped back to the Duke of Modena as punishment for putting his nose into affairs he has no business getting into!-

And so the order of execution was carried out. While deriving personal satisfaction from this act, however, it angered Tuscany and Modena, with the result that Tuscany decided to lay siege to Constantinople two weeks later with the same forces that accompanied the Ambassador to Constantinople. Since the fortifications of Constantinople were legendary for their time, the forces of Tuscany never managed to break through.

In March of 1420, Baronet Galen and the Roman Army captured the city in Hellas from the Duchy of Athens after a siege lasting for the better part of eight months. During the siege, it was discovered, the Duke had died from bombardment of his Palace, and so, being that the official religion of the Duchy was Catholic and the population Greek and Orthodox, the Baronet offered to rejoin the province of Hellas to the Empire, which the people happily accepted
(No nationalism problems nor revolts since Hellas is a Core Province)

After the Annexation of Athens, the Roman Army boarded the Imperial Navy to return to Thrace to break the siege of Constantinople. In May, the Army returned and fought successfully against Tuscany, and broke the siege.

–Get Baronet Galen of Morea in here NOW!- roared the Emperor, waving a piece of parchment in the air.

- Yes Your Majesty? – as the baronet entered the Great Hall.

-Baronet Galen, take this letter of peace to the Duke of Modena, along with an honor guard. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, personally see the Duke of Modena. Instead, give this parchment to the first official you see, and make post haste back here to the capital…no telling if they are still angry for the beheading of their last ambassador…

-Yes, Your Majesty. –


And so the Emperor’s appeal for a white peace was rejected by Modena. After that diplomatic defeat, another defeat of a more tangible nature struck: the annihilation of the Army in Thrace by forces of Tuscany (without Baronet Galen of Morea in command,however), and the consequent siege of Constantinople at the end of 1420. However, where the land forces were defeated, the naval forces brought in much needed victories, both to the relief of the Emperor and his subjects of Constantinople: in the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean Sea, both battles against the naval forces of Tuscany, thus preventing retreat of the forces besieging the capital and preventing the landing of more troops.

In January of 1421, His Holiness the Pope of Rome (and there was much laughter in the Court the day the ambassador's title was announced) sends an emissary to Manuel II to inform him that the Holy See would finally take action against the Eastern heretics
(Papal States joined Tuscany and Modena in their war against Byzantium) Needless to say, after that announcement, the Holy Mother Church of Rome was less a Cardinal (at least in the earthly sense)….

As if that wasn’t enough, a new herald arrived from the Ottoman Empire soon after….

(Trumpets blaring) A page announces: – The emissary of the Sultan of the Ottomans craves an audience with His Majesty the Emperor Manuel II

The Ambassador from the Ottoman Sultan enters the Great Hall, to find Manuel II, tired and worn, sitting on the throne.

– So, how did you get past the hostile forces besieging my city, your eminence?- questioned the Emperor through the Court translator.

– Why, your majesty, we are not at war with the combatants, so we could easily claim neutral status, no? So, unlike your august self, we can feely move about Thrace- <laughing>

– So, what message do you bring from your sovereign today? – , waiting for the translator to finish his Imperial duties.

– Why, to inform your august person that His Majesty the Sultan of the Ottomans, has decided that he no longer requires military access from the Byzantine nation, and furthermore to inform you that the Turks in Candar have submitted to his Imperial rule.- Whereupon the Ottoman Ambassador promptly left, while the translator was still translating, so as to avoid an unpleasant (and by now quite legendary) ambassadorial fate.

–Damnation! (To his Chamberlain) Summon the High Council at once!

And so the High Council advised, and the Emperor agreed, that the war with Modena, Tuscany, and the Papal States must be ended so that the Imperial focus could then shift to Anatolia.

Furthermore, it was decided that despite the possibility of revolts, that the war effort now and the planned war effort in Anatolia, would require that War Taxes be raised.

Thus, by March of 1421, the second siege of Constantinople was ended (with the help of extra troops raised in Morea and shipped to Thrace by sea), and an offer of white peace from Modena was signed, and as a consequence, with Tuscany and Papal States as well. With the Western front secured (at least for now) the focus could now shift to the East….

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A great style of writing. It reminds me of tv documentaries that have the major events narrated from the background and further implores into the motifs with play scenes.

Looking forward to seeing more. :)
The Reign of Manuel II (1391-1425) PART 3

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading and especially thank you to those who have posted replies...its nice to know that someone is actually reading this!

And as a further incentive, I will post a picture up when I reach the year 1429 in my AAR...and yes I am doing that on purpose!

So, without further ado...

It is the Year of our Lord 1422 in the Byzantine Empire (actually, its 1422 regardless of the country, but let us not quibble). His Imperial Majesty, Manuel II, is, at the moment, content. Three years ago, before the meeting of the High Council where the new Baron of Morea made his Court Debut, Manuel II would not have thought it possible that Byzantium could actually have expanded beyond the two provinces he had known ever since he was the Prince Imperial back in the days of his father’s rule.

Sitting in the Great Hall on his Imperial Throne of State, the Emperor contemplated these thoughts and more. Though he was sure that he would not live to see any major additions to the Empire, surely he had already set the plan in motion so that his heirs and descendants could re-build the glory of Rome, as the Byzantine Empire.

Enthroned, Manuel II looked regal, no…imperial, as he awaited the gathering of the High Council to finish in his antechambers. As his Imperial Page awaited the ever so slight nod from his Sovereign, indicating to summon the Council into the Great Hall, the Emperor of Byzantium and Heir to Rome mused on his position in the grand scheme of the world.

– We must expand even more, yet the Ottomans are still strong… it would not yet be wise to invade their lands at this moment in history, no matter the fact that by right those very lands belong to Rome… however, the Ottomans are not the only Turkish tribes in control of Anatolia…there are smaller (translate weaker) states that exist….such as Karaman and Teke, although they are in an alliance together…hhhmmmm…

As the Emperor continued his thoughts, the Councilors continued their wait outside the Great Hall, gossiping yet once more, as they once did three years ago, wondering exactly where their sovereign would take them this time….

-I know the Emperor is planning a campaign in Anatolia, but WHAT are the details?...- Secrecy is of the utmost importance now…you never know who may be a spy, especially with His Imperial Majesty’s ever increasing tolerance of the Muslim heathens… -Psstt…rumor has it that the Imperial forces are being gathered for an invasion of the Ottomans’ realm… -What about the Ottoman’s revocation of military access: do you think that they are preparing an invasion???

The side door opens to the antechambers, and the Imperial Page announces:

-His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Manuel II of the Romans, hereby summons his High Council to enter the Great Hall- With a flourish that indicated a job easier than it actually was, the Page opened the tall, heavy, golden doors that separated the Nobles from their Sovereign. They entered the Hall.

As soon as the nobles finished entering, Manuel II spoke:

- I have summoned you all here today to lay out my course of action, and to see what advice <hhmmff> you may have for me.

-Since the news arrived last August of the annexation of Trebizond, I have decided that the Turkish threat in Anatolia must be met head on. To that point, I am well aware of your speculations regarding the Ottomans. They are a threat, and will be dealt with in time; I am not, however, so utterly stupid as to think that we can not meet the threat of the Ottomans without improving our own realm.

-Therefore, I am instituting tax collectors in all provinces of Graecia currently under our dominion.

-Second, in order to meet the threat of the Ottomans, who are well organized as a state and society, we must expand once again. In order to do so, we will next target the Sultanates of Teke and Karaman, in the south of Anatolia.-
The Emperor pauses… - Any questions?-

A lone noble rises to this point…his grace Augustus, Duke of Rhodes: - Your Majesty, I beseech you to reconsider this course of action. They are Turks and Muslims, and as such would add an element of instability to our Empire if incorporated…would not our resources be better spent on the Greek (and Orthodox) islands of Crete, Ionia, and Rhodes?

The Emperor began a frown; he had suspected that this one particular nobleman would bring up these objections, especially with regards to Rhodes (from whose family the Knights had taken the island when they had rested it from Byzantine control a few centuries ago).

However, before the Emperor could formulate a dignified response, the Baronet Galen of Morea rose to respond:

- Your Majesty, My Lords: We are but discussing the possibilities of further expansion. Greek isles, Anatolia; these are ALL the rightful inheritance of Byzantium, as the heir to Rome. Consider: would it not be better to capture the Muslim Turks’ provinces, and then convert them to the True Faith? The Greek Isles are Christian, and follow the Patriarch of Constantinople, even if they are ruled by the swine of the West. Why fight against Christians at this point? Why not instead fight against the Heathens of Anatolia? Why anger the rest of the Christian world without need? I propose that we follow the Emperor’s plan.- Pausing for effect… -Once we are strong, and have rebuilt our Empire here in the East, then time enough to turn and re-conquer our rightful provinces in the West.-

With that said, the baronet took his seat once more. As the assembled nobles murmured amongst themselves, the Emperor thought:- Apparently the young baronet has a point.

The Duke of Rhodes rose again; as he began to drone on the Emperor realized that the Baronet and the Duke were vying for political control, though the baronet, at least, appeared to put service to the Imperium and the best interests of the Empire before personal gain; unlike the Duke who only thought of his family’s lost isle.

Cutting off the Duke, the Emperor responds: - Is there anyone else here who thinks as His Grace the Duke of Rhodes does, to wit that we should go for the Greek Isles as opposed the lesser Turkish Sultanates of Anatolia?-

With no response, the Emperor smiled; at least he knew that though the Duke may be annoying, he commanded no following (stab = 3)

- Very well, unless there is any objection, I hereby re-instate the Baronet Galen of Morea back to his family’s former rank, that of Baron. Congratulations, Baron of Morea.- APPLUASE - And you, my Lord Duke, are hereby demoted to the rank of Viscount, for your impertinence in my High Council, and for the folly of your counsel. Remove yourself from my chambers at once! Turning to a Page - Send a diplomat to the Sultan of Teke, and inform him that as of January 24 in the Year of the Lord 1422, the Empire of Byzanitum is at war with the Sultanate of Teke-

Thus began the First Turkish War. As soon as the declaration reached Teke, her ally Karaman joined in the war against Byzantium. Unconcerned, Manuel II ordered the Imperial Army to board the Navy and sail for the Coast of Rhodes, so that an invasion of Teke could commence.

In February of 1422, the troops landed in Antalya, capital of Teke, and lost the battle there, retreating toward the province of Taurus, capital of Karaman. As soon as the morale recovered, the commander attempted invading Antalya once more; again to no avail, and retreated again, this time to Konya, and started a siege.

By July, re-enforcements were ready in Thrace, and set sail for Antalya once more. This army to could not win the pitched battle against the Army of Teke. It retreated into Konya, and then into Taurus and besieged the city there.


In the middle of December, Manuel II sat at his desk in his private study, poring over the reports of his generals in Anatolia. He decides to issue the following command to his generals: “ You are hereby ordered to cease and desist your attempts to battle the armies of Teke in Antalya. Take out Karaman first, and then consolidate and attack Teke when Karaman is defeated. These orders are in effect until further instruction from the Capital”
(Going for a ‘divide and conquer’ approach here)


By July of 1423, the patience of the armies paid off: Konya fell and surrendered to the control of Byzantium. The Thrace Regiment then invaded Adana from Konya, and won a pitched battle there and besieged the province.


- Your Majesty, - the herald addressed Manuel II, - the Baron of Morea reports that the subjects of Morea, inspired by the news of Your Majesty’s successes in Anatolia, spontaneously formed a regiment of 5000 strong Wednesday last, the 17th of Spetember, ready and eager to join the Imperial cause!-

- Well, that is good news indeed! Tell the Baron to assume command of the regiment until an Imperial commander can be shipped to Morea.- (EVENT: Enthusiasm for the Army)
- Well, is there anything else, or are you just lazy in carrying out my orders?-

-No, Your Majesty, I have more news: the heathens in the capital city of Karaman, in the province of Taurus, have succumbed to your Imperial forces.-
The Page bowed low and backed out of the Imperial Study as he muttered these words.

With the capture of Taurus from Karaman, it was only a matter of time before that sultanate would fall. In January of 1424, Konstantinos Dragas, a relative of the Emperor on his mother’s side, sailed from Thrace to Morea to take command of the Morea Regiment under the command of the Baron. This regiment then made its way back to Thrace to guard the capital.

I n September of that same year, Byzantium captured the third and final province from Karaman, and Manuel II negotiated a peace settlement with the Sultan of Karaman, with the result that the provinces of Konya and Adana were ceded to Byzantium. No sooner was the ink dry on the parchment than the armies formerly besieging Karaman’s provinces were moved to Antalya (Teke), where another pitched battle was lost. After this defeat, His Majesty decided to send his cousin, Konstantinos Dragas, to command those forces there. But soon Manuel II would have more to worry about…

As the month of November 1424 dragged on, Manuel II sat back in his throne room once again, much as he had at the beginning of the year, with the noticeable exception that the noisy and bothersome High Council was not outside his door (-Thank God for that!- he thought). And once more, he contemplated the state of his Empire.

- Two more provinces…I never thought that would happen…I only expected that maybe we would get some tribute…hhmm…that Baron of Morea seems promising…maybe I should make him my First Minister…he seems to know how to handle the High Council too…

A page entered the Chambers: - Your Majesty, His Eminence the Ambassador from the Ottoman Sultan is here to discuss urgent matters with you. I shall remain to translate.-

The Sultan’s Ambassador entered with a flourish. The Emperor called another page: - Make sure that there are guards outside the door this time, in case he bears more bad news… To the translating page: - Do NOT translate that!-

To the Ambassador the Emperor said:- So we meet again, Your Eminence. I trust that you had less trouble entering the city this time?-, waiting for the translation to finish.

- Ah yes, I did, quite more easily, thank you. I didn’t even have to plead neutrality.- A pause…- However, I did not come to exchange pleasantries. I came merely to inform you that His Majesty the Sultan of the Ottomans, has decided that it appears that Byzantium has become a bit more expansionistic.- pause for translation… - Furthermore, your aggressions against the Karaman and Teke Turks must not go unpunished. Therefore, you may consider this a declaration of war.- The Ottoman Ambassador promptly turned around and started to leave as the translation was being finished.

The translation was finished just as the Ambassador reached the doors; upon opening them the Ambassador found a nice surprise: about 20 Imperial House Guards standing in the antechamber.

Turning around and facing the Emperor Manuel II, the Ambassador stuttered for words, which the Page thankfully omitted from the translation: - What the untranslatable is going on here? You can’t keep me hostage!-

Oh, but I can-
replied the Emperor cheerfully. - But I have decided not to do that…-

The Ambassador looked at Manuel II with relief…

- I have instead decided that your Sultan has meddled in MY affairs for the last time.- (To the Guards) - Off with his head!- To the page when he was done translating - Make sure his head is sent to the Sultan with my regards.- Manuel II ignored the pleading of the Ambassador as he was led off to the execution wing o f the palace….


And so it came to pass the Ottomans became an unplanned part of the First Turkish War. In December, they besieged Hellas, wreaking havoc amongst the populace and the countryside.

In January 1425, the Thrace Army under the command of Konstantinos Dragas arrived in Antalya and won a battle against Teke, and began a siege there.

- So, what do you think of our capital city, your eminence?- the Emperor Manuel II asked the Nubian Ambassador who arrived only yesterday, waiting again for the page to finish translating…

- I enjoy it very much Your Majesty.- pause…- It would please His Majesty the King of Nubia if your august Majesty would be so kind as to consider an alliance with him.

Manuel II pondered this thought…and replied: - On one condition-, waiting for the translation… that your Sovereign consider a marriage proposal. I am sure that he would be honored if one of his relations were married, say, to my son Ioannes Paleologus?-

- Your majesty, he would be honored indeed!

(Byzantium accepts alliance proposal, and submits marriage proposal with Nubia, which accepts)

And so over the next few months, the armies of Byzantium did their best to contain the Ottoman menace. None too happy with the treatment of their ambassador (who happened to be the favorite nephew of the Sultan) the Ottomans fought ferociously, and besieged Constantinople beginning in March of 1425.

In Graecia, the armies entered Macedonia from Thrace and defeated the Ottomans in a battle there, and begain to siege the city, only to move on to Hellas the next month, again to meet the Ottomans in battle, though this time losing. In the Eastern sphere, the Taurus Regiment entered the province of Anatolia, but were routed by a superior army there, it being the capital of the Ottoman Empire. In June, Manuel II decided to end the war with Teke, and offered a peace of Status Quo, which she gratefully accepted.

In July, the Ottomans invaded Konya, and defeated the Byzantine forces there, and began a siege. At this point, they had Hellas, Thrace, and Koyna under siege. Just as the end of July approached, the Byzantines actually defeated an army in Macedonia, and began a siege. Then disaster struck….


Since the Ottoman declaration of war, Manuel II had sent his son Ioannes to Nubia to live with his new wife, the daughter of the Nubian King. As Ioannes sat outside one day, contemplating his future after reading the letter from his father regarding the conduct of the war, an Imperial Herald approached.

- Sire? - the herald slowly said, confusing Ioannes; only his father was called sire: his title was “highness”

-Yes, what is it?-

- Sire, I regret to inform you, but…-LONG PAUSE…-But your father, His Majesty Manuel II…has…well…has died…due to disease and lack of food because of the Ottoman’s siege of Constantinople.

And so the Emperor Manuel II died, during the siege of Constantinople, July 22, 1425, and Ioannes VII became Emperor.

Immediately upon learning this news, Ioannes set off for Morea with his wife, the new Empress, and from there began to implement the long term dream that his father had begun six years before, and had only shared with him upon his marriage with the Nubian Princess…and had disclosed in the letter that he now held in his hand…the last letter he would ever receive from his father.
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Pics and other things...

Hey all...I will have the first visual up as soon as I can.

As for the length of these things: I just noticed that these come out way longer than I thought they would...so I guess I am asking if these need to be shortened or not?

Let me know what you think...
Last edited:
Reign of Ioannes VII (1425-1448) Part 1

It is July in the Year of the Lord 1425, and the Byzantine Empire is at its darkest hour since the Sack of 1204.

The Ottomans currently have Hellas, Thrace, and Konya under siege. Every attempt by the Byzantine Imperial Army to break those sieges is fought back, beaten down. The Empire itself lost its sovereign, Manuel II, and has a new Emperor, Ioannes VII.

From July through December of 1425, the future looks bleak indeed for the Empire. The atmosphere of despair permeates even in the High Council, now meeting temporarily in Morea as Constantinople is under siege….

Inside the Governor’s Residence in Morea, we find the Emperor conversing privately with his chief advisor, and friend of six years, the Baron Galen of Morea, in the Great Hall. The High Council is milling about outside the doors, waiting for Ioannes to begin the session of the High Council.

- Look at me- the Emperor Ioannes VII complained to the Baron Galen of Morea, who like Ioannes was in his early twenties. - I am the Emperor, and I can’t even go to Constantinople to give my father his proper burial-… Ioannes began to sob hysterically.

- Sire, if I may-…the Emperor reluctantly nodded…- …being born to privilege has certain…obligations… if you will. Your father did his duty, and stayed in the City and defended till the last moment, when he died from the outbreak of plague…there’s nothing you could have done. Besides, though it is small consolation, you WILL have your revenge.-

- I know, but I feel so unprepared for this…-

- Your Majesty, my advice to you is not to let any of the other nobles see your uncertainty. They will view it as a weakness, and right now we can ill afford any more troubles in the realm…

- Very well…go out there and in thirty minutes announce that they may begin to enter the Hall. Come in last, and when you do, stand at my side.-

- Yes, sire.-

Once the assembled nobles had finished taking their seats in the Great Hall, and when the Baron of Morea had taken his place next to his sovereign, the Emperor Ioannes VII spoke:

- My Lords, we are now in troubled times. Our realm is besieged by hoards of heathens. Our forces are too divided and spread thin to do any damage…is that not so my Lord Morea?-

-It is true, Your Majesty.-

-Very well then. Some of you may know of my late father’s plan; others of you may have heard only rumors; and the rest of you won’t have heard it at all since, like myself, you recently came into your titles sooner than you had thought.

-Baron Galen of Morea, you will hereby take the regiment situated here in Morea, and go north into Macedonia and lay siege to that province at once. You will wait there until further instruction from the Imperium.

-Viscount Augustus of Rhodes, you are hereby dispatched to our Armies in the Anatolia Peninsula. There you are to take command over all Imperial Regiments in Anatolia Peninsula, and combine them into one Army in the province of Adana, and await further instruction from the Imperium.

- Furthermore, every available opportunity is to be taken to raise War Taxes and to raise as large an army here in Morea after the departure of the Baron’s regiment until such time as my cousin Konstantinos Dragas can arrive to take command and lead that army to Thrace to relieve the siege at Constantinople.

- You are dismissed.


And so it was as the Emperor commanded.

In February 1426, the regiment in Morea had reached sufficient size that Konstantinos Dragas could take command and lead the Army to Thrace. He began the march in early February, and arrived by the beginning of March to find the armies of the Ottoman Sultan still besieging the great city of Constantinople. The battle began…


As the Army marched down towards the city walls, they could see the Ottoman army up ahead, concentrating on keeping the siege effective, not letting in any food or water nor letting anyone out. - This is a good sign- Konstantinos thought,- Just keep focused on the walls and we shall set down on you nice and neat…

- Ready the Cavalry- Konstantinos called out, thinking in his mind how to ambush the enemy army ahead. - On my mark… NOW!!!

The Cavalry sped ahead of the Infantry, and caught the Ottoman army by surprise. By the time they knew what had hit them, the Ottoman army had been separated into three distinct parts, and was easy prey for the Infantry as they came down the hill. They never had a chance…


March 6, 1426, the Ottoman siege of Constantinople was broken, and not a moment too soon as the siege had been going on for almost a year. As the Army re-entered the city, the inhabitants rejoiced, for they were finally liberated.

The Army in Thrace was not yet finished, however. Twice more, on March 18 and again on March 28, the Ottomans attacked again, but to no avail; both times they were beaten back by the forces under the command of Konstantinos Dragas. The Battle of Constantinople, as it has come to be called in later generations, was the turning point of the First Turkish War, for it was here that the Ottomans commander died in battle.
(In game, Ottoman historical leader died in battle, and now army had no advantage save numerical, but no commander advantage)


It is now April 15, 1426, and the Emperor Ioannes VII has returned to the capital from Morea. He has already arranged for the disposal of his father’s earthly remains, and is now set in the Hagia Sophia, to be formally crowned as Emperor of Byzantium.

- Dost thou, Ioannes Paleologus, son of Manuel II Paleologus, solemnly swear to govern justly and in accordance with Roman law, over all peoples and dominions, and to uphold the Orthodox Faith for all thy subjects?- asks the Patriarch of Constantinople of Ioannes.

- Yes, I do.-

- By placing this crown on thy head, I hereby proclaim thee Ioannes VII, Emperor of Byzantium and Heir to Rome.-

***The next day…***

- Sire, a messenger from Wallachia just left a letter for your majesty…-

-Lead me see it…-

It reads: “Sire: We hereby inform you that Serbia has joined with us in a war against the Ottomans. While this is a separate war, we wish your august majesty the best of luck in your efforts against the infidels. Signed the King of Wallachia”

Yelling, the Emperor demands: - Get me Konstantinos IMMEDIATELY!-


And so with the declaration of war by Wallachia and Serbia against the Ottoman Empire, Ioannes was left with little choice but to send Konstantinos and his Army to which ever province was besieged by Wallachia, in order to prevent her from capturing it. (By having a higher ranking commander, any siege that Konstantinos joins will bring the province under Byzantine control) The first province happened to be Bulgaria..

In May, Constantinople was again besieged, but the Imperial armies were other wise occupied, so the siege was not stopped immediately.

Meanwhile, the Anatolian Regiments, duly combined into the Konya Regiment, entered Angora and laid siege in May, while the sieges of Bulgaria and Macedonia started in July. Later in July, the Konya Regiment was split into two, finding no competition from the Ottomans, and thus Kastamonu was additionally laid siege to (all provinces of the Ottomans).

By 1427, things started looking up for the Empire. In February, Macedonia was captured from the Ottomans. In May, Angorra was also captured from the Ottomans, as was Bulgaria at the end of May by the combined forces of Byzantium and Wallachia (with the province going to Byzantium). In June, the Hellas regiment arrived in Thrace, and in another pitched battle, defeated the Ottomans, and stopped the siege yet again. And then…

It is August of 1427, and His Imperial Majesty is sitting on the throne in the Great Hall; even he can’t think of the throne yet as ‘his’. A page from the antechambers approaches.

- Sire…there is a delegation of nobles wishing to speak with you. They say they have a petition they wish you to review…-

- Fine…send them in.-

As the nobles enter the Great Hall, the Emperor has a sinking feeling that this will not turn out to the best advantage for the Central government…the lead spokesperson was none other than Augustus, Viscount of Rhodes, followed by a sizeable portion of the nobility.

- Sire- began the Viscount,-we humbly petition you to consider all of the help that the Aristocracy has been to your August Majesty since your ascension to the throne. May I remind you, sire, that the Calvary were instrumental, not to say essential, to the recent military success of the Empire?-

-Well, you have reminded me, regardless of whether or not I wished, so go ahead…-

-Sire, all we are asking is a restoration of the nobles’ old rights…-

-Fine…so be it. You have outmaneuvered me this time, Augustus, but next time…-
Ioannes let that threat hang in the air, and then said -now, get OUT of my palace!-

EVENT-multiple choice: Nobles’ Demand Old Rights___Accept Demands (Centralization -1)

In August, the Hellas Regiment under Konstantinos arrives in Thrace, and split into two: one to Smyrna and the other, under Konstantinos, goes to Dobrudja to join the siege currently underway by Wallachia.

By 1428, the fortunes of the Empire improved beyond any previously imagined. In February, Smyrna was captured from the Ottomans after a siege since September. The Thrace Regiment then went to besiege Anatolia province, the capital of the Ottomans.

In April, Kastamonu Province was captured from the Ottoman Empire, and the end of May saw the fall of Dorbudja into Byzantine hands. After that, Konstantinos heads to Rumelia to lay siege there. In August, the Battle of Rumelia was fought with the Ottomans, which briefly interrupted the siege, but the Ottomans were destroyed and the siege continued uninterrupted after that. The Battle of Rumelia was the last battle of consequence in the First Turkish War. In November, the province of Anatolia was wrested from the Ottomans…they never recovered.

It is the Summer of 1429, and once again the Emperor and his friend the Baron of Morea are having a private conversation. Out of all the nobles, this Baron was the most sensible and loyal, one that Ioannes felt he could trust above all others.

- Baron Galen, tell me…do you think that other lands would care to join with our Imperial House in the bonds of marriage?-

-Sire, it is possible. Would you like that I send some tenders of marriage to foreign monarchs?

-Actually, yes, I would. Please offer the hand of my cousin Demetrios to the King of Georgia, and while you are at it, also ask if Grand Duke of Muscowy would be interested in marrying his daughter to Demetrios’ brother, Konstantinos.

-As you wish, majesty.-

On July 15, the Baron of Morea returned to the palace from his travels abroad. As he traversed the corridors, he ran into a minor functionary from the War Department talking to another from the Treasury.

- What news have you?- the Baron asked.

- My Lord, we just received word that Rumelia was captured from the Ottomans, in the Balkans.-

- You don’t say? Well, that is good news…what else?-

The Treasury official responded: - His Majesty will be very proud of us, for we had an exceptional year, and had 100 ducats added to the treasury without the nobility finding out!- the official answered smugly.

- Well, that is good news…I will deliver it to His Majesty personally.- the Baron answered.


The Baron waited outside the door to His Imperial Majesty’s private study. No noble, save for he, was allowed here, so despite the wait, this was a high honor indeed.

The door opened, and a page stepped out:- You may now enter my lord.


The Baron entered, and was greeted profusely by Ioannes VII.

- Your trip was pleasant, I hope, my dear friend?- asked the Emperor.

- Yes, sire, it was. pause…- If I may sire?... Here is my report: The King of Georgia refused, saying that the reputation of your Imperial House was too low for him to consider marriage…however, the Grand Duke of Muscowy heartily greed. Furthermore, I have two pieces of further news to report: one is that we had an exceptional year; the other is that we captured the last province of the Ottomans’, and that means we can now demand a very exceptional peace settlement.-

-This is wonderful!
the Emperor exclaimed. - Send off the diplomat at once! And by the way, you are hereby promoted to Viscount for your efforts my friend!


And so, in the Year of Our Lord 1429, in the month of July, the Ottoman Empire accepted peace with the Byzantines, with the following provinces ceded to Byzantium: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Rumelia, Dobrudja, and Angorra.

The Ottoman Empire never recovered from this defeat. And so, ten years after that fateful day in the High Council, the Empire of Byzantium had passed from its infancy into a renewed growth.
The length is just fine IMHO. Unfortunately you've got the 'Permission Denied' Yahoo problem with your screenies. Try my 'What's Required for a SCREENSHOT' thread for a possible solution.

Great stuff. Very entertaining.
Screenies worked fine fer me, maybe the next batch of 'em should be taken at the next zoom level. Just a suggestion
Great AAR though, good job sticking it to Turkey.
What's next? Finish Turkey off or begin liberating the Balkans (Albania, Wallachia, Ragusa etc.)? I think though, you shuld spend a decade or so consolidating and to get yer BB down.
Also one suggestion, it's better to take out the Knights before their land tech gets too insurmontable.
I can also see a possible confrontion with Venice in the near future.
Anyways great AAR and I love the different fonts.
Interesting. This is the message I get:

Forbidden /users/a947dec/bc/__hr_Byzantium+1419.jpg?bcghzt8A_ShZIooj: Permission Denied

Interesting. This is the message I get:

Forbidden /users/a947dec/bc/__hr_Byzantium+1419.jpg?bcghzt8A_ShZIooj: Permission Denied

I'll see what I can do...I think earthlink allows web hosting (should have thought of that to begin with); I am researching it right now! :)

What's next? Finish Turkey off or begin liberating the Balkans (Albania, Wallachia, Ragusa etc.)? I think though, you shuld spend a decade or so consolidating and to get yer BB down.

Hmm...well, so far in the game I have made it to 1480, but am taking a slight break to catch up on the AAR (only made it to 1429 in the AAR so far).

However, not to give to much away, but i do forsee an "ironic twist" to history in the furture... :)